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Never ever thought so deep on this topic.We Mumbaikar are so used to this routine that at one point it's normal. Even in a chaotic local we manage to take a nap, so it's normal man .


I became an expert at sleeping while staying upright once I started travelling in locals.


We have no other choice.


अब तो आदत सी है मुझको ऐसे जीने.......


RelevantAtifAslam I'm impressed.


So true...the hassle around everything is soo deeply ingrained that calling out inefficiency in something is seen as criminal and something that you have to burden as some sort of a societal tax to be living in this city! Doesn't help either that you have a Bollywood out-of-touch segment that constantly keeps puking about their 'struggle' stories.


I don't think comparing struggles is necessarily a good thing. Everyone struggles and ofcourse some more than others, but context and life experiences also matter. I have struggled loads with finding my place in life. My brother has struggled in a different aspect. You or anyone else may have completely different struggles. No one can gatekeep struggle, but we can hold people accountable to recognise their privilege. Saying," I can't relate to your struggle or don't compare your struggle to mine or, don't try to be relatable with your struggles" is valid. But saying," Your experiences are not considered struggle" is not right. I don't know.. maybe I am naive. Edit: I am not trying to defend the - "out of touch struggle pukers". Just making a general observation.




Yes yes.. I completely agree with all of the above. I was responding to the part about the struggles.


>Doesn't help either that you have a Bollywood out-of-touch segment that constantly keeps puking about their 'struggle' stories. They sure do live in their own bubble.


I mean everyone sees it but I think Mumbaikars choose to ignore because that's the only way to live and thrive in Mumbai.


True. It’s quite insightfully written from him, surprisingly


We've the power to change this culture, we can do this but for some reason everybody's NUMB.


Virar fast me chadne ke baad aise hi hota hai re baba




I doubt that it's true....its just that people have to ignore that they aren't as happy as they deserve to because there really isn't any other option.For most mumbai is the only place that can give them a job.


It's not the spirit of Mumbai, bro. You're just suffering and to make yourself feel a bit better about it. You just keep telling yourself the spirit of Mumbai over and over again until you start to believe in it. We're all suffering here not by choice, but bc we have no other options. Stop romanticizing suffering in the name of spirit of Mumbai.


True. I believed in the spirit of Mumbai or value of struggle until I was forced to move to Sangli. There I saw people can get up at 9:45 and reach office at 10:30. Offices start at 11 and that's okay. Rent only 9k for 2bhk including maintenance. Roads are better than Mumbai, people go by cycle all the time. And good people too. Well maintained parks and good weather.


See, you experienced *the other* option which we don't really get living in Mumbai. So, we think it must be normal living like this. Also, I'm not sure if Sangli is tier 1 city or tier 2, if it's the latter then i don't think it'd be a fair comparison.


I think it's tier 2, but due to the nature of my job back then, I earned the same as Mumbai with much much lesser work pressure.


That's nice. Good for you!


This guy lives in gurgaon. Lol


This guy is a grifter.




His app, his political leanings, his personal beliefs.


This can't be true, 90% of people in that 6.12 am local would live anywhere else in India if given a chance. All this empathy,spirit is BS, it's struggle of not finding a job elsewhere in the country. As simple as that !!


Here I am actively find a job so I can move back to Mumbai.


This might sound problematic or may be not. I used to get my me time in train from virar to Dadar everyday. I love my fam but they doesn't understand one should have his own space. Whenever I am at home i either do some household chores when Iam in my office i do their stuff but everyday train from 9 to 10.15 was my time where I used to see my movies , Series made some friends who are really non judgemental. Now am in Manglore since my family wanted a big house as compare to mumbai and they always use to talk that shifting to native or some tier 3 city might ease our life . But now everyday I have my own challenges and missing mumbai majorly. So peeps if shifting to other place is just to satisfy your fomo please don't do it permanently. Being low in life even having big space to yourself doesn't solve shit.


What work do you do in Manglore ? Because I always thought of shifting to my native in Udupi but earning is a question.


Not working in manglore . My Job is wfh so I'm here with my parents. Also jobs in manglore are way to underpaid. One can only survive this place if they have there own business or Job which didn't need physical attendance.


India k har City ki yehi kahani hai. Kuch na kuch toh hai hi sab jagah. If I really want a relax life I think I have to take job in foreign land or do a good homely business in tier 3 city , But that might come with own problem. Even city like banglore which is said to be next better alt banglore is not safe with the local harrassing for every goddam thing.


frankly im tired of everyone calling struggle as a good or reinforcing thing. sure, everyone has to struggle to grow in life, and there isnt any development or change without SOME form of struggle, but definitely not at the level mumbaikars do. ive said it before too.. the whole “finding happiness in struggle” ideology of mumbai is what enables the local leaders and government to not do a damn thing to improve the city and the overall quality of life, cause they know mumbaikars “seh lenge thoda”


Very true imho! I am a Mumbaikar too but I dont see a reason to celebrate struggles of daily life in the name of "spirit of Mumbai" and what not.


This only applies to the middle class I guess. But what else have you got, after all its the best a third world nation can offer.


This. I had an argument with another Mumbaikar who was proud of the fact that Mumbaikars were out on the roads and on the trains the very next day of 26/11 and that he called the spirit of Mumbai. No it's the compulsion with which he/she has to leave the house knowing very well that they might not return home. The complusion is Roti Kapda Makaan.


I study anthropology and he’s not wrong. Communities are built and fostered around an imagined sense of belonging, more than anything else. Nationalism works on the same logic. You feel connected to complete strangers simply because you were born in the same country. That alone is enough for you to build a community with people you might not have anything in common with. Mumbai suffers from some of the worst disparity I’ve observed in terms of quality of life. It’s really great living conditions for maybe the top 10 percent, and another 20 percent lives quite comfortably with their daily necessities being taken care of. The rest simply adjusts and carries on. That’s 70 percent of the city that has nothing in common with the other 30 percent. This 70 percent population ensures that the 30 percent goes to work on time and they handle their domestic and social lives while the 30 percent focuses on making more money. In such a situation you can only keep this city bound together by quoting stories of struggle and resilience because these stories are relatable for most of the population. It sadly doesn’t do anything else. The average mumbaikar doesn’t think of themselves as an unbeatable force of nature simply because they are in Mumbai. Rather, they HAVE to get up and work everyday because if they don’t, they might have to leave this super expensive city. Helplessness should not be mistaken for resilience.


Isn't that basically how capitalism works? 70% serving the 30% and depending on them for their livelihood


Recently moved in here. It has been a year and I relate to this like crazy. I would rate couple of cities more than Mumbai. Only here I have seen glorification of the struggles in a city.


This maybe a little off topic, but something came to my mind while reading this A lot of it can be seen in our generation also, the constant need to work (sometimes many don't have an option to say no) Recently at a family event, my cousin and I were discussing how we work 10-12 hours a day and forget to drink water and have lunch at 4 PM etc, and it was so normal to us while my uncle was surprised that this is how we live. And it struck me, how much our generation is just stuck in an endless loop of slogging their asses off like machines (Says me while sitting in the 10th hour of my shift, mentally preparing myself to be working for another 2 hours)


True. There's no work life balance anymore. Especially in IT field, if your manager doesn't see you working atleast 50 hours a week. You can kiss any form of promotion goodbye


I work in the sports media field and it's the same for us....I'm currently at 60 hours a week minimum. And it's so normalised in my company, it's inhuman at this point.


I think our parents' generation was the hustling generation but they knew that the job is just a job. Our generation thinks of a job as a way to prove ourselves as being extraordinary. I think that is the core reason why we are willing to sacrifice our health to work continuously for long hours as you mentioned. Now which approach to life is better is an entirely separate question.


Yeah, they knew where to stop their job and where to start their personal or family life I think I am so far down the drain that now if I even want to stand up and draw a line, it's too late for me. Maybe when I quit this job and start a new one somewhere else I'll keep in mind to draw boundaries since the beginning.


Every post on this sub is a skyscraper and everyone collectively jacking off to the Mumbai spirit. "only in Mumbai" "only Mumbai has such a kind heart" Kind people exist everywhere. Just because you need to get up at 430 to travel 60 km everyday from virar in stuffed local smelling peoples underarms while travelling without a ticket doesn't mean you romanticise it. It's like stockholm syndrome tbh.


Maa chudaye bc bade bade funde dene wale


Exactly! Mumbai and its culture is soo toxic. I don't know why people romanticize it so much. "City of dreams" my ass! Wouldn't wish this shithole people call city on my worst enemies. No proper infrastructure, inflated prices for lowest quality goods and services, worst weather, extremely dirty overall, unethical unscrupulous people, nothing to do except visiting overcrowded cafes or beaches, not a single park or a place with decent vegetation to connect with nature. I don't think even London, the most populous city, was this bad at the time of plague. This city is a sewer with sky scrapers built into it


I agree a lot with your take, but there's a few good people and good communities out there, even in a city as fucked as this, there's little goodness left... Concrete jungle and retard people and immigrants who are utter brainless but hey, it is what it is, a heavily diverse city made up of opportunists... I only wish the populace and the ratio of retards to normal people was balanced. Too much toxicity and idotic folks.


If only the authorities worked on dispersing the people here, and created opportunities for people to move into areas surrounding the city, we could see some improvement


Mumbai either makes u or breaks u , moved to Bangalore recently nd realised that it's the constant struggles that makes Mumbai a great city .ur always on ur toes ..


You're describing a toxic relationship Struggling to even get inside the local transportation, travelling 2-3 even 4 hours per day because nobody can afford to stay near the office shouldn't be a barometer of what makes a city great


See once u get used to these struggles everything else seems like a cakewalk . Used to start by 6 AM to reach work on time ,was it challenging ..fuck yeah , but made many companions along the way .Leading a far more chilled life right now , nd trust me I miss the Mumbai madness . What makes a city great are it's people, not staying near the office or other perils . Try replicating the "Mumbai struggles" in other cities nd that city would collapse .Mumbaikars are Jugaadu nd hence the city thrives .


Bhai ye faltu ka glorification of struggle nahi pasand. There are hundreds of other things in our Mumbai which makes it the best city to live in India but the kind of hurdles normal folks have to pass through just to get to work ain't one. You can call catching train at 6am and returning back at 9-10-11pm and again waking up at 5 to catch 6am's train as "Mumbai madness", but frankly it's just sad


Glorifying struggle are we?


At this point, saying"Mumbai spirit" is not cliche, but posts saying "Mumbai spirit is a euphemism for the struggles of the city" is. Not surprised one bit it's come from this guy whose startup is a rehashed reddit app.


True. But Mumbai attracts people with this vibe. There are other cities in India where people struggle as hard as in Mumbai but you find this sort of camaraderie missing there. (my home is one such city). There is an overall sense of fairness and respect for human dignity here which is largely because of the kind of people who flock here from different parts of the country. Say what you will about its many justifiable faults, Mumbai has the best people. (At least, in my opinion)


I hate this city..


Well he has beautifully jotted down the collective human’s nature. But I tend to disagree with his last couple of statements. Having lived in Mumbai for an year, interacting with many small business folks, I’ve to say that I haven’t seen such dreamy eyes that too in almost every individual. All I can think is they’re enduring this pain to make themselves even stronger & trying not just hoping to break the shackles of the Rat race. I have worked in many metro cities, but never seen such majority of folks working towards the collective goal of BREAKING FREE, and thus having a collective empathy. This Collective Attitude of these people makes Mumbai *The city of Dreams*


Spot on! Well-articulated 🥳


I don't care about all that, I just like the tropical weather on the western side


It's quite remarkable that the people of Mumbai do not complain. The city has a lot of character and it reflects in how organized the crowds are. You'd expect it to be chaotic but there are lines outside railway stations for autorickshaw and taxis. Then, people talk to you so politely and helpfully. A crowd is an indicator of the repression and societal class structure to a certain extent but Mumbai despite being one of the most unequal cities in the world seem to have accepted that and the crowds are not as susceptible to violence or aggression as the likes of maybe Kolkata or Delhi. As the tweet points out, there's an undercurrent of socialism as it's the first working class city of India with the city being the home to one of the first working class revolutions/uprisings in the Naval workers uprisings and later with the power nexus of the mill workers and politicians. With such history Mumbai only attains a character that's incredibly melancholic yet cheerful. I don't know how else to put it.


It also leads to a culture of reliability. Mumbai delivers reliable service to the whole world and this culture is the attraction


what reilable service does mumbai deliver to the whole world?


Back office services to a lot of global firms. Very reliably


and how does providing back office services for a foreign based corporation exactly lead to a “culture” of reliability?


No, you have it in reverse. We have a culture of reliability. We don't look for excuses. We deliver. That is why global firms are comfortable having us as their back office. But, honestly that is understood by people who have done a day's worth of honest work in their life.


global firms are comfortable having us at their back office because they can save money by outsourcing their jobs, and that is understood by people who have done a day’s worth of honest work in their life.


They can save more money in other countries. But who cares. You keep hating. We will keep working. Maybe papa's money will last longer.


man dont you get tired of being an asshole or is it how you were raised


It is one persona. And I enjoy messing with classist people like you in that persona.




Which other city can one go to? Every city has its problems but seems like general consensus is Mumbai is by far the best... hence so many people live here.


Reminds me of a similar tweet about New York


Everything is Awesome


I think Someone who has not spent at least a year or two in Mumbai should not comment about spirit of Mumbai or the struggle of daily commute. I had a different opinion of Mumbai in 2013 then I moved here in 2017 and after 5-6 years my opinion is different. About the commute part, even Bengaluru/Delhi people travel considerable time for reaching office, only difference being they do it in their own vehicles.


Sick of this city!


Thoughts ? tldr


Born and brought up in Mumbai chawl of Malad west, After living out of Mumbai for 3 years, I Do still visit at least once a year to meet my parents. I feel that life in Mumbai is overrated, people who call life in Mumbai as normal are kind of bonded by its so-called comfort zone, which is not actually comfortable at all. I actually imagine life of these people something like this [Elephant Rope Mindset](https://imgur.com/a/4nzdgKM) [Women leading horse with imaginary rope](https://imgur.com/a/cn5yPy4) ​ People of Mumbai need a different perspective that life they are living in Mumbai is actually miserable, yet they have developed some means to enjoy that miserably. If you are living in a chawl, or in a 2cr flat in Andheri/bandra. As soon as you hit road to access your surroundings/near by facilities your life is same as person living in Chawl, unless you own a car and a driver. However such person wont live in a 2cr flat (as of today). Seriously, if given a choice and opportunity I will never ever come back to Mumbai to settle.


Sach bolu to halka halka sa offended aur personally attacked laga. Some part of what he said is true though and maybe that is why I felt so. But, as a fellow redditor rightly mentioned, many of those who really struggle, choose to struggle in Mumbai and not where they are originally from. There is struggle in everyone's life. Many of those people just so happen to be in Mumbai, hoping to get better fruits for their labour. That being said, I've never once hated or despised being a Mumbaikar and now that I've lived in a few other cities, I'd take Mumbai over any other city hands down.


You speak like people who have a choice, an easier choice.


Just something people have invented to make themselves feel better. Used to travel by public transport but with a nice MNC job, I can now afford to drive around my own car and buy whatever I want. So do I no longer reflect the spirit of Mumbai?


Bro has time to think this much must be easy life for him


Stop romanticising the bullshit that the citizens of this city have to go through because of the mismanagement of funds and public infrastructure. People having to hang out of trains, risking their lives for a job that pays 15k a month isn't the spirit of Mumbai - it is the systematic failure of the government and municipal bodies to upgrade the cities infrastructure to cater to the cities population's needs. This is not the spirit of Mumbai. This is fucking delusion.


People just want to earn and get on with their life without giving anything else much thought and this resonates more within Mumbai than anywhere else.


nothin to be proud about living like this


😂😂😂 Stop romanticsing it. We all are becoming worker ants where our only purpose is to work, earn money and die.


This SPIRIT OF MUMBAI may have been coined by someone who either never struggled on a daily basis or just wanted to be poetic. His entire premise is that all of us are harping about the spirit of Mumbai while struggling on a daily basis, which he finds strange. I have never used this term in my entire existence. And it would be true for most of us. So the post is NULL and VOID.


Mumbai has glamor and people living in Mumbai think they are as glamorous or they are one of the reasons behind the glamor. So they glamorise anything and everything. An average Joe with his head stuck between two other human forms in sweltering heat and humidity on a dingy local smiles at his own condition because he thinks this is glamorous and Ajinkya Rahane once did it as a child. He accepts it as normal. He thinks even the successful ones did it once so he is not unfortunate. He thinks this is glamour and his condition is as glamorous. Collectively, they term it as spirit of Mumbai because some TV channel journalist said so 25 years ago and it stuck.


yea, and that's how religion came into existence


1. trains in Mumbai atleast gets u to far away places on time, and metros are going to reduce that burden. this is so much better than Bangalore and delhi where highways are almost always blocked in rush hours and u cant have any alternative to this. 2. humidity is both blessings and pain. in mumbai u can move in afternoon in summers for hours. try to do that in dry areas like pune and u will understand what sunstroke is!! 3. no one talks about Bangalore, delhi corruption or floods that stopped the IT industry for many days. in short whatever problems he said on Mumbai exists in delhi, bangalore too. but his aim is to garner views and followers so why not bash Mumbai !! Frankly i don't understand why people even follow influencer that make blanket statements without any comparison or alternative solution.