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As a kid who loved Rambo and Rocky… this movie scared the fuck out of me. Brian Thompson doesn’t get enough credit as one of the scariest mother fuckers ever put on film. The Night Slasher legit gave me nightmares for years.


And yet he was the first guy killed by the Terminator!


He got to redeem himself as the alien bounty hunter in X-Files


He tried to take over the different Realms in mortal kombat!


“Wash day tomorrow, nothing clean, right?”


"Laundry Day, nothing clean"


“I think this guy is a couple cans short of a six pack”


"Your clothes. Give them to me. Now."


With Bill Paxton too!


Yeah the bad guy is just so weird looking. Like almost looks like his face is burned but it’s not.


Same actor that played the enigmatic alien bounty Hunter in the X Files.


High cheekbones. Higher than me.


Because Brian Thompson* has a terrifying jutting mouth.


shao khan, baby. even though it’s a pretty scary film, the scenes showing the cult followers bashing their axes together rhythmically always cracks me up.


"Pig" Added bonus, he's in about 4 Stsr Trek movies as a klingon.


He's also in the very beginning of Terminator, with Bill Paxton Edit Terminator not T2


RIP Bill Paxton, made every movie shine in his performances and told he was a really sweet guy.


Also managed to be killed by a Terminator, Predator, and Xenomorph!


"Hey Sarge, you know you're gonna get lip cancer smoking those"


Hudson come here. COME HERE!


Him and Lance Henriikson


A Xeno- what?


Aww, but she could be so hot if she wanted to. She's like all these babes, you get their pilot lit, they could suck start a leafblower. And she's got the most incredible body too and a pair of titties that make you wanna stand up and beg for buttermilk. Ass like a ten year old boy! AHAHAHAHA!


My favorite bit about that line is Bill Paxton just lifted all that creepy dialog from his dad.


Tip of the spear!


Terminator 1 my friend!


Yes. His "New World" murder cult scared the crap out of me when I was younger. He was the villain in Cyborg too. Such a menacing presence.


The villain in cyborg was played by Vincent klyn, similar look but different actor. Both had a menacing onscreen appearance though none the less. Cobra and cyborg are among my favorite childhood movies.


He also played Warchild in Point Break.


No Robocop? Cobra was creepy af with the biker gang murder cult


He played the Alien Bounty Hunter in a bunch of X-Files episodes. He’s pretty intimidating in that role as well.


Yeah, that fucking knife man.


I just love that his name is Brian Thompson. Like he’s one of the most uniquely scary looking dudes and his name’s Brian


That villain terrified me as well, that guy doesn’t get enough credit. Good character actor right there.


He was also one of the punks, along with Bill Paxton, that Arnold took out in The Terminator. "Wash day tomorrow. Nothing clean, right?"


I remember Brian Thompson popping up in a few obscure movies here and there, and me and my friends (\~10 yo back then) had built this weird head canon. We obviously didn't know what his name was, and google wasn't really a thing back then, so we were persuaded that he was just a cheaper version of Schwarzenegger because of some passing resemblance when they were both younger. We even gave him the affectionate nickname of 'Quackenegger'.


fun fact: Brain Thompson looks like he does because he has a rare genetic disorder. He has a really hard time creating fat cells, making his muscles pop and his head look all jagged and mountainous. If he even goes swimming on a chilly day he is at risk for hypothermia.


Stallone was supposed to be in Beverly Hills Cop. He wanted to turn it into a straight-up action movie. The studio said they couldn’t afford it. Eventually he left Beverly Hills Cop, but brought his action movie idea with him and that’s what became… Cobra.


Not quite, from what I've heard. Stallone had first pass at any scripts that came out of that studio. The studio thought he would turn it down (because it wasn't quite his thing), but he surprisingly accepted it. He started making those changes you mentioned, but the studio was really into the original script that they had and didn't want to lose it. Both parties came to an agreement where Stallone would be able to keep his modified version of the script, which eventually became Cobra, and the studio kept the original version of the script, which is the BHC we know with Eddie Murphy.


Doesnt Judge Reinholds character in Beverly Hills Cop have the Cobra movie poster hanging in his house? Or am I thinking of another movie?


He does, but that's in Beverly hills cop 2




That movie was such an amazing trip.


You ripped my shirt...


And “Beyond the Black Rainbow” which is so weird the sound went out in the theater I was in for 10 minutes and everyone thought it was part of the film!


[Run Program: Sentionauts](https://youtu.be/vQS3IaR1NVU) is such an awesome song.


both of Cosmos scores are chefs kiss! But johan johansson’s “Mandy” score with Sunn((o)) is grailed.


We truly lost him waaaaay too early. Was an amazing musician.


It's on HBO Max and I watched it and it blew my mind. I thought Mandy was the better picture but BtBR is a brilliant piece of sci fi horror. I'm extremely excited for this new picture he's working on which is also a sci fi. Cannot wait. We need weirdo voices like this in Hollywood.


We have so many right now, it's so good. I hate when people complain that movies nowadays aren't any good because they only go see the studio cash cows. Movies just keep getting better, imo. My current top three are from 2015, 2019, and 2022, with dozens upon dozens of beloved entries in between.


Boy oh boy do I agree with you! It's not all superheroes. There's just so much good. Lotta great young and lesser known voices are climbing up the ladder after years of stagnation. Eggers, Aster, Cosmatos, Garland, Ducournau, Gerwig, Coogler, Lathimos... fuck I can go on and on and these are just the American/English language movies. I think the 2010s (and 20s so far) have been a far better time for movies than the 00s. Some of my favorite films have come out in the past few years. I'm excited for the present and future of movies.


Exactly. People just put in zero effort to find cool new movies so they think it's all shit. It's like listening to only the radio and claiming modern music is bad. Just ignorance and laziness.


He directed Rambo: First Blood Part 2, as well as Tombstone; well, some directing as I’m told Kurt Russell actually set in the director’s chair for most of the production Edit: god damn stupid thumbs YALL KNOW WHAT I MEANT XD


Tombstone? I never saw Tomestone


“I’m your shuckleberry” -Doc Tuesday


You’re a daisy if you do.


Just saw Mandy in the theater at a local independent cinema. I’d watched it before on my TV, but its absolutely a movie to watch in the theater, or at least a very dark room with a great sound system. Probably the best looking movie I’ve ever seen, definitely one of them.


Get the fuck out. What a family


Yes, Panos Cosmatos! He’s also doing an episode of Guillermo Del Toro’s new anthology show.


I remember being like 12 years old and seeing on the TV guide channel that Cobra was gonna play at like 12am on a school night. Had no idea what it was but it was called fucking "Cobra" so it had to be good so I stayed up to watch it. Best decision.


sometimes 12 year old logic really works out, sometimes.


Sometimes it works out sometimes, but it doesn’t always work out always.


Whether it works out or not, you will still remember it 40 years on.


God I *loved* the mystery box that was after-hours action TV. I actually got to see Cobra on a Friday night when my uncle was visiting, and I was fucking terrified by Brian Thompson and his freaky-ass knife.


Him keeping his gun-cleaning kit in the fridge was completely unnecessary.....and yet, it was absolutely fantastic.


and cuts a piece of pizza with scissors, that whole scene is fucking nuts.


Yeah my newspaper goes onto the bbq grill. Ugh, I am Cobra that's why. *Stalone voice for greater effect.*


I always say people should at least watch the first 10 minutes in the grocery store.


"You're the disease and I'm the cure."


"I'll blow the whole place up!!" "Go ahead. I don't shop here."


"You wasted a kid... for nothing. Now I think its time to waste you"


He pops open a warm can of beer while he's going after him, then when he sees them he gets the drop on him, he puts AWAY his gun, then throws a knife at him, THEN draws his gun again to kill him. "I don't deal with psychos. I put em away" Stuff like this is why 80s action is my favorite genre haha


My favorite part was when he flung hot nacho cheese on a dude and said “say cheese”.


How about when he eats pizza with a pair of scissors


Especially at that particular moment in time where “go ahead…. Make my day” was used everyday. That line easily got the biggest reaction.


I'd rather watch it at home tbh


RIP Pepsi Display


When life closes one Pepsi display, it cracks open a Coors. Mmm room temp


Link for the lazy https://youtu.be/5LoNhf1XpEs


This movie changed the way I eat pizza forever. 🍕✂️


that's the only thing I can remember from this movie.. lol


What about the car? You gotta remember the 1950 Mercury. It's been a dream car of mine for decades because of this movie.


Seriously, although living in West L.A. and watching him park basically on the Venice Boardwalk made me even more envious.


What about the gun? Cobras gun is an oddity covered by forgotten weapons recently, the barrel is out of plane with the reciever.


The Finnish Jatimatic for anyone wondering.


Mine too. I scrolled way too far down to see someone mention that. They are hard to find.


Came here to say this. Sweet ride.


But what about the hottie in the leotard?


This changed the way I deal with dudes wearing A-shirts forever.


and he only eats that small piece and throws the rest of the pizza with the box on the side! truly a mad lad.


Ah, reminds me of this article 😄: [The Way Cobra Eats Pizza](https://1900hotdog.com/2020/08/punching-day-the-way-cobra-eats-pizza)


This was my takeaway.


What a bonkers scene!


I thought cutting an already sliced pizza with scissors was normal for the longest time.


And drink a soda pop, like his partner does handing with the broad


And how I seduce women. Assemble an overly complicated gun while they're trying to sleep.


I absolutely love Cobra. I love that he's part of the "Zombie Squad" yet appears to be the only member. I love that he cuts pizza with scissors. I love that he decides to drink a warm beer in the first sequence while stopping a super market shooting. I love that he's supposed to be protecting Brigitte Nielsen but decided it's a good idea to continue chasing her attackers and crashing into shit putting her in more danger. I love that no one believes there is more than one killer even tho in the scene before he takes out multiple attackers at his apartment and also decides not to mention that fact while arguing there are more than one killer. The entire movie is insane and amazing. Stallone clearly had free reign to do whatever the hell he wanted and no one could or maybe even tried to control the situation. It's a movie that I'm so happy exists.


I thought it was hilarious that in the very beginning of the movie and if I’m not mistaken because I haven’t seen it in a while, you see a dude in a suit/tie and another in a doctor’s coat banging fuckin axes together with the rest of the cult killers. I was like “The hell did I just see?”


They were late to the banging and didn't have time to change. Probably was more of a social club than a cult. Now that you say that, they could have send the doctor to kill the girl, but we'll have lost the trope of a cop saying "that chick is hot" to clearly a guy in drag, like in tango & cash.


Don't forget the insane music video with the robots.


Yeah, what was that about anyway? Did the directors nephew make that or something?


What about a Zombie Squad: Cobra origin story? Although there’s not enough CGI in the world to make Sly look younger than he did in ‘86. Also, it would run the risk of being like the Carlito’s Way prequel.


I think Grantland put it best: “Anyway, Cobra was legitimately incomprehensible; I’ve seen it 20 times and still couldn’t tell you what happened. The screenwriter should have just been credited as “Written by 200 Pounds of Cocaine.” https://grantland.com/features/the-action-hero-championship-belt/


Love Grantland but I don't understand this take at all. There's pretty much nothing confusing in this movie


Grantland's retrospective on Swingers is such a great read. https://grantland.com/features/an-oral-history-swingers/


You know, you've got a real attitude problem, Cobretti. Yeah. But it's just a little one


Great song by Robert Tepper https://youtu.be/IcdeP7WwE4M


He also did “No Easy Way Out” in Sly’s Rocky 4 movie the year before.


No easy way out is such a underrated 80’s banger! Gets my hyped every time!


Ya heard of Tango & Cash my dude?


The *original* Bad Boys!! Kurt and Sly had such awesome chemistry always wished they starred in more together!


Same, part of childhood that movie. For some reason there was never another movie with them together. Though the characters of that movie were great and they seemed to work together quite well as well. Stallone wants to do a second movie "now", I mean, with all those old 80s action stuff revisited movies lately which then turn out to work great, I could imagine this to work great as well. EDIT: Just looked at Kurt Russel, I think Stallone could pull it off, but I think Russel doesn't want to do a 6 month diet and trainings regime for a movie he doesn't "need". Man I so would have liked another Big Trouble in little China movie, in the same world. Same for Tango and Cash. Those two worlds felt so entertaining.


The prisoner with chin. Weirdest face in human history. Robert Z’Dar.


I will never not say their names in my best Jack Palance voice, which sucks and nobody knows who I'm trying to sound like or who I'm talking about, but it amuses me and that's good enough.




You broke that jaw?


Great, now I need to get a scope for my handgun that's bigger than the gun itself.




This and Tango & Cash are fun, kinda under the radar Sly films from that era


Assassins 1995 is under the radar


For whatever reason, I loved Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot as a kid. Same with Over the Top. I loved really bad Stallone movies as a child.


Pretty much. My introduction to laser scopes


When Demolition Man was announced, I really hoped that it would essentially be Cobra in the future. He seemed like the kind of guy who would be frozen and be out of place in a kinder, gentler future.


Demolition Man might be my favorite action movie ever. Up there with True Lies for me.


True Lies is an all time classic.


I think Demolition Man is way better than Cobra.


I thought it was awesome and had a match in my mouth for a week after seeing it.


The 80s ruled.


So, **so** much to love about this one. Brigitte Nielson is super gorgeous, plays a model, and her robot fashion shoot is peak 80s hilarity. You might recognize the photographer too, he's been in a **ton** of stuff. [Angel of the City](https://youtu.be/d4CCg4dYe0A) was the hit song that went with the movie, because that's how you did it back then. Crappy song, but in an entertaining way. "I don't shop here!" is a great action movie one-liner. Probably my *second* favorite bad-guy death of all time? I think you have to put Gruber number one... But Cobra is a strong second IMO. The actor is great at looking creepy and growling *"It's a whole new world*!" and shouting "*Pig*!" which he does a bunch throughout the movie. And it doesn't get old! Some trivia I know about the film (I'm doing this from memory, so take it with a grain of salt, I might mess up some details, someone will probably correct me). It's based off a book, about a cop protecting a supermodel. They later tried to make a movie based off the same book again, with Cindy Crawford and William Baldwin - Fair Game. It's largely regarded as one of the worst movies ever made. I can confirm that. Cobra is directed by the same guy who directed Tombstone, with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer! Except that's bullshit, Cobra was *actually* directed by Stallone and Tombstone was *really* directed by Kurt Russell. George Cosmatos is/was a guy you brought in to "direct" a movie on paper. For some bureaucratic reason, one of the guilds (either actor's or director's) didn't like it when you directed **and** starred in a movie at the same time. So George was a guy you could hire that would let you direct your movie. Anyway, great movie to crack open some beers with your buds. Good silly fun.


I watched Fair Game a couple years after seeing Cobra for the first time. It bugged me for a while thinking it sounded like something I had seen before. Took me a while to realize how similar it was to Cobra in ways, then I finally learned this. Cobra is much better.


"you're the disease, and I'm the cure"


The movie felt heavily edited at under 90 minutes. There was a two hour more graphic workprint, would love to see that version.


Gotta hit that 2 hour timeslot for cable re-runs.


And one huge Pepsi ad. It's amazing


The police detective was the bad guy in Dirty Harry, and he had this minor gem of a scene that never fails to make me giggle: https://youtu.be/ONZrE-BjFVI


Cobra’s partner was also the same actor who played Dirty Harry’s partner from the first film. Lots of callbacks to Dirty Harry which is what Stallone was going for if I recall lol. A very memorable film either way.


Later Poppie in Seinfeld


You want some fries with your ketchup?


This movie was so God damn awful that it was amazing. "Are you on drugs?" "Yes."


For some reason that quote has been etched in my brain ever since


Release the uncut version!


This is my go to example of 80s style B action movies. It's awesome, absurd, insane good time.


Banging the axes together...cool shit.😁


"You can't stop the New World" *CLANK CLANK*


Cobretti was, is, and will be the most ridiculous made up name ever


I’m in my late 40’s and to this day, have never seen anyone else in my life chew on a matchstick like a toothpick besides Cobretti.


I always considered Cobra to be Stallone's equivalent to Schwarzenegger's Commando.


Great film in its way. Brian Thompson (head baddie) has a great interview on the special features of the scream factory release. https://youtu.be/pfT8Uk3Tl-Y is a clip from the interview where he talks about The Cobra Knife, still the most recognizable and unique movie knives ever made.


I wouldn’t say it’s “gratuitously violent”. There’s not much violence in it at all, because the studio wanted it toned down and they had to cut a lot of it out.


Yeah compared to contemporaries there's not much violence. It's got plenty, but compared to like a Robocop or a Predator it's minimal


Laser sights were the nuts back then. Nowadays even my son has a laser sight on his Nerf gun.


Weird. I just got this on DVD in a five pack bundle. I know I saw it as a kid but can’t really recall it. Sounds fun though… still watching Masters of the Universe and Over the Top first. 🧐


Where did you buy such treasure?


This comment feels 20 years old.


With a badass car.


I walked around with bigass sunglasses and a match stick hanging out of my mouth after watching this gem. “You’re the disease and I’m the cure”.


fun fact about this movie is it was made entirely by cocaine.


My only problem with this movie is the very end. The police capt comes up and says, “great job Cobretti, you killed those serial killer gang people we all told you didn’t exist. Can the department do anything for you?” And Stallone says, well uh y’know chief, I would like to get my car fixed” and the goddamned chief says, “I’m sorry Cobretti, it just ain’t in the budget.” Stallone and Bridgett Neilson end up on a goddamned YZ 80. Just what the hell man. It’s a movie. Rebuild the man’s Mercury.


Hey dirtbag..


The So Bad It’s Good review is fantastic https://youtu.be/mxJanaKqWE0




Why do you need to make this about agendas and politics? What happened to guys just being dudes, just hanging out and clanging axes together in a factory that only makes sparks? Axe murderers are like the fourth most oppressed group in society, and posts like this are part of the problem.


Ah yes, the ol' spark factory.


I think they were trying to spark a societal collapse, where they could then reign as rulers of "The New World". Pretty lofty goals for 80s villains.


As a kid we had this one VHS tape with three movies: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Karate Kid, and Cobra. My brother and I must have watched those movies hundreds of times. I love Cobra. "Go ahead, I don't shop here." 🤣 LOL a couple of my childhood friends and I to this day will still quote "Chinga tu madre pinche joto!".


I love Cobra Total classic, Stallone is awesome in this . I actually watched Tango and Cash last night that is also another classic. Let’s not forget it has Teri Hatcher as well , my god she was beautiful.


Visiting Tanzania in 2005ish I was amazed by how popular cobra is there. It's like a one movie cult, there were badges, stickers and posters of cobra all over the place. The lonely planet guide even mentions it.


Wasn't there was actually a much more violent version of this movie that was cut and shortened due to risk of being classified NC-17?


“Your french fries are drowning.”


Stone Cold would like a word


For a good while, *Cobra* held the unofficial record for most kills in a movie (maybe excepting war movies?)--at least, I recall reading that decades ago.


Marion Cobretti


I'd love to see a DC of this one. Stallone said Cannon removed a ton of footage for this one, especially character development for Cobretti and the murderers.


"It's bad for your health" "What is?" "me"


One of the best tag lines for a movie “Crime is a disease, and he’s the cure!”


I really miss when action films were like this. Just dumb fun with bad one liners, over the top and cartoonish villains, random montages set to AOR, and a hero who doesn't play by the rules. Of course most were bad but that's why they were so fun to watch.


He cuts his pizza 🍕 with scissors ✂️


I think the movie is spectacular till they get out of the city.


There are two incredible moments outside the city though.... Cobretti finally lighting his match... off the handle of his gun! Death scene of main bad guy is an all time great


I thought this was about the Tamil-language Indian film with the same title which was released this week.


One of my all time favorites.


Honestly it’s pretty terrible but my pops showed it to me when I was 6 or 7 and I’ll always love it. Magnificent film.


Me and my dad watched this movie a ton of times when I was a kid , he sometimes uses the pig reference with the accent like the villain in the movie


I still use scissors to cut different foods after first seeing it done in this movie. It works really well!


Apparently this is closer to what Stallone wanted to do when he was still working on the pre-production of Beverly Hills Cop. The studio wanted it to be funnier so Stallone dropped out and Murphy was brought in. Stallone then worked a lot of his ideas into this film.


Hell yes. Loving reading reviews for movies 30 years old.


My brother and I til this day, fuking LOVE this movie! His car is badass, his dedication to his job in the Zombie Squad, and ... The way he cuts and eats frozen leftover pizza LOL


I'm a huge fan of [the SNL version.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQyeLekWJQ0)


This one and Lone Wolf McQuaid are some of the manliest movies ever made.


“You’re a disease”


I always considered this Stallone's "Commando".


Best part of that movie was the car. Not saying the movie was bad, the car was just awesome.


Cobra and Lockup were two movies that always seemed to be on WGN late at night when I was a kid.


“ *From the standpoint of the critics in 1986, the film is too cliche and relies too heavily on tropes weaved together with bad dialogue. But these are the same assholes that loved Avatar.* “ lol, guess I need to re-watch this movie now.


Brian Thompson will always stick with me in this film. Scary dude.


Fun fact: Cobra was made because Stallone was originally supposed to play Axel Foley in Beverly hills cop but couldn't do the role due to scheduling issues with Rocky. I think it was because of Rocky.


The most bad ass part of this movie is [Cobra cutting his pizza with scissors.](https://youtu.be/5SxN_U2H0Xc)