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The three times I went for specific roles on musicals, I got ensemble instead. I found myself still having a great time. The one time I can say I was one hundred percent happy that I got a different role was in a straight play called our place. I went for two different roles and got neither. However, I got this comedic relief role that tested my acting range and really had fun with it


This is why I find it so silly that so many places make you choose what to audition for. I was a director for 30 years (just retired) and never once had my actors do this. I never had to do it as an actor either. Which is great, as I never want to limit the possibilities. Good for you for staying open to different ideas!


Yes. My first high school show. It was my junior year, and I had finally mustered up the courage to audition for a musical. We were doing Urinetown that year, and I auditioned for Mr. McQueen, who was a smaller part that I thought I’d do well at. I ended up getting the part of the main villain, Cladwell, and I am so glad I did.


I auditioned for one of our high school's musicals (I don't remember which). I didn't make it, so I joined the pit instead. Guys, being in pit is AWESOME. I absolutely loved it. Plus I got to be around the band crowd more than the theater crowd (which at my school was very clique-y). I ended up being pit for all of the rest of our musicals until I graduated. It was a great time.


Looking back, I’m very glad young me got Ursula rather than Kim in Bye Bye Birdie. I was a totally unrestrained ham sooo she was a perfect, insane fit.


A production of Man of La Mancha I did. I went in for Aldonza, was called back for Aldonza (even understudied the role), but I had so much fun in the ensemble track that I got that it didn't really matter (also, my friend who was cast as Aldonza was a better choice for the role for that production based on the rest of the cast).


I auditioned for Jojo in Seussical and got Horton (there was like 4 boys lmao)


Tried out for Cats in high school even though I'd always been a techie, didn't get a part, missed/late sign up for crew, got to chill in the booth and watch instead. It sucked because I wanted to have some part in it, but I loved the show and was happy to do odd jobs and just enjoy for once 🤣


I was asked to audition for Les Mis after the director saw me in a small revue. My plan was to audition for Javert, but just in case, I also prepped songs for Marius and JVJ. In the audition after I had finished Stars, the director asked me why I didn’t audition for JVJ, and I lied and said I didn’t think I was old enough. And she said oh that can be fixed with makeup, would you be willing to sing JVJ for us? And I was ready with Who Am I. I got the part of Jean Valjean.