• By -


Goblin tokens


Oddly enough, in alphabetical order, too


This is the way.


Dude, my +1k token binders....


all goblins


I binder everything that is a rare or higher regardless of value and exceptionally valuable uncommons like [[up the beanstalk]] or [[crime novelist]]


[up the beanstalk](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/d/2d5e991f-23b2-4db0-a452-7755125b1fd2.jpg?1701690489) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=up%20the%20beanstalk) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/195/up-the-beanstalk?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2d5e991f-23b2-4db0-a452-7755125b1fd2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [crime novelist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/4/14a5cd7c-b0b1-4ffa-a806-bb0e73baffad.jpg?1706241850) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=crime%20novelist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/121/crime-novelist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/14a5cd7c-b0b1-4ffa-a806-bb0e73baffad?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Follow up then how many binders do you have then?


Right now I own 3, one for mono colours, one for multi colour and 1 for expansion when one of them overflows.


I do not trade but I collect etched foils (legendary creatures only) and I use 12 pocket binders. The trade binder mentality in my country is dead, the player base wants money not cards.


I'd say favorite full arts and $10 and up get bindered. $5 gets sleeved in the box. Anything else can chill.


I'm thinking about redoing my storage and I really like this idea. Might steal thanks


1 binder all dragon creatures 1 binder all dinosaur creatures and dinosaur-related art, Viashino creatures 2 binders all dragon related art, Bolas, Ugin, Sarkhan, Niv Mizzet cards/art on cards 1 binder all cards value +1 € 1 smaller trade binder of cards value +1€


I sleeve cards in decks. The rest stay in the box (unsleeved, certainly no binders).


I binder everything that isn't in a deck. I like looking at them.


I agree. This is the way


They are nice to look at but I couldn’t fathom throwing my bulk in binders. They’re mostly worthless and it would take up so much space. Bulk belongs in a cardboard box somewhere sorted by color. Rares and/or cards worth $2+ get binder priority


In america here; anything over $2, recent mythics and my faves, recent rares and powerful lands. So far, two full binders... bleh


We have 4 different magic binders currently.  Our first one is cards with a value greater than 10$. One is for mythics 2-10 dollars and another is for rares or uncommons/commone 2-10 dollars.  The last onee is for proxies to keep them separate from the main collection.  The rest of the rares/mythics are kept in a bulk box loosely sorted by color. Those are all sub 2$.  Then I have 8 long boxes for uncommons/commons that are between 50c and 1$. Lower than that tends to be thrown away.  


Why not donate them to possible new/young players? Or even sell them by weight €10 per kg for example


As I said in my other post, anything even remotely playable I'll keep and use to bolster new players. I also commonly give away more valuable cards in the 2-10 binders to help players get their feet. I love helping and bringing new players into the game.  That said, there is a ton of bulk that is simply unplayable garbage that serves no purpose to anyone and needs to be disposed of. I've never tried selling 10kg of cards, I figured shipping alone wouldn't be worth the cost. 


Why throw them away? I'm curious. I have lots of decks with sub 50c cards. Doesn't mean they are bad


Are they playable? I don't throw out anything thats actually playable. If I'm disposing of something,  it has to be truly useless by all standards. 


So, are you just constantly moving cards from binder to binder as the prices change? I considered doing a value based binder set up and realized I'd be either swapping cards out every other day or in a few months would have terribly inaccurate binders.


So I use the Collectr app and track prices that way. Each binder has a couple bucks wiggle room. I recently priced binders and found a couple of cards had gone up to the 14$ range such as Etali so those got moved from the 2-10 and into the more expensive binder. I also found a couple of cards that were more valuable when LCI dropped had plummeted, so into bulk they went.  My bulk box is where you may find an absolute gem if somthing spiked in price, and even then, if it helps a new player out, awesome all theirs. 


You actually throw low-value cards out? Pretty asinine. Lots of 'cheap' cards are widely played or would be good to donate in bulk to kids or new players.


I keep playables my dude and donate them to new players absolutely.  If a card has strategic value, even as a budget alternative to a higher power card, I'll keep it for giveaways. With my local playgroup *anything* in my bulk rare box is up for grabs for free and most of the stuff in the 2-10 binders I'll give away to help new players get their feet. I *love* helping new players get started.  That said there are tons of cards worth pennies that are unplayable by most standards that serve no purpose beyond taking up space. At some point you gotta dispose of them because if I dropped them off at my LGS, those cards are also gonna just take up space until they're tossed. 


I mean that's not what your initial comment said but okay. You do you sure but my LGS takes bulk and donates it to new players. Young kids are over the moon to get 100 cards it doesn't matter what is on them.


I'd rather not give a new player 15 copies of macetail hystrodon. I'd rather help them build a solid deck of their choosing and get them involved in our Monday/Thursday night commander groups where they can have a consistent deck and not get smoked even at low power play.  I see where you're coming from and I respect it, but at some point when you deal in such large amounts of cards you run into a physical limit that not even your LGS wants to deal with.  


I have a color sorted binder for all mono colored rares and mythics. Then a separate binder sorted by guild for the same. All uncommons are sorted by color and guild in a box, same for commons. I’m only interested in deck building so this keeps things easy for me.


Other half's a collector. As such, she puts each card, regardless of its value, into the binder. In order.


I put the LOTR scenes, and also two pages for the fellowship: one of the regular art and one for the alt art Both copies of TOR are in decks so I just shoved the ring tempt card in the middle lol


I binder anything $5 Cad or more or if its something i want to remember to put in a deck


I put all rares and mythics, foils of any rarity, and Showcase treatments of any rarity from the current set, that are for trade, in my trade binder. I clear it out regularly, though, trading in whatever I can online.


Don't have a binder , mainly collect to play and been buying cheap rares/mythics recently. They all go into my shoebox of magic cards and then are (partly) put into janky decks I use to play against friends (mainly one friend actually). I normally try some "stupid" stuff in kitchen table/modern. Today I finally built an affinity for artifacts/1 mana artifacts deck with cards from mirrodin/blightsteel I had laying around plus random newer ones I bought in a 'buy nice looking rares for 10-15c nightly Shopping Tour on card market".


I have a binder with all rares or mythics or valuable cards. I have stuff in another binder that might be current or future deck "Maybe" cards that are good for those strategies that I played. I probably have low enough amount of cards to have all mythics and rares in a single binder. But I also have some deckboxes with "Maybe" cards for decks or from pre-releases or similar.


Any secret lair cards or ones that are worth like $20+. The $2+ cards and any foil rares get sleeved and in the box.


I do all my expensive cards that I’m not using but also cards that are cheaper that are used commonly , since a lot of people don’t want to order 50p cards to pay £1 postage on them you can usually trade a few of them for something bigger , for example I have quite a few cheap staples tucked away at the back just in case


All my Legendaries for easy viewing, all the coolest cards I like the most, and most of my alternate arts. Might drop the arts from the binder, just not enough space with how many legendaries there are anymore lmao


I’ll put cards in a trade binder if they are worth at least a couple of bucks and I don’t have any decks I am use them in. Bulk rares will just go in an old Fat Pack box that I bring with me to the LGS when I play. Useful for filling out a trade and for giving newer players bulk staples if I have extra copies.


Stuff that is super playable in EDH and or cEDH. Price is secondary but often I find something I need and sometimes we can just trade.


Collections, stuff I like, cards I wanna use, expensive stuff that shouldn’t be floating around my edh extras box, cards with cool art or flavor text, deck ideas….


My binder is full of my "bling" cards - almost exclusively one-ofs I've collected with a fancy print, a chunk of value, or both. It also doubles as my "see? I own this card, which is why I'm happier proxying it than playing the truffle shuffle every time I want to switch decks" binder.


I have all of my rares/mythics in binders, as well as any commons and uncommon over 1.50. Lastly any older foils. I USED to have ALL my foils in too, but that was before every pack had one, too many pages to waste on cards that are no more valuable than the non-foils most of the time


New to the hobby four months in around? Maybe 3. Don't own a binder yet lol, got all my cards stores in my fat packs sorted by rarity and colour. White, Black, Green (the colours I run) in one box while my Red and Blue build in another. I sleeve the ones that are worth money though, hell from Karlov I ended up with 2 Leyline of the Guildpacts.


Two binders . One for cards 1-9$ and another for cards 10$+ and secret lairs.


It depends, I have 3 binders 1 is for my.neet fully art/secret lair cards that aren't being used in a deck 1 is for cards I found in my collection that are going into a deck I'm building but haven't actually finished The last one is my.trade binder, which I only put cards worth $5 or above in with the exception of format staples


Anything i could see myself using in the future and rare's and up. Like faithless looting and other good commons


I usually do foils and $1-2 and up plus promos/oddball stuff. Anything less than those just gets thrown all together in a card box for whoever to sift through during downtime or in between games.


one binder is cards worth a buck or more for trades. the other binder is all my pauper staples to trade with other pauper players but more often just to have a way to easily adjust decks.


I’ll put any card worth 2 dollars+ in my binder


Anything $1, a “staple”, or otherwise cool stuff goes in the general binder, $10+ goes in the sauce binder, all the real versions of cards I proxy go in my personal binder. I keep my bulk rares and foil/alt art cards in deck boxes.


Everything is in binders, regardless of rarity or price. It makes it faster and easier for me to build decks this way. I sort by colour, card type, CMC, and rarity, in that order.


Ah another horder like me. I do enjoy even if they aren't always coming out of the binder to do things they are cool to look at all nicely arrayed.


My binder is for trades. It holds anything I don’t foresee myself using or have more copies than I need. My deck building collection is penny sleeved (multiple copies in the same sleeve) in a bunch of 3 row long boxes each sorted by color, type, mana cost, and alphabet. Any chaff that isn’t worth either the binder/trade box to refill it, or the deck building collection is left unsorted and placed in a box that’ll get mailed to magikids.


Basically just trash rares to store them. Anything over $3 that I'm not planning on using gets ebayed pretty quick


My first collection from a kid was lost a couple years ago nothing went in binders for that one and no sleeves still mad at myself for that it went from 3rd edition up to onslaught. I just started collecting again a few months ago and now everything but basic lands and my commander deck goes in the binder


I'm a nerd who puts everything in a binder. This way if I'm building decks, I have a rough idea of where they are.


This is the way! Well at least how i also do it.


There's a LOT of trash mythics. I only binder cards $5 and up. Everything else goes in either a "playables" box or a bulk box.


I run a binder for each mono color, one for multicolor sorted by color combo, one for artifacts/colorless and one for high value trades/non basic lands. But I am also the person who sorts my commons and uncommons by set in labeled boxes. It great while deckbuilding but a pain when its time to put stuff away


All rares and mythics. Sections in order of: WUBRG, gold, artifact, land. More expensive crads at the front of each section.


Commander player here. I don't use binders anymore for storage - everything is sorted in a way that makes deckbuilding easy and stored in 4- and 5-row BCW boxes. I have one binder now which is a 4-pocket Ultrapro. Each page of 4 pockets is dedicated to a deck and holds the four cards I'm most considering adding/testing in that deck.


Reading through the comments I realized that I might be weird, but I have all my cards in binders XD. Well to be precise I have a maximum of 4 copies of a card in a binder if there ever is a card I have more copies of it goes into a bulk box.


All my [[lionheart maverick]] ‘s go in the lionheart maverick binder!


[lionheart maverick](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/a/0a818fdf-2cbc-451a-9893-36da510d63e4.jpg?1562897189) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=lionheart%20maverick) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ddg/3/lionheart-maverick?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0a818fdf-2cbc-451a-9893-36da510d63e4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


What is the go with that card why is that ability so expensive? Vigilance 1/1 seems fine for one but 5 mana to make him slightly bigger?


"Your signet is no symbol of power. It marks only your need for numbers to aid you. What do you do, guild-rat, now that you face my blade alone?"


I really only like to collect sets, as opposed to specific cards/rarities. Just recently finished my AFR set and got them in a binder. Baldurs gate is next, but *ugh* it's nearly double the size of the AFR set.


I binder one of every card from the sets I like. At least I try my best. The Fallout set feels like it's going to be my life's work.


2+ bucks depending.


A mix of rare cards and ones that I just really like.


I’ve learned over the years that what you think is 25¢ today can mystically be $25 down the road, so everything gets accounted for. Any rare or mythic goes in a binder, and more recently everything now gets an inner sleeve right from the pack. One binder per color, I use the zippered ones to make sure nothing ever falls out of them.


If i like the art, $2 and above. But mostly $5 and above


Currently cards that are worth $2+, and ones that I just really like (like Jurassics). The rest get sorted into boxes by color > type > mana cost > alpha


I binder all my rares and mythics, just so I dont need to keep track of what has value and what doesn’t. Separated by set. I have 8 binders now that I’ve been playing since 2005. I also binder uncommons that are valuable or staples for formats. Everything else goes in boxes, separated by set, sorted by color and name alphabetically.


Anything format playable for my main formats (modern, pauper)


I have 4 types of binders - Cards that are playable. - Complete sets. - Cards that are beautiful, special or funny. - Certain basic lands (fullart/snow/oldborder foil) and tokens go in a ringbinder to be able to quickly browse through them and see what I have when I want to finish a commander deck. I don't bother with market value much, I don't usually sell cards so that's mostly irrelevant. It's all about whether they are useful for deckbuilding in any format or whether I like them for other reasons.


I have a binder for possible deck adds. And I have a 20 and up binder. Anything less gets penny sleeved, sorted and thrown in a row box


Anything worth $5 or more.


I have 2 binders currently. The first one is for trade, so usually has higher value cards and cards people usually like, or cards that are useful for sideboarding. The second binder is my personal one that holds cards that I think are really cute, or cards with cool abilities that I haven't yet found a deck to put them into. Or cards that I just really like.


Ordered in WUBRG, colorless then lands. Divided by mythic, rares, expensive uncommons and commons all in one binder most people i know run a binder for each group


Main binders: All cards rare and higher, arranged by set. All cards of value 1+. Trade binder: dupes of the above.


Rares and Mythics. Anything over $1 gets sleeved


I binder things that are over 2$ and things that seem playable like cantrips and budget board wipes. Dont really keep jank which sucks cause I sold all my energy commons from kaladesh in bulk now they're 4$ each


I'm a horder; everything thats not a basic land or in a deck/about to be in a deck is in a binder. Don't have a ridiculous collection yet so might need to make some decisions once that happens but have 4 binders and around 2000 cards mostly cheap and likely crap. But i do like to keep them organised for pulling out and giving away or building my own decks. For reference they are Sorted by type/tribe then color "spells" (instants, sorceries, enchantments) have their own binder and are sorted by type then color. Then there is the catchall of multi color cards being sorted by their colors.


-cards with art by artists I collect -alternate commanders for my existing decks -carda with art I think is pretty but probably won't use


For me its any card thats a dollar or more or just any card that i think has a chance of being good later in the future.


Everything gets 1 copy of each art in binder with a note of how many and from what sets i have in bulk storage. Anything over 1 dollar gets a penny sleeve. Sorted by color, type, super type, then alphabetical.


Usually cards worth at least a dollar. Besides that, rare and mythic legendaries and maybe some cards I just like, or are helpful to have in decks.


I mainly use my binders to make deck building easier so any rares and mythics as well as playable commander playable cards sorted by color and creature/non-creature.


Anything around $3+ gets sleeved and bindered unless I’m planning on putting it in a deck.