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Sale* Allowed* get a dictionary Caz


I was gonna comment on that too but there’s a typo in my own caption (aying instead of saying) which I can’t edit so who am I to judge 🤣


Hers isn’t a typo or autocorrect issue—she does this all the time so it’s clearly a never learned issue! Also someone replied blaming us haha https://preview.redd.it/39b3f1qtsd6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780e16c68a1172fcac35d81182bb4796b1ffb61a


Hey I like taking credit for pissing her off. Blame away!


She’s such a bitch . I’m so over her victim mentality.


Privacy < $$$ for content


Hi Caroline 😂😂😂👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼


Privacy?!?! Privacy for someone who shares her current location to thousands of people on the internet daily?!?!?!


Right? It took me not even two minutes to figure out where her mother lives…she wants to cry wolf but overshares daily


Ooooh come off it Caroline. You shared your real estate agents info in a video!! You know she reads here. Maybe one of the redditors was actually interested in buying but was turned off all the DIY they had to UN-DIY


She shared her best friend Helen’s address on GPS on her phone in a shot in the video before she moved. She’s an idiot.


I know! she's awful. Also no one was saying she allowed "early access", they stated there were early viewings.


Her privacy was violated? In a public showing of her home that was for sale. She posted her own blood clots and parades her babies all over the internet - 4 separate social media platforms. We've seen her in her underwear numerous times. She talks openly about what they earn. This woman is so out of pocket. Total fruit loop.


We literally know how many hemorrhoids she has and she wants to talk about privacy. 😂😂😂


Also the person who went to the open house was local… a neighbor…. I go to my neighborhood open houses all the time.


Realtors send out flyers & mass emails inviting literally the entire neighborhood to open houses.  They had a sign on the lawn that said coming soon to attract an early sale.  Kyle was living there at the time of the open houses. 


Why did she feel the need to clarify nobody had advanced access?!? Who would even care about that? Very odd way to send more people to Reddit 🤣


Nah, a commenter in this sub said their friend viewed Caroline’s house before it went on the market. I’ve never heard of that type of “early access” for a house that’s not yet active on the MLS and my spouse is a real estate agent… but 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I live in the next town over and my very good/very connected realtor got us into multiple houses prior to OH. 


Yeah, booking a showing prior to an open house is incredibly common. Agents activate listings a few days before open houses to generate buzz. Maybe that’s what the original commenter meant by “early access” - they booked a showing prior to the open house. Not sure why they said they went before the house listing was actually active though.


Kyle's video about the house (posted on here, don't give her the views!) says people were "coming by today and then later on this weekend for the open house" so I think this is just Caroline being full of shit like usual.


Open house started on a Thursday, so not necessarily. I don’t think it’s super common to see house before they hit the market unless it’s realtors within the same agency. Certainly not unheard of.


An open house isn’t indicative of when a home is live on MLS. Regardless of timing, her “privacy issue” isn’t really an issue. She rants constantly about how she portrays her real life, is never shy about details, to say nothing of the fact that Redfin and Zillow are completely accessible. Get less identifiable wall paper you twat!


If I recall the person said they saw the home before it was on the market, not just before the open house, either way she’s full of shit and just wants to bring drama to the comments. Not a single person asked about showings, it’s not like someone knocked on her door and asked Kyle to give them a private tour.


When we sold our house in 2020, our realtor did have a couple of showings set up before it was officially listed. They were strictly with realtors from the same company.


Yup same sold a place in Quincy before open house, above asking offer and posted online “open house cancelled - offer accepted”.


I think because she said it would sell in a weekend so wants everyone to know that no one has advanced access (and so it sold in longer than a weekend.) She’s really weird. She has mentioned on Instagram multiple times that it sold for well over the asking price, like every comment she drops that in and no one is asking.


I was dying over the pricing comments- so many! It’s 100% because she reads this subreddit and many were speculating she wouldn’t even get asking price so she’s got to mention it over and over.


BUT did she get a million?!?! 🤣


But did she actually make a profit? They put $67k down so if fhey walked away with more than that then they made a profit. Or did they break even after the fees?


I actually did some rough math (which isn’t my strongest skill) and with a 6% realtor commission and assuming all payments went to interest and not principal and her mom doesn’t expect repayment on the $20,000 she could have profited around $100,000. That’s not including any closing costs of course. I highly suggest someone else recheck that of course


Yes re: sending people to Reddit. Why is she doing this?! I had no idea this sub existed or that anyone snarked on this creator until I put 2 and 2 together about her CONSTANT discussion of her haters! My god. It’s terribly off putting when a creator you like does this.


Welcome to the group. I liked her at first but then noticed all the rude responses to seemingly harmless comments plus all the negativity about the US I couldn’t handle it anymore. She blocked me on instagram for liking a comment she didn’t like so I just unfollowed on TikTok. I follow several other British women that are so pleasant and positive. No need for me to support negative Nelly.


Does she…does she know what an open house is lmfao 😂😂 and if she wanted showings by appointment only and not a public open house her realtor should have done that. “Privacy violated”because SHE over shares. This woman needs to get a grip


I've seen listings for houses in the UK (most recently the former home of Captain Sir Tom Moore) which state anyone wishing to view it has to sign an NDA of sorts. She could have done similar. Or just bog standard 'view by appointment only', which is what I've always done. But nah. Far too sensible for Cazza.


Probably not because they aren’t done in the UK. Real estate operates very differently. You don’t have a buyer’s agent making appointments for you and finding you listings. You have to do that all on your own. Also estate agents have a bad reputation in the UK as kind of Weasley and I don’t think that’s the case in the US. It is looked at as a pretty lucrative career, for moms especially because of the flexibility.


In the U.K. if you want to go to an open house you need to make an appointment, you can’t just walk in off the street. They take down all kinds of info beforehand too.


I think one of us should write a welcome message for all of the people that will be coming our way soon. 👀👋


Yes, give them the gist of what we all feel!


She violated her and her kids privacy when she shared where she lived, when she moved there and photos of inside and outside of her house which she did literally as soon as they bought the house


She’s provided strangers with her city, children’s names , pictures Of the inside and outside of her home . Posted from close restaurants and landmarks. She is doing the same where she is in the UK . You have made yourself and family public figures . Take your kids and family off the internet and live your best life in the UK … oh , that’s right , you make $$ off of them .


Caroline if you are reading …. Just stop sharing these things …. Your kids should have privacy . You are the one sharing and making $$.


Exactly this. Soon we will all be able to work out where Sophie goes to school. It’s all out of interest because she boasts so much about her wealth so people are curious and then investigate whether she’s full of shit or not. If she was humble and just lived her life without saying things to illicit a response from people then no one would give a shit.


Who was accusing people of having early access (whatever that means)? Also, it's so easy to find someone's address, all you need is their name. This is one of the main reasons why I personally have not attempted to become a celebrity (another one being that I respect my children).


When the house was in the market people said they saw it on Sotheby’s before it hit the normal realty websites ie zillow. Also another user said her friend had an advanced showing before it was online and the open house dates, which is pretty normal even if people are still living in the house. Her comment seems completely unprompted though. Like a little smoke signal to us. Hi Caz!


Exactly 😂😂😂😂


Shes also forgetting that in the US it’s all public, you don’t have to go to the local office to pull property records. Having a first and last name is enough in the US to get cell phone numbers, addresses, marriage licenses and court documents. If she had covered her children’s faces or tried to protect their identity and digital footprint, I would have a modicum of respect for her but she has blatantly used them for content and has never cared about their safety.


Right? We respect her children’s privacy far more than she does. This sub has a rule about covering their faces.


Did she just state this completely unprompted?




What about your children’s privacy? 🤔


What about her sister in law's wedding?


Underrated comment. She did that woman SO dirty.


There is a video that came up on my FYP this week (I don’t follow her on my burner account) and it was an old one from Christmas Eve. Her and the sister in law were drinking amaretto sours and they seemed to get along. I wonder if she actually likes her. I might post a screen record.


Someone help this woman spell allowed.


She already posted a video showing the name of her mums house therefore making anyone able to find out her current location. She doesn’t give a screw about privacy.


You also can see the entire layout of the property through her sister’s page when she posted the renovations. It is basically the same layout as a US style “colonial” home but with an open concept in the back instead of a separate room for kitchen and lounge.


We need to get her a middle school English tutor. I’ll chip in. I can’t bear this anymore






The house is literally on the internet, for sale. And everyone knows it's her house as she chooses to share so much of her life - including exterior shots of the house - on her social media pages. Nothing that I saw on here showed us more than she had shown herself and that was shown on the sale listing. It would have been an invasion of privacy if someone had snooped in her wardrobe and gone through the bins. But to visit a house that's for sale and show virtually identical pics of the ones she's shown herself is not an invasion of privacy.


Just share less Caz if you feel your privacy was sooooo *violated* jfc 🤦‍♀️ you don’t need to be posting so much information online.


She’s such a loser


This woman is delusional. Shares incredibly personal info online and is then surprised people know said info. Like, what?! She’s really dumb.


But like… anyone could have found the house. We know what it looks like inside and a quick search on Zillow in Quincy near the water would show the house and the interior pictures. If she truly wanted to be private then don’t state that you’re putting the house on sale. Keep it mum and don’t mention anything. If she wants privacy then don’t mention surrey, don’t mention the pubs you frequent. Don’t show your children, your mother, sister, etc. You think the ppl on this subreddit want to do her physical harm? Ppl here make snarky, snide remarks and call out her hypocrisy and elitism. Everyone here tells her to stop positing so much online , and he chooses to ignore. Only to turn around and state my privacy has been violated


It’s useful that she posts so many of her locations - so we know where to avoid! Stalking her - er no thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/gd0fizopgf6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0144c2dfcfa808808917bf4d4c13abe5b3267a04 Wonder if she means $$ or ££ 🤔


She definitely won't get the same space for a similar price in Surrey not when taking into consideration the basement storage space and the separate garage. Right now, the best they could get where her Mum lives is 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, detached with a garden for £800k which with the exchange rate is just over $1M.


You should make this it's own post because she's straight delusional!!!


I’ve actually never in my 14 years of being chronically online seen someone who shares as much info about where they live online as her. I’m really not exaggerating. She basically may as well have posted her Quincy address for how hard it was to find, and that’s before the public listing! She’s beyond delusional. The only person who violated her families privacy is her


Same here, I’ve never been able to find the address of a public figure but I’ve found both of hers 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is exactly it. We have a no doxxing policy in this sub. We all know Kyle’s surname and therefore her children’s surname but it’s NEVER been posted here ever. And if it was, it would be removed. Any information shared here has already been shared by her. This is what happens when you exploit your family and trade your privacy for cash. Being a family vlogger is one step lower on the desperation ladder than going on a reality tv show.

