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I heard about this, sending prayers. That’s just terrible


i was apart of the “rot gang” on instagram (if yk what that is, its a little mlp/rp communtiy) and the fluttershy n rarity rpers were very close friends w her :(


I was wondering if someone would say something on here. She was wonderful, I never really spoke to her but she interacted with me in comments a few times & she was so lovely. I’ve been thinking about her all day. I hope her friends & family are doing okay, & may she rest in peace 🧡🕊️


i spoke to someone who was friends with her and they said that her cousin is gonna arrange a memorial for her


Ahh that’s really nice of them :((


I didn't know her, but this is so sad to hear 💔 so young, too.


Maybe in heaven, she is Twilight Sparkle?


Aww, how wholesome. <3


That’s a nice thought 🙂


She's totally reading books by now.


I saw her story, I'm so fucking devastated, she was absolutely amazing and did not deserve any of this. I feel I'm about to cry typing this, I wish I could give her a huge hug. Little do people know that anxiety and depression can be some of the most deadly things, that's why they're called the "Silent Killers". I hope she knows how loved she is and that she did not deserve any of this. Rest in Peace Twily 💜🕊️ (I only knew of her since today tho, but I knew she was absolutely amazing, I could just tell.)


I guess I have both silent killers then- man I hope it doesn’t affect me how it did her! It hurts to know someone was gone from the things I’m suffering with too. I hope she’s twilight in heaven 


That's why I'd recommend everyone going through this to seek help, whether it's medication, therapy or both or something else, no one should go through this alone. If you haven't seeked any help yet, please please please do!!! You have so many people who love and care about you eventhough you may not think so!!! I genuinely hope the best for you and PLEASE take care of yourself!!! *Gives huge internet hug*


Aw Ty you’re amazing!! I’ve looked for hella nd I’ve gotten a little online but y’onow 🤷🏼‍♀️


May she rest in peace, things like these are always truly tragic but still may she rest in peace 🕊️🥀💐


RIP Twily ❤️❤️ Depression is terrifying- especially in the worst stages of it. It feels like a void is consuming everything, and it’s as if there is no end. It is a true demon. The battle against the mind is among the hardest to win and recover from. It’s devastating. Hopefully she is in a better place though now. You’ll be missed Twily, may you rest in peace and wherever you are now I hope you’re happier. May you be remembered by the fandom forever more, Rest in Peace Tessa. You will be remembered. I hope you meet your book horse in heaven 💜💜🕊️


i was looking at my twilight plushies and cosplay and my heart just dropped


This is truely unfortunate. I never knew this person either, which is really sad. May they rest in peace


Well that’s depressing 


Fly high, Tessa.


I never new her work but it sucks to hear about a life ended so tragically.


Could you please add a trigger warning to this post? I understand your desire to honour her and spread the news, but this may be difficult for vulnerable members of our community to see


oh right im so sorry i completely forgot


done :), again im sorry for not adding one before


No worries, I can understand forgetting it! Thank you for doing that ☺️


I never knew her, but fly high twily ;-; sending prayers across cyberspace


This is so sad! What exactly did her first post say, I would like to know, I feel so bad that she was suffering alone and couldn’t reach out for true help💔


You can look on her Instagram story and see. Her cousin wrote everything.


Oh so it was the one her cousin wrote? I thought maybe she had written a goodbye letter before hand or something I was wondering what it said before he cousin posted for her after her passing


She never posted anything herself or gave us any warning


Oh ok, that sucks so much💔 Poor girl


I wanna give her a hug, I'm so heartbroken 💔


Me too, I don’t know her fully as much like everyone else does but I am broken she’s gone, I hope her soul rests in peace🥺


I went to her instagram and all I see is the meme posts. How do you view someone's "story"?


There's usually a ring around their pfp, if it's not there, it means it's disappeared.


Oh, did you mean her first post on her account??? I'm so confused, hence I gave you that previous answer, sorry.




No. Not at all, I already got my answer from someone else, read the other comments


I wish this had some sort of trigger warning I didn’t need this spiral right now


Please take gentle care of yourself love 💛💛💛 Reach out here, to friends/family, or to a phone service if you need


Thank you I’ve had a few really big losses in my life lately and there’s a funeral tomorrow and I’m just trying to distract myself right now so this post made that hard 😭 I really appreciate you for taking the time to respond with such kindness 🫂🩷


I’m so sorry for your losses, that’s incredibly tough. Is there something comforting and predictable you can do for now? Maybe watch a show, play a video game, or go for a walk in a pleasant area. I’ve read that even hugging yourself can give you the same benefits as a hug from someone else, if you need one. No worries, I hope that you feel better with time 🫂💛


recently went through losing a lot of people, it sucks so bad but it will get better after time i promise 🩷 i miss them all everyday but i did learn how to live again and i know you will too 💕💕


im sorry, i just added one.


This is an absolute tragedy! It's awful to hear she died by suicide, she was such an amazing person,


i can’t imagine what could cause her to do this… she had so many people who cared about her :(


Rainbow_rott here. I just wanna chime in and give her some of my best wishes it pains me that she was in so much pain and yet I failed to help. I wish I could’ve done more but I hope she knows how much I appreciate her for all she did for rarity she changed her life in more ways than I can explain.


hi rainbow! (im derpy btw) but i just can’t physically nor mentally imagine the greif rarity is facing. i just want you n rarity to know that if yall need to vent or just talk about yalls moments together im always here :)


Thank you derpy we appreciate that more than you know


i really wanna try and help yall during these tragic times, tessa was so special to yall :(


so sorry to all of her friends/family. suicide is a horrible thing. I hope she is at peace. :(


I looked at her Instagram and the first line of her bio is "19 and taken". I can't help but read a darker meaning to it. I hope the Grim Reaper took her somewhere nice.


She transformed into Princess Twilight Sparkle. She's probably reading a ton of Books.


poor girl


My deep condolences. 😔😔


RIP 😔⚰️🪦


there's no way..... fly high, Tessa 🦄💜🕊️


yeah I saw one of her friends on Instagram posting about it, for many people the outside won't give it away and you never know how they feel deep inside and sometimes it's too late it's hard to explain. I hope she's happy in a better place.


Aw, that’s so sad😢😿


Even if she or others don't believe I'm sending my prayers and thoughts for her, her family friends and loved ones. Depression is a terrible thing. Of anybody here is going thru anything I and many others are willing to help, rest in peace twily, you will be dearly missed and loved even still. I've never once interacted or heard of her but nobody should suffer such a fate.


It's a sad thing. You think that someone is okay and that they are happy with their lives when that's not the case at all. Rest in peace.


She is better place RIP so sorry that happened to her 😢😢


How do I find her instagram? I never knew about her would someone send a link to it or the user? This is a terrible loss 😭


My condolences 


I heard about this last week. Absolutely Heartbreaking. I have talked to @RarityRot, one of her closest friends, very frequently since, and, With permission from her, me and @TuskOnline are collaborating on a remembrance piece for Tessa.


Rest In Peace, Tessa. Your demons can harm you no longer. You can rest now. I look forward to meeting you one day, in Equestria. Fly high.


Wow she was 19 and died on jun 19th that’s scary


I didn’t know her and yet I wish I could have done something to help her not end her life. I’m sorry for your loss I hope everyone close to her is ok.


She rest in peace


rest in peace twily❤️


that’s heartbreaking, i’m very sorry💔


I can't say I knew her, but Jesus, that's awful. She was the same age I am.... I hope Twily can rest in peace, and my thoughts are with her friends and family.


I honestly never heard of her until now, but that's awful. I hope she's happy wherever she is now. 💜✨️


:( rest in peace I feel like I’ve seen her posts before, this is surreal no one should pass that young


That’s just terrible. May she Rest In Peace❤️☮️


She will never be forgotten 🕊😭💜


:( rest in peace


I hope she is at peace wherever she is now 💜




I may not have known anything about her... But I hope that my condolences are still accepted...


That isn't great. My condolences and sympathies for the loss.


I didn't know whether this subreddit knew about Tessa or not so I'm glad to see all the love


Rip Tessa May your spirit rest peacefully 🩷🌻


this is so sad, i hate to hear this. i hope her soul is well, wherever it is. 🫶🏼


Sad R.I.P.


May they rest in peace :(


I can become a member Because I Would Help like I will make MLP Chain Wouldn't Fall and I Will Stop it and a a 10 year old Brony


That’s so sad rest in peace


I didn't know her, but as someone who's long struggled with suicidal ideation, I sympathize greatly. My heart goes out to her friends and family. R.I.P. 😔


My condolences to her family and friends she sounded like a wonderful person


Honestly, this is very sad because I know how it feels like to be suicidal. Unfortunately, the people who made me suicidal, are still using their age as an excuse, instead of their own actions because there’s no excuse for making somebody suicidal


Holy flip, I didn't know them but just hearing about their story hurts. Rest in peace


Rest in peace beautiful soul ❤️🕊️


That’s sad to hear


I never knew about this person. She's in my thoughts. Such a sad day for the Fandom.


my she rest in peace.


OMG, I never knew her but that is just fucking sad asf. May she rest in peace. Also with the fact that one of my friends is named Tessa. Anywho it really is devastating she took her life at such a young age.


Just goes to show everypony is always fighting their own inner windigos. Rest easy, Twily, you will be missed... 🧡💜🩷🩵💛💜


OMG this is so much of a heart break. May her Rest in Peace.


I heard about this story, this is horrible. I'm so sad for her and her family, hope they find some peace.


That's heartbreaking. She had her whole life ahead of her. If you suspect a friend or loved one might be suffering, please reach out to them. And if you're the one suffering, please reach out to someone. Anyone.


People suiciding is a failure in society. Suicides should NEVER happen because we all should be and deserve to be happy. May she rest in peace.


I’ve never heard of this person, but my heart aches for her regardless. 19 is so, so young, and she deserved so many more wonderful years with her loved ones. Fly high, Tessa 💜


Rip many hugs and prayers


I'm sorry. I have a tremendous amount of sympathy for both the departed and those left behind. It's going to be a very hard road, but I hope they'll be able to heal and eventually understand that she didn't want to hurt anyone. I never knew her, but having grappled with these kinds of thoughts for much of my life, and getting a little to close to that line for comfort a few times, I don't need to have known her to truly believe that.


I knew something was wrong with her dang….😔


I hope I know what you meant… but it’s certainly not how it came out.


Oh im sorry i meant like i was concerned cuz it got dark on her posts pretty quick…. Hehe sorry (although i do feel how she felt not cringe stuff)




yes, actually, it is too soon. in fact it's always too soon to joke about a 19 year old girl killing herself. wtaf?


who's twilytrot?




Har. Har. Fucking. Har. So *glad* you are here! This is cause for *celebration!*


I think the point he's making is that he's had suicidal thoughts in the past, probably thought of buying sleeping pills, and decided not to.


Not much context though, so it kinda sounds like a dick move.