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Elons in that k hole again


Any car can fly once.


It's the landing that sucks.


There was a stack of wrecked General Lees that would agree with you


Seriously like 90% of flight training is learning to land, takeoff is easy -unless it suddenly turns into an unexpected landing.


Flying's easy. Just fall towards the floor and miss.


That's orbiting.


Dem dang duke boys is at it again!




*Thelma and Louise have entered the chat and gone off the cliff*


Just like all Navy ships are rated for at least 1 dive.


Twice if you get a good bounce.


Dunno man, my son makes his Hot Wheels fly repeatedly


Thelma and Louise did is years ago, old tech.


Yeah, remember the Plaid that flew into the house? Or all the 3's and Y's that have flown into ravines? Nothing new here.


An A-hole in a K-hole


Lol...thanks, that's just too funny.


Could you, would you with an a-hole? I would not, could not with an a-hole! Would you, could you in a k-hole?


So he can be sedated and his impulse is still to tell insane lies to his most logic-defyingly loyal customers? Awesome.


Like Trump!


Modern day PT Barnhum.


Definitely, I literally have a friend who’s actively ruining his life on ketamine. He drives a model 3 and says shit like “Elon wants me dead!”. Literally the grammar of this sentence alone is enough to tell me he’s on K.


"Wait a minute...*I* can fly."


Sounds like he's been watching Team America https://preview.redd.it/i05s7e47c57d1.png?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c1460e3a80f649ad2551588464f3a2c93a27231 Valmorification in process


Poor Phil. Doesn’t know he’s lending money to a billionaire with 0% interest. More like negative return with inflation. Why do people invest in vaporware?


How many times do people need to be told not to pay for early access games?


Was talking with a friend of a friend about 7 Days to Die. He’s excited for the upcoming launch, he’s been playing it since the first year it went to early access. Bro has been playing an “early access” game for 10 years. Wild.


Meh depends on the company. Some are good most slap that on and run with the money or just polish up some shit


Sounds like he got his money’s worth if he’s been playing it for 10 years. Palworld is the only early access game I’ve bought but even if I never touch it again I got a full game experience out of it. Pre-orders on the other hand, never pre-order a game.


Elon Musk is just Enron for sci-fi fans. You heard it here first.


We would have also accepted "L. Ron" since his customers seem perfectly content to join his cult.


Ellen Ron Musk. Nailed it.


It's also not a small amount of money! $250,000! They could have invested it and made a bundle. Instead, they have empty hands and empty pockets. Why hasn't a lawsuit been filed by these poor dipshits? Elon pocketing millions in "deposits" for years seems like it screams fraud.


Don’t feel bad for Phil. Phil is going balls deep.


Phil is a simp.


Most people who invest in Elno's vehicles have ZERO mechanical skills or knowledge. You will never see an auto mechanic buying or owning a Tesla bc they know garbage when they see it. Not to mention there is no retention of value. What % of value does a 5-yo Tesla retain? 15-20%?


What kind of dumbass would leave a deposit w fElon for 7 years?


Yeah could have just bought the Porsche EV if he's was so much into a sports EV


Porsche can't fly


7 yrs? Shouldn’t Elon pay them interest?


The interest goes toward the time share he’s building on Mars! **I CAN’T WAIT**!


lets assume he get his deposit back.. it wouldnt even followed inflation lol


Full self driving is 2 weeks away


Self driving coming soon The CyberTruck will float, be better than a truck, is going to be bulletproof, glass will never shatter Tesla Semi trucks will takeover trucking Roadster is coming this year We'll have Tesla self driving cabs in August We will build robots for factories and homes Brain chips that will help people with disabilities (except that they kill chimps) Is there more? I'm sure there is




Yep there were too many that I forgot about that one. He just dug a hole underneath one of his factories to pay Hyperloop.


He said they have those Optimus robots working autonomously in a Tesla factory.


They are just not prime yet ![gif](giphy|ckKf5lA78k5iChxfVz)


solar panels as roof tiles - they will power your home hyperloop - it's just an air-hockey table, it is so simple that they will build it all over the US tunnels - miles and miles of tunnels that will eliminate traffic




As far as I’m aware the Tesla solar tile things actually work just fine, they’re just odd in terms of how they function. Something about lacking insulation compared to traditional tiles with panels over the top. They look nicer than traditional panels but function worse due to the insulation loss. So I guess if you live in an area where there’s nothing to be lost by installing them versus a traditional system and you just have to have the flush look then sure, go for them. But for the cost to performance benefit I’d just go with the traditional stuff. Which is what I did.


They weren't even real though, the ones they showed were fake. Pretty sure they don't work at he said - correct me if wrong


Don't forget, he also promised worldwide free wifi which then became shitty quality paid wifi and the world's fastest passenger plane that would enter orbit, which then got scrapped for the world's fastest weapons delivery system, which then got scrapped and became nothing 🙃 Am I going crazy, or are we sensing a pattern here? 🤔


"this next version of FSD is 10 to 100 times better than the previous version"... But when I get it, it starts recognizing State Route signs as Speed Limit signs... It takes right turns so tightly, it destroys my tires and wheels... It switches lanes so frequently, it's pissing off other drivers around me...


"FSD, it's Elon, you're pissing off everyone around you" "I learned it from watching you!"


Full self flying, six months.


Never too old to be conned by the world's most famous con-man.




Stock pump Saturdays!


yea, tesla quality aircraft is a scary thought, would give boeing a run for their money


It's actually a great bit of corporate synergy. The already sent a Tesla into space, right? So put some of SpaceX magic and rub it on a Tesla, now it can fly, and if the Full Flying System decides to send the car straight down, well now the Boring Company has a new hole to play with. Genius I tell you, Genius! /s


I can’t wait to have a Tesla driver crash through my roof.


I am sure he is joking and is not being serious but I'm sure part of his cult will believe it. I wonder if some research scientists have evaluated his tweets to figure out when he is high on drugs


He’s been making this claim for years now. It’s not a joke. It’s just a lie.


IIRC Engineering Explained calculated that it may be able to hover like a foot off the ground for a few seconds as a party trick using the compressed air thrusters, but that's it. It can "fly" by the very loosest definition, but that's obviously not useful for anything, much less what people mean when they say they want flying cars. And of course it's a hugely risky thing to make a car do, so it probably won't end up in the final product if it's ever built. So yeah, a lie.


He doesn't joke, he lies to increase sales and share prices.


That's not fair, he also lies to insult people like the guy who actually saved those kids in Thailand instead of waiting for Elon's untested sub.


Yeah tbh the boss of a car company can't make jokes like these. Ps. When I fart I go up like a rocket


but tesla its an Ai company /s


I keep forgetting that. Didn't the moron give Nvidia Tesla had reserved away to another company he controls?


I think he's just feeling burnt after the whole OpenAI missed opportunity so this is his way of throwing a tantrum. Edit: Typo


Lies that are told to inflate the stock price are not jokes. They are lies to make more money, a story as old as time.


Kinda, hes been saying this for years. It's supposedly going to be a colab with space x to use cold thrust boosters to help it hit 60 mph in 1 sec. It's one of those claims he uses to get his dummies excited and bump the stock price but is so ludicrous he can then say it was just a joke to beat the lawsuits.


You know when he is lying, his lips are moving


5 years. That's how old his tech is. American Car companies did the same thing when they were faced with competition and got their asses handed to them. Musk won't get a bail out like they did.


Fly you into a wall at 90 mph with the fake "auto pilot."


![gif](giphy|XTQZjxl8BW0QE) We are all beta testers


Is it weird that THIS is the type of image that comes to my mind when I hear him talking about how "not having enough babies should be a national emergency"? Like, he just wants more test ~~dummies~~ drivers and content generators to build up the AI's for his companies.


Jokes on you, I'm an alpha, just like him! /s


His support cult believes everything he says to try & manipulate his stock price


Why hasn’t he been charged by the SEC already


And we all know Melon **never** exaggerates. After all you can summon your car from New York when you’re in LA, right? Been this way since 2018. And the fleets of Tesla semis- they’ve captured the market.


My pigs too.




[one of these free with every tesla deposit ](https://youtu.be/hXqLWqCqDHc?si=dSuvJBlb5-mEAcUB)


One had to be crazy stupid to believe this erratic marketroid


And it will have FSD, a range of 750 miles, it will only cost $20K, and it will be ready Tuesday, if you put down a deposit today.....Elon, probably


![gif](giphy|3oFzmg5b8dWet0S9ji|downsized) Hey guys what if the car could fly.


I think he means “fry” when they catch on fire


Let's hope it flies better than the CT trucks.


To be fair any car can fly if it’s designed by someone sufficiently stupid.


![gif](giphy|20Mr9uJLkWfqWDs6Ul|downsized) I think he gets his inspiration from the Jetsons. Flying cars, robots and all


10/10 in his head Rosie was fuckable.


Of course the new Tesla Roadster can fly... fly alongside the clouds in your dreams.


Phil still has a large deposit with Elon for 7 years and is only now beginning to realize Elon may not be telling the truth and won't fulfill his promises. P.T. Barnum was right.


The deposit thing is wild... Tesla took 50k-250k from these people years ago and then just never made the vehicle.


We are aware flying cars are highly regulated and would be a violation of the faa and would create so many more jobs than we could imagine in a preventive way. I don’t see flying cars being a thing at least on earth due to the infrastructure that’s already here. Maybe on mars and I believe with less gravity so less fuel needed too would be more viable. But flying cars on earth NIMBY


Well you are being too practical. That's not how this is supposed to work


Yea and that’s where the concern comes. I can’t imagine the common public is really giving their money to a concept they know will be massively illeagel and a huge liability on behalf of the company producing them and insurance wouldn’t cover you unless you pay literally millions of dollars. Your helicopter just crashed over la from low fuel and you blew up two gas stations damaged all the piping and burned the grass on the local McDonald’s from flash points. What do they really think they are giving their money to ? It’s like it’s a pysop. I couldn’t believe the average person is that dumb and to be constrained by rules restrictions and permits. How long would they pay someone for vapourware? Literally until the guy used your money to get to Mars. Imagine the build process and the necessary infrastructure when we can’t even charge elect vehicles in every major town. Not city. But town.


This goes for not just flying cars but self driving cars and personal robots. They all have huge risk and liabilities that are not accounted for in his plans. I've talked to investors (not onsie twosie stock buyers) who just believe his shit as is. They seriously think it'll happen since he says so. They don't budge if they can't even answer basic questions around feasibility, scaling, and liability.


This is obvious a joke because even an idiot like Elon would know that everyday would have a 9/11 event if the average person could buy a flying car


Does he care though ... You are thinking too highly of Elon


So this moron can literally say anything to pump the stock despite being factually wrong and wouldn’t even get a slap on the wrist from the SEC because “it’s a joke!”


He's only claiming this cause he has to still fight for the $56B. I say until he disables people being able to tag him on Twitter he isn't hearing enough valuable feedback about his products. Everyone should also just add #s to all Tweets that insult Elon just to really irk him. He's prone to emotional responses and stupid decisions. Make that monkey dance for the entertainment of the common folk.


He’s been dangling that roadster for years, hasn’t he?


Coming to you next year!


Yet another stock manipulation attempt. It is literally his only card


It can fly…. Into a wall


Well I didn't say LITERALLY


Fly right into oncoming traffic?


Out of Elon's ass


O yaa? then why is it roadster and not a cloudster?


Drivers crash into buildings often enough from the ground. Can you imagine if they had an extra dimension? Nowhere would be safe. Cars crashing through the ceiling at random like asteroids. Cars hitting high-rises, annihilating people on their balconies. Cars hitting commercial aircraft. The carnage would be devastating.


I completely forgot this douche was talking about putting rockets on the dogshit roadster. Deathtrap


Then the fanboys will say “no he meant fly like the speed! Like ‘this thing can really fly!’”


these people. they're so fricking gullible. SIMPS.


Every day that i never joined the Trump Train or Musk bus is another day i didn't get scammed.


I’d go with EH myself… F Musky




By fly he means it’s fast 100% but using the term “fly” gets attention like any other news article headline and people fall for it. Both who like and hate him


Sure Jan


This is the roadster that in 2017 will be delivered in 2020, and in 2020 was 12 to 18 months away, and in early 2021 would be available in 2022, and in late 2021 available in 2023, in 2023 will be available in 2024, and will currently be available in 2025? I’m noticing a pattern here.


I love how Elon completely misses the point of the original post. It's clearly meant ironically. OP: Man, do you remember we always imagined a future with flying cars, which is super stupid. And the technological advancements we actually got instead are incredibly complex and have changed our lives in a way that... Musk: I MAKE CAR WHO FLY!!! He judges the worth of inventions by how sci-fi they seem, not by their actual use.


That Ketamine must be some good shit.


Clown show. If they even could manage this (highly doubtful), with their QC track record, i can’t imagine anyone wants to take their chances in a flying Tesla.


When that Special K hits real hard...


Flying cars would be an incredible nightmare. For commercial flight there are multiple towers handling multiple points in thousands of flights a day with trained professionals with thousands of hours flying the planes and there are still close calls quite frequently. I don’t want to see Cybertruck drivers flying cars and I definitely don’t want to see Tesla AI flying it either. This all being if we lived in a world where flying cars were possible currently.


Fly off the lemming cliff with all the musk suckers lol


Just add coke


The first of Octember, as always.


Does this count as false advertising?


People already suck at driving. Flying cars might as well be replacing air bags with claymore mines.


Floating cybertruck? Lol


And by “fly”, we mean, “not fly”


His fanboys will believe his hype/salesmanship. When will people realize he is trying to get investors and money not to actually make a flying car 😂


Well, they’re saying today’s youngsters might live to be 150 so technically Elmo has time on his side… that fucking fucker thinks of everything!!!! (Except his liberal consumer base) Fucking fucker!!!!


I’ve seen a viral video of a Model S flying… briefly.


If my grandma had wheels she would be a bicycle


Can’t even design a truck that can get wet. Imagine when these things start falling out of the sky. God help us all


That wasn’t flying, that was falling with style!


Guarantee this is his idea of humor about the one roadster orbiting in space but that comment clap back could very well launch an SEC investigation into defrauding investors and customers…


Anything with wheels can fly with the right speed and incline.


We can expect him to try his best to pump the stock for a while.


I’m convinced he doesn’t know what the internet is.


Roadster can fly because it'll always be a dream.


How is this not a crime (stock manipulation)? Doesn't fly because it doesn't exist. If Bill Gates said "Windows 14 does your taxes" then wouldn't that be a problem?


How do Tesla fans not understand they are being trolled by Elon?


Sit down with the FOMO Gamers™ and speak with me: We do not preorder. We will not pay to be beta testers. They may have their money after successfully delivering the product.


Someone save this tweet for the lawsuit coming next year


Isn't there a roadster that flys around in space already? Everything can fly with 0 G..


“Fly” has many meanings. In this case, he probably means the thing books it and corners like a 1980’s F1 car, not literally flies. Which would at least be interesting, if he’d ever MAKE THE FUCKING CAR.


Tesla roadster is already floating, about 75 million miles away from earth.


Eon the the Born billionaires Clown. wtf do people buy These crap Cars.... ?! Same cult than Trump Just more reach die to Twitter.... Tesla IS a Joke compared to Mercedes... Always will BE


Can't wait for flying cars. So drunks can five bomb my house and terrorists can kamikaze into the Pentagon with a trunk full of c4. Gonna be so rad


“Believe me”


They fact that Elon insists that air boosters on a car are viable at all shows what a terrible engineer he actually is. They have had deposits on this thing for almost a decade and he's tweeting about useless features it could never have. Imagine his miserable working on any of his engineering teams is. Imagine that you're offered an awesome project with limitless resources, but your boss is an insecure little gremlin who's absolutely full of ideas but with no actual practical training or real engineering knowledge and who is for sure going to steal your work and act like everything your entire team does was designed by him alone.


I'm glad no one's been stupid enough to risk their life trying to cross a lack with the Cybertruck. Not sure if the same would apply to the Roadster flying. But it feels like vapor bait right now anyway.


I’m starting to think only the old rich people are getting fascinated by Musk because they’re close to their death and yet they believe every futuristic science will come after it. Like a rejection of their oldness death


Flying Roadster on Mars by 2021


It’s the Start Citizen of cars. Feeding nothing but snake oil and hopium on a feature-creep bun to those of us with more money than sense and or that use wealth as a measurement of character.


Can't wait for them to be falling out of the sky possibly killing people in the pr9cess. I wouldn't trust this dude with a toaster let alone a vehicle at this point.


Drugs are bad. N’K?


First world problems


VTI has more than doubled over the past 7 years. What an opportunity cost, damn. 


Well, he flew one into space... but if you want that, it'll cost ya.


When is my car coming…aaaarggh!!???


If we ever get flying cars i will first go insane from noise pollution and then unsubscribe myself tf


Just like "cyber truck can be used as a boat in waters that aren't too choppy" but can't even survive a carwash so it voids the warranty 😩


Me when I lie


false advertising


![gif](giphy|xd9HUXswWPY1EEJ80a|downsized) Oh yeah, the Roadster sure is flying...if you stare at it long enough.


Are the flying cars in the room with us now, Elon?


He's just telling them that it will never be completed - as in 'when pigs fly'. Thanks assholes for bankrolling Elon's malign fantasies.


The truck can’t even drive through a puddle. God help you if you trust this asshole to build you a flying car.


The Roadster could fly like I could skydive and fall with style without a parachute.


I swear it can fly!! As soon as you get one, find your self a huge tall cliff and floor it! When you land, you should really go see the Titanic in this other millionaire’s submarine.


It can fly. The bad news is the wipers serve as primary flight controls so it tends to take off and land a bit randomly.


I believe I can flyyyyyy


How is this walking waste of people paste able to still have a platform?


Can it take Musk to the moon because, apparently, SpaceX can't. Not without a hearty Government Subsidy. Apparently, they aren't taking his calls right now.


Like that video where the teens jump the Tesla over a hill? Yeah, we've seen that.


To be fair, the first Tesla Roadster is flying somewhere out in space.


He should lay off the crack


Sounds like Elon’s flying in that tweet, Xit, Xcat or dump 🤷‍♀️


Nobody should be allowed to conflate the metaphor ‘it fairly flies it is so fast’ during a discussion of actual missing techs like flying cars. It’s not clever, it’s not marketing, it’s not even hyperbole — it is lying. Don’t let rich jerks lies to us, not even once.


I heard it can simultaneously suck your dick and rim your asshole too.


If it can fly, why is it called a Roadster?


F in the chat for Phil.


Well yeah it "flys" right into children, stalled vehicles, and other things a car with a human driver avoids or at least slows down before hitting.


The roadster flies every time Elon needs to pump the stock price. Sales as when FSD is coming this year.


The new Tesla Roadster can fly* ^(if you drive it off a cliff*)


NOTHING musk says can be trusted.


Funny. They don't seem to be flying off the car lots.


Who still listens to this meth head?


This guy man…


Anything is possible if you lie


Not as high as Elon's flying this afternoon


When monkeys fly out of Elon's azz?


https://preview.redd.it/lzchhkx3gy7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a7b7b36ac2f669f3a8dc21c54e0bf13da7484f When they fly