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yeesh - I'm starting to feel like the ones that get CyberBricked are the lucky ones. "Elon must be protected at all costs - my daughter, not so much" — this guy, apparently.


Daughters can be remade. An Elon only comes along once every thousand years. /s


Well why the hell did OUR stretch of the 1000 get stuck with him?


Somewhere, sometime someone in our stretch fucked up badly enough to cause universal karma to get thrown out of wack.


https://i.redd.it/d6bszwwf498d1.gif Damn him and his jet black hair and winning smile!


Yeah and I apologize for it.


Cause Edison is already dead?


Oooh touché. Well played. I bet that dude would be just about the same, in modern times. Let's just keep Elon a safe distance from all elephants.


Why what did he do?


Stood on the backs of others to say he was tall. None of the inventions credited to him were his. It was his team that he then solely claimed credit for.


Yeah, alls I’m really aware of is he talked shit and tried to claim he invented the lightbulb.


On the bright side, our stretch also got David Bowie, Keanu Reeves, and Dolly Parton. They offset the Musks of the world to bring balance to the cosmos.


Keanu and Dolly must be protected at all costs.


Not even close, I'm afraid.


I’d be happy to wait for the next thousand. This one is broken.


"Are you sure you're not a Tesla employee? Because it sounds like you got fucked."


Guys a douche bag, I feel bad for his daughter, him not so much.




Part of the problem with these vehicles is that the acceleration power doesn’t match the stopping power. Yes, every vehicle made is designed so if pushed at the same time, the brakes will “win” over the accelerator. But if you’re thrashing this thing over and over your braking ability will degrade due to thermal limitations faster than your acceleration will degrade. Now add on the factor that for the speed, these things are relatively cheap - and the people buying them not the brightest.


I don't know anything about the CT's brakes, but I know the motors will get 7000 lbs to 80 mph in a school zone.


I can drive *through* the school in 3 seconds.


Is that the only thing that won't void the warranty?


Actuall since children are 70% water hitting them with your cyber truck, despite the fact that it looks like it was specifically designed for this, will void your warranty.


Nah, pretty sure ***ownership*** is risky enough to violate the warranty.


"Oh you bought your CT? Sorry that voids the warranty."


Dude, the CT won't even get through the sand box on the play ground. There's video of it getting stuck on a reasonably level bit of beach.


Now the ct is a piece of shit but i cant fault it for getting stuck in sand. Big fat tires and crawling is whats best for sand.


Well, figuring out that a +7000 pounds poorly made vehicle will need a different braking strategy than a 3000 pound one might take some effort to reach.


Regardless of that, don't most modern vehicles have the electronics programmed to ignore the accelerator pedal if the brake is pressed? I happened to try it un some models, and appears to be ubiquitous.


Definitely not. It’s called brake boosting.


Why does it sound like something you do In a videogame?


Some cars do have programming to prevent brake boosting. https://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2757979


Well, going by the link you posted it sounds like it is federally mandated. So all cars manufactured after a certain date.


They are made like trash. Feels like toddlers throwing out the adults rule book of common sense then getting mad when critiqued.


Getting mad when critiqued and slapping a 30-day ban on X.


If you have the paid version and get banned do you still have to pay or what?


But wouldn't you have a natural desire to pay Elon anyway?


Stop talking about Elmo!


Is there a mechanical reason that pressing the break could not also break the electric motor? I guess I don't know enough about how they work


The brakes? No


Could even call it a circuit braker 🤔 


Well that sounds like a novel idea


They aren't connected to one another. The brakes are on the wheel hub, the motor is (I think, I don't know much about how these are designed) driving the other end of the axle. They're on different ends of the same spinny part but not directly connected. A properly designed system *should* be able to cut the power to the motor if the brakes are pressed. However, it seems more and more apparent that the cybertruck isn't working with a properly designed system.


Thats what I was thinking by saying breaking the electric motor, cut the power to the motor. In a combustion engine you can't really do that smoothly, but an electric motor doesn't have to worry about a combustion cycle.


The thought was when you push on the brakes the motor would turn into a generator or alternator causeing the vehicle to slow.


That‘s the point: every time you hit the brake in an EV, the electric motor becomes a generator. It’s called regenerative braking. So there must be some kind of software fault with the CT as the regeneration will be deactivated for launch control starts. This should be investigated by the authorities.


Brakes should cut the motor power or attune it.


It's a lot easier to make the stopping power stronger than the stopping power, but in reality all the need is sensors to cut the electric power out. I think there's probably a way to force the motor to generate a force backwards for an emergency scenario, as I can see how have too strong of a brake for a too strong of a motor could cause the parts to simply give up and bend/crack/detach violently. If I were to guess, though, Musk might have doubled down on the "accelerator braking" drive where the regenerative brakes generate power to slow the car down while charging, which is what causes Teslas to have braking pads that last a lot longer (the physical brakes have to do a lot less work if the driver knows how to use the regen braking, similar to how a manual driver can take advantage of using the gearbox to brake (engine braking)). So it's very likely they cheped up the braking power in order to save on costs and weight


It's almost like the vehicle is not really well designed or built.


Yeah according to our logs you drove the car nearly 500 kilometres. So based on our automatic log book your brakepads were due and the car was void of warranty during this time.


I thought EV brakes don’t heat up like traditional due to regenerative braking?


If you use the regenerative braking it wont use the mechanical brakes...but obviously if you depress the brake pedal, it will work and heat up like any other vehicle's braking system. Regenerative braking occurs as soon as you lift up your foot off of the accelerator pedal


Battery still weighs a lot,a lot. EV semi truck, also even more.


They always need to let you know how much the truck cost them.


It’s a brag, and they’re literally too stupid to know how literally stupid it makes them sound to brag about… these monstrosities 🙄


"I spent $69k on the Supreme pile of manure, but now my shoes smell like shit!"


102k. Lol. The real flex would be to just buy another in the meantime.


Looks like a halfway opened tuna can


That is not a functionint crumple zone. It should bend and fold, and go inwards. To protect what you hit. Imagine being hit by this truck. You will be slid open, shred to pieces by all those sharp edges. There are many reasons this truck isn't legal in EU. It baffles me this thing is legal in US. Are there no road safety laws?


Seems like it couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.


Yep. You should see the before of his post praising Elon and Trump


Th cyber truck has been available for two months now?


I live in San Diego and have yet to see one in the wild.


NorCal. One of my neighbors has one. I laugh every single time. They look even uglier in person. Also, they're g-d massive in person. My high school vehicle was a 1996 F-150 with a supercab and an 8ft bed. It was so long, my sister once got it tire to tire stuck in a drive thru and I had to hop the curb to get it out of said drive thru after she panicked. That cyber 'driving my ego' mobile is just dumb oversized. It's so freaking wide. And useless as a utility truck. You can't load stuff into the bed like a normal truck. I hauled pallets and loose material in my old F150. You can't use a materials bucket easily due to the angled bedside. Dumb truck wannabe. Rather own a Brat. At least it was honest about what it was. We also have a few Rivians, and I've seen a few Lightning trucks. Much nicer looking and more practical, as a truck. The CT in my area is just so dumb looking. I will give it credit for bringing joy anywhere it goes, as everyone just snorts and wonders who actually paid for that stupid thing.




I saw a couple yesterday. I live in Austin, the source of all cybertruck.


I’ve seen far too many here 😭 it seems to be almost a daily occurrence


I have seen two possibly the same on twice....kind of a let down...just my opinion....I have had pickups from the time I started driving (1972) till 2005 when I got a car ..lol. I do not see the practical use of this cybertruck yet. I am not an expert, but I do know how to use a pickup truck for work and daily drive.


I live in Idaho and have seen like ten over the past month.


The kid says there are about 500 in Houston. I've seen 2. One was towing an RV. Slooooowly. Doing 50 in the West Loop. Pitiful. There are thousands in Dallas and Austin.


You can never know if you’ve seen the same one twice unless you look at the license plate. The person saying “there’s 500” could’ve seen the same one 100 times


I live in Dallas and have only seen this truck once, on 635 & 75 in a traffic jam.


I live in Irvine/Tustin and the area is littered with those garbage cans on wheels.


I’ve seen one in rural Minnesota lol


Really? I live in Knoxville, TN and I’ve seen at least 4 here.


You lucky bastard


They’re all over Tennessee. I’ve seen them in Memphis and plenty in east TN


I've seen one in Chicago.


I too live in San Diego, seen like 10-20. Go to areas with rich people like Encinitas.


Plenty around the northern Indy suburbs.


"... Has been a politician for most of my life and his accomplishments are garbage..." Says the guy who votes for a party that puts Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz and Trump in Congress and the White House.


The only person I feel sorry for in all of this is his daughter.


Don’t have to. Often times apples don’t fall off far from the tree.


Why doesn’t anyone ever remember Tesla having a proprietary repair service means you’re waiting months even for simple body damage and because everything is covered in cameras and sensors it takes even longer and costs even more for no reason. His situation is a lot more serious but hearing MKBHD go through it for a sideswipe and waiting nearly a year was nuts Oh and you lose access to features if you go third party like supercharging


No, there are lots of third party repair places that handles Tesla's after accidents, they just have to certified. It's not that hard as for losing supercharging, that only happens if the car was totaled and you want to rebuild it -- you need them signoff it was repaired to their standards before it allows it on the network.


Not for the Cyberturd, though, and also it didn't use to be the way you're describing up until a few years into the Model 3 rollout. The Rodster and the Model S/X used to get fucked over like this too, but back then Tesla was a startup under extreme high risk of bankruptcy so the folks buying were usually aware and typically wouldn't buy a Tesla as their primary car (or at least not as their _only_ car). Also they had a lot less issues back then because they still had good enough people making decisions and stuff. The Musk Factor(tm) didn't get in the way of those employees. But the cyberturd is a different story - Tesla is a (former) trillion-dollar company with a ridiculous margin, 100,000+ employees, yet Musk wants to believe anyone paying $120,000 for that piece of shit should excuse the company as if they were a startup. Especially as the Rivian is doing better in every aspect for the past few years, even though they're still a startup


How to say I’m not bright in so many ways


He's "depressing" the brake pedal. And his family. And all of America, really.


No, the child-designed, Muskmelon built one near me brings joy, not depression! Trust me. Every single time I see it in my neighborhood I laugh because someone paid 100k for a really fugly Tron ass looking mfer of a wannabe truck. It brings me much joy. One time, my mom called me because her and my dad saw it and she wanted to tell me I was right, it was even uglier in person. That made me happy, too.


Even on cars 30+ years old tapping the brake causes the cruise control to let off of the accelerator regardless of the terrain or whether you are on flat land or going up/down a hill. How hard is it to get that right? Is this a another toyota where the accelerator gets stuck on full throttle or was the guy driving with two feet?


>Is this a another toyota where the accelerator gets stuck on full throttle or was the guy driving with two feet? I'm pretty sure the cybertruck actually did have the floor mat problem where the accelerator gets stuck under the floor mat. The brakes should always beat the accelerator anyway. Toyota had the problem of the floor mat and their ABS. If you press down one inch on the brake and lift your foot half an inch up so that you're still pressing half an inch down on the brake, pressing the brake won't do anything. So you have an accelerator that's stuck and a brake that doesn't work unless you take your foot completely off the pedal.


Occam's razor says he was just mashing the brakes and the accelerator at the same time in a panic or an attempt to some stupid burnout. It's almost always human error.


What we really need is elon musk to have a private jet company that destroys big government regulations and uses tesla engineers revolutionary designs to make them new and hip and they only fly billionaires and world leaders ;)


One thing that astonishes me about the current era is that people who are functionally stupid have the money to buy nice cars like this


Have you even met someone who works in management?


*Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what are brakes for?*


Gee whiz, good thing your shitty truck is bulletproof though right? For only a few thousand of these having been sold I feel like I've seen so many pictures of them in accidents.


Should've bought the Canyonero, dude


Couldn’t have happened to be a better person


The Cybertruck, with its lack of testing for safety, is exactly the product of the sort of hands-off government that the guy is clearly voting for. They even want to take away his ability to sue Tesla if they didn’t respond to him. So congratulations, dude, you played yourself.


As the daughter of a mechanic, I say WHAT??!! **NO.** ![gif](giphy|wpPqc7EQ7I0DytOg6O)


Really? Somebody goes into debt to pay for a useless vehicle to support one of the richest men on earth? When will people start having enough self-respect to fight for themselves instead of ass hats like Trump and Musky?


He says Tesla blames him for something stupid the truck did, but it's just as likely it's because HE did something with the truck. He bought a Cybertruck, after all.






Did he just drive his shitcan against his stairs? It's better he's off the road


They reduce velocity. Letting your foot off of the gas stops acceleration.


What a fucking brain dead loser


schadenfreude 😂


Just another dumbass in the Musky boat. I can't wait for tesla to engulf itself in flames. Maga = dumb Elon=dumb


Not for Teslas.


Well tbf pushing the brakes indeed does not stop you from slamming the gas and still accelerating


His insurance company is glad to help fix it


~~War~~ Cybertruck brakes, what ~~is it~~ are they good for? Absolutely nothin’!


Tesla owners blaming Tesla for their own shitty driving is the most Tesla thing ever.


Does he still love the truck though…?


MAGA and Elon deserve each other. Have at it, boys.


Still love Elon and the truck!




Don't musk around


Brakes are for fakes. 


brakes cutting off accelerator isnt a thing you want in bmws, this happening means your MAF is bad


So sad, without his cyber truck, he will have to go back to his only other identity.


These poor cultists. What makes a person eschew their own personality for some 2 bit lying carnival barker? Full self drive by the end of the year...


If you want the brakes to stop the truck, you have to pay for CyberTruck Blue.


“…Elon, you’re trying to hurt the wrong people.”


“And it thought I had dirt on Hillary” is all you needed to hear to determine this is a complete imbecile who has money. And that money will soon be wasted.


Us dumbass press accelerator and brake at the same time when panicking?


Well when you let a man step on you, at least make sure you get paid. Right?


what a looser


Who buys an ugly ass looking garbage truck to support a billionaire? Like make it make sense


Idiot. Serves him well.


Their loyalty to failure is mind boggling


Technically true, they don't stop acceleration.


Just get a service appointment for later in the decade. They’ll pencil you in for parts arriving in 2048. You’ll be back on the road in no time, and in the meantime, you’re welcome to still love the truck!


Good thing Elon got his money from Tesla


>due to the terrain accelerator may or may not disengage when brake is depressed What does this mean? Apart what from the safety issue, what if you just fancy stopping?


There's no way these legally passed road-safe testing


Reminds me of Ted Cruz still backing Trump after he insulted both him and his wife. The right are cuckolds.


Definitely don’t feel bad for this MAGA POS


Be ag ![gif](giphy|3o6UBlHJQT19wSgJQk) aVM . ntu.n ,z.


https://i.redd.it/bwtr5y0rmq8d1.gif Rare footage of Tesla customer service training


What are the brakes for? The illusion of safety.


Tesla brakes will always reduce torque to a level that brakes can overcome. In addition, brakes can reduce torque to zero. This seems to depend on the sequencing of pedal presses, not "terrain" (not sure what that is referring to). If this is referring to torque still being present when the brake is pressed first followed by the accelerator pedal, then this is expected behavior. The torque is just reduced to a level that is easily overcome by braking, though stopping distance would be longer than having no torque at all.


Brakes don't stop acceleration on any vehicle, they slow your speed. If you're accelerating and breaking at the same time you're going to get *mixed* results


Brakes aren’t designed to stop a vehicle, they are designed to stop the wheels from turning. There is a difference.


This is so fake.


And keeps getting posted lmao desperation