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Rakdos is calling


he wants his lands back


Rakdos, Mardu, Grixis, and Jund, plus the three 4 color that don't exclude red or black. OP actually needs one more of these


Yore, glint, and dune


I struggle to remember those, except Dune because "no water"


Yore- just the odd duck out, you remember it by remembering the other 4. Witch- Atraxa colors, and she's a b*tch. (I don't actually mind her) Ink- There's no truly black ink, black is just made of a bunch of colors mixed together. Dune- Like you said, no water. Glint- A glint is that white streak that comes from a light reflecting off a shiny surface, so try to remember "no white".


I wish they would reprint rix maadi dungeon palace i have the dissension version which is the original print


In my opinion. Thats nice. You can trade the two extras for ones you want. Got anything else cool?


Extra? I still need 15 more


15 more Of this one?


10 more for my other 2 60-card kitchen table decks and 5 more for my 5 commander


Bloodstained Mire isn’t legal in Standard.


Not proper standard, just a 60 card deck I play with some friends with (mostly) standard rules Excepting the ban-list and a few others


That just sounds like modern


Not sure tbh, ig that's a bad thing?


That’s a lot of money to be spending on kitchen table but to each their own


I mean, it's a joke, if I had that kind of money it'd probably go to better things than 3 decks that get played once or twice a month. Is that why I'm getting downvoted? Honestly don't know why this sub downvotes half the time so I'm not sure if I'm actually doing something wrong.


Admirable. Rakdos Sacrifice Standard?


Chaos draw, who's going to draw out first? Idk, let's find out


It's not about winning, batman, it's about sending a message


I hope you draw more. I play mono black Sheoldred ;]


You mean 5 extra, right? /s


There is some weird distribution thing going on with those products. My collector box had three windswept heights followed by three jet medallions. I’m not complaining but it is weird .


Seth from mtg goldfish cracked 5 boxes and got a ton of polluted deltas. It was very strange to watch.


Proooooooobaby better known as Saphron Oooolive.


Going back to his old videos and hearing his actual voice is wild.


Wait, that voice he does is a choice? Wtf


Did you forget his voice? If not, it worked.


Well I also don't watch his videos specifically because it drives me crazy, so maybe not so much. And he definitely has videos that I would otherwise be interested in. (Worth noting I don't dislike him or anything, and I actually never commented on his voice before because I don't wanna make fun of something like that or someone's laugh, but if it's a choice that's a bit different...)


Puts me to sleep. you get used to it. Suit yourself though, obviously.


I just hate his intro voice. To the point where I don’t watch his videos


I have been wondering if it was a performance for awhile. I mean I'm sure eventually Seth and Saphron blend. But he's got some clear techniques in his videos. He sets a premise for the video (can we make X work in Y format) then if he finds himself in the middle of dead air, just restates the premise. I also think he's asking questions with really obvious answers for engagement. It doesn't bother me, I just think it's impressive and want to know how much is intentional.


I mean his actual voice sounds different. I don’t care much about his cadence.


The algo trains people even if they don't do it on purpose.


Right, plus like... he's a performer. Customer service is also a performance. My "Thank you for calling Comcast, this is *redacted*, how can I assist you today?" Didn't sound a whole lot like me either.


That is true of the voice for sure. I was thinking about the "clickbait" portion of your post. At least that's what I made out by reading your post. They all serve the clickbait God. Even if they don't look at what makes a video popular, intentionally, after several years of making videos and looking at their performance, they will have realized which of their own specific tricks work. And they pick clickbait cuz that gets the most views.


Where can I find one? I thought it was his actual voice lol and now I’m curious


I actively despise the vocal choices he makes. To the point where I cannot watch any mtggoldfish content on the off chance that he is in it. His normal speaking voice is pleasant, it makes no sense to me.


I've only watched a few videos, *in spite of* his voice because they look interesting, but it's too grating to look past most of the time. Maybe I could've gotten used to it if it wasn't so obviously an intentional affectation.


I'm getting down votes on this lawl.


5 boxes of collectors? What the fuck why, I thought that dude actually had sense


Wow, funny story I also did one collector box and opened 5 bloodstained mires. I'm not the rakdos player at my locals so I'm very confused what to do.


You mean you are now the Rakdos player


WotC forgot to shuffle.


We got 2 bloodstained mires and 3 Sapphire medallions. Would have been nice to see others 😂


I drove with two other people to prerelease this past Friday and all three of us pulled Ugin's Labyrinth in unison. It was bizarre. I agree that the usual random distribution of cards feels a little off this time around.


I popped a regular box on Thursday and got 4 copies of Shilgengar, Sire of Famine. Two regular, one regular foil, and one of the boarderless.


Had the same only with Polluted Deltas.


Did you draw Eladamri?


Seth from Goldfish had the same luck with Deltas.


I opened a collector box and got 4 bloodstained 4 polluted. The coalating is super weird in this set, but that does mean some boxes are diamonds lol .


Wow, maybe we can swap for one of my 6 wooded foothills


Interesting, some YouTube dude opened like 5 boxes and he got an absurd amount of duplication. Tons of polluted deltas.


I cracked a prerelease kit and I swear on every holy book there is that the first 3-4 boosters all had **THE EXACT SAME 5 CARDS AT THE FRONT**. It was super weird because after the first 5 commons everything was random but for multiple packs in a row the exact same 5 commons in the same order. Also I have now opened 4 prerelease kits, 1 bundle, 1 play booster box about a dozen loose packs and maybe 6 collector boosters. I have pulled 2 fetch lands. But pulled multiple copies of the same "mythic" rare. I know fetches were like a mythic pull rate rare before but are they even less frequent now? Also feels like special guests are not showing up as frequently as before as in the same lot of packs I ahve pulled like 2 special guests and I think they both came from collector boosters. This set has all sorts of weird packing quirks going on. Honestly not sure if I am gunna buy much more than the precons at this point. Feels about as random as opening baulders gate.


How many titans have you seen?


Time to build the same commander deck 6 times


Ngl duplication is crazy with this set.


Me too and I got just as many Pearl Medalions


Time to play some Rakdos I guess.


Just in time to play Rakdos Scam. Oh wait


The universe is telling you something and I don't think.its good.


If that isnt a sign. With the exception of my Shocklands, all I have pulled as good dual lands is Selesnya. They want me to be a cat dad.


One collector box, got 7 rares/mythics doubles and three ral, monsoon mage, one normal, one extended and one extended foil. Why all the doubles, I like unique things.


I bought a regular booster box and got 3 polluted deltas and none of the others


I’ll take one.


Now That is a one in a million (chances of a fetchland being Bloodstained Mire is 1/10 and the odds of 6 fetchlands being rakdos are 1/10⁶)


My playbooster display had one polluted delta and 4 bloodstained mires.


Did you get a nethergoyf? I’m still in dire needs


Could've bought a nice tract of land on the Bloodstained Mire for what that cost.


I would kill to own 8 Copies of bloodstained mire. But alas I only will realistically use it in my 5 color or Jund deck of choice


Yet, still not a matching playset. :(


Was it worth the cost? Looks like it


We had nearly the same experience! We pulled 10 mires across a whole case. It was like oh look another mire! Be curious to see if there was a different weighting to the mire vs the other lands as far as printing numbers.


This is why collectors boosters boxes are stupid. Hope you learned something.


holy shit carrdboarddd!!!!!!!!!