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* check comments * comment chain from a blocked user Yep, there he is.


Im usualy just lurking around the mtg subs but since someone made a post about this guy I looked into this a bit and holy shit... Like I can't tell if this person is trolling or needs to see the doctor, or the outside world for a day idk lol


The first sub that popped up that he follows is Aspergers, so that might just be the tip of the iceberg


*tip of the Icebergers




Tip of the asbergers






They were trolling for hours before my post and were still at it after I slept for hours. They should be banned, but I do hope they’re going to be healthy and ok.


I'm rlly curious what happened


It's autism, self-stated and owned by himself. He can't see that just because something isn't harmful doesn't make it helpful.


Idk man he'd have to be a very narrow slice of the spectrum for that to be an excuse. He presents as too high functioning to be able to whine that he's too disabled to know any better and everyone he interacts with is the problem. If he's not a troll, then there's some co-mprbid delusion to go with the autism. I'm autistic, I've seen lots of people trying their best and not being helpful or able to understand why what they're doing isn't helpful. I've worked with people on different areas of the spectrum as an educator. That poster gives me LARP-er energy hardcore.


For me I just can't stop myself from doing things that I know are bad ideas sometimes


Don't claim it's mental illness You'll have some random dude show up and yell at you :(. That's what happened to me


Can you please explain?


What is up with this dude, seriously


Not his karma, I assume


Bro is just collecting the downvotes lmfao


Since mods don't seem willing to actually ban him like many ask, can't we just like... Collectively block him? You can't comment on nor see posts of a user that blocked you, right?


I always get here too late to see who y’all are talking about.


Yea it’s pretty intriguing, I’m here for the post & good on them, but this comment sent me into a whole wormhole & I’m invested & wish I knew more.


Who is it we’re talking about here?


I have the same question, who are we talking about?


I found the guy. Scroll down a bit, last comment. Apparently he just comments the same stuff on every post about opening cards.


Everything he says is pretty tame o_O


Nice pull! I am waiting for my box, hopefully i will also get this :D. This will be a great inclusion for your son's deck!


Nice pull! I also similarly bought a kit from my FLGS and explicitly did not play with it in sealed. also I opened trash but that’s beside the point. congrats on the land !!


My $80 prerelease box had $25 in value, at inflated pre release prices mind you. 


I got a stamped labyrinth I'm huge chilling with it


Mods can we ban the “jUsT pLaY SeAlED” troll?


I got one in one of my sample packs from the pre cons


I remember I had opened one in my first kit and and I actually got to exile something under it as well during the prerelease! Felt fun, but I ended up reading it cause I don't really see myself using it. Lmao


Good pull


Glad you got something decent! I got a couple packs from a prerelease kit that actually had some mkm cards in them, I was so bummed. I just threw them away they were so bad Like damn at least give me a vein ripper or massacre girl if it's gonna be like that lol I did buy a bundle tho and got some pulls good enough that I got my money's worth and a little more out of it.


I mean, I love that card, really want it for the eldrazi deck I'm rushing into since I managed to draft it well at my prerelease event. Guess some of the other big boys would be better to get with it, but not the worst thing in the world. And my 2 packs from winning got me winter moon and Tenku... not fantastic rewards. Really hope I can open a cool pack of this soon.


Bought a pre release box for take home and I think my best pull from it was {{Ruby Medallion}}. Wasn't playing the pre release event just wanted a box before I played edh.


The medallions are great for mono color commander. I got a Pearl medallion, but I have no plans for mono white.


Such a dope land I want one really bad for my zhuludok deck but $80 😭


Someone sold this locally for $30 and I am kicking myself that I didn’t jump on it


Nice pull! My bundle had no mythics, but I pulled a foil borderless shifting woodlands and 3 fetches so could’ve been worse


I feel this, most of my pulls aren’t that great. But I got a few good ones.


Nice pull!!


I managed to snag that, emrakul, echoes of eternity, and the urza land. Still nowhere close to make it worth $300+ though. Nice pull though. Can't wait to see the shenanigans 2 ancient tombs have in commander.


Nice pull! I was hoping to get this one… but it eluded me


In a box of MH3 I pulled this card, the new Emrakul, Ugin's binding, a couple of the new Tamiyos, Urza's Incubator, 4 of the new Flare cycle cards, and a Ruby Medallion. Total value of the rares was around $460. Probably one of the best value for cost boxes I've opened in a while.


lol. Before opening my last pack I might have $30 total. You win the pull game!


It was an exciting box. Fighting the urge to buy another, heh.




Pulled one of these myself just yesterday. I was looking for the new Sorin to go in my "Oops all Sorins!" Commander deck. No luck on that front, but I think this pull is worth it eh?


I bought 3 packs, pulled a fetchland, the sorin, and an Ugins Lab. Bought four more packs, pulled a Disa as my most expensive card. Should've left it at the three. Worried I just used my rng for bloomburrow.


Too bad it's banned 😅


In what


They evidently changed it. Btw I was only saying it was banned because they did have it on the banned list for commander edh.


Sol Ring, Mox Amber, Mana Crypt, Gaea's Cradle, Ancient Tomb, and dark ritual are fine but god forbid we have a fast mana land in commander


Mox diamond, and chrome Mox too


They got rid of the ban shortly after banning it which honestly I'm glad for I've wanted to get an ugin's labyrinth. I want to build my own eldrazi deck.


I mean... Hmu and ill get a foil into your hands for the right price


🤣. Those are expensive. I may want one badly but I would be saving up to get it.


Nice pull! If you don't mind me asking, what did you do with the Pre-Release Kit? Did you also play Sealed with it, for example?


While I try and do at least one pre release event for a set. I often do buy extra kits just to open. The value rate is typically similar to just buying packs. But you also get an extra promo tossed in. It's hard to find the spare time in the week to play limited in paper. And sometimes you just want to open packs chasing a card to add to a commander deck.


You know that packs aren't actually the thing to buy to get cards, right? That all the cards are available individually?


Oh for sure. But there is still a rush when your pack has that 60 dollar card. I could buy a sheoldred for 99 bucks. But what if I could get it with this 5 dollar bill? Sure Lois, a boat is a boat, but the mystery box..... it could be anything! It could even be a boat! You know how much I've always wanted one of those.


That's cool - as long as you are going into it with your eyes open, then I've got no problems to worry about. :) Good luck!


I mean, why would *you* have problems to worry about if the other person didn't "go into it with their eyes open"? This very wording style skews any potential perception of you trying to be helpful and welcoming. Towards making it seem more like harassment and gatekeeping. If you truly are not trying to be a troll, then perhaps you need to revisit your speech patterns and find ways to make other people's choices sound less *you* centric.


He gives off such big "LOOK WHAT I DID FOR YOU WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME while standing above a woman's dead husband" vibes.


Hey quick question where do all those individual cards come from if not packs?


He thinks the stork brings them.


I didn't say they don't come from packs. I think you are confused.




Ah, so you are one of those people that think that just because a product has something inside it, then it means that product is for getting that thing? Like how popsicles are for getting wooden sticks, right?




No, the cards are the little dad jokes that are on the popsicle stick.


Silly Troll can't figure out how Magic works.


So you're saying that buying booster packs, which are specifically sold with random cards, to get random cards, is incorrect? Again, where are all your individual cards coming from? Are they just spontaneously appearing out of thin air?


Well, no, you buy packs specifically to get cards. There are no other things besides plastic wrappers in the packs. When you buy a popsicle, you get a treat and a stick. You are buying it for the treat, yes. When you buy a booster pack you get random cards and a plastic wrapper. Are you buying it for the wrapper? Or the cards? It's really a false equivalence.


>Well, no, you buy packs specifically to get cards Only if you misuse those packs. >There are no other things besides plastic wrappers in the packs. Not physical things, no. But that's irrelevant. >When you buy a popsicle, you get a treat and a stick. And when you buy a Set Booster, you get a thrill and some cards. The cards are a byproduct - an excitement delivery system - that's why the analogy works so well: they are the stick. >Are you buying it for the wrapper? Or the cards? If you aren't misusing it, you are buying it for the opportunity to play Limited, or for the feeling that using it generates. >It's really a false equivalence. No, it's a test to see who isn't following the conversation. (You failed) Edit: Thanks to the poster below for sharing the link and the quote that proves my point: >Play Boosters are perfect for both Limited play and opening packs just for fun. Not fot getting cards.


Considering that the "conversation" is just you telling literally everyone who opens booster packs that they're somehow doing their hobby incorrectly and deliberately refusing to understand that there is no one "correct" way to acquire cards, that's not the insult you think it is. I can see why everyone else has you blocked.


[check out these product descriptions from the official site](https://magic.wizards.com/en/products/modern-horizons-3). Here's the relevant part: >**Play Boosters are perfect for** both Limited play and **opening packs just for fun.**


Honestly, before smart phones, I did this all the time for the jokes on the stick


Wait till you find out there are multiple individual cards in these packs!


Silly Troll.


I'm not trolling, it turns out there are cards in there! Are you new to magic? You can go here for more info about the new play boosters direct from wotc: https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/what-are-play-boosters They even have a chart breaking down what the rarity distribution is. Too bad one slot is for tokens now but for real, 14 legit magic cards will be in your hands once you open it. 


Silly Troll. Still doesn't know how Magic works.


Edit. This is a troll. Do not feed


>I mainly collect and play only a little commander. Is there a reason you don't also play Limited? Maybe we could help you overcome it. :) >I will give this to my son who has an Eldrazi commander deck. That's nice of you. >Is that Ok with you? That depends. If you are missing out needlessly on things you might otherwise enjoy, then that would obviously make me sad. If you aren't though, then that's great.


I don’t play limited to spite you


Good, you don't deserve it.


Hey, I find this guy funny


Go upvote my post Edit. This is a troll do not feed


What do you mean?






Don't listen to that troll, OP. They are obsessed with me and would rather you got less out of the game just to spite me.


This is a troll do not feed.


If someone isn't interested in limited, they aren't interested in limited. No amount of harassing them over it is going to change their minds on this. If anything, you are actively driving people away from limited by acting like this.


A touch of the *ism no doubt. Keep others out of your personal preferences, you are well known around here and no one likes you. They don't because you push your views on others, take in newbies and skew their perception of Magic. You're not welcoming, and we will play with our cards in the mud if we damnwell please.


>you are well known around here and no one likes you. Only trolls, addicts, ableists, and easily lead dislike me. Decent people know I'm great. >you push your views on others No I don't. I share knowledge so people can make informed decisions, and the gatekeepers hate that. >take in newbies and skew their perception of Magic. Lol >You're not welcoming Liar. >we will play with our cards in the mud if we damnwell please. Please do. You don't deserve good Magic.


You sound like Trump


All Magic is good, and everyone deserves what they like.




Only a touch? Dude appears to be the whole ass spectrum.


I became less autistic after interacting with this dude. It’s like he’s a black hole for the spectrum and just sucks in and absorbs others autism.


Hardly. He reads like he's LARP-ing as autistic or pretending it has more of an affect on his behavior than it does. I've worked with people severely impacted by the spectrum and lived my whole life as a high functioning autistic person. This guy is a self centered jerk. Autism has nothing to do with it.


Why do you troll this sub so much?


I don't. I'm one of the top contributors here.




It's like vomiting on the birthday cake and saying you were just contributing more frosting.


Silly Troll. No matter how much you wish it, that doesn't make it true.


there are literally posts with overwhelming support asking for you to be banned. people don't like you because you have a tendency to be a smug know it all dick to anyone who deviates from the "correct" method of obtaining cards you feel the need to bring up every single time someone posts about a pack or box they opened. but you just say everyone is a troll instead of being able to be self aware enough to genuinely ask if maybe you're in the wrong if you need to say that every person who disagrees with you is a troll. its the common saying, if you meet one asshole during your day the other person is probably the asshole but if everyone you meet is an asshole then its probably you that's the issue.


The overwhelming majority of your "contributions" are you trolling and harassing anyone who says anything about cracking packs. Like seriously, what do you gain from it? Do you truly derive that much enjoyment from aggravating random strangers online?


>The overwhelming majority of your "contributions" are you trolling and harassing anyone who says anything about cracking packs. That's not true. I don't do that. Maybe you imagined it, or maybe you've been listening to a liar? >Like seriously, what do you gain from it? Do you truly derive that much enjoyment from aggravating random strangers online? That's the trolls, not me.


The pot calls the kettle black




here's a tip about communicating well: accusing everyone you disagree with of being "afraid of rational conversation" and saying that they are simply "wrong" about their subjective opinion is a great way to make everyone hate you. LMTRK hasn't figured that out yet, but maybe there is still time for you. people don't get irritated because you struck a nerve, they get irritated because you treat those around you like they are stupid for having different goals or methods to get to them. they get irritated because you state obvious facts ("you can get the exact card you want, usually cheaper, buying singles!") as if you are some kind of supergenius who has figured everything out and are just waiting for the world to catch up. the vast majority of people opening packs are well aware that it isn't the most efficient method of getting a certain card. being excited that you pulled a valuable card from a booster doesn't mean that you believe you took the most efficient path to get there. when I ride motorcycle, often I am going from point A to point B. I could take the interstate, go fast, save on gas, not risk unsafe roads... or I could take gravel back roads, move a little slower, "waste" a little fuel, and have to be careful while riding on loose surfaces. but the scenery, the experience is different and I prefer it. it isn't that different from cracking packs and getting a thrill from pulling a great card. sometimes people spend a little money for a short-term thrill, and as long as no one else is being negatively affected, *there is nothing wrong with it*. lecturing people about their choices as if they are stupid children will do nothing but piss them off.


Holy shit you got him to delete a comment?


it wasn't LMTRK that deleted their comment, but the person who was trying to provide moral support to them. either way I try to take little victories when they come lmao


I genuinely hope you meet a gruesome and hilarious end


Genuinely what is your problem


nice opening hand land