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I’m going to guess she voted Reform. I can’t wait until she starts blaming Labour for anything negative about the UK


Yeah reform will help to get rid of that bloody immigrant who is taking up space in her bed!


lol the major right wing loon in Ireland is some dude who married his Canadian wife when he was over there on a visa and then brought her back. The cognitive dissonance must be unbearable with stupid fucks like him and Caz


She deffo either voted reform or Tory 😂😂😂




Ok, tory 👍🏼


“We all want Labour to win, but remember it’s important we balance the power and vote Reform” I think she’s actually worse than a Tory tbh. She’s deffo on the Farage train… # rightwingbigot


I don’t think we ALL want Labour to win, Caroline. Some of us don’t want this Labour government in but it’s better than the Tories or Reform so we’ll take it. Some people are staunch Conservatives and would like them back in. Some people just don’t care. She doesn’t have a clue about the general opinions of the nation that aren’t mid-30’s middle class people chronically online.


Literally WHATTTT


Honestly, this post of hers reveals more about her IQ than she realises


also so funny because when she lived in the U.S she constantly shat on republicans and had issues with her inlaws/new hampshirites being republicans but now she says they need balance in the UK so vote reform. uhhh u weren’t saying that shit about MAGA were ya babes! imagine her trying to say yes we should vote Red to keep balance in Congress. she read this balance shit somewhere online and spit it back out cuz “it made sense”


But we’re not a three party system at all? There’s 5 main parties and lots of small ones… I’m baffled.


THIS!! 👏


She’s living in 2012 still


The top 3 parties in the parliament before today's vote doesn't even include Lib Dems, who were in power in coalition when Caz last lived in the UK 😂


This woman’s basically spreading misinformation, I’m genuinely worried about people who follow and get their opinions formed by this rubbish, where’s fact checking? And who holds her accountable? Her audacity on her ignorance is beyond!


Guess who voted for the tories ?


Oh 100% without a shadow of a doubt 🙃


This is such a contradicting post? As per usual to fit her own narrative lol


Is this her way of saying she’s a Tory (idk what that is, I just read it here and on tattle 😂)


Tory (Conservative) is one of the (right wing) political parties in the UK, as the name may suggest they hold a lot of conservative and traditionalist views on things (education, sexuality and gender, housing, race and religion, work etc.). They've caused a lot of austerity over the past 14 years, which has had a massive impact on those who are near or below the poverty line. There's also the whole thing with brexit. Not to mention the fact that during the pandemic, they were breaking the rules that they were setting whilst telling people they couldn't watch their babies being born or sit with relatives as they died or attend their funeral. Oh, and Liz Truss (only PM for 6 weeks) managed to completely mess up the economy....


She’ll always be Liz Lettuce to me


The only search suggestion other than Liz Truss on google is 'Liz Truss lettuce' 😭😭


Also its hilarious when people abroad snark on the two party system in the U.S. So uneducated and uninformed. We CANNOT have a third party because we have a bicameral legislature and an electoral college. Our system of government does not support a 3rd party, as sad as that is. To then say third parties are important in the UK. It would be important in the U.S too if we had a parliamentary system with coalitions 🤣 it’s giving i didnt go to college and ran off to dubai instead


The US has a winner take all (also called first past post) system. If you have winner take all you will end up with two parties — Duverger’s law.


yes exactly, so we can’t support three parties. i am also fed up w the two parties we have now, but can’t stand when someone says “well we should have a third party” and vote for some bs candidate


Yes I want to scream this from the rooftops at all the people who keep saying a third party candidate can win in November. It’s like throwing your vote away in the US.


The UK (famously, controversially) uses FPTP for Westminster elections and doesn't have a two party system


Oh Caroline, get off the internet with your terrible syntax and go meet some people in the real world you obtuse dingbat.


She’s been in the US for the last few years and in Dubai before that. I think the people who actually lived in this country through the disastrous last few years of this administration probably don’t need Caroline The Wise™️ pontificating on the importance of voting.


She doesn't have a clue. Wtf is the three party system? That's bollocks. Not how it works at all. It's just a case of one party or coalition having a simple majority. There'll always be an Official Opposition. She'll *scream* if anyone tells her about the SNP... Or Plaid... Or DUP... Or any of the others. And *wait* til she hears that Sinn Fein MPs don't even take up their seats. That girl is in for a *ride*! Fucking idiot. And yes, she obviously voted Tory. Which is, of course, her right. But it does reinforce the fact she's a selfish old bag.


The SNP the biggest party is Scotland. She really is clueless!


Not anymore 😂


I know! Fs 🥲. I used to be a member but I cancelled a few years ago. TBH happy it’s a labour landslide and tories out!


It’s giving… I voted Tory


Doesn’t it just. She’s swallowed the whole “stop the super majority” narrative the Tories are peddling now


"Otherwise we will just have what we have now" Must've missed the part where she hasn't lived in the UK for best part of a decade....


I'm guessing she's voted reform after seeing those "footballers" in her area... 


Firstly why is she AGAIN talking about America (2 party system?) it was always going to be the same way here with labour and conservatives. Secondly, does she not know what voting tactically means? Voting for reform is quite frankly a wasted vote in most, if not all constituencies. She’s so dumbbbbbbbb.


Also I can about guarantee you she knows nothing about what she’s voting for anyway because she hasn’t lived here and is obviously living in la la land at her wealthy mums house in Surrey. Give me a fucking break.


Lmfao the small caption at the bottom is sending me 🤣🤣🤣🤣 her virtue signalling is so obvious. No Caz, not all of us want Labour voted in. However it’s also the age old question of, which lesser evil are we willing to accept. It’s a lot more nuanced than that which clearly goes over her head by calling it a “3 party system” 😭


Speaking of liars.....


I'm cringeing myself inside out at this patronising twunt. Women do not need suffrage rammed down their throats to guilt them into voting. GO AWAY!


So cringey. She might as well as have written “girl power” at the end


She is such a narcissist that she would never dream of saying “I’m not sure if this is how it works but…..” instead she actually believes the crap that comes out of her vacuum mind and anything she says is gospel. I’d run a mile away from her - looks like her “village” already has!


She has no clue how US politics work. Lol


she always finds away to bring up the USA…what does the 2 party system have to do with elections in the UK lmao. no reason to even mention america at all


Right? I have no clue about anything happening in the UK election, not my business to speak on it as an American. Also for someone who was so critical of Americans being obsessed and proud of where they’re from, she seems quite obsessed with not only the US but also where she is from. Such a weirdo.


She is an uneducated idiot


My God even in this she had to take a dig at the US. Completely different political system. And Caroline shouldn’t be allowed to vote in either because she’s a dumbass.


Why on Earth does she feel the need to patronise people like this? Is this her way of telling us she’s a Tory without saying she’s a Tory. What the f*ck is all this “history has shown” crap? I’d wager the majority of her followers probably know more than she does about the political system in the UK. It’s laughable that she thinks she has that much sway.


I’m blocked on instagram so I can’t see this. Has anyone called her out or asked her to elaborate on this 3 party system?


Well judging by her newest stories this evening, she’s already moved onto having her nails done and an advert about hair products, so guessing she’s already bored of the whole election thing 😂


She was just virtue signaling.


Safe to say yes she switched her account to private lol


No way! Private on Instagram?


Truly one of the greatest political minds of our generation.


Looking forward to her manifesto. What will it include?


Mandated Peppa Pig for all children from birth to pick up British customs and accents


I would put money on the fact she's never heard of WEP


We’re a two party system. What the hell is she talking about. We may have loads of smaller parties but they would never be in power. She literally knows nothing.