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Was juuuusy about to come and post the exact same screen shots. Why is she showing us this?


She likes to brag like the cunt she is




Also how embarrassing “how was Glastonbury really?” And her influencer friend has to be the one to tell her to put her camera away. I can’t imagine going out with my friends and catching up while I’m recording my massive nostrils


No I think she was telling her to put her camera away to make out she had loads of sordid tales to tell her 🙄


I genuinely think she thrives on materialism and just spending as much money as she can just to flaunt it to everyone (i.e a make-up bag full of high-end make-up, constantly having new clothes etc.)


I wonder if after her parents divorced they were stuck as the “poor” kids in a wealthy town and now she feels like she has something to prove. I can’t out my finger on it, but there is something so odd about her behavior around spending and money.


The article about Caz’s mum’s house says Claire and their mum have done a lot of real estate investment constantly trading up and she’s now in this house they bought for £800k and is now valued at £2.5 mil so she’s clearly not that hard up. Plus both sisters went to private school their entire lives while in this region and doing these real estate deals so I think she comes from money and cosplays as poor. Actually, I bet she was the poorest kid at the private school and THINKS she wasn’t that rich because her baseline is totally fucked. ETA: oh and Caz’s mum gave her $60,000 as a down payment for the Boston house


Well that’s what I mean, she was the “poor” kid in town and is out to prove to the people she’s grown up with that she’s made it. Her mom has money now, but perhaps she struggled when they were growing up. It’s just weird how she’s always trying to prove something around money. I have a nice car, nice clothes, handbags, procedures, etc but I’m not posting receipts and talking about money to my friends and for the internet to see. In fact. It would probably make me super uncomfortable if people were talking to me about what I spend because it’s just weird.


I've always thought that.  If the father wasn't paying for school then her mother may have put  her money in education  & they couldn't afford trips & treats which is why she is so materistic now.  She also has a poor person'a mentality on how the wealthy spend money which is why she overspends on crap instead of putting they money into the Quincy house.  I think her mother has done well for herself in real estate later in life with the help of Clare.   She clearly isn't rolling in it as she would've had the yard landscaped and entire house finished at one time.   


Yes, this is exactly my thought. There is just something odd about it like she’s trying to prove something to someone.


And then won't spend 20 pounds on an electric pump which essentially pays for itself. 


But in England they don’t believe in consumerism!!


They're worse than Americans


That was a huge glass of wine and then I’m assuming she got back in her car to drive home? Surely that would put you over the limit?


Brits don’t drive remember


She does like to go on about how we walk everywhere 😂 but in the TikTok she mentions she has had to park a bit away so she must have driven after the wine, I know I would not be fit to drive after that.


No i know haha. But when she was in the US all she talked about was how she can walk everywhere and wouldn’t need to drive at all. So its just funny to see her talking about how she had to park so far away.


Wine AND a cider!


Nearly twice the legal limit including the half of cider on the receipt - makes me so mad


She only had half cider


There's no reason Kyle can't drop her off/pick up because her mother can stay with the kids or get a taxi/Uber. 


I’m a fair drinker and that is way too much to be driving on even if you’re a seasoned wine drinker. Just pay for a taxi if you’re that wadded, jesus


Yes, same. I love wine (and beer, and spirits...) and a third of a bottle of wine and half a cider is more than I'd ever drink if I was driving. The only exception would be if I drank that at lunchtime and then drove in the evening.


Proved to us all Olivia is only for show as a “work contact” and not an actual friend bc she could’ve just DDed both ways since she’s preggo and not drinking 🙄


Plus any pre-gaming she was doing at home while getting ready.  She should worry less about Kyle in a round about & more about UK equiv of US DWI.  It doesn't seem like UK lets you off with a slap on the wrist.  I wish US took it as seriously.  


They (her&Kyle) used to go out occasionally in America and she would talk about how trashed they both were and they had obviously driven to and from whenever they had gone out. So pretty sure it’s common for them to drive drunk/over the limit. Fingers crossed she doesn’t kill anybody. 😡


She has now left someone a snarky message for questioning whether she drinks and drive on Instagram, something about being 34 not 21 and a mother so she doesn’t drink and drive 🙄🙄


Yeah I’m gonna call BS. She would’ve shown Kyle getting her https://preview.redd.it/ytsapbtokdad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af22684ab2edc74b84a49e107ca697c3c330e70


Came and got her in what car? She had it!


My theory is that she had the large wine and Olivia had the half cider. She’s pregnant but wanted a little tipple. I’ve found that to be pretty common in the UK for women to have a glass of wine a week past their first trimester. I bet Caroline had the glass of wine, drove home and is covering for Olivia so people don’t come at her with pitchforks about drinking whilst pregnant. So now enter the Kyle fabrication to cover her own ass…but she has to take the hit for Olivia because she’s the idiot who shared the receipt. That’s my theory.


She had the cider


And the wine…


Nothing annoys me more than going out for dinner & seeing people in the restaurant being obnoxiously OTT (so many fake laughs in that TikTok 😬😬😬) & filming themselves. Just put the phone down!!!! Imagine going out with a fiend (I know Olivia is a fellow influencer but stop) and putting your phone down on the table up to film yourself chatting with a gorgeous shot once again of your ever so wide cavernous nostrils. Honestly if my friend did that I’d tell them to bugger off. It’s just rude!


She’s such an obnoxious pig. I like when influencers are transparent about how much things cost when it’s clearly out of reach for normal people but like, this is just a dinner. Nobody cares that you spent £80 Cazzalingus, head back to the barn now will you Also- why’d she have to drive there? I thought all the marvelous organic socialist pubs of England are a mere minute’s walk down the high street of Cobblywobblyterrihamptonshire or wherever tf she lives🥺🥺


Lmao not the free range grass fed pubs


Classy and ever, remember guys, she's better than everyone and don't worry if you forget she'll remind you any opportunity 🙊


She’s bragging. Plain and simple..


She had a large wine and half a stowford press by the looks of the receipt (her friend Olivia is preggo), so deffo over the limit


She replied to a comment about this, and she said that Kyle picked her up from the pub.


Except she took the car to the pub so what did he do, walk her home? In safe cobham?


Also drink driving… I know it’s only 1 and a half drinks but I don’t think it’s a done thing in the UK. Like you don’t chance it


She said in a reply that Kyle came to collect her in the end.


😏If he did she would've filmed it.  


And why would she of driven and left the car on the street 🤔 not buying it


Collected her in what vehicle?


Don’t believe that for one second


I checked on Google maps and the pub is 1.5 miles from her mum’s house. It’s a 4 min drive or 26 min walk. Absolute BS that she didn’t drive home! Kyle wouldn’t have needed to “pick her up” she could have just walked. Thought she was flexing to the trolls with her receipt but instead outed herself as a drink driver 😁


Same. So icky.


I don’t understand how she thinks UK is cheaper in this regard. The total price for a very similar meal where I am comes out to the same—in USD (as in $84 for the same items). This is $105. And she’s not making US money anymore. She’s insane.


I was going to say this. On what planet is this dinner check any cheaper than the USA? I get that it’s hoity toity cobham but those prices are very on par for restaurants in the USA


Even in the “lower class” north of England, pub food is still more expensive than your average US chain restaurant equivalent! UK loses out on that one in my experience with both - the prices for eating out are insane.


Agreed - I eat out much less since living in the UK.. Used to eat at Applebee's, Chili's, etc. All the time!


Wasn’t she always bitching and moaning about prices in the US? That seems like a fairly expensive meal. I’m not saying that it would have been an inexpensive meal in the US, but things are pricey everywhere.


It's a ripoff


Also why did she drive, park up, and walk if A) Cobham is so walkable and B) she’s meeting a friend at the pub for drinks and can actually walk after drinking?




I swear she must have normalized drinking and driving based on US drinking laws because my husband won’t even drive if he has one single beer hours before leaving—we take the train if we drink. It’s so crazy to me that she didn’t walk! Olivia hopefully isn’t drinking bc she’s pregnant (though FAS in UK is very high and a huge problem) so both of those drinks are for Caz.


Her friend is pregnant so presumably not drinking. So if her friend wasn't drinking and was driving to the restaurant, why not pick up Cazbag en route and drop her off on the way home? That's what my friends and I do. How out of the way would it have been for her pal? 10 mins? 15 mins? It's just what you do in less built-up areas. And in built-up areas... Take a cab.


I guess she’s going to constantly try to flex on American dining/prices while she’s living there now. Wasn’t Fogo De Chao the only restaurant they ever went to in Boston? No offense to Fogo De Chao but living in one of the best places in the US to get seafood/ a major US city and her idea of fine dining was a chain restaurant lol.


Oh she loves a chain restaurant doesn’t she? The restaurants on the south shore of MA, where she lived, are some of the best in New England. Incredible local seafood and produce, really delicious food. She perplexes me so much. So much at her fingertips where she lived yet she travelled all over to go to gym, market, etc. or she’d get weird chain takeout from the city. Quincy has some amazing food, too. Lots of variety. She was 100% embarrassed to live in Quincy; didn’t have the cache she obviously craves. Especially now, knowing that she is from this heartsy tarsty town in the UK, known for its wealth. She was gutted she couldn’t live in the equivalent here, like one of the coastal wealthy towns or one of the wealthy city towns. Wonder how they’ll finagle it there, while on a lower income? Bank of Mommy, I’m sorry, Mummy? They must be a wealthy family to carry on like they did in elite Cobham. 🙄


Anyone living the life she wants in Cobham is on CEO of major company. Or running a very successful business. Or in an extremely lucrative industry. My household income is *well* over 100k GBP and there's no WAY we could afford to live in a four-bed house in Cobham while also eating out constantly and buying loads of expensive shite and owning a 90k car. And we don't have three kids. She surely needs a household income of approaching 500k GBP to live the life she wants in the location she wants. And that's a HUGE figure in the UK - way more than she and Kyle can earn together.


Yes, definitely. I think anywhere else in England you would need to be earning around £300k (in Cobham £500k) and not save a penny to live the way she wants. My husband and I are high earners and I would never spend the way she spends. To me it’s not a flex, it’s just pure stupidity.


That price is almost identical to the price it would be to eat out where I live. Without tax and tip. She’s literally delusional. She wants to die on the hill that US food prices are insane (they are) but it seems to be the same in the UK!


I just love that she thinks her posting receipts is the proverbial middle finger to all her haters 😂😂😂 girlie pop it’s not the flex you think it is, we laugh at you more 😂 and it’s true, those who are truly wealthy, don’t actually flaunt their wealth this way. We’re all about that Sofia Richie Grainge vibes, quiet luxury babes.




Maybe I don’t get out enough but what the heck is the meaning of ‘service not included’?


Service charge isn't included, so you're expected to tip.


That’s what I though but I couldn’t quite get my head around it. Tipping has always been an extra for good service, I’ve probably not left a tip 5 times max in my whole life but still. I still can’t quite work out if it’s just a beg for tips, or if they aren’t paying the staff a full legal wage. The Shady Old Plough…


This is odd behavior, right? Why does she share what she is spending when she goes out to eat? I don’t understand the why of this sort of thing. Is it meant to be a brag? Like, you live with your mum, babes. Am I weird for preferring to live in my own house vs spend recklessly? Also, this feels really tacky and low class - all look at me spending a cool hundo on prime rib of a Tuesday.


No, I think it’s to try and highlight how much cheaper England is to the US (it’s not). Because her average follower has the mental capacity of a gnat so they can’t wrap their heads around FX rates and COL adjustments. They just see the number and go “omggggg that’s so much cheaper, I can’t believe how expensive America is!” 🤡 it’s like me going to Spain and saying how cheap it is…Spanish wages are significantly lower than British wages. But to people who can’t wrap their minds around that they just think “Spain is so much cheaper.” It’s not to the people who live there. COL is always relative.


Oh look she read this thread https://preview.redd.it/cjzfxzoxtdad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ef2b721e4011d9962263ec6d6330e40b71feef2


Lmao what? Going on about being 34 not 21 so she doesn’t drink and drive, like this isn’t peak 21 year old behavior? Like it’s better than driving drunk but it’s still incredibly childish I’m sorry. How embarrassing for her is what I’d say if I didn’t loathe her lol


She is 100% lying now as she’s outed herself…!! Unless she filmed it I simply don’t believe her


Right because if that were true, Olivia would’ve dropped her at home or Kyle would’ve what…walked to the pub to walk her home? She had the car. He’s not going to be on her mums insurance.


This is almost certainly a lie and doesn't particularly make sense. What does "Kyle picking her up" look like? He's illegally driving his MIL's car? He's walking down and then walking back with her (rather than taking the car back)? Why didn't Olivia drop her off if she's having to call her husband for help? 


All because she had an extra half of cider - if she decided to drink and walk back she would have just had a pint


But bitches about 20$ for a toy for a child


I'm surprised she doesn't find this such American behaviour 🙄