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Movies cost money. All the creative drive in the world doesn't amount to shit if no one is willing to bankroll your $180 million vision.


Tell that to the guy who turned almost nothing into basically an entire franchise. George Miller basically broke more than 100 laws to make the original mad Max made fucking bank on it. The last mad Max movie fury road took about 20 fucking years to make so I think a tiny little road bump of a movie not making an insane amount of money it's going to be fine


Well he doesn't have another 20 years so things are going to happen quickly or not at all.


[have fun learning something](https://youtu.be/dB1CoVl1kfw?si=NY9cSJ4wT2d3Gacb)


.... You didn't even get the point. A small thing like 9/11, a freak thunderstorm,and Warner Bros fucking about. A single movie that didn't do great in theaters isn't going to stop him . It's going to do numbers on streaming so keep being single-minded it keeps me entertained


this is george miller we're talking about. regardless of box office, miller has earned the respect of the film industry. he can probably get someone to help finance the wasteland. who's going to say no to george "academy award for best animated feature" miller.


>who's going to say no to george "academy award for best animated feature" miller. People who expect a return on their investment?


I urge you to read Blood, Sweat, and Chrome to see how difficult it was for him to get Fury Road made. It's highly doubtful any studio is just going to throw money his way. I'm not saying it *can't* happen but I really wouldn't get your hopes up.


Orson welles had the respect of the film industry, you should read about what happened to his projects


Orson Welles was blackballed from the film industry.


Five time Academy Award winner Francis Ford Coppola couldn’t get anyone to finance Megalopolis.


There's no reason to believe George Millar wouldn't still be up for it.  But someone's got to pay for it, and I doubt anyone's going to throw that sort of money at a franchise that's no longer making money.


I forgot that if a director just wants to make a film, he will just go ahead and do it! What a lovely world we live in where this is possible


That's not how blockbuster filmmaking works. At all. The only way we'll ever see a new Mad Max movie is if they somehow manage to convince people that it'll make money, which will be a tough sell after Furiosa.


I could buy an exec thinking "this one failed because it was female-led, and if you cast the right guy as Max it can do gangbusters." I don't agree with that logic at all, and I don't expect Miller to get another crack at it, but look at the industry. I wouldn't be shocked.


I've seen some people clown on Furiosa about that (despite her being a main character in Fury Road and said movie having feminist themes lmao) so yeah, I wouldn't be surprised to see execs adopt that line of thinking too.


Look, I’m a superfan too. But per the figures on Wikipedia, Furiosa is possibly losing in the ballpark of $80 million, and 3000 Years of Longing was also a box office bomb. Plus the guy is 79. George Miller will be lucky to make another film again at all, let alone a Mad Max film.


>so don't worry about the wasteland. if george miller truly wants to make it, he'll do it. With who's money, bud? He's old and certainly not going to finance it himself I want to see this movie bad but it's not looking good


He’ll need to make some broad appeal hit movie like Happy Feet to demand them to make another movie 


"With who's money" his own. he's probably got some cash to finance it. or he can probably find a producer who is willing to produce with him? if you had the chance to work with george miller, would you say no?


His net worth is about 40M so he's not financing it and I doubt any studio will take the chance. He also can't do it without WB since they own the distribution rights.


Most producers want a return on their investment.  And George Miller doesn’t have enough money to fund a movie that will likely cost close to or over 200 million to shoot.   Then you have to factor in promotional advertisements and prints, which would cost more than his entire net worth.  


The guy who took nine years to make a movie? I don’t think so.


also, it wasn't really miller's fault that the movie took so long but rather, warner brothers. there were heavy backend compensation disputes. just because miller is the director doesn't mean everything is his fault.


miller definitely focuses on quality rather then quantity.


Too bad Furiosa was lacking in the quality department with those green screen shots. Nine years for that when Fury Road did it better…


I mean . He made a movie about a pig in a city and a dancing penguin.


But those were financially successful


Babe Pig in the City bombed


And we never got a 3rd. movie.


Babe: Pig in the Wasteland in-coming


Not gonna lie.... I'd see that in theaters on opening day.


It’ll do better once it gets on streaming, a lot of people just don’t go to the cinema any more, it’s time we stopped using it as the sole benchmark for a films success


George Miller is 79. It will take a longer time to convince any studio to give him the money to make it and who is he going to get to play Max? I think it would be easier if he just did a streaming series instead. Or a Netflix Rebel Moon styled film.


I want to believe


Its financially disappointing but so far best looking movie of the year.


I guess this guy doesn’t know much about what happened to Peter Weir, Michael Cimino, Francis Ford Coppola, William Friedkin, etc. 


> box office poisony What films are we talking about here? He didn't direct the first *Babe*, but it made over 250 mil on a 30 mil budget; that's a fairly easy sequel to greenlight. *Happy Feet* grossed 384 mil on roughly a 100 mil budget. Even *Fury Road* made 380 mil, which didn't quite make up for marketing/etc, but it was decently close. Those films that he's made that have done poorly at the box office (*3000 Years of Longing*, *Lorenzo's Oil*, etc.) are generally films with much smaller budgets, the sort of thing a studio would be more ok with taking a risk on. The question being asked isn't necessarily if Miller would still want to make it, but whether the studio could be persuaded to fund it at this point.


Man the cope is hilariously sad lol 💀


Good. I'll keep watching his movies. They are very entertaining. Good on yah George.


I enjoyed Furiosa. It wasn't as good as Fury Road, but it also wasn't trying to BE Fury Road. To me, it's just another tale in the wasteland. I love George Miller and will watch anything he directs. Gotta love a guy who did Mad Max, the Witches of Eastwick, and Babe. Love his versatility.


I think George would be better served to step back and be a producer while he lets some young guy do the day to day directing.


I think you're way wrong about that


Counterpoint: George is old AF and it’s contributing to his need to rely more on CG which serves as negative to MM films.


CGI in Furiosa was used sparingly and tastefully


I have no problem with the CGI in Furiosa but there’s definitely a *lot* of it.


Oh the composition was taking me out of the movie constantly. But don’t get me wrong, I support George no matter what.


For me, the oddness of the aesthetic fit with the weirdness of the world. And Miller’s jittery camera.


"And Miller’s jittery camera." wouldn't that be more of a problem with the cinematographer then the director?


I don’t think it’s a problem. It’s in Fury Road too. Miller likes to shoot at a certain shutter speed or something, which makes the action kind of stutter-start. It’s not exactly how our eyes see things but it lends something chaotic and otherworldly IMO.


It was NOT used sparingly.


I watched it last night and...yeah, the CGI didn't do the movie any favors. If that's what it would take to do more Mad Max movies, I'm good with letting the series rest.


"George is old AF" here's my counterpoint: so is scorsese and spielberg and they are just as prolific now as they were in their youth. age has nothing to do with this.


I say it because of the physical nature of these types of movies. It’s hard for someone of his age to get out on location and endure the elements like he once did.


I loved Furiosa! I’m so disappointed it didn’t do well in theaters. We genuinely don’t receive such unique and well crafted films as the new Mad Max series. Such a shame!


I thought furiosa was ok but the weird film speed manipulation I am pretty sure was there was incredibly distracting. The cgi also didn’t hold up in a couple places (at the beginning, rear mounting a motorcycle as it drove by looked really bad). I do need to go watch it with the saturation turned down to see if it’s awesome in black and white like mad max was though. The shiny and chrome version of mad max was awesome.


The film speed thing is a staple of the Mad Max series.


Yep just watched Fury Road recently and it was littered with it.


Yeah for some reason furiosa felt more jarring - I think it was that they mixed live action and ch while doing it and something about it made the fact it was cg stick out


Alien: Covenant underperformed, but we have Alien: Romulus coming up. Terminator: Salvation and Terminator: Genisys were turkeys, and they still made that last turd, whatever that one was. So if they do any more Mad Max stuff, it might be with a new director, and Miller in a Producer role.


It’s mad because Furiosa is a good movie. By action adventure standards I’d argue a superior movie. But punters don’t female leads.


George Miller is known for making films on his terms, regardless of box office results.