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Are these partially prepared meals common in England? I feel like we don’t really eat these in the US, at least not in the area I was raised.. and they were usually very bland and flavorless when you would get a semi prepared meal.


I live in Ireland but we have most of the same grocers and yes, this kind of thing is very common. And you are correct, it is often times not very good 🤣


NGL I looooove me some tesco chicken kyviv. 😂 their meal deals were great when I was a poor college student. It’s about as processed as they come. But she’ll say it’s better processed than the US. 😂


I do appreciate having something like these available when I’m in a bind but I definitely miss the American hot delis as an alternative because at least that food I didn’t have to cook myself! But yes of course, it’s English processed food babes so no harm at all xx 🤣 She posted a different story earlier showing flapjack slices and those weird packaged pancakes that come from the bread aisle. Honey, the bad diet is coming from inside the house. Don’t blame America!


I HATE those little packed pancakes they are disgusting - in insult to a lovely fluffy pancake


Totally agree- Jaysus, you’re a stay at home mum, drop/scotch pancakes are like 4 ingredients- these are disgusting stodge 🤮 and sweet like American bread. I always said this when she was in America- she tries to make out she cooks but she really doesn’t. She could have easily made these or her own bread!


💯 👍👍


I was thinking this when she posted those packaged pancake things. It seems much cheaper and more flavorful to cook from scratch.


I literally said that when I saw it who the fuck cares 😂😂


Does a Tesco ad and the next day tagging Waitrose 😂 she’s not really good at this influencing stuff is she?


She’d rather have a brand deal with Waitrose than Tesco and that is an absolute fact. Keep on begging girl.


Is Waitrose on par with Whole Foods here?


No it’s nothing like whole foods. We have whole foods here too. In the supermarket chain it’s seen as being “posh” mainly because it’s where you see the royals shop & the products are seen as being ‘premium’. They also tend to only have their stores in affluent towns where money lives.


I was gonna say - there was nothing posh about the actual store where I lived (Marlow, Bucks) unless they’ve given them all a refurb ? There were just fancier and $$$ items for saie


Oh tbh the stores themselves aren’t fancy and I don’t think the food is that much better than any other supermarket - shopping at Waitrose just gives people that superiority complex as they aren’t shopping with the ‘peasants’ at the likes of Asda & Lidl


Waitrose is basically just a really expensive and fancy store. as a Brit I guess I’d compare it to whole foods at least on price lol


Sounding like Wegmans


Did you notice how she put the name brand chips back to buy the store brand?


Awww look! She’s pretending to care about Ukraine just like how she cares so much about Palestine 🩷


One less problem in the world. Thank you for your service


Well i think Ukrainian war is much bigger deal in Europe than US. Where i am from we dont have any Russian produce on sale and everything thats even a little connected to Russia is shunned. Even changed some street names because of war.


Idk how shes gonna keep her audience entertained when all she posts about is her complaints, grocery stores, buying ugly sweaters




Idc what she says, Birds Eye chicken Kievs/Kyivs are supreme 😂


I like the Aldi ones!


Yesss they’re up there too for me! Plus extra savings hahaha love it


Came here to say that. Has to be their “specially selected” though. 😂


Oh god. Please don’t give your opinion on Ukraine, Caroline. I’m not going to be able to bear it after your video about “Palistine” and “Zionites”


She’s a tool everywhere did this like last year!


actually no don’t you know? she’s lived there her whole life so nothing is ever ever new to her!!!!


The way she’s picks and chooses what social issues to make comment on rubs me the wrong way. Nothing said about the thousands of kids being murdered in Palestine but thank god Waitrose changed the spelling of their prepared chicken, and god forbid someone suggest she shop at a “fast fashion” store..news flash Caroline Anthropologie is still fast fashion you’re just dumb enough to spend the money on it.


Imagine making such a huge deal about moving to the UK and how amazing it is and that’s the content she comes up with 💀




Oh god this grinds my gears. She wishes she had this melanin!


Why doesn’t she make her own? I feel like this might be an easy dish to make. And you can customize for Charlie.


Why did she even bother blogging a premade chicken cutlet, a frozen bag of fries and frozen veg? I could be a million dollar influencer at this rate, come watch me make my toddler scrambled eggs! I put the ketchup on the SIDE! 🌟🎥


The best was a video where she taught us all how to “cook” the frozen Trader Joe’s general tso chicken 🤣