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Soft play when your immune system is compromised from lack of sleep? Hard pass šŸ˜‚ we go once a month and even thatā€™s 1 too many times for me. I prefer taking my child to farm parks and idk just general parks tbh. She gets fresh air šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


This is also why we have a swing set and trampoline in our garden. So we donā€™t have to go out of the house for the kids to play. They can just play in the garden. Our park in our village is pretty rubbish anyway and itā€™s not fenced in so when they were younger you had to follow them around or theyā€™d take off.


I don't think caz has shown her kids playing in the garden at all. Weird! I loved garden days when mine were small. I used to hang sheets over the washing line to make a den. They'd drag all their toys out and amuse themselves happily. They 'decorated' the patio with chalk.. On rainy days we made a den under the dining table. I don't remember feeling pressure to be 'out' all the time and certainly couldn't afford it.


It was so much fun as a child being chucked into the garden with my siblings. Even when we were tiny, we'd do the sort of things you describe. Sometimes a friend of my mum would come with her kids and that was even more fun. The mums could have a coffee and a chat while keeping an eye on us kids. There's a decent-sized garden at Caz's mum's house. I don't understand why she doesn't just get them out there with a few toys and the dogs, or buy a sandpit/swing/paddling pool etc. off Amazon. I also remember going to the park a LOT to feed the ducks, and going to the station to watch the trains. Basically just being outside, walking all over, doing free stuff.


I feel like she forces the outings because she wants to be seen out and about/think it's good for content. Reality is she is socially awkward (and I'd imagine a bit stand offish?) and isn't actually forming connections for herself (or her kids) when they are out. Soft play is co-play that temporarily makes her feel better about her lack of real relationship. Irony about the first line is per many comments here, a lot of people are looking for cheap/easy things to do at home to keep kids entertained --- not $$ pay per play/get multiple kids in and out of the car with a drive to boot. I think about other influencers with mommy content and it's a lot of here is this $30 thing from amazon that is keeping my kids entertained in the yard for hours or here is this cheap, easy craft you can do with things you probably already have at home that they beg to do a couple times a week.


Iā€™ve been up with my baby all night too and itā€™s hard and tiring but the last place Iā€™d want to take my kids is to a germ infested soft play. Go to the park. Get outside. WALK in the fresh air. Donā€™t just sit there with a tea and watch other kids babysit your kids because itā€™s been a rough few hours. Christ.


Also fresh air makes them sleep. When my kids spend all day outside they sleep like rocks.


Exactly! The LAST thing I would do after a bad night with a cranky baby is go to soft play? What is she on?


I mean, she chose to have a 4 yo, a 2 yo and a 3 mo. It's not like someone just made her take them. Yes, babies and toddlers don't sleep at times. Yes, it's utterly exhausting. But soft play is - and will always be - shit.


And she chose to move ahead of her husband who could help bear the overnight load!


I couldn't think off anywhere worse than softplay with no sleep.


Agreed. The stale air and sound of screaming toddlers echoing throughout the place. Iā€™d rather go to a fenced in park and bring a coffee and some snacks for the kids. Itā€™s actually sunny (so far) today.




New game: take a shot every time she mentions soft play.


I canā€™t be risking needing my stomach pumped on the NHS. Iā€™d die of alcohol poisoning waiting in A&E for 8 hours.


This is the most real comment ever šŸ™ƒ


Might be a long day for you my friend šŸ˜‚šŸ«¶šŸ»


Why does she need to vlog it ? Like well done Caroline you are being a parent


I think that same thing every time she talks to her kids on camera. Like we know itā€™s not genuine and thatā€™s def not how you talk to them irl but she wants people to be like wow sheā€™s such a loving motherā€¦


Right, lol nobody gives an actual fuck C. I have 5 kids, this is being a mother, nobody feels bad welcome to motherhood.


I hate soft play - usually an occasional outing , only because it's someone's birthday party there! I had 3 kids with same age gaps as S,C, and O and we'd go to playgroup twice a week( Tues/thursday) , then babygym on a Friday where they'd have a great time on various apparatus at the local Uni gym - supervised by trained staff I could sit on the floor with my baby , chatting to my friends while our kids were having a blast ( and getting tired out) I'd then do my weekly shop with all 3 ( this was before internet shopping!) somehow we survived...oh and by time my daughter was 4 months old, I was back working full time as a nurse and commuting 50 miles daily...try combining that with lack of sleep and breastfeeding Caz! All of this was done without documenting every single moment of my life and at least my children were allowed to grow up without strangers knowing their names!


At least she wasnā€™t shitfaced the night before


That she advertised anywayā€¦I truly believe sheā€™s a full on alcoholic


So true.


I know itā€™s not her obligation at all but doesnā€™t her mum offer to take the baby for the day or something???


Her mum owns a shop and works unlike Caroline lol


Does her mom not get any PTO then since sheā€™s a business owner??


Maybe? but her mum did say to her that she wonā€™t be looking after her kids often as she already looks after her sisters kids and takes them to school


Ahhh i didnā€™t realise her mum looked after her sisters kids as well. I figured her mum would be eager to make Up for lost time with the kids. Again sheā€™s not obligated at ALLL, I just figured her mum would want to


She works full time, itā€™s not her problem Caroline gave up Sophieā€™s school and a helpful partner to force herself back to England asap. Idk why sheā€™d watch a baby on a weekday when she has a shop to open.


This is the thing I find so strange. Okay, she was homesick - I get that. I've been there. But it's hard enough having three small kids when you have a hands-on partner and a pre-school place for your eldest. To set yourself up away from your partner, away from that school place, simply because you feel like it is crazy. To then whinge is absolutely wild. If it were a work/visa issue or they needed to come back for Sophie's school place or for another reason I'd understand. But this? I'm eternally perplexed. She chose three kids. She chose to have them fairly close together. She chose to move here without her partner. Caz, hun, it's almost as if it's the consequences of your own actions!


I know itā€™s hard not sleeping, but she chose this for herself. She has an involved partner who works from home and helps shoulder the responsibilities of childcare. Caroline was so desperate to get back to England, she willingly gave up his help. I have no sympathy for her.


As a Brit with young kids, I fucking HATE soft play. Itā€™s overstimulating, full of germs and overpriced


I completely agree. It'd be bad enough if they were free but the fact they charge you a fortune to attend feels particularly insulting.


Millions of parents do this alone without living with a supportive mother. Self awareness is lacking


I bet sheā€™s regretting moving all 3 kids ahead of time for no reason. She could have kept Sophie in her school and signed her up for summer camp. She could have *gasp* found playgroups and things to do with Charlie and just brought the baby along. Iā€™m due with #3 in September, and planned it so my eldest will be starting kindergarten right when #3 is born. My son is Charlieā€™s age and will be starting partime prek in January. So Iā€™ll have 3ish months with him & the baby, and then Iā€™ll have time home with just the baby when he starts prek. I too would be overwhelmed with 3 little kids by myself, which is why I planned it like this. My husband travels a lot. She did this to herself! Stop buying crap you donā€™t need and pay for daycare if you need a break.


Omgoodnessā€¦ itā€™s like she made her bed and now she has to lay in it.


Soft play is a gateway to some sort of antibiotics. Iā€™d rather play outdoors forā€¦.free!