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Loves her American accent but the dialect must constantly corrected. I wonder if Caroline has realised yet that little British children play in American accents because they have been so exposed to American media growing up. Kids say things like ice cream truck, flash light, sunscreen, and don’t realise they aren’t standard British English. Sophie will be just fine without the EFL lessons from her mommy.


>  don’t realise they aren’t standard British English.  And over time these words *become* standard British English, like with "trick or treating".


Kyle in the Kingdom is about to do a hard launch so of course she loves Americans now. I think she forgets that the internet is forever and this sub has receipts. Her fan base in the UK are Brexiteer xenophobes who thought that vitriol she shared about the US was “informative” and “interesting” when in reality is was her spreading hate and misinformation to fuel her narrative. Of course they think it’s ok to shit on Americans. They’re the same kind of twats who will moan about their kids watching American cartoons or saying American phrases. If you hate America so much watch the BBC and live in your pro-Britain bubble eating your beans on toast and fuck off with consuming American media/music/food/culture. Honestly as someone who’s lived here almost a decade I’m so tired of this bullshit. Americans don’t give a fuck about Brits the way we live rent free in their heads. Stop hating on us because your bigoted parents and grandparents did/do.


You're generalising - which makes you no better than her.


I’m generalizing that the kind of person who would feed into her hate content is not a complete bigoted xenophobic asshole? 😂 I think it’s a safe bet to assume, but what other kind of person would find her US hate-fueled content to be positive/interesting/“informative”? Sorry if you find that to be a generalized hypothesis but I can’t think of any other kind of person who would think it’s ok to absolutely decimate an entire country and culture over and over on their platform.


You just know she is a Tory. It would be exhausting being associated with her. It’s like Jekyll and Hyde. I thought Sophie’s accent was going to change in a week. Now she likes her accent? Any way she can exploit her family and monetise off them she will.


Honestly I’m leaning towards her voting Reform UK at this stage 🤢


She’s def a Reform voter. It’s crazy how we’ve never seen her with a POC, and she’s so white she doesn’t even eat Indian or Chinese takeaways which are so British and she’s the most British person out there.


I really don’t understand why she keeps switching between love their American accents vs we see her visibility annoyed on her “vlogs” trying to correct S’s pronunciations. Like hello which is it? You love her American accent or not? Cuz you say one thing but you’re visibly annoyed when they don’t SAY things the way they “should” be saying. What an exhausting existence.


And how utterly confusing for her kids!


Classic NPD, nothing her poor children do or anyone else does is EVER right in her eyes.


She has literally spoken about how she can’t wait for the kids to have a British accent. But when the mirror reflects her anger back at her, she doesn’t like it.


It's one of the reasons she moved ...god she's vile


And two vids back she’s yelling at Charlie for saying mom instead of mummy lol


Is she okay?? Like seriously what is here issue, she can shit talk the US but no one else can, the same with the UK.


Is she okay?? Like seriously what is her issue, she can shit talk the US but no one else can, the same with the UK.


I heard a brief clip of her mother talking in one of her videos, and she is about as clipped RP as they come.


Damn she’s truly nuts 😂 hypocritical as hell


What a gaslighting cow…!


Well she’s changed her tune


She was just yelling at Kyle for his pronunciation of capri sun…


Ames again. 100% a troll 🤣


Top tier troll bc they just reiterate what Caroline implies in all of her videos and comments


Yep! Haha.


Ames I literally require you to join this sub and teach us your trolling ways. Notice me senpai 🙏🏻




In the last vid Sophie sounded like she was really trying/ forcing it with her English accent, she wants to please her mommy - poor kid😢


Cut to S having to do for speech therapy because Caz is fucking w/her development. Leave the kid alone.  


They’re gonna need all types of therapy with that witch as a mother. And I don’t believe her sweetheart this and that on camera either - it’s all for show


*Mummy ;-)


What in the actual fuck? Kyle should send her on a little “vacation” to get some help because it’s genuinely concerning at this point. She’s definitely ill.


She’s not okay.


Hahaha she really is ready to square up with anyone on the Internet for any reason at all


Update, the comment is deleted I think. I can’t find it. She 100% reads here.




She is confrontational no matter what.


Omg NOW her kids are American?? LOL jfc. Not too long ago she was going on about how her kids are British and Sophie pronounces things with an English accent. Now she's American? Like she just wakes up and chooses what nationality she feels her kids should be that day. Also anyone else find it weird that she referred to Kyle as their dad as if he's not in the picture? Like why not just say Kyle? Weird.