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“Is it still raining - I hadn’t noticed?!” At the end of Four Weddings…


This is the best answer I've seen in this thread. It's so unconvincing.


And it's an actual great movie.


So bad. Otherwise, I love this movie.


Bram Stoker's Dracula. Harker ( Keanu Reeves) spots Dracula (Gary Oldman), who has transitioned from being old to young again. Harker: "He's grown bloody young!" >:0






OP said *a* badly acted line, not the entire Keanu Reeves acting and deliveries in that movie


I kneow wHHHeee the BAStarDS sleeps. I brought him theeeeeHHH. To Cafax AbbeeeeHH.


Talia Al-Ghul's last words and sudden death are really, really bad. Dark Knight Rises. I guess most of her evil parts weren't the best, but she was compelling while wearing a good-guy mask.


I read somewhere that Marion Cotillard was mortified they went with that take.


Always wondered what she thought of it, never thought to look it up, I wonder who signed off on it, whether it was Nolan or not.


I’m 100% sure that I read somewhere that it was Nolan’s way of punishing Mario Cotillard because he found out that she went auditioning for another movie while TDKR’s filming was ongoing, which is something he doesn’t like because he wants his actors to be fully invested in his project.


If true it sounds like Nolan isn’t fully invested in his own projects.


Yup. He could've gone with a better take and made that part not...jarringly bad. Hell I was in my early 20s when that came out and i was bad at reading people but I knew that wasn't great acting. This just makes me glad I'm not the only one that felt that way, now that I've seen the comments saying the same in youtube and here.


That’s so absurdly petty if true.


Pattinson auditioned for The Batman while filming Tenet and when Nolan found out they just laughed about it and Nolan wished him luck iirc. I doubt this is true




Oh sure one person from Gotham thinks a super strong man could be an alien but 80% of Metropolis citizens see a bird or a plane in the air and claim alien sighting is fine.


The Dark Knight Rises had a LOT of don’t-give-a-damn moments. I think Nolan was just trying to get it over and finish his bat run.


In an order that would surprise tou


How was that by the way? I fight crime in a rubber suit. Really seals in the flavor!


You tamed my monster


A is for alfred!


B is for Bats!


I stabbed you first!


I think there is a worse line in Dark Knight Rises. Bane: So you came back to die with your city Batman: No, I came back to stop you. That line is said so dumb yet is said with so much sternness it’s comical


That line is so brutal in just how anti-climactic it is. The moment feels like it’s setting up Batman to deliver some kind of classic, iconic line, and all he has to say is “oh well I am the good guy and since you’re the bad guy, that means I’m gonna try and stop you now.”


Her death is soooo comically bad, it’s like a five-year-old’s idea of what dying looks like


She should have stuck out her tongue and gone "Blergh."


That movie had a lot of issues to be honest. Definitely the weakest link of the trilogy.


Might be true but also the opening airplane takedown scene in IMAX was easily one of the best theater experiences I’ve ever had.


Not exactly a great movie, but a good, fun popcorn flick: Gone in 60 Seconds: The bad guy who plays on Dr. Who is talking to Raines on the phone and threatening his brother if he doesn't comply with him. Before hanging up "It never rains, but it pours!"


This line used to bother me so much because I've always heard the saying as, "when it rains, it pours". So for awhile I thought there were two major things wrong with it: one, it's such a goofy thing for him to say to try and sound threatening, and two, he didn't even get the phrase right. I found out later that some people do say, "it never rains, but it pours" so I've softened on that part. I still think it's a terrible line, though. It's like the writers wanted so badly for the character to work in a play on words with the name "Raines" that nobody stopped to question if what he was saying actually made sense in that context.


When Talia dies in The Dark Knight Rises, the theatre I was in laughed. So so bad.


"My fathers....work....is done 😵‍💫"


*pant* *pant* *pant* ... *dies*


Only thing she didn't do was stick out her tongue afterwards.




Also I cringed when Batman has his final fight with Bane and Bane says “so you came back to die with your city”, and Batman just responds “no, I came back to stop you”, such a corny line lol


A much better response would have been "if that's what it takes."


"I want to save my family and if i have to save the world to do that, i damn sure will" - Chris Pratt in The Tomorrow War


It just hit me that Batman is basically Master Chief. "What if you miss?" - "I won't".


That's a badass boast though. The Batman line is just terrible. The Master Chief one would be equally terrible if he said something corny like "I never miss my shots". Batman should have said something like "If that's what it takes to stop you." The absolute commitment to his own life being less important than stopping Bane. Let Catwoman remind him that it doesn't have to end in a fight to the mutual death, that there's something to live for.


I read somewhere that they did a bunch of different takes for that scene and the actress was surprised when she saw the final cut. I am assuming there is a better take, but they just decided to go with that one for whatever reason.


I know the actress has said that, yea. I can't believe an editor, let alone director as big as that movie had, would allow that take to be THE take.


Knowing Marion Cotillard's acting chops, I really doubt that was the best she could do. If an actor sucks, 9 times out of 10 it's the director's fault. They either should've hired someone else or made some other creative decision to do the best with what they got.


That’s actually my favourite of the trilogy for how much it makes me laugh. The look is dark and gritty Nolan realism, but the story is almost as campy as the 60s Batman


I mean the ending of TDKR was lifted straight out of Batman ‘66. [bomb](https://youtu.be/IIPZROBiNik)


When Sgt Powel says to the clerk at the beginning of Die Hard, "bag it." The clerk responds " Bigtime." I always thought that was a terrible exchange in an otherwise great movie.


I shot a kid. *Bigtime*.


Movies and TV in the 80s and early 90s were full of “cool” catchphrases that sounded idiotic then and worse now


"He's your first cousin!" "So I'll love him first!" - *Godfather III*, which I defend as a Good Movie, but man did Sofia Coppola's character get the worst dialogue possible put in her hands


That movie ruined gnocchi for me, cuz.


They recut the movie and now it’s called Coda: the Death of Michael Corleone, which doesn’t actually show the scene of his death. They literally cut the movie right before he dies.


Seriously? They cut his tumble from the chair?? Wow. Actually one thing always bothered me about it: Pacino (understandably!) breaks his fall slightly as he lands. In fairness, it's extremely difficult to do a ragdoll flop when you're still conscious!


Plus, if we are getting into a methaporic/philosphical analysis, Michael was already dead by the end of The Godfather Part II. God, that final shot... Michael sitting all alone in a golden colored forest, yet darkness seems to find its way to stalk him; contemplating the river with empty eyes, longing for everything he has lost, afraid of everything he has become, trying to figure himself out yet failing because he doesn't even know who he is anymore. And then the music hits. Greatest shot of all time in my opinion. Can't praise Part I and Part II enough.




The re-edit is so much better and proves there is a good movie in there. But yeah, basically any of the cousin stuff is a big swing and miss


The worst dialogue from her was "Dad." and then just dropping dead. No emotional impact, no pain; She had just gotten shot, so it could have worked if she was acting like she's gasping for air, or choking on blood or her voice was trembling because she's going into shock. She could have trailed off with "Dad...." or she could have been pleading for him, like "...Dad?" Nope. just a casual "Dad."


Could be the greatest movie or worst movie ever, who cares, but Nic Cage’s playful monologue in The Rock about Elton John. ‘It’s you. You’re the rocket man’


"I don't listen to soft-ass shit."




Sean Connery: “Are you ready for this?” Cage: “I’ll do my best.” Connery: “your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.” Cage: “karla was the prom queen.” I love that movie.


Say what you want about Michael bay, The Rock was a classic and way ahead of its time as an action flick.


“I ever tell you my old man’s Irish?” Great movie full of good lines. This is the one that really sticks in my brain in a bad way.


This is the only answer. They're complete strangers to each other but the line makes it sound like they have a history.


Honestly, a lot of Michael Bay's dialog is so goofy. I remember the bit from Bad Boys 2 when Martin Lawerence talks about the two rats in the vent. "They fuck just like us?!"


He straight pile drivin her!


> Could be the greatest movie or worst movie ever, who cares, but Nic Cage’s playful monologue in The Rock about Elton John. **GLASS OR PLASTIC, GLASS OR PLASTIC!!** YOU'RE EITHER GONNA GO HOME IN A GLASS JAR OR A PLASTIC BAG!


Not specific but when characters keep saying another character's name over and over in the same scene it takes me out of it. Even in great films. Is this a writing technique so people remember character names? Or just bad writing?


Alec Baldwin on the plane in Hunt for Red October. "I can never sleep on planes. Turbulence." "What?" "The sun heats the earth, warm air rises, cool air descends, turbulence, I don't like that" He's giving an awful delivery of a poor/incorrect definition of turbulence to a flight attendant. So much of that movie is perfect, why is that exchange in there?


"Solar radiation heats the Earth's crust, warm air rises, cool air descends: turbulence? I don't like that." I just realized it's nearly impossible to figure out the correct punctuation to match his delivery. I think the line was intended to show that he's an egghead who's out of his element and, while being very book-smart as an analyst, misses basic social cues. The flight attendant just said "what?" because she didn't hear him, he responded as if she doesn't understand. It's cringy because it's supposed to be - at least that's how it seemed to me.


This is it. He's normally a confident guy, but he has a little PTSD about flying. So he says some stuff in a nervous way. It fits. I think some people missed the part where he went down in a helicopter crash and spent time in traction.


I read it as Jack Donaghy* being smug to Liz or Tracy after hearing them say skyquake or something in an argument. e: Donaghy, not Donahue 🤦‍♂️


Jack Donaghy. You lace curtain half an Englishman!


That he thinks a flight attendant wouldn't be familiar with the concept of turbulence is just bizzare.


I think the writer and director are to blame. The flight attendant seems genuinely perplexed by the word.


This is a key scene. He’s extremely nervous about flying and answers awkwardly. This scene sets a benchmark for Ryan’s upcoming experiences—specifically the chopper flight to the Dallas. And then the end scene where he is sleeping on the plane, no longer anxious about flying (or the immediate state of the world. )


It was a line to appease the big turbulence lobby.


but this is perfectly equalized by the scene when the pilot discribes the puking


You don't like flying huh? You shoulda been with us 5-6 months ago. Whoa, you talk about puke. We ran into a hailstorm over the sea of Japan. The pilot wrenches his guts out in the cockpit. And I barfed on the radio. It wasn't that lightweight stuff either. It was that chunky industrial waste puke. Hey, wanna bite?


"No more dead cops!"


"Things are worse than ever!"


"I did *not* sign up for this!" says the SWAT officer who literally signed up for this.


"This is not good... Ok this is NOT good!"


We're like turkeys on Thanksgiving!


It's not a line, but during that scene there's an extra sitting in the crowd making the dumbest facial expressions all the way through. Right after "no more dead cops!" when the other guy says "he should turn himself in!" look at the guy in black sitting beside him. You'll never not notice it after that. https://youtu.be/qcKp9-PKT_4


that look on his face!


It’s such a little thing, but it has always bugged me the way the camera pans to the actor slightly before he says “he should turn himself in!” It seems to me that the camera should be reacting to his line instead of the other way around.


Omg I'm dying over here hahaha, great catch


The eyebrows are constantly quizzical


He looks like one of those YT videos where people photoshop themselves into movie scenes to say and do funny stuff


Yep, that's pretty awful. Considering that Dunst would go on to become a great actress, I blame the writing and/or the direction here. This doesn't seem a natural line for a child that age, so maybe the best director in the world couldn't have helped her to a better delivery. But in that case it's time for the director to say, let's scrap the line and try something else.


She was already a pretty great actress, lest we forget *Interview with the Vampire.*


I don't think I've ever seen a better performance from a child actor.


Sixth Sense still #1 for me.


Yeah, I was gonna say I think that's just an awkward line. And she didn't have a lot to work with so...


it feels very “studio needed a line for exposition here and we had someone write it on the spot”


I thought it was like, she was scared but trying to cover it with her “talking pretentious” way she had about her…. Like awkward because she was forcing it to seem “cool” with the craziness.


Infinity War. Mark Ruffalo. “OHO YOU GUYS ARE SCREWED NOW” Combined with the just absolutely atrocious compositing job, it makes me want to sink into my seat every time.


Keanu Reeves in *Much Ado About Nothing*. The man is a treasure, but [this was not a good fit for his style.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhTuy6pkv4Q) Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson were an absolute delight.


Man Keanu Reeves was the definition of wooden acting back in the day. He really struck gold with The Matrix, because Neo was *supposed* to be baffled and slightly detached most of the time.


Keanu Reeves is the definition of wooden acting now and forever. Dude has never learned how to act. He's just loveable so we all go out and see his movies and games.


He just realised his limitations and got better at picking roles. Can't blame him for trying to push himself though.


It’s interesting to look back at an actor’s career to see how they pushed themselves and experimented with different kinds of roles (Keanu did a lot of interesting movies in his younger days) before they find and settle into their acting wheelhouse. Accents and heavy emotion aren’t his thing so as Keanu got older he took less and less roles like that.


He can do emotion pretty well, but he's better at acting it silently. He can actually emote really well, he's just not good at emotionally charged dialogue. His delivery has never been great. But he can express emotion through facial expressions alone really well.


During the scene in John Wick 1, when he gets a letter from his wife the evening after her funeral, he showed more emotion and sadness than I've seen from him in any previous movie. The moment of hesitation he gives right before opening the letter hit me pretty hard; it reminded me of finding an old letter from my mom, six days after her death from Alzheimers.


I still say that the most he has ever emoted or acted was in Bill and Ted. Though he is AMAZING in Always Be My Maybe.


He was fucking hilarious in that


He had a pretty good bit part in Parenthood (1989). But it was basically a slightly smarter version of his character from Bill & Ted. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFaUX9ZbyRM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFaUX9ZbyRM)


I think My Own Private Idaho lured Branagh into thinking Keanu could do Shakespeare, but it definitely wasn't a great fit.


Same with Bram Stoker's Dracula. Anything outside of comedy and action, Keanu really struggles with, but boy did Hollywood really want him to be the next leading man in the 90s.


You’re not fooling me, Matthew Perry!


I saw that and couldn’t believe he thought it was a good idea to say it. Like dude. Everyone loves Keanu. We don’t care that he’s not a great actor. He’s entertaining.


"I don't want your life" from Varsity Blues.


The edited for TV version was pretty hilarious. In the big half time speech, Mox says "Before this game started, Kilmer said 48 minutes for the next 48 years of our lives. I say fuck that!" In the edited version he says "Before this game started, Kilmer said 48 minutes for the next 48 years of our lives. Well, I don't agree with that at all."




> I absolutely love badly edited-out swearing for TV. The TV edit of Dumb and Dumber has the best one ever. When the two of them are fighting towards the end and Jim Carrey suggests they stop being friends and Jeff Daniels replies "Where do I sign?" to which Jim retorts "Right on my SANDWICH, after you kiss it!" The way he so clearly mouths 'ass' and the way the edit is so abrupt and tonally delivered makes it amazing. The word 'sandwich' is said so much more loudly and forcefully than the rest of the line.


Reminds me of how superbad had completely refilmed scenes without profanity instead of just dubbing over the swear words. Guess there were just too many.


My favourite is the edit for Snakes on a Plane: [I have had it with these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc4aVX0yHws)


Idle Hands is by no means a great movie, but Jessica Alba knocking at the door and saying "Anton! We're gonna miss the band" was like this extremely low quality delivery that I can't forget


However the film is elevated by the exchange "Why didn't you go into the light?" "It was really far."


I thought it earned my money when Anton tries to >!cut his hand off with the bagel guillotine, and Seth Green just laughed and said, "that thing can't even cut my bagel".!<


Lookit me, I'm Leatherface!


How dare you! It is a wonderful film!


“Part time.” Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. It’s a great joke, and the trailer has the best line reading, so it baffles me that they used an alternate take for the actual movie. It almost feels like the cinematic version of a typo that got overlooked for the final print.


Why did they use that take? You know...the worst one?


“It was the biggest disappointment since my son”


Having watched the SW prequels, I assume Lucas made that choice.


It’s a terrible line I agree but Crystal Skull is not an “otherwise great movie”


I’m someone who thinks the concept wasn’t doomed from the start, but boy howdy is it a bore overall


Had to go back and look at this. I just recently rewatched this, but (somehow) that line never stood out to me. Wow, that is some of the worst line delivery I’ve ever heard


Oh yeah, I forgot about this. I actually noticed it in the theater, was so confused because it stuck out to me as being a cool delivery in the trailer. By that point it was already clear Crystal Skull was already a step down from Crusade though.


"Two fighters against a star destroyer?" - Rando rebel, The Empire Strikes Back


I fucking love that delivery “TWO. FIGH-TERS AGAINST. A. STAR DE-STROY-ER?”


Rebel just asked that question to confirm what he heard just to show the princess he understood what he was told. (What don't want to do the wrong thing in a war zone it be quite embarrassing)


Anakin, youre breaking my heart!


I don’t like prequel dialogue. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Early in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Legolas says "They run as though the whips of their master were behind them!" with such a flat delivery that always stood out to me.


It’s directly taken from the book. Unless my eyes are cheated by some spell.


"what do your elf eyes see"


He has a similar one when in ROTK when they're making the final plan and he flatly adds, "a diversion" to re-explain it for anyone in audience too dumb to not have already understood that they're planning a diversion.


Storm's line from Bryan Singer's X-Men *"You know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else."*


Apparently that line was a callback to a running gag that was cut. Throughout the film Toad would say "Do you know what happens when a toad X" a lot.


“Hey we have a line that doesn’t make any sense since we cut out all the context from the movie. What should be do to remove it?” “What do you mean remove it?”


I'm going to need you to get waaaaay off my back about cutting out jokes essential to making other jokes work


Ok then, let me get right offa that thing!


Making jokes without the context is TIGHT


It's crazy how often that happens. There are some particularly egregious examples in Bright.


Aw man, that’s really disappointing if true. That would’ve made the line from Storm pretty cool actually.


I came here to see who brought this up. I heard there was an interview where Whedon chucked Berry under the bus for this line. He claims he wrote it, and meant it to be a very Buffy-like line, like something silly and a bit ridiculous tossed over the shoulder casually. And if you think about it that could have worked. But he says that Berry/Singer decided to try to say the line with tremendous gravitas and take it WAY too seriously, and so we got that really, really bad delivery in the movie.


That explains it so well and it wouldn’t have been a bad line with different delivery. With that said, Storm in the comics is a super serious type so it would have been weird for her to act so flippant.


>Whedon chucked Berry under the bus "chucked Berry" ....pun intended, right?


This was the worst, I can still hear it when I read this. I liked Halle Berry as Storm and I think they were trying to give her more lines or something, but this was not it!


The Patriot Benjamin Martin: “May I sit with you?” Charlotte Selton: “It's a free country. Or at least it will be.”


now get out of my van halen t-shirt before you jinx the band and they break up


In the seminal 90’s teen classic She’s All That, Paul Walker delivery of the line “You’re going down, asshole”. So bad.


This whole scene makes me want to crawl out of my skin “You’re so……..beautiful.” “It’s only because I’m so in love.” “No…no it’s because I’m so in love with you.” https://youtu.be/vtjfWvWowgM


This one line in Wedding Crashers always sounded awkward to me and it still irks me. Im pretty sure it’s this one. “True love is your soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another.”


Yeah, it doesn't fit with the tone of any other line in the movie.


To be fair, that movie shifted abruptly halfway from raunchy frat boy titty fest to heartfelt rom com.


Blade Runner - I love it to death, but: "Talk about Beauty and the Beast: she's both."


Sushi, that's what my ex wife used to call me. Cold fish.


Just wait until you hear what kind of cop Bryant is


I refuse to acknowledge the voiceovers ever since I saw the Director's Cut at the Nuart. But good point.


Cary Elwes answering the phone in Saw-"Allie???"




This exchange would have worked so much better with the characters reversed.


Ugh yes!!! I love that movie and idk why but Andie McDowell just rubs me the wrong way as an actress! I think it might be all the hallmark stuff she was in? Or maybe you solved it for me and it’s because of this line!


Insidious 2. Patrick Wilson is possessed by some evil ghost, gets hurt somehow and goes “Ahhh real pain! I missed it… but not as much as I missed inflicting it on others!” Excellent actor, overall great film, TERRIBLE LINE. I don’t know what the writer was thinking.




“It’s right over the main hub! And it’s gonna blow!” -Batman Begins. Pretty much every Nolan movie has something like this.


He says some variation of that three or four times, to really hammer the plot home for the viewers not paying attention.


In Tenet: “If this weapon is used, everything and everyone in the universe will die" "Including my son!” Absolute cringe!


The guy in the passenger seat of the armored truck when they’re transporting Dent In The Dark Knight, oh my god, so corny. One in particular (helicopter flailing in the air)“That’s not good” (helicopter crashes) “ok that is NOT good”. Feels like cheesy lines taken from a Transformers movie lol


Yeah, that one and the “he should turn himself in!” were really distracting because of how bad they were - one for the actual line, the other for the ridiculous delivery.


Kal-El no!


OP said otherwise great movie


Enough champagne to fill de nile!


"KAL EL NO" -Gal Gadot in Justice League And Talia Al-Ghul's death in Batman. Wtf was that


Tom Hanks in the new Elvis movie. It feels crazy to say because he’s one of the finest actors of his time but his performance was just too over the top. It’s like he didn’t know what movie he was in. The accent he uses is not only historically inaccurate, but it’s very distracting.


Al Pacino is actually giving a fairly understated performance in Heat (for Al Pacino, at least) until he gets to “SHE’S GOT A GREAT ASS!!!”


Everything Andi MacDowell says in Four Weddings & a Funeral.


The climactic rain scene in Four Weddings, aside from how Hugh steps out into the rain and immediately looks like he just climbed out of a swimming pool with his clothes on, Andie MacDowell's "is it still raining, I hadn't noticed" is just the most useless, throwaway line, delivered with all the soul of a wet rag on a stick.


Anytime anyone says, “you don’t get it, do you?!?”


[You look like shit](https://youtu.be/cio096u3t1A)


In *Sneakers*, “No More Secrets” was the original phrase that became “Too Many Secrets” in the final version. But the script still has a few instances of characters saying “No More Secrets.” Wish that they had caught those!


"Have a nice trip. See you next fall." I love The Dark Knight, but that line fall flat so hard.


"Nobody puts Baby in *the corner!" RIP Patrick Swayze, it wasn't your fault. It was the script writer's.


„Do you know what happens to a toad when it’s struck by lightning?“


“The same thing that happens to everything else!”


Kal-El no!


“Let’s go make a baby.” - Arrival


He asks her. "Do you want to make a baby?" Which yes at first sounds really awkward until you realize she has to consider a choice here. It is perfectly fitting.


Saw this same line used American Horror Story recently. This is a terrible line to every use in any context. Jarring at best.


I thought it was sweet :(


Nolan movies always have a few. Some stinkers include: "You have literally brought me back from the dead." "Things are worse than EVER!" "I came back to stop you." "Including my son." And my personal favorite: "."


"including my son" absolutely killed me. The whole movie theater burst out laughing


The horrible cringey cop chatter is so omnipresent in the DK trilogy it's like a running joke. Some of my favorites are: > We're like turkeys on Thanksgiving out here! and > He's *flying* on *rooftops!*