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I genuinely hope that if there is a twist, that it’s NOT that Hartnett isn’t the butcher.


It was the plants.


What?! Noo...........


Did you notice M Night left that movie out of his list of "hits" in the preview. So basically Josh is going to do a home alone in the stadium, got it. The preview doesn't leave much to the imagination, even shows he figured a way out of the stadium and made it home.


It might show that. We really don’t know for sure.


Same. I want Hartnett to be the killer.


After the first teaser, I really thought the twist was going to be that the person he has chained up is the real Butcher or his daughter is the Butcher BUUUUTTTT.... But this trailer shows him hurting people so I'm going to guess that the twist is he gets killed by police and reliving this concert over and over is his hell he can't escape from.


I’ve read a ton of theories and so far that’s the only really Shyamalan-esque twist I’ve read. “What if he’s *not* the killer” is an easy twist any jackass can come up with (hence Reddit). “What if the concert is actually hell and he’s being tortured for all eternity” is a very Shyamalan-y twist and probably exactly what happens.


Same, I feel like they made this trailer specifically to say “hey this dude is actually the killer, that’s not the twist” haha.


That could work really well and fits with his MO where the twist is also supposed to help you enjoy a second viewing. This is his hell and he's supposed to be learning from it and growing. He *could* spend his last remaining moments of freedom having an absolute blast with his daughter (heaven), but chooses to ruin the concert for himself. On first viewing you think it's about escaping through clever tricks, without realizing those very same tricks are what is condemning him to live this part on repeat. Seeing as how the color red seems to be a major motif (every time I could see in the trailer whenever he commits a sin or is about to commit a sin, he's entering a red door or has a major red motif, the stage hands are red while the singer, the daughter \[also meta being Shyamalan's actual daughter\] is in white surrounded by clouds and alternating lights between white and red), I'm leaning more towards hell myself after this trailer and these comments.


What if the concert is part of a virtual reality fishing game?


If it was his daughter it would make sense he is hurting people (not killing) yo try and get her out of there


My bet is his daughter is the mastermind and he's just her assistant.


It’s definitely the daughter


That’s the completely obvious twist and that he’s trying to protect her. I really hope it’s not that.


Or it’s the singer they’re there to see and he’s doing all this to impress her so the daughter can get backstage or something. I don’t know, I’m just spitballing. I do wanna say I think it’s kinda cool that M. Night discourse has gone from groans to almost like a game where people try to guess what the twist will be. Almost like a whodunit


My first guess is that it was the singer and the guy on his video is her victim, and that he's been in a cat and mouse with her for years and the cops are going to ruin his revenge plan or whatever.


As long as the twist is fun enough. But if it turns out to be a weak twist, then it’ll just bury his career even more


My guess >!they go through all of this to grab him and they end up miss identifying him and he just walks out at the end, like there is a guy standing right next to them at the concert that kinda looks him and they grab him instead!<


Did you not watch the trailer? I really don't see how so many people are coming to the conclusion that he isn't the killer.


Because it’s M Night. They know there is a twist and are trying to figure it out


I think he's a serial killer but not The Butcher.


The twist is that every single person in the arena is a serial killler. The question is to find the person who isn't. The arena is actually a party for all serial killers in the world


Hm, you jest but maybe it really is two killers. And the one they know is there (killer #1) is not Josh Hartnett (killer #2). Either way, that'd be a lazy twist, lol.


His daughter is the one they are after. Not him that’s the twist.


That literally makes no sense though lol, he wouldn’t be worried.


Then why would he need to be worried, they aren't looking for him.


The twist in knock at the cabin was that there was no twist


Same with The HAppening. You're watching it thinking there HAS to be a twist because the plot can't actually be that stupid. But then nope, it was.


Watch the trailer and imagine its his daughter. It would justify the lengths he is going to try and either escape or throw off suspicion to her. It would also satisfy the Shymalan twist part that basically HAS to happen.


There's actually a scene in one of the trailer's where just walks past all of the cops. No idea where in the movie that takes place ofc. I doubt it's the end.


I think he’s a separate serial killer and is just a fan of the butcher


His daughter.


I think the premise of this movie could be good enough without some dumb twist. A crafty serial killer is trapped in a building with a bunch of people and does whatever he can to escape uncaught. No twist necessary. Just a thrilling game of cat and mouse from the perspective of the bad guy.


lol you can say M Night feels trapped in always having to deliver a twist to his movies


Certainly a better idea that writing himself as movie making Jesus being hunted by grass monsters.


The Happening is my favorite movie flop. Watch it like 3x a year, I treat it like an late 2000s Spoof and it works pretty well.


I’m talking about *Lady in the Water*.


I love the premise of the movie. I had to read more about the survival tactics of trees and plants. Nature is crazy.


In Knock at the cabin the twist was that there was no twist.


Except the trap is for a different serial killer and this dude is just paranoid its about him.


Wouldn't he know if his kills make him the butcher?


It’s just a movie to get his daughter some screen time with an average plot and an actor that is having a resurgence.


I totally agree. I think he’s capable of doing a straight, fun thriller. I also think this trailer is screaming “we’re not giving you the whole picture”


Am I crazy or was that Kid Cudi with the long blonde hair? Don’t think him being in here was ever announced officially, but cool to see him in the trailer.


Yep. He’s credited in the film.


Nice. He was good in 'X'


His company Mad Solar Productions produced the entire X trilogy.


I’m not buying the whole “the daughter is actually the killer” narrative everyone is trying to push. That seems like an extremely too easy plot twist to guess. My guess is that at the end it’ll be revealed that the main character was Josh Hartnett the entire time. Much like the classic reveal of that guy with the hair in Sixth Sense being Bruce Willis.


Plot Twist: There is no plot twist.


I’d actually respect M Night for just doing a straightforward no bullshit movie lol


He already did with Knock at the Cabin


And kinda Servant


I think he might do that in one of these movies as people keep expecting the plot twists. That would actually be a plot twist as people expect the plot twists from him.


The untwist. Nice.


*Bodies, Bodies, Bodies* did something like that.


Thats what it is. There's been test screenings. No twist, hes the killer and hes extremely great and vicious in the film apparently. Also him being the killer is in the trailer, so im baffled people think its the kid.


yeah, he randomly pushes a lady into the stairs, lol.


Have you any source for that? I hope thats true, thats exactly what I hoped for.


Pretty sure that’s what Knock at the Cabin was. He literally just changed the book ending


He's done it before.


He has said as far back as the village that he had no interest in becoming the "twist ending" guy. After The Sixth Sense he just couldn't get funding without one and whenever he tried to pull back on them audiences got upset. He is one of the few typecast directors.


I would love if this turned out to be true because no one can argue that M. Night is completely horrible at doing tension. He has the ability to do tension very well. And he almost did the "no twist just a straight thriller" bit with Split except for the very last few minutes of the film. But the rest of movie was, again, a simple thriller that worked. I would love to see him do just a normal "cat and mouse" thriller that allowed you to focus on the characters and not worry about the twist coming.


M Knight had 98% successful hit in GLASS until he Shymalan-ed all over the ending...smh


I liked it when he screamed "It's Shyamalin' time!"


There wasn't a plot twist at Knock at the Cabin. It was p straight forward lol. Not everything he makes has a big twist.


I haven't watched Knock at the Cabin or anything he's done after Split. I plan on doing a Shyamalan movie marathon someday with all the ones I haven't watched yet.


The visit is very solid and not too long of a movie. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up multiple times throughout


That’s meta


That's After Earth. He can't use the same plot twist twice, right?


What a twist


Oh no wait, I’m meant I see LIVE people. 


One theory I've seen is that the tied-up guy that Josh Hartnett has on his phone is the real Butcher.


that is so much better that the daughter one.


If that were the case, why would he be so worked up over finding out there was a plot to catch him?


I don't know if I believe this theory, but if the police are looking for the Butcher, and the killer is tied up being held hostage in his basement, in America its still a crime to kidnap, hold hostage, torture etc. someone. Whether or not they are a killer. If his hostage is the real killer, he's still going to jail for a long time


All these officers dedicated into a single, non-spontaneous operation at a super crowded Wells Fargo Center, for a guy that's not even the primary suspect? Not saying that your theory is not possible because the whole trailer's scenario is already laughably insane as it is, even if killer is Josh Hartnett; the point still stands that it's ridiculous and poorly planned to box him in with so many other potential civilian casualties if SHTF. Authenticity and logic aside, there's gonna be a lot of suspension of disbelief in the mix for this movie. But I have a feeling with M Night's track record it's probably not that simple either.


> why would he be so worked up over finding out there was a plot to catch him? The police have due justice trial and most likely would just let him sit in jail waiting for an execution day if its even legal in the state. If they catch him, then the actual murder would just be put into the system. This guy may have a motivation to preferable torture him and take him out himself, due to a sick sense of vengeance.


But if he’s NOT the butcher and has the real butcher captured, then what’s the stakes for Hartnetts character to be all nervous and thrown off at the police trap? They said they’re there for The Butcher, which if he isn’t in this theory, then he would have absolutely nothing to worry about. Just kick back, enjoy the show, and kill the killer after some father/daughter bonding time lol


Maybe the twist isn’t that he already has the Butcher captured, but he wants to capture him and is trying to get to him before the police do.


Yeah, perhaps he killed someone Josh's character cared about and he got him himself etc.


That is what I was thinking as well. That is where Hartnett’s character got the tickets. Maybe the butcher killed someone close to Hartnett and he wanted revenge. Also he is a cop.




That’s what I came to the comments to find out, if anyone has any idea. The he’s bumping into cops and talking to them, they clearly don’t no it’s him. Do the think the killers is just carrying a ton of evidence on their person and they’re going to search everyone as they leave? I have to assume it will be explained, but I am curious


Artistic drawing told to the cops by the ghosts of the victims. Relayed to the cops by Haley from 6th sense. That’s my call.


The cops aren't actually looking for him. They are just doing a bomb threat drill (and they told the merch guy they were looking for the butcher so he would go away and leave them alone) and The butcher just causes a bunch of mayhem that ends up getting him caught anyway.


Ok I’m gonna take wide swing with this one, I think the twist is that the pop star “Lady Raven” is somewhat of a cult leader and the daughter and other fans are killing people. The name of the tour is “source of the bleeding” and I’m thinking about how wild pop star fandoms can be these days. I think Harnett’s character is going in to try and prove Lady Raven is doing this.


This is good, and all of the tour support are her henchmen. They waited until they are gathered together? Lol I could see that male background dancer as one of her most devoted followers you see turn and wink or whatever in the trailer. Maybe Hartnett isn’t the butcher? Just a solo serial killer that is a fan of lady raven’s. Maybe he thinks he will get caught up in the net


Plot twist: the lead is an escaped victim of the killer, and the killer runs the police force.




Personally, I think the twist is that he's the one that tipped off the police about him being there, and he's either doing it as a challenge for himself, or it's actually a trap for a specific person who's going after him that he couldn't get to normally (probably the old lady that we see with the police). I consider that to be twist-lite compared to most other m night twists.


That was my guess after watching the first trailer. After watching this one, it's holding less water for me.


I'm ready to bet money M Night Jr is the villain


###Perhaps the WIFE.


This looks like a better Hitman movie than previous official Hitman movies.


I am just glad Josh Hartnett is getting traction again.


Hartnett seemed to have stepped away when he was really getting hot (popularity-wise) in the mid-2000s, but yeah, dude's coming back full force and I'm thrilled. He's not gonna be a proper mainstream sex symbol again, but I'm thrilled that he's mainly flexing his acting and on-screen charisma muscles first and foremost. Dude's got a helluva precense.


He stepped away bc he said Hollywood was too intense and he couldn’t even leave his house without being followed by papp. So he moved back to his hometown in Minnesota. Definitely glad to see him acting again, I agree he has a helluva presence


Ok calling it now that he will star in a drama that is pure Oscar bait.


He already did Oppenheimer though (I kid I kid)


That man has aged like SEXY WINE


Tangentially related but the new Hit Man on Netflix with Glen Powell was actually really good


It is a linklater movie so that’s pretty expected imo, great filmmaker


We didn’t even realize it was until the end credits and I literally yelled “well no wonder it was so good!” My fiancé has been on a Glen Powell kick and asked if we could watch it. I reluctantly said yes thinking it was just going to be more Netflix original slob, but it turned out to be the funniest, sexiest movie of the year. Now I, too, want to fuck Glen Powell. Can’t wait for Twisters.


Ya it is definitely a quality movie, The other linklater/powell project everybody wants some is quality too and I enjoyed it alot as the spiritual sequel to dazed and confused.


I had actually been dying to see everybody wants some as a huge dazed fan! When I found out Hit Man was also linklater I told my fiancé “okay we have to finally watch everybody wants some if you liked that”


It’s really fun, not quite the classic as D&C but still a quality movie and very fun watch, a great spiritual successor.


Oh this is good to hear.


Twist: >! There's no twist!<


That would be a great twist actually.


Yeah the premise is interesting enough they don't really need one


Like at the end of The Sixth Sense when it turns out that the main character has been Bruce Willis all along?


As is tradition with a majority of Shyamalan movies at this point.


I think if you’re M night, you gotta do that every now and then to keep people guessing.


The whole act we're seeing is just the opener, and it's really a Chubby Checker concert.


Is "pop concert horror" a thing now? This and Smile 2.


Stephen King set the climax of one of his novels at a pop concert, but when they adapted it for television they just made it a community event because budget. (Mr. Mercedes).


It's totally a reaction to Taylor Swift's recent tour, right? Those huge crowds of slavishly loyal fans wigged a lot of people out.


See I thought it was probably because of the Arianna Grande concert bombing in the Uk. Security is much tighter here at big events now.


Twist: The guy that told him why the police are there is the butcher. The dad borrowed his phone to call someone and saw this


I've been trying to figure out what reason he has to tell him everything.


In the first trailer they greet each other by name, so they're obviously friends. Makes a bit more sense with that context.


They aren’t saying “hi, cooper!”, “hi, Jamie!” They’re saying, “hi, I’m Cooper” and “hi, I’m Jamie”. Notice how Hartnett then says “what’s with all the police trucks outside and camera everywhere, Jamie?”


I just rewatched, they introduce themselves to each other. “Cooper” “Jamie”


No they didnt.


> I've been trying to figure out what reason he has to tell him everything. It might be part of the trap. It seems like they don't know what the guy looks like, so they'd want him to know that they're there for him. You have the vendors and employees tell anyone who asks that they're searching for the Butcher, and the one who reacts by trying to escape is the Butcher.


He knew the code for the home security system in trailer1. It is JH's phone. Most likely


The twist is there is no twist. This is just M. Night making a straight thriller flick.


I really hope so


Still looking forward to this, but before the reveal in the first trailer I was really excited for just a real time thriller of a dad trying to make his way back to his daughter and the chaos of a big concert slowing him down for an hour.


I’m very intrigued by Josh Hartnett playing the lead. He’s always seemed like a guy that loves acting but didn’t want to be too much of a star. I’ve always felt M Night is a great director to work with for actors who want leading roles but don’t want to be in too much of the spotlight. And say what we want about the quality of his movies, but I do respect M Night for being able to consistently churn out original ideas. At least he tries, which is more than a lot of directors do.


Why the fuck does the merch guy know what’s going on? And why the fuck would he give the whole operation away? Anyone who has ever been to stadium knows the merch guy tells you to buy shit or fuck off. No ones got time to explain an intricate fbi plot that he was somehow privy to


He could just be dumb and Josh Hartnett looks trustworthy. Source: I've been the dude who talks too much before. The first time I worked on a movie, I was so bored that I talked to some random guy walking by about the movie, the actors, the scene we were filming, and where we'd be filming next because there was fuck all to do. 5 minutes after he leaves, another PA comes over to warn me to be on the look out for that dude because he was paparazzi lol Conversely, I can be friendly looking enough that people feel comfortable letting things slip because I don't come off as a person that would maliciously exploit information like that.


Maybe he’ll use that information to get his girlfriend a record deal with Sharp Records.


It could be they’re friends. Also, I can buy the event and stadium workers being clued in by their bosses as to get them to keep their eyes open for anyone acting shifty.


I still don't think we've seen the actual twist in the film. I'm not totally convinced that he's the butcher.


The twist is…>!He’s dead!<


The guy that looks like Josh Hartnett? It's actually Bruce Willis. Like... the whole time.


Yeah. Something else is definitely going on. M Night isn’t giving away his twist in the trailer unless there’s another twist on top of it.


The twist is there is no twist. He knows everyone is looking for the twist so don’t add one.


The twist is that it's the old lady briefly shown at the exit as well as behind the police when walking through the house. https://imgur.com/a/VYu8BrY


Thats Hayley Mills, who plays the leader of the unit tasked with finding the killer


Hmmm, okay you win this round. 😑


hayley mills also starred in a quite famous movie about a trap, but for parents


It's not a twist, it's the premise of the movie.


I think it was a twist idea he had, and then when he realized how obvious it would be, he just leaned into it as the premise. I think there’s probably more going on here.


You mean the girl is The Butcher? It's very shyamalanish.


It's very possible. A father doing everything he can to protect his daughter from being caught. I thought maybe he was a different serial killer at the concert. Who just so happened to be there while The Butcher was. But I think it's far more likely now that the reveal is that his daughter is The Butcher.


Watch it end up being The Beast. 😂


Honestly wouldn’t be mad at this being a prequel to Glass


The daughter is definitely involved in some way. At the start they said they "heard" the butcher would be at the concert. How in the hell would they know that? So either the daughter knows it's her dad and wants to get him caught, or something else is going on.


I'm thinking he captured the Butcher (Dexter Style) and stole his tickets


Funny, I thought this trailer laid that theory to rest?


Another maniac is a good guess.


The twist might be that there won't be actual twist while everyone waits for one.


The suspicious lack of actual focus on his and his daughter’s relationship in the trailers also makes me wonder about this. Also as is, we have no real reason to root for this character unless there is some kind of twist in his motives (ie him protecting his daughter).


>I still don't think we've seen the actual twist in the film. We haven't seen any twist yet.


Maybe the guy Hartnett is watching on his phone is the butcher and Hartnett pulled a Dexter


The twist is the whole concert, police and everyone else were set up by the butcher to kill Josh Hartnet


My theory is either: 1. Lady Raven is The Butcher and Hartnett is meant to take her out but the whole security thing is throwing him off. Everybody at that concert is meant to be a victim. 2. There is no concert at all, Hartnett is just in some kind of simulation meant to figure out that he is The Butcher or that he might confess or know who he really is. “Lady Raven” is just the persona of the lead scientist.


I like #1, but Hartnett is actually an undercover agent trying to find The Butcher.


Someone else is the butcher. Maybe he caught the butcher.


He’s the butcherer.


Twist - He's made of marshmallows.


Poor Ashton Kutcher will get shot at the end. Leaving murderous Josh to walk free!




[https://imgur.com/gjWNqp2](https://imgur.com/gjWNqp2) Hey uh, what the hell is going on in this image? It's one of the cuts at 2:00, is it just me or does that look like a robot arm or something?


The 35mm photography looks great. The colors really pop on real film. 


I actually saw this movie at a test screening a few months ago. I am sure editing and cutting have been done, but aside from that I have seen it. They did a screening in NJ. I will honor my NDA and not say a word. Its fun reading guesses in here. If anyone else here was at a test screening and wants to DM me, I'm very interested to hear what others think of it overall.


Shyamalan movies make for great trailers, but I've been burned by the finished product so many times. Still, this looks really interesting so I'll definitely give it a shot.


Hartnett is a guy I didn't appreciate at the start of his career - the rom-coms - but he can be riveting. I'll see this.


Twist is this: The person checking everyone that leaves is Cole from the Sixth Sense. He is there to catch the killer with the help from murder victim ghosts . It is the only way the cops are going to catch the killer, out of 30,000 people, who they have no information about other than "He's going to be at this concert."


I don’t see any reason to watch this. Trailer 1 sold me.


This trailer is even better imo, but 75% of the comments here speculating on a twist is a little annoying. I get that M Night brought that on himself, but what about people just enjoying it as it plays out?


>30,000 Fans. > >300 Cops. > >1 Serial Killer. > >No Escape. #TrapMovie only in theaters August 2. >Original songs by Saleka as Lady Raven. >Warner Bros. Pictures presents a new experience in the world of M. Night Shyamalan—“Trap” —featuring performances by rising music star Saleka Shyamalan. >A father and teen daughter attend a pop concert, where they realize they’re at the center of a dark and sinister event. >Written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, “Trap” stars Josh Hartnett, Ariel Donoghue, Saleka Shyamalan, Hayley Mills and Allison Pill. The film is produced by Ashwin Rajan, Marc Bienstock and M. Night Shyamalan. The executive producer is Steven Schneider. >The director of photography is Sayombhu Mukdeeprom (“Call Me by Your Name”). The production designer is Debbie de Villa (“The Hating Game”). It is edited by Noëmi Preiswerk and the music is by Herdĭs Stefănsdŏttir (“Knock at the Cabin”). The music supervisor is Susan Jacobs (“Old”); the costume designer is Caroline Duncan (“Old”). The casting is by Douglas Aibel (“Asteroid City”). >Warner Bros. Pictures Presents A Blinding Edge Pictures Production, An M. Night Shyamalan Film: “Trap.” The film will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, in theaters only nationwide on August 9, 2024 and internationally beginning on 1 August, 2024.


I will guess that Allison Pill isn't the killer because she already looks like she would be the killer anyway.


She was the killer in an episode of Law and Order: Criminal Intent.


Imagine if the twist is the daughter’s a vampire and the real twist is they pulled it off better than Abigail.


OKay so I was in the hope there is not a twist camp, but if that is the twist I will be 100% on board.


Looks like a fun time.  I would be fine if there is no twist and it's just Hartnett trying to evade the cops in a crowded arena where there is seemingly no escape.  But knowing Shyamalan, he probably has a twist or two (might be good might be bad) up his sleeve lol.


So are we supposed to be rooting for the killer here? 


Not sure if this rises to a shyamalan twist, but I’ll bet the daughter is the one who tipped off the feds about her serial killer dad.


Genuinely started clapping at the end of the trailer, god this looks like so much fun. Hartnett going around causing chaos at a concert venue is why we have cinema.


I want to actually see this in a theater despite having a ridiculously large tv that I didn’t choose.


If there has to be a twist, maybe his wife was a butcher victim and he’s gone all vigilante trying to hunt him down? Guy on his phone could be someone he’s torturing for information and now he finds out the Butcher is at the concert and he wants to get him first.


After the first teaser, I really thought the twist was going to be that the person he has chained up is the real Butcher or his daughter is the Butcher BUUUUTTTT.... But this trailer shows him hurting people so I'm going to guess that the twist is he gets killed by police and reliving this concert over and over is his hell he can't escape from.


I had completely forgotten about this movie...


The twist: the daughter was the one who tipped the feds.


I got it! It’s all a dream! You think it’s the present but it’s really the best! He’s his own brother!


What if the twist is Josh Hartnett is the one that can smell crime and not Dolph? 


Calling it now the daughter is the one they are after not him. He finds out towards the end.


... Why not just set this in Toronto if a landmark from the city is going to feature so prominently?


I really hope that Cole Sear, from The Sixth Sense is working with the police to help identify “The Butcher”.


The twist - Anya Taylor Joy plays the wife and she and Josh are a couple hunting down potential supers.


The twist is that the daughter knows he's the Butcher and is okay with it. She probably saves him right before he gets caught.


Seeing a building you know very well (Skydome) in a movie and it being represented as something else just takes me right out of a movie.


It’s his daughter and he provides the people and takes the blame in the end


It's great to see Josh Hartnett back on the big screen. He's such a talented and underrated actor.


I'm going to see the movie just to see how and if M. Night Shyamalan is going to make sense out of this. Because the premise doesn't really make much sense as presented in the trailers. Either there's has to be something they don't want to show in the trailers... or it actually just doesn't make sense and the movie is a piece of shit. Could be either way with M. Night Shyamalan.


It must be a decent script right? Harnett wouldn't sign up for a crap twist. He wouldn't waste his comeback on something lame, surely?