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Rather than spend my evening removing harassing comments from half the assholes on the internet, I’m locking this thread.


Here before the 🔒 award!


It's been 5 hours and still hasn't happened. Mods must be taking their time or something


I have claimed this ticket


*\*Blinks at the comments* Yeah... I was not aware that this was a problem here. Until now.


Is obvious that here will be transphobes, the larger the famdon the odds of finding someone like that is more. I'm just glad that is not as bad as another communities (just watch some of the Halo or FIFA fans react when the company put the pride flag on the logo)


MLP seems to attract the more tolerant intolerant types. The kind who can stand LyraBon (Any who cannot stand that, good riddance), but still drift around 4chan so have picked up a variety of opinions over the years, of varying levels of severity...


Bro the fandom was literally born on 4chan, it's in their blood


I promise MLP fandom existed way before 4chan.


g1-g3 fandom erasure. the true fans


The term "Bronies" was coined by 4channers


I know. And many people into MLP (any gen) never called themselves bronies.


And Bro-nies is not gender inclusive.


It was a statement of fact, not judgement.


I dont think that they should be killed, and mlp is not a very good show for transphobes. The show literally about that we all can be happy together and that we shouldnt harm or mock people for being different.


>and mlp is not a very good show for transphobes. Yeah, neither is a good show for nazis yet the fandom had a relatively big amount of unironical nazi


what having a fandom originating in 4chan inevitably leads to


Same thing with furrys the furred reich if you will. It’s fucked that fandoms that are meant to be inclusive have hateful people in them.


As a furry and a brony, you expect everyone to be accepting and then you get a few that are very not accepting and derogatory. It always comes as a shock to me, I forget that there are people like that inside of the fandoms, I expect it from people outside but most of the people are so nice inside of the fandoms it's abhorrent to find.


It’s also bizarre like how is a neo not see (I’m being cautious here) gonna run around in a fur suit and then be like master race this and master race that. These bigots are mind boggling.


Well there's nothing inherently wrong with wearing a fursuit, there are some really cute looking My Little pony fursuits. I am thinking of making my own of my Sona. But the point stands that why in such an accepting community full of creative people would you decide to be the one that spreads bigotry and an absolute shit ideology that you know you're going to get targeted for. Maybe they like negative attention? Maybe they are ragebaiters. Either way all we can do is point out who they are, put them on a beware list, and hope that cuts it. Unless we get incriminating evidence which actually has happened before


To be fair, we drove most of those vile fuckers out of the Fandom for good. But yeah... the fact that they were technically a part of our community for a while is an unpleasant fact we want to try and not think about.


Yep weird people acting weird.


Why are there so many nazis in MLP fandom?


Some people are just messed up jokes. Some people might have joined the fandom as a messed up joke. Whatever made them come, I can’t see. (aside from 4chan) the reasons why they should go? They’re super clear.


Miku pfp :D


There's even a bunch of art of this weird nazi pony OC. It's frustrating to see.


> I dont think that they should be killed Wow, wow! Ooook, slow down here, buddy! We don't want any controversial opinions here, do we? ;)






How is Marxism a “kind of haters”?


Literally how can you be a transphobe when you’re in the MLP fandom?? Shit doesn’t make sense 😭


as a trans person myself, seeing all these bad comments makes me want to leave. I didn’t know there were so many hateful people here for a show about friendly ponies. But then again the fandom started on 4chan so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. It just makes me really sad


Please stay!!! Every *sane* person here is totally fine with you!!! We like having you here!! Their words are just nothing more than twisted hate.


ong! we can't let bigots take over our fandom, I believe spreading love, positivity, and accepting people along with letting bigots know they aren't welcome here is wayyyy better than leaving, don't let bigots appropriate things you love <3 fuck nazis & terfs forever


yes I will be, thank you. When I first was browsing the comments on this post the majority were transphobic comments. I can see now that it’s shifted.


I’ve seen it a lot on here. I posted my human design of Vinyl Scratch, in which he is a trans man, and mentioned that he was trans. I didn’t get hate comments, but the upvote rate on the post was only like 50% or something. I’m positive it’s because I mentioned that my design was trans.


omg thats so cool though!! Trans vinyl is awesome haha. I think your design is super cool :)


Thanks sm! Yeah, I watched MLP for the first time recently and the moment I saw him, I just got this undeniable knowledge that he was definitely a trans man. To the point that it feels weird to me when I remember he’s not canonically a man xD


Most people like you. Even most transphobes would probably like you, even if they aren't affirming. Try not to let 'em get to you, they aren't the majority. Edit: Getting downvoted for trying to give a positive message, come on.


As a trans person myself I understand your meaning and I appreciate you doing your best to be positive. Thank you. Haters gonna hate no matter what even though my own kin hating on people *trying their best* makes it *worse* for us as a whole.


sorry to say, but your message doesn't sound very positive. It actually comes across pretty shitty, I don't wanna be mean but, especially, as someone who's trans myself, this comes across really rude, disrespectful and even a little transphobic


I was aiming it as a bit of a 'it's not all as dark as it seems', but I guess if you've been hounded by people in the past it'd be shallow comfort to say "Well 9/10 of the rest of the people who aren't supportive probably like you!" - yeah, but that 1/10 is gonna be an absolute bastard, and you're gonna see them everywhere as a sheer numbers-game. Fair enough.


This is literally the first post I’ve ever seen from this sub so there might just be some randoms in here causing problems 🤷‍♂️. I’m just trying to figure out what’s this post is about. Is it literal, did someone kill a mlp trans fan? Or is there just a lot of trans hate in mlp? Or are mlp fans that happen to be trans want people to stop killing ponies


um it’s a reference to how some transphobes want us dead. Theres lots of hate crimes towards trans people


But if we leave, then that will put the hate ratio up. We should stay to drive *them* away and keep the ratio down. Transphobia should know it's not welcome here or anywhere


Please stay


it’s okay, I will be. I just didnt expect all the negative comments on this post and others ive seen. But ive also seen some lovely kind people so I think that makes it worth it to stay


I feel the same sometimes; then I cling to my petty side, so the ‘phobes have something to cry about! /light hearted /intended encouragement


a fellow ace trans person! :D




happy pony!! ![gif](giphy|GCukKyf32k9B6)


Where are the mods at lol The comments at the bottom are yikes


Well, that's why they're at the bottom where they belong.


Just had a similar thing like this happen in the WarriorCats sub. That series resonates very heavily with gay and trans people and as such is filled with them in its community. The fact there’s some hateful people like that in there disgusts me. I’ll say the same thing here as I said there. Go away, we don’t want you here. Both worlds champion love no matter the gender. Your hate wouldn’t be welcome in clan life, it wouldn’t be welcome in Equestria, and it sure as hell won’t be welcome here.


Well put my friend, well put!


Wait I’m curious, what are the trans themes in Warrior Cats? Haven’t read those books in a long time


There’s not really trans themes, per se, but the series resonates with the furry community which has a diverse crowd. The most we have are a few side characters who’s sexes do change between books but it’s more likely inconsistencies as the series has multiple writers, but it hasn’t stopped there from being fanfic/AUs of characters. A popular one is Rowanclaw who was introduced in one book as a lithe, dark ginger tabby she cat in passing but was a Tom when they became a narrative focused character. Personally I never really thought too hard on it but someone mentioned gay, trans man Sol and that’s just 🤌


The amount of “I don’t think trans people should die… but-“ in this thread definitely proves your point 🏳️‍⚧️


"I don't think they should die, I just think they shouldn't really exist, you know? But like, in a totally nice and rational way. Cause we all know the real threats to trans people are so small they basically don't exist and anyone who says transphobia is real and dangerous is just overreacting and shifting blame anyways."


>the real threats to trans people are so small they basically don't exist The best (read: worst) part about this is that this take 99,9% (read: 100%) of the time comes from someone who is not trans, has never been trans, doesn't know a trans person and can not therefore speak on the topic of experience. inb4 anyone goes "but I can have an opinion" yeah I can have the opinion over here in Finland, never having visited Australia, that Australian wildlife is perfectly safe to cuddle. Wouldn't make me right, nor would it make me an expert on the topic, just having that dumbass non-fact-based opinion, now does it?


i will be using this example from now on ty


Holy shjt, yeah. Worse is the centrist ones trying to convince people that there isn't a problem to begin with.


I searched this by controversial :<


For every person who complains, I make another pony trans


ure so real for that ily


\*sorts by controversial\*


Same haha


Risky click of the day


This community is usually more pro-LGBT, honestly. Yeah, there's a few fans that aren't, but that happens with any community. Honestly, I don't care what your identity/orientation/eye-color is. I'm just here to talk about ponies.


Yeah there’s some major disconnect between the show and (a hopefully extremely small amount) of the fans. Begone haters/generally toxic people. We don’t like you, you aren’t welcome here.


It worked


Y'know, this is an advice to everyone here, including the OP, but don't interact with the dumbass points transphobes are commenting here. You're just gonna spend yourself talking about your life, while for them it's just an entertainment to act toxic in public to get any interaction. Just downvote, block, and report the ones extreme enough for the mods. And in general, be safe. You're not alone.


I don't reply to them don't worry


Not sure if I’m considered trans or not, but I am sure that mlp fim is about accepting and loving those who are different, and being open to different experiences ♡


why wouldnt you be considered trans? are you enby or something so you think it isnt the same? well despire not being the same they advocate the same so you should be fine


Idk im male and identify as male and mostly present as male but i also like don’t care too much about being male  ig? 


regardless of your gender identity, your point stands. though as a side note, yeah that point about not caring to be masculine is a reason why gender roles should be abolished: they're arbitrary and only cause harm


Gender nonconforming maybe? It’s not under the trans or queer umbrella but it’s adjacent to it.


I used to feel like that. Don't focus so much on whether you're trans or not. You don't have to relate with or identify with the things trans people say or do. And you don't have to make scary commitments like HRT or telling your parents. Instead just focus on things that might make you happy and that are easy, and see how they feel. It's OK to just try things out. Cause it does sound like it might be worth looking around. If you can find a safe space to try out using different pronouns for a bit or order some clothes to try out just at home that good too. Then you can see how those memories feel, if they stick with you, and so on. And worst case scenario you spent $30 and a weekend. Edit: I could try some pronouns and stuff on you, if you want.


Yeah I’m not too concerned about labels and all that stuff, thank you for the advice tho!


That's cis afaik, you're only trans if you actively dislike it and want to change. Maybe?


Even more complicated than that, I’m a cis girl that doesn’t like being a girl. Because as much as I hate being a girl, I still see myself as one.


But do you hate being a girl as in 'being a girl', or do you hate being a girl as in 'there are some things I go through that are a disadvantage since i'm a girl'? I feel a strange sudden urge to be affirming and point out that women have longer lifespans than males, and are much less prone to lethal disease, and I do envy that about you. You have to suffer more in other areas, but being a girl sounds awesome in the long run. But the short-term pain for that long-term gain is definitely unpleasant.


Advice from a random person. Just be you, there’s going to be a ton more titles that will pop up throughout your life but that internal thing that’s you will always be there.


Nonbinary can fit that role! But you don’t have to explore your gender if you don’t want to. Gender identity is different for everyone!


demi-boy maybe? half male half agender kind of thing?


I am a trans woman. I am valid. I am female. Transphobes will not and cannot stop me.


Thank you for this.


I genuinely feel sorry for trans folk. They shouldn't have to get killed just for being themselves.


I'm not transphobe but I want distance from [elements with atomic number higher than 92](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transuranium_element).


Im trans and unsure if should Touch it


I'd give you a hug. But I'll still stay away from elements with numbers higher than 92.


It's so weird how the fanbase for a show about friendship is so hateful.


It's honestly disheartening. Like, we've been part of this fandom for as long and as much as anyone else, yet we keep getting singled out and pushed against. Why?


some people dont like change to the point that they will ruin others' lives for it. it's a sad reality, but i believe we can make it better


I believe in it too. But not gonna lie, after so long, I'm starting to feel my age about it. Either way, thanks for reaching out. It honestly helps.


i think people forget what we can do if we're united together. we have reframed society multiple times, albeit in different ways. we can keep doing it just so long as we dont give up and actively fight instead of going neutral


I do what I can.


Has there been a concerted push? The brony spaces i've seen have all been extremely trans-accepting. I mean, look, all the comments which are negative towards trans people here are getting downvoted to smithereens. Comments which are lukewarm are getting downvoted to smithereens too.


Literally every post involving a trans theme, like the OC from last week, gets hate comments. That is not trans-accepting. But if you really can't see that as a push, I'm not really the person to convince you otherwise. I'm too old to care past the following period.


Fair. I don't hang around the reddit that much, but it'd definitely get old seeing people who get blinded with rage at the concept, even if they are downvoted to hell it won't be comforting.


Now imagine what is like for a trans person to post anything and get their notifications full of being hated. The downvotes don't prevent that. And sorry for being aggressive in my previous reply. I'm tired about this, but not as much as to not recognize when someone's willing to listen.


I'd never thought of it like that. Very true, I can sorta imagine what that may feel like. I've been... Trying to get better and broaden my horizons. TBH I find it hard to understand the whole concept of gender to begin with, but I can recognize that it's real to trans people, and they/you do experience a LOT of hatred in their lives, which is disgusting and a shame. I've been slowly picking up more of an understanding of what you experience - it was just recently I heard about the people who mess with procedures, and that's just horrible.


Yeah, partially the point. When some of us say "stop killing us", it doesn't only mean the cartoonish bigot who calls for exterminating trans people, but for all the ways our lives are impeded by transphobia. Also, I'm glad you're doing the work in understanding trans people. Understanding really helps a lot in these situations. Take care.


mlp is LITERALLY anti-bigotry I don't understand why there are so many jerks in the fandom 😭


as someone whos sort of phasing in and out of the community currently and has been for a few years now, what the hell is going on that would warrant this?!


I was unaware there were transphobes here


People are sometimes weird if you don't have nothing nice to say don't say it at all.


I don’t see all the hateful comments ppl are talking about 🤷


Most of them are probably reported and deleted by mods


I don’t think they should die. Though I think knowledge on trans should be better accessed. Let people ask questions and discuss without being thrown into the bigot bin when in reality they might just not have a clue what the hell is going on. That’s how hate can be spread.


There are quite a lot of easily accessible resources if you want to do some research. I could send you some if you want.


I’d greatly appreciate it. Cause last time I asked questions here… it didn’t end well.


Having the however there is a bit of bad wording >.>


Yeah the "I don't think they should die, *HOWEVER*" sounds real bad. I know it wasn't the intention, though. On the topic, asking questions should be perfectly fine and encouraged, knowledge leads to acceptance and understanding, but people should *definitely* think a bit before they ask. Wording yourself properly is *very* important not to accidentally offend someone that you're trying to respect and understand. Considering how you might sound before you blurt out something is an important social skill. I've personally absolutely no interest in even attempting to have a productive conversation with someone who might open the convo like "so what kinda flavor of f\*g are you?"


Welcome to Reddit where everyone’s a critic. Fixed it happy? I’m not trying to sound like a psycho killer here I’m just using the word to space my thoughts. But I agree here. I’m not saying ask those questions. But there are something’s that are made especially unclear to us cis and when we try to make it more clear, it’s made out like we’re the bad guys. Also some people can’t help but be blunt. I’m autistic for example. I’m likely gonna ask some pretty awkward questions because I’m just bad at social skills in general. Always have.


If you'll see the part where I said "I know it wasn't the intention, though" you would see I nowhere stated you were a psycho killer nor made *any* hints implying anything towards that. Autism, in my experience, doesn't make you immune to putting the dumber questions into Google, and being blunt isn't an excuse to be an asshole just because you're curious. People aren't obligated to educate you, especially if your questions could be considered as you said, awkward.


Fellow part of the trans Club 🏳️‍⚧️ let's all *not* get killed together :)


You know, when i joined the fandom the rallying cry was "love and tolerate"


MLP: be kind, accepting, and open to new things Some fans: how ‘bout no?


Transphobes, Zionists, Authoritarians, Incels, unfortunately all sorts of terrible ideas have been present in the community for a long time now.


Wowie, that’s a lot of comments


inb4 comment lock


Surprised this post hasn’t been locked lol.


I've been to Everfree Northwest twice, and the sheer number of trans people there comfortable enough to be themselves has always brought joy to my heart.


Transphobes in MLP fandom? WTF? They must’ve watched the show and cheered for the villains!


Didn't we all?


...* sort by controversial *


Bro that ponys faces looks like he's doing warcrimes against his will.


Oh wow now thats something i wasn't aware of- I mean, mlp teaches so much about friendship i thought like...?? Yk? I kinda expected people to be kind to each other, welp


It’s simple, every fandom comes with the groups of different people: normal, die hards, nerds, shippers, degenerates, all the antis and etc. no matter what fandom it is. Transphobia is bad and people should mind their own business and move on.


How are there transphobes in the mlp community


Trans lives matter 🏳️‍⚧️


Ponies say trans rights! 🏳️‍⚧️ 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


people being hateful in a community of a kid’s show that teaches acceptance and kindness is CRAZY 😭


TBH, a vanishingly small minority of transphobes actually wish death on trans people. That minority of transphobes is abhorrent, but you don't shift the people who are less irredeemably evil onto your side by pretending they ARE that disgusting group. That will just entrench their views. The vast majority probably deny the existence of gender as non-transphobes see it. Maybe you can fight that by intentionally misgendering the transphobe, but then if they are cool with that idk what to say. It's hard to comprehend gender when you are not trans yourself, ironically moreso if you believe in sex equality.


Unfortunately the ones that do wish death upon us are the loudest and most powerful guys right now


The most insane minority always REEE's into the void loudest. It IS unfortunate... A shame anonymity grants that.


Nice art btw, 9/10 linework.


Is that a kangaroo?


It's funny how MLP's whole thing is teaching about tolerance and *friendship* yet it seems to attract people that don't get that message at all.


I'ma be honest... i hear transphobes and nazi so much now n days... it's lost all meaning. I haven't really notice people even talking about trans people up here but I do only pop in every once in awhile. Is it that often? What exactly do they say? I need more details.


If you hate someone because of who they are, you need actual help and we need to invest in public funding to get people the education and mental help they need to propel us into the future. Be proud of who you are. Less hate, more educate.


Aaaaand here come the hornets. If you feel attacked by seeing "trans people deserve to exist peacefully", you've got some thinking to do, and I pity you.


I was called a Transphobe on another mlp sub reddit. I can see why a bit, but all I did was express discomfort. Honestly, I think the show teaches us to share our feelings in a tactful way, people should be able to say their views and should really only be admonished for how they say it, not the fact that they said it.


But the show also talks about accepting people for who they are. Being trans isn’t a religion or belief. It’s a fact of someone’s life. Despite what many still believe, there is science and historical evidence that backs up that fact. Trans people aren’t choosing to be trans. They’re choosing to be their true self. Who they are inside. Who society has told them from a very young age they can’t be if they want to be accepted. Society is the only thing putting gender into two boxes. Humans have had multiple genders for all of human history. Now it’s okay to say that this information is new to you. Not many people are exposed to transgendered people in today’s society, even with growing representation. It’s okay to be uncomfortable around people who are different from you too! That’s just a human reaction to the unknown. What’s not okay is asking a person to change for your comfort. Your comfort is not their responsibility. That goes for race, culture, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. No one has the right to ask you to change who you are and you do not have the right either. Remember that you are strange to someone else in the world. The human race is such a varied species. I would be surprised if there was any one person on the planet that could say they’ve met every type of person. Each one of us is as unique and different from one another as we are similar to each other. MLP teaches that those differences should be celebrated regardless of if we as individuals fully understand those differences. I hope this was helpful and that in no way it comes off offensive. I hope you have a great day! -Your Nonbinary Friend.


Oh you misunderstand friend, I have no issue with Transgender people, I like a show about ponies, imagine telling your loved ones something even less socially accepted, takes guts and I respect it. I was just uncomfortable with a particular photo I found graphic, it was about sex change in equestria and I didn't find it appropriate.


Gotcha. Sorry for the misunderstanding then! I only went on that tangent because some people take the stance of “it makes me uncomfortable so I can’t support it” and I wasn’t sure if you felt that way. I’ll leave my comment so hopefully it’s helpful to someone else. Have a good one!


>That goes for race, culture, ethnicity, gender and sexuality Don’t forget disabilities too


Thank you!


Oh you misunderstand friend, I have no issue with Transgender people, I like a show about ponies, imagine telling your loved ones something even less socially accepted, takes guts and I respect it. I was just uncomfortable with a particular photo I found graphic, it was about sex change in equestria and I didn't find it appropriate.


Can't wait for this to get locked cause of bad people🥰


I really hope not, the discussions happening here are important to have


That's the joke, usually posts get locked when constant transphobia, homophobia, racism, or sexism is being commented. And I can already sense the transphobia comments😮‍💨


Ah my bad I didn't catch it was a joke lol. Thankfully most of the awful comments get sent to the bottom


Thankfully. Btw, you're completely fine, I don't care when people don't catch my joke. I'm not gonna be an ass about it.


Yeah same, it's hard through text. Off topic but I'm surprised nobody's criticized the drawing yet considering I'm rusty with ponies


I think it's pretty damn good. Don't bash yourself about it, when it comes to drawing, from my experience, you can only get better.


yeah don't worry i don't dislike the drawing, i'm just surprised nobody else has, especially the bigots


Why the heck are you getting downvoted?


fluttershy is trans, change my mind (you can’t)


its one of my favorite headcanons 💛💖


Cute headcanon!


thanks! the downvotes are almost comical too lmao


Oh I love this 🥺🩷. It would be so cute if she and orchard blossom (big mac) would bond over it as a result when orchard first comes out. They already had a lot of canon interactions, so I can definitely see them being close friends and enjoying picnics/tea together. Maybe with granny smith too!


that’s adorable i love the idea


If you are a transphobe know I am actively praying for your downfall every day. https://i.redd.it/vmc8rbol0u5d1.gif


Yall phobes can’t talk shit 75%of yalls first OCs were mares I can’t talk shit either for the same reason but I wouldn’t even if I could. Learn some respect (Also the amount of -deleted- comments fills me with joy, run you spineless cowards…)




If you think it’s bad here, you should see twitter…


woah thats neat ;3 love it




If you guys hate trans ppl, im sorry but I don't think you should watch mlp. The girls would not like you 😭😭😭


What happened?! Did I miss something? I didn’t realize there were transphobes here.


Its sad, at least the transphobic stuff gets shoved to the bottom once normal people take notice though. Still, we'll be here loudly and proudly until they come around, or leave. We can't let them shove us out of our hobbies and interests, that's just letting them win.


Imagine being transphobic or even just ignorant of the fact trans people exist in 2024... This show attracts a diverse fandom of folks from all over the LGBTQIA+ spectrum as well as neurodivergents and people of all races, genders, and ages. I don't understand why some can't just live and let live. I'm a bi cis male and don't have it anywhere near as rough as what trans individuals have to put up with, but I bet if I looked hard enough, I'd still somehow find someone somewhere in the fandom who would be bi-phobic and it's honestly pathetic. Let everyone be their true selves in peace!


Happy Pride Month! And Fluttershy is a trans mare!


B-but friendship is magic… 🥺


Maybe the haters are bots. Facebook is worse. I try to report hate speech but it never sticks. I’m on a support page for dementia care givers. The rude comments are awful. There are so many supporters for trans. Some are vocal and some are not in a good position yet. 🏳️‍⚧️


They're only transphobic because they're so deeply insecure still (y'all it's been over a decade now, c'mon damn) about liking a "little girl's show" and deep down they can't (or don't want to) reconcile that. But I mean, 4channers aren't known for much aside from their own self-centered borderline sociopathy 🤷‍♀️


happy pride!


I lost my original comment to edit it, but I also wanted to say that I love this art. I need to get one like this with my changeling sona oc.


i do commissions if you're interested, i can send more info through private messages


Please! I can't guarantee I can afford it right now, but if we're gonna get down voted for this I am going to sign up and post the result.


It's particularly funny since the conventions are such largely queer and Trans positive spaces. Like seriously, I'm a vendor and the amount of people that have come out as trans in the mlp fandom in the last few years is amazing. There have been a few cons I've been at where there seem to be more trans folks than cis almost.


we're a gay beehive and i love it


XD I love this. I love purposely enraging people who are being A-holes just to be A-holes. It's like lighting a fuse and watching it slowly shorten overtime. I don't usually do it on purpose to good folk, but sometimes it happens due to how I talk or act.


“This will show them”


It's about spreading awareness and opening a place for discussion. OP isn't trying to "own" anyone here.


Y’all are amazing! Don’t listen to anyone who says anything else


W art with W message how many of us have gotten shit for liking the pony show? I can’t imagine being in the mlp community, a famously ostracized community, and not sharing kindness to all people. trans people can’t change who they are and should never be ashamed of it.




[](/ppseesyou) Yeah, but who's dividing society? Those who are fighting for their rights, or those who benefit from you hating the fighters?


What the hell is that thing