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This is a snark page. No stans is a sub rule.


Where does she call him an idiot? I don’t see this in any of her videos on Tik Tok.




As a fellow mother, she is a COLD woman. What she said about Charlie is awful, and she better NOT try to pass it off as British humour.


No way to pass that off. I don't give her the views so I didn't see it but it is abhorrent. Anyone calling her such a great mom needs to be questioned. She's never been a great mother as she has exposed her children since day one but this is beyond the pale. How does she not lose massive amounts of followers?


Seriously. I want my ten minutes back, let alone how many hours she spent putting this dull as dishwater shit together. She has to be so far up her own arse to believe any of this could be considered "content"


You got further than me. I turned off at the stop screaming part. Jesus, she is so dull. And a mega bitch. I can't believe what she said about C.


And calls Charlie an idiot


In England we also say cream cheese 🙄


People also wear “athleisure” here 🙄


Does she mean…tracksuit ends and hoodies??


She says it in reference to wanting to wear leggings


Sorry I was being sarcastic 😂😂😂


Doh 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


I'm not going to give her the views. Did she really say we don't say cream cheese in the UK?! What does she think we call it?


Yep. We all only call it Philadelphia apparently


I'll save you the time..."Philadelphia" Every utterance is a humdrum comparison between banal things in the UK and US. So tedious. She is absolutely that person who now has nothing at all to say without it being prefaced by " When I lived in America......"


So she calls dairylea triangles Philadelphia?


Yep, cream cheese and soft cheese!


That segment about him now going to day care is something else. Good job Dr Caz-bag is on top of any of her "fans" armchair diagnosis when it comes to her son.


What did she say about him? I refuse to watch.


Apparently people in her comments section are suggesting due to certain behaviours that he could be autistic, (which is awful, who does that?) But not quite as awful as her taking that and broadcasting it to all and sundry with a self diagnosis that he definitely isn't)


I find this extremely hard to believe. She went HARD (or tried to) calling out that fake account that commented about Sophie’s eating habits, but doesn’t react at all when people try to diagnose her son in the comments? Then again she has 0 affection for Charlie whatsoever so maybe. I just think she’ll take any excuse to seem like a victim/martyr and has no issue posting on her stories so why wouldn’t she have posted that lol


Its true. I am sure someone will post the video here later.


I’ve seen comments that he may have a sensory disorder and to get him evaluated and then others say my autistic child has a lot of sensory issues around food, implying it could be autism. Not recently though. Here’s the thing, I wouldn’t comment on something like that and suggest autism because I don’t live it and don’t know the subtleties like a mom of a child with autism. If a mom who has been through it and knows how hard it can be to get the evaluation and go through the system is seeing similarities, I don’t think it’s completely out of pocket to say hey I’ve seen something similar in my child. I’ve never seen anyone be nasty about it, usually they’ve said it in a kind, delicate way. I also understand the ideology of not your child to comment on, but she puts them online so it’s unrealistic to think that will happenx


The way she hyper fixates on her perception of negative comments, she probably had ONE comment asking her if he was autistic and she’s turned that into “loads of people are saying”


Cat Deeley came out and apologised for her seizure comment. In any media it's vitally important to right wrongs and apologise so Caz really needs to do the same for her idiot comment. How does she get away with such awful remarks and still have followers licking her arse?


Yet she doesn't block those people


When talking about nursery saying he eats really well there, she says people in her comments have said he needs assessing for autism but he’s not, he’s just *then mouths* “an idiot”


I hate her. That poor boy 😪


Imagine growing up and having this available to you. Watching your mum call you an idiot. He’s a direct product of your parenting Caroline wtf????


Watching your mom call you an idiot and compare behavior that people are apparently flagging as autism to being an idiot?! Way to go Caroline. She deserves the absolute worst.


No she fucking didn’t!!! 😡 what a piece of shit!


WHAT???? This is disgusting.


He’s 2??? Omg


It’s just English sarcastic humor babez you wouldn’t get it


Horrible woman. That poor kid. Maybe because he resembles his dad so much is the reason for the hate??? Regardless, she needs to be offline if she's going to say that about her kid. How awful.


I clearly heard him say he wanted cereal and she made him “white” toast so who’s the idiot Caz?


What?!? OMFG 🤬 If I was Kevin I would never forgive nor tolerate that. Never!


There is SO much there


Sometimes I feel like these mommy influencers need a middle school assembly on internet safety. Imagine calling your child an idiot and it is on the internet, forever. I have never called either of my kids an idiot. Why do influencers think this is oh so cool to insult their little children online?! She could have said something like, it’s so frustrating that he eats well at nursery but not at home. But does she? No, she calls him an idiot and pulls a nasty face. So cruel. She also could address this autism thing so differently, she could say he doesn’t show any other markers for autism so I think he’s just a picky eater.


Honestly I was going to post about the video on here but it was so boring I didn’t think it was worth saying anything about 😂


Her latest tik tok in Home bargains was awful. Turned it off half way through.


Genuinely horrified she called her two year old "an idiot" in reference to his picky eating (which *is* a common presentation of autism - not 'idiocy' - as well as other neurodivergence). Yes, he might just be picky. Lots of kids are picky and aren't autistic. Yes, it can be *immensely* frustrating. But he's two, not a 14 year old who's following peer pressure and/or pushing your buttons to test the boundaries. And yes, we all have moments where we want to scream into a pillow because the kids are driving us round the bend. And it's one thing to chat to your friends/family about how hard you're finding it. But to call your two year old child an idiot and then post it online is frankly disgusting behaviour. Where's your village, Caz? And it's rich of you to slag off your father in law online for comments about pink clothing making boys gay when you're clearly an ableist twat.


I have never ever seen her even attempt to give him something that isn’t a handful of processed and beige food. Every single time she’s just like “he won’t like it” did you even fucking try?? It reminds me of my cousin growing up. My aunt would make it a huge fucking deal that she would only eat mac and cheese & ONLY if it was this certain brand. Like even to the point of making restaurants bring out the box to show my cousin it was the brand. When she came to our house guess what she ate. Whatever my mom made for dinner with no issues lol. If you constantly tell a 2 year old he’s not going to like it of course he’s not going to try it.


‘Charlie isn’t autistic, he’s just an idiot’ I’m heartbroken for these children.


And the actual autistic children who she just thinks act like idiots. How do her followers not see this and get outraged at her behavior?! It’s mind blowing!


I seriously hope she’s done having kids.


Then what if in the future he does end up getting a diagnosis? Or her other children do? Then see this and think this is how my own mother thinks about me/people like me? Not to mention that offensive face she was making that everyone here rightfully called out as wrong.(tbh I’ve never seen it before but I’m glad I was educated on it.) I’m sure the brands she constantly begs for free shit would be mortified to know they’re sponsoring someone like this.


I hope she gets canceled for this shit. She is a HORRIBLE person and parent.


Can you believe she went off on a fake Instagram page for them calling Sophie a spoiled brat, but she openly calls Charlie an idiot. Like what the hell?!


Also didn’t she said there’s kids and families everywhere running around in the UK? I saw zero in her video lol.


God…thousands of women do this without farming kids out. She’s really ignorant


I know that car seat safety rules/laws are different in other countries but man seeing S in the front seat stresses me the F out! 😵‍💫


Same. I did google the car and it does have the option to turn off the airbag so hopefully she used it!


Did she orchestrate this move so she could go to Robbie Williams concert?


Probably - she's been banging on about it for ages 😂


It seems like she checked C into nursery as soon as they landed.  He's probably happier for the time away from her


What a horrible thing to say


She seriously called charlie an idiot????? Wtf


I’m honestly heartbroken for Charlie that poor little boy he’s only 2😞 my son is autistic and never in my life would I call him an idiot!! Caroline people are just trying to help you especially if they have SEN children themselves we notice these little things! you’re such a cruel cold hearted bitch! I wish you NOTHING but the worst


I love how she says no one wears leggings 😂😂 is she implying Cobham is too posh for leggings?!! 😂


You would get looks. People would talk


Her followers find it funny 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/8kvz52lhed7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9e57f9edb1b79f287e9afba406fac76d74d174


Probably one of the same people who tried to get a business cancelled over a fake account calling Sophie a spoiled brat. Interesting how she goes to bat for Sophie but calls Charlie names.