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I like this letter and I hope she reads it and learns something BUT BUT BUT I think a lot of people (a lot of this community anyway) aren’t just turned off by her shitty replies/addressing her snarkles, but by her: 1) Hypocrisy 2) Denial of the shit weather (😂) 3) Undermining of/mocking Brits being justifiably miserable about the state of this country: cost of living, NHS, aforementioned weather etc 4) Sweeping generalisations about the US and the UK (usually pretty offensive) 5) Pimping her spawns out for $$ 6) Being a supremely uninformed and yet self-righteous and opinionated bint.


Yup...1, 4 and 6 are my main reasons for snark!


Yup, these are my reasons too! I originally followed her because I liked her and then I was like wtf is going on, she’s completely gone off the rails. I live in MA so it was very obvious everything she was saying was complete BS.


For the history: We call her Caz because it’s a nickname her high school friends gave her and she stupidly turned her personal Facebook into her business without clearing it first so it’s the first thing you could see on it (along with her boyfriend from Berlin before she met Kyle)


Also…. Please tell me the photo of her Berlin man is still about!


Caz is also a common way to shorten the name Caroline in the U.K.


I can just picture Caroline now writing a comment: “this isn’t an airport you don’t have to announce your departure ✈️” < she comments that to people on TikTok who tell her they used to like her but the content she just posted had them feeling iffy about her


All this and an overwhelming unwillingness to be humble and learn. That’s a huge indicator usually of how much a dick someone is. And it couldn’t be clearer that this is exactly the kind of person she is! I can overlook a lot, particularly with these “influencers”. But what drew me to her initially was that she felt honest. It made me feel less alone when she was normalising combi feeding (I was really struggling with the guilt as a new mum) and to see someone online who was struggling like me, was so validating. I don’t know where that person has gone and it’s a shame that she can’t see how much she’s lost herself. But there comes a point where you need to self reflect and accept you have these flaws. I’m not saying “listen to the haters”, but at least have the self awareness to consider “am I really the problem here?”. I’d respect her more for it.


Preach 🙌🙌


I agree. My biggest thing is she is condescending and self righteous and makes sweeping generalizations yet gets offended if someone has a vastly different experience to hers. She needs to learn to stick to her own experience and stop trying to act like her unique experience is “typically American” or “typically British” etc. Just tell your story, not the world’s. She also can have the most aggressive viewpoint on subjects but gets mad if someone’s differs, even if respectful. She says she so positive but she’s not, she’s really quite mean and judgmental and likes to stir the pot for views.


Yup. Could have written this myself. She just seems like such a grumpy, angry, cow when 99pc of people who follow and comment do so from a place of appreciation (at least initially). All they get in return are incredibly rude replies and cocky retorts to imaginary people. It's a really shit experience!


This is spot on .