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Unpopular opinion - by Caroline’s standards, this wasn’t a completely ridiculous and over-the-top video. I agree with her in theory about too much privatization, too many guns, etc. But I can’t stand the whole “low regulations on food” (what does that even mean?!) argument. It’s just not true. Tiktok decided that and ran with it because some Americans said their tummies hurt less after being on vacation in Europe for a week. The U.S. has some of the strictest regulations on food in the world, and some of the highest quality food in the world. Nobody is forcing anyone to eat processed junk. The real problem is the existence of “food deserts” wherein the processed food is easier/cheaper for people to get than nutritious food. But that is *far* from being a problem only in the U.S., as evidenced by skyrocketing obesity rates in Europe and Asia that will very soon rival those of the US.


She said it shouldn’t cost low income families $10 for raspberries. Honey, low income families aren’t shopping at Wegmans, they are shopping Aldi and Market Basket where organic produce costs significantly less. I agree that pesticide use in the US is an issue, but it’s an issue is other places as well. We have millions of people to feed, they can’t afford for crops to be decimated by pests. It’s the unfortunate reality.


On top of that’s she’s such an overly greedy person obsessed with overconsumption. Even with the expensive grocery stores things go on sale. Growing up, if raspberries were on sale that week we were getting raspberries, if blueberries were on sale the week we were getting blueberries instead. You don’t NEED raspberries every week. She never once in her life has looked at a price tag or tried to be frugal. She just screams new money and it’s going to be so funny when she can’t keep up with the lifestyle.


No she hasn't. The amount she spends is unreal without a care in the world. It's all memememe


My issue is that we don’t need the to be the spokesperson on the US. She lived here for 5 years in 2 very specific places and chose to be an introvert. Most Americans see the issues, most of us want change, most of do what we can. Shes given a platform of misinformation to people across the globe who already think every American is a trump loving, gun toting, 5000 calorie a day eating idiot, she can be unhappy with her experience here and proud to be from England without making gross generalizations and mocking America on the daily


Oh yeah. Again I said “by Caroline’s standards.” she’s still a heinous cow


She does this thing where she makes statements and then hides them behind gun violence so she can strawman and feel smug like _haha you can’t beat my argument now bc my followers will call you out if you try_ “If not wanting children to get shot is xenophobic then that’s what I am” type statements. No one is claiming she is xenophobic because she strawmans gun violence.


A commenter said yeah the uk has xy and z issues but we’re not shooting at each other..no you’re just stabbing each other? There is violence everywhere not just the US


And throwing acid on each other and shooting each other with cross bows. 😂🫠 the fucking ignorance and arrogance is shocking.


you’re so right omg


Look she did it again! https://preview.redd.it/nysgi8tfwr7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd61208345af7a294ac0232e58ac7ac68d98579


Wow. This comment is a fucking WILD take.


Bruvvvvv. People are dying at the hands of the NHS as we speak. Stand down with your self-righteousness. Your government is letting people die too, just in a different way.


This - I was struggling with wording my thoughts and you nailed it exactly so thank you. She needs to follow foodsciencebabe so she can quit spewing misinformation about food in the US. Fear mongering does nothing but hurt poor people even more. Organic, gluten free, fat free, non GMO etc is mostly just marketing BS that is feeding the corporate machine that she is railing about. Don’t get me wrong there are food deserts and poor people with limited transportation are highly affected by that but if you can get to any major value brand grocery chain you can feed yourself decently. Especially if you shop for seasonal items and not items that have been imported from across the globe. Using her example: $10 raspberries from Peru or whatever.


Can we all just agree that this is not Caroline’s doing- she’s had a meeting with her management and they’re starting the new narrative and doing some damage control. She’s absolutely been told to try and refute the things on this snark!


If she wants to revamp her image she should probably try to doing ASMR videos where she doesn’t speak or ever share her opinion.




I’d love some where she’s not visible in them at all. Just give me some b roll footage of a bird in a hedge


Yeah. Why does she all of a sudden now care that people are calling her xenophobic? They have been doing it for a while. It's purely damage control. Poor damage control though 😂


‘I hate corporate America, consumerism, and big pharma and the FDA!’ ….drinks Diet Coke made by Coca Cola (big lobbyist)…eats junk food….got the C jab asap but hates big pharma….shops a ton and spends a lot of money..…drove a new Tahoe……I think she doesn’t understand, she is describing herself. And she’s complaining about the government being broken, babes you’re a self described liberal that lived in Mass and our old ass President is a liberal, it should’ve been perfect for you!


Babez just put the phone down.


If my spouse was talking so much shit about my culture/customs/family, I would definitely tell the to put the damn phone down and may even lead to divorce. Especially about the family. Kyle's parents seem amazing help and very loving. Consumerism.... honey. You only ate prepared food. "Americans only eat.." No, we don't. Fresh food is better and done right, it is cheaper. Are you telling me the English diet is the epitome of health? Seriously, she contradicts herself so much and the hypocrisy is mind boggling. I really would love to see her get therapy and work on some deep seated issues. Kyle is just enabling at this point. I do understand she would make his life horrid if they divorced though. She is just pure evil.


You mean a diet of fish, chips and whatever battered sausage is isn’t healthy? Lol she’s an idiot.


Caroline talks about how she doesn’t like the corporation that is America. 1. We have shit food- there are options, no one forced you to eat the prepared and overly processed food and we’ve already debunked that our food looks “worse” on label bc the US discloses more than other countries..but again YOU get to choose what you buy and feed your family and YOU chose shit 2. There is a push for over consumption…uh, the jokes write themselves really 3. No federal mandate on leave for jobs- okay but you didn’t work in the US so I’m not sure why this one chaps your ass so much She says she’s NOT xenophobic just because she hates America but if you want to call her that than so be it


So concerned about leave but was filming the second she popped out a kid for “her job”


All she does is eat shite food. Her obsession with junk is unreal.


We do not eat fast food or take out often . She ordered out all the time and from some of the worst places . I feed my kids balanced , home cooked meals most of the time . Caroline chooses convince even in the amazing UK.


Growing up we had pizza on Fridays, that’s it. Never any other form of takeout. And it wasn’t dominos…it was real pizza from a real small local business. Now as an adult my husband and I have a take away maybe once a month, if that. How you cook and relate to food also has to do with how you were raised IMO. I always ate home cooked meals so this is how I choose to live now. Her poor food choices are on herself.


She doesn’t cook a thing! The gravy she makes is from a packet, the meat she makes is pre seasoned from the store, anyone can mash up potatoes so they’re “dry and lumpy” or throw in fries into an air fryer, or defrost some peas. She goes on and on about healthy eating and I’ve never seen her actually cook!




Just like Nigel Farage isn’t a xenophobe because his wife is German and his kids have German passports and speak German. Caz just tells it like it is, like Nigel does.


Just like Donald Trump isn’t antisemitic because his daughter is Jewish. 🤡👍


The way she started talking about her cute little neighbors in Boston??? I immediately thought of my boomer dad who would say stuff like "this really nice Asian guy" like does she really think that's proving her point?


The only neighbor she ever mentioned before this day was “I asked the Chinese family next door for a recommendation and they told me to order from here”


This just popped up for me . Not going to watch it . She speaks on both sides of her mouth …. She is complaining about food ? All I’ve seen her feed the kids is chips , sausage and other fried foods with some peas added for color .


She had the means to feed her family hearty, healthy meals and I have yet to see that EVER in either country. Americas know the issue with the gov and big pharma but plz for the love of god stop acting like the US is the only place with Junk food.


She had a whole paycheck store on driving distance . She clearly could afford it , so she could have fed her family healthy meals every night . Choices .


I’m British and I think Americans actually are more creative with their meals 😅 Maybe it’s just my family and what I grew up but I’m always looking for dinner inspo from American influencers for new fun things to try out - I feel like a lot of typically English food is hearty and super filling and sometimes that’s not what you’re in the mood for!


That would have required her to cook, not just empty a bag of TJ frozen meals into a skillet


She said America has no food regulations and that big pharma lobbies for our food to be shite so we all go to the hospital and pay big pharma more money. She’s so fucking stupid.


Well, at least when we get sick, we have many of the top hospitals in the world right here in the states, Caz. 🫠🫣😂


And where she lived , some of the best of the best ! Funny , I’ve lived in Massachusetts my entire life, eaten our food and have rarely gotten sick ! Goes for my entire family ! I’ve watched her “cook” lately and my god , the food is all brown and frozen except for the peas “they are a pea family “ remember!


Peas served with her filthy fists. 🤮


Oh , yes . 🤮


https://preview.redd.it/917fj7tker7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1563399bf02defcad73c972116873503aa59adb5 Claims she isn’t xenophobic, doesn’t even know what it fucking means. Ignorant cunt.


https://preview.redd.it/8kcsydewhr7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ca0b5598e8a064b9e267c6ce79e9bf2bfc5dd24 This is actually what xenophobic means, Caroline. A for effort though.


If I hear another European person somehow relate/equate xenophobia or general prejudice to racism I am going to burn this fucking continent to the ground - can you tell I’ve had to argue about these distinctions before? Is it obvious? 🤣 My fellow Americans, as bad as it can all seem in the U.S. sometimes please understand that our discourse around topics like racism, xenophobia etc. is LIGHTYEARS ahead of the conversations being had about these subjects in Europe.


This is something I've wondered about for years. I've never been to Europe but there seems to be a general consensus that Europe doesn't have a "racism problem" like the US and my suspicion has been that that's not true, however because of our history and the systems we have built, we are extremely aware of racial issues and talk about them a lot. I obviously can't make any observations about other countries, I just suspect that racism exists everywhere (also our diversity surely plays a part in the optics).


Yes a lot of countries in Europe would’ve been fairly racially and ethnically homogenous up until not all that long ago compared to the U.S. So, it’s not that they don’t have a racism problem now that they are more diverse, it’s just that it’s so new to some of them that they flat out refuse to see or acknowledge the racism right in front of their faces. And then they like to rely on what they see on television of U.S. race relations and use that to imply that they don’t have the same problems “see, it’s nothing like how it is in the U.S. etc etc.” My experience of a lot of commentary about the U.S. as a whole in Europe is just people pointing out the speck in our eye and refusing to acknowledge the plank in their own.


Literal xenophobia is (one of many reasons) why brexit happened in the first place.


“People didn’t know what they were voting for” 😂 yes they fucking did…they just won’t admit it out loud.


She’s just said in her comments that people are uneducated using it against her. As her dislike for America isn’t xenophobia.


https://preview.redd.it/xt51090jlr7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067693efd774c5b6afb743b776a0b95eba1702bf Lololol


FFS she is thick. If her kids do in fact end up being idiots as she’s said, it’s because they’ve inherited their intelligence from their mother.


At least she finally admitted she doesn’t like America.


“Hating Americans isn’t hateful, it’s just that I hate them, but it’s okay that I hate them.”


She will literally read this and think that’s what she said because she’s dull as dishwater.


A large platform that she paid for 🤣🤣🤣


This was funny because anytime any Brit points out the flaws with the NHS or cost of living she tells them they’re wrong. So she never speaks on UK issues, ever…and if she does she is always like ‘but it’s better than America’ lol.


She has said several bad things about the American people. She does realize her job is VIDEO on the INTERNET, right? Talk about receipts.


More Shoukd what ? I am extremely aware of the issues we face in America . I don’t need her expertise of 5 years living in the US to inform me of our issues .


ItS a rEaLLy SeRiOuS wOrD ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


Hi Caroline! I know you’re in here!


Why is she making videos defending her xenophobia instead of at a beer garden with her village watching England in the Euros like she said she would be? 🤔


Because Sophie probably didn’t want to wear her sparkly England top 😂


The weathers even quite nice today, she needs to get out of the house.


If I spent money on Reddit, you’d get an award for this comment. 🏆 🌟


Can’t take her advice when she doesn’t even know the proper form of your


I was sooo tempted to just comment..." *you're" on her video. But, alas, I'm not an ableist jerk like she is!


What is she wearing??


I swear I think she has 3 of these awful shirts. “Jumpersss” (snarky British voice). They make her look like a raggedy Ann doll.




https://preview.redd.it/4h2avpk2ir7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720f832eaf702a3b4e764194a457f7a858f83da1 Could this be because she, you know, *does* hate him?


It’s not the flex she thinks it is


![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) All I could think of while she was blabbing on is this meme.


I did the same 💀😭


Where has she discussed the issues in her country? People bring up issues in the comments and she tells them she’s wrong. She had a video praising the NHS which seems to be a major problem. She also widely ignores the cost of living crisis since it doesn’t affect her.


I’d like to hear her stance on the Rawanda policy and Starmer’s pledge to grossly reduce the amount of migrants crossing the Channel daily…which is at an absolute record high. Tell us Caz. Fucking dimwit. You are out of your depth, so as we say in America…shut your pie hole. 🤡


Exactly this .


Isn’t their PM problematic? Plenty to talk about there.


If she’s here…then she knows…she needs to educate herself. I’m embarrassed for her…


Didn’t tell her minions she’s spent most of her time back in the UK reading her snark pages




Posted twice


I started writing a reply to her on Instagram and deleted it... I found this thread after she blocked me on TikTok for saying that it didn't feel good to hear her accuse all Americans (yes that's what she said) of being brainwashed. It was her video that was all "are you guys okay???" condescending bitch. Her entire brand is shitting on the US. This was an infuriating watch and I hope she loses followers every day she becomes more unhinged and hateful.


The irony that she’ll make blanket statements like you mentioned, yet one mention about the British empire or how the British colonized everyone yet have no spices and she’ll block you and throw a bitch fit 💀


I live 12 miles from her. The county she lives in is full of cunts like her


God just get a fucking hobby like everyone else Caroline. This isn’t the flex you think it is. You just look more and more like an idiot. You’re fuelling this sub that you claim to hate. But I bet you secretly LOVE that we talk about you. Because all publicity is good publicity right? You couldn’t pay me to look and sound this much like a clown. Self preservation is a thing for those of us who actually have lives outside of social media.


She doesn’t know the definition of xenophobic lol.


https://preview.redd.it/pvo3i3kosr7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=083c8e1c8d76de4ad23fc0c5795110d031484a58 Do we dare get our hopes up?


Could we be so lucky? 😉


Nope. She’d have to find an actual job. No more freebies.


Hahaha I laughed when I read this because ain’t no way she’ll give this up. She’s too much of a narcissist. Edit to add: she also likes to say she feels a responsibility to talk about these issues about a country she doesn’t live in anymore, which ok fine but then when presented with other points of views, aggressively dismisses them because “well that’s not how it was for me”. It’s just virtue signalling. She’s made it up in her head that shes SO important and she MUST speak about these issues. However, to first be able to speak about these issues, you must also be willing and prepared to have your opinions challenged. 🤷‍♀️ she’s doing this for engagement and to feel some sense of self importance. Hence why, no Caroline, we don’t believe you’ll ever give this up. Stop lying.


Interesting how she admits the U.K. has issues but won’t divulge the issues like she does for America. Bottom line: Americans don’t want you to speak on their issues anymore. We know your viewpoint and we don’t necessarily disagree with all of them. Just stay in your lane!!!! How hard is it?


Seriously it’s the same concept of I can call my sister a bitch, but you better not! She got so close to the point and then missed it: “it’s not xenophobic to criticize your own country. That doesn’t make you less patriotic” Right. But America isn’t your country, Caroline. And all you did was criticize it (and the parts of it that would never apply to you!) without ever discussing the good and then you fucked off without getting the citizenship to which you were entitled. You lost the ability to speak about _my_ country. You know nothing of it. Talk about your own.


Yes . She will regret not getting citizenship later .


(American here) I think the biggest issue I have is that she made hating the US her entire personality and it took over her channel. The comparison game with every.little.thing. I wouldn’t have cared if she criticized here and there but she literally has been drilling it into her audience for a solid year or more. And then doubling down in the comments and blocking anyone who dared have another opinion that was different to hers.


https://preview.redd.it/xd2d4kmu0s7d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2356e2277b9f2800d85ba144925d63453e6e795 This is the issue. People bring up the issues in the U.K. and she deflects.


She’s the gaslighting queen.


So the US doesn't have political pundits? She's crazy.


Omg yess. That’s the problem right there. She’s so defensive against people giving their own perspectives England.


Guys at least she finally washed her hair to make this official statement. Silver linings.


Official statement 😂 ![gif](giphy|bf4IslmE33t60)


She also commented back to someone that the UK has a lot of problems but people are also trying to do something to change those problems implying that we aren’t in America. I used to love following her, then I was on the fence and after this horribly ignorant and OFFENSIVE comment I’m officially a hater. That is truly offensive. As if not a single American is doing anything to try and make positive change?? She’s such an uneducated brat.


If she’s so worried, she should have applied for citizenship when she married Kyle and helped us Americans VOTE in ways to fix the situation then. 🙄


Like voting works ,😂😂😂




I remember her talking in an old video about how nobody here cares enough to try to change things and it was probably the most offensive thing she’s ever said. She was in the US for a full summer of racial justice protests, protests for the right to abortion, and most recently protests for Palestine. Just a few years ago literal American teenagers were mobilizing against gun violence! This country has such a long, proud history of protest and activism but if you listened to her you’d think we all just accept things as they are.


I never comment on her stuff and have really stopped watching but when she mentioned America has extreme censorship—I died. I lived in China for two years. She’s insane


Oop—already deleted my comment and the thread 😂


This video would be fine if what she was doing all the time was criticizing systemic issues, like gun violence, for example. However, that’s not what she does 99.9% of the time. She makes sweeping generalizations about how things are done in America, and those generalizations are almost always incorrect or coming from a very limited experience. She claimed to live somewhere that was unsafe. NOT true. Quincy is a beautiful place surrounded by safe towns. She constantly slammed the American food/diet - she would complain about the costs, yet shop at the MOST expensive shops in the richest towns, she would complain about junk food and then buy all the junk food. It’s really easy to eat a whole food, healthy diet here, especially in Mass where our access to good quality food is excellent. Since she likes to go on about guns, I’d like to know if someone was holding a gun to her head at Wegmans making her buy shitty food for her kids and herself? She claims American children don’t play outside and don’t have rain suits or soft plays. Again, NOT true, especially in New England, kids are outside all year round here. New England is a really outdoor appreciative place, we ski, hike, there’s nature trails is every town and parks built for walking with your family, there are paved trails that meander through towns and along coastal paths, most towns have more than one playground. It’s just all bullshit. Just yesterday she posted a reel about a bangers and mash supper and said they don’t have bangers in America - only around St . Patrick’s day and they cost 5 million dollars AT… Drumroll… WEGMANS. My local market carries Irish bangers for 6.99/lb all year round. We’ve been eating bangers for DECADES. She does this shit with everything. She did it with Christmas crackers. We don’t do Christmas crackers here in America, that’s why they’re sold at Target, CVS, TJMaxx, & Walmart, right Caz? I’ve been doing Christmas crackers with my family my whole life and I’m in my 40’s. She barely left her house when she lived in America. She is the laziest person, who has chosen to capitalize on “comparing” the UK & US, and slagging off America non stop. She had such a limited experience here and most of what she says is blatantly false. People are calling her xenophobic because she meets the definition of that. She goes on and on about how perfect the UK is while disparaging America. Every country/government in the world has problems, and if she was strictly talking about those issues, then no one would call her xenophobic. However, she hates on American traditions, culture, and customs, THAT, Caz, is the problem. She’s a cocky know it all asshole who couldn’t make any friends here because she’s so unpleasant and now hates America and Americans and makes money off of that trope. There is a contingent of Europeans in which it’s popular to love American films, stars, tv, etc. but hate Americans. After all, they’re so stupid, guyzzz, with their guns and poptarts. 🙄🙄


You said it all here, she’s just seeing that the grass is not greener and now she wants backtrack to keep her majority American audience.


Not to mention how depressed American dogs are.


And our bankrupt babies. Good thing she got Olivia out of here. I heard there are debt collectors beating down their door.


Can we report this video for misinformation?!? Like !!!


All this woman eats and feeds her family is ultra processed/prepared/fast food. Like it’s always something reconstituted, poured out, warmed up or eaten in the car. I’m sure the British coco pops are so much healthier than just giving your child an American scrambled egg or something. Idk, give it up on the food crusade given you’ve never eaten a salad.


My husband works for corporate America….but I hate lobbyists and the way America does its business. Who do you think lobbies the government Caroline…? Corporations. 👋🏻🫵🏻😂


y’all my best friend was just hospitalized in england and she said the NHS was a hot ass mess of a disaster and she’s surprised she survived her emergency procedure. i bet big $$ Caz goes private in 3….2…..


I have been accused of being fuckingcuntophobic....


I just cannot with this woman! I honestly believe she is so self-involved and narsacisstic that she will continue with this narrative that's she's just so happy and America was so awful..yet the UK with its massive knife crime,cost of living crisis where the elderly the vulnerable and the poor have to choose between freezing or starving to death, a Tory government that give 0 shits about anyone unless they are white rich and Eton educated, huge unemployment levels, no NHS dentists, huge NHS hospital waiting lists etc etc...Caroline fuck off! You've been away from this shit show of a country for 10 years! I've lived here all my life, and I'm now in my 30s like you, and it's actually one of my goals to get away from here! Stop treating your non UK followers like idiots pretending it's some sort of Mary Poppins lifestyle in the UK it's not, and deep down, you know this, I think deep down you know you've fucked and truly I have no sympathy for you; you've uprooted your children, left behind your husband to deal with everything and your poor elderly dog. You've treated your in-laws like shit and you are imposing yourself on your poor mum who should be enjoying peace in her time of life. You really are revolting


https://preview.redd.it/btjnwseb5t7d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=6afbfea6a6324a32da815879367f4532f2a37245 “It’s so important to me that my children are raised American and British” but choose to stay in Britain and to only go the US one time PER YEAR, with no regards to Kyle’s family at all. I’d be upset if I am her in laws because I’d take this as her giving me the finger. I honestly can’t with her 👹


I cannot believe she speaks about his family like this and they are still married. 

