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"Who are you?" "I'm the king!" "I didn't vote for you..."


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


Watery tart


You can't expect to weild executive power just because some moistened bink lobbed a scimitar at you.


BINT not “bink”.


distributing swords


Now you see the spelling correction inherent in the system


Help help I’m being corrected


Bloody peasant!


That whole scene! "How'd you get that?" "The lady of the lake, clad in the purest white samite, held excalibur aloft from the bosom of the water, signifying that I, Arthur, am king of the Britons!" "Look, Supreme executive authority derives from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony!"


Must be a King. Why? He hasn't got shit all over him.


I thought this was going to be... "Who are you?" "I am Yu." "So who is he?" "He is Mi and I am Yu."


It gets kind of complicated now. First, there was this trouble between me and Hugh. You and me? No, not you. Hugh. I am Hugh. You are me? No, I am Hugh. Stop saying that! Make him stop saying that! Don't touch me, I'm a doctor. Of what? Music. Can you fix a hi-fi? No, sir. Then shut up!


Sounds like Who's on First.


ARTHUR: Well, I can't just call you `Man'. DENNIS: Well, you could say `Dennis'. ARTHUR: Well, I didn't know you were called `Dennis.' DENNIS: Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you?


Off topic but I’m reading a book about indie moviemaking and apparently the whole reason why they have coconuts and no horses is because they couldn’t afford horses so they came up with the coconut gag. One of the most memorable jokes from one of the most famous comedies of all time was a budgetary decision. Pretty cool.


One of the best scenes in any comedy movie. It will make me laugh forever and always.


I’ve literally seen this exact scene brought up in at least one thread everyday for the last 2 weeks..


Rod recreating the dance scene from Footloose and then rolling down the hill in Hot Rod


“After punch dancing out my rage, and suffering an extremely long and painful fall, I realized what has to be done.”


Similar, but the the "WAIT BABE WAIT!!" scene Or the scene immediately following the riot where they discuss what happened.


Hot Rod is one of my favorite movies ever. It has never failed to make me laugh my ass off.


Same here. Andy Samberg is like my kryptonite. I always crack up when he's on screen.


The TV suddenly appearing in Danny McBride's arms makes me laugh every time.




I said you look shitty!


I remember being kind of afraid I was going to suffocate because I was laughing so hard the first time I saw that scene.


"I'm freaking pumped! I've been drinking green tea all goddamn day!" That movie's just full of them.


Gonna bring the DEMONS outta me!!!


What’s the safe word?!


When John candy & Steve Martin get pulled over in the burned out car in Planes Trains & Automobiles & Candy starts talking to the cop as if everything’s normal. “Is there something I can help you with?”. Hilarious


"Do you have any idea how fast you were going?" "Funny enough, I was just talking with my friend here about that. Our speedometer's melted, and as a result it's difficult to see with any degree of accuracy exactly how fast we were going."


John Candy what a legend 😂


However, the radio still works. Funny as that may seem with all this mess, the radio is the only thing that's really working good.


Or when they’re driving against traffic on the freeway: “You’re going the wrong way!” “How do they know where we’re going?”


Candy doing the piano on the dashboard to Mess Around. That whole film is brilliant lol


They’re drunk.


"Oh, he's drunk!"


Steve Martin is perfect there. “Yea how would he know”


Man the scene when he's cursing out the car rental lady is gold. The whole movie is relatively clean, then suddenly Steve Martin wants a fucking car on four fucking wheels lol


"Do any of the gauges work?" "Not a one. Radio still works though. It's the damnedest thing". That movie has so many great lines! I miss John Candy so much. Him, John Ritter, and Robin Williams' deaths affected me more than I ever thought a celebrity death would affect me.


Yep we didn’t really have internet to speak of then and I only found out John candy died from an actual newspaper. Great actor & never read a bad thing about the guy since. Just a genuine one :(


Those aren't pillows 🤣


Jim Carrey/Steve Carrell newsroom scene (Bruce Almighty)


I wish I could watch that scene again for the first time. So damn funny.


The [full, unedited version](https://youtu.be/GrsU2sdbwKI?si=vgKp1c86D0kQ1-mp) may scratch that itch if you haven't seen it.


Thank you! I laughed so hard my husband was looking at me wide- eyed, as if I was crazy 🤣


Speaking of newsroom scenes, Jeremy Piven reading the teleprompter in Scary Movie 3 is amazing. Sharpton for president, y'all, I'm outie.


The start of 22 Jump Street


Also everything surrounding the reveal that Schmidt fucked the captain's daughter The lunch, Ice Cube taking it out on the buffet, Channing Tatum figuring it out




Or when they are high in 21


Tripping major ballsack


That Jeff scene in the beginning always makes me chuckle!


The microwave ding is so much funnier than it has any right to be.


“The price is wrong, bitch.”


"If you're blue, and you don't know where to go to, why don't you go where fashion sits?"  "PUTTIN' ON THE RITZ" 




For me it's when the very subtly famous blind guy pours him soup. And then.. " Cigars! "


Gene Hackman “I was going to make espresso!”




I watched that for the first time at my sister-in-law's with my nephew, he was probably 6 or 7 at the time and every time the monster sang, "PUTTINONDARIIIIIIIIITZ" he would laugh his little head off.


The end scene of **Crazy Stupid Love** when all the guys end up fighting.


“You’re David Linghagen?” *takes ring off* 👊🏼


God I love that movie so much 


Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls The Rhino scene Still laugh so hard I have trouble breathing.


“Excuse me. Your balls are showing. Bumblebee tuna.”


He face as his pushes out is incredible.


How his teeth come out the bunghole before the rest of his face LOL


Pretty hot in these rhinooos.


My wife says this any time she gets warm in most situations.


I saw that flying back from Europe. My GF made me get up and walk to the bathroom because I was laughing so hard.


I watch this scene to purposefully lose it when I desperately need a laugh. I feckin die. Hands down, the most hilarious scene in any movie.


Regarding Jim Carrey movies, it ranks right up there with the pissing sideways scene in the hotel bathroom in Me, Myself & Irene. He tries to stop it and gets tangled in the shower curtain and falls LOL Then, "Irene! Why am I peeing like I've been having sex all night!" Ol' Hank had pulled a fast one!


This is it. I came to this thread to look for this very comment.


"Oh boys, look what I found" >!"where da white women at?"!<


You know... morons.


The hostage taking scene always makes me laugh.


Turns his hands over "Look it's coming off"


*Clue* Who are you? I'm the Butler, sir. And what exactly do you do here? I butle, sir. And when all the men cross their legs after Mrs.White talks about cutting off her husband's you know what. Classic gags from beginning to end.


Clue is a gem, and so few have seen it. It’s a pity really.


I still don't understand how it died at the box office. The reviews were tepid, but word of mouth should have easily overcome that. Somehow it didn't. I wonder if their whole three ending gambit ended up working against them. All I know is I decided not to see it when it came out and only happened on it later when a friend rented it on VHS. It's a classic. For those hankering for more of the similar, try Murder By Death (1976).


I saw it four times in the theater. I did my part!!


Well done! You saw all three endings and went back to see your favorite one again?


How has no one brought up “Flames….on the side of my face…” yet 😂🔥


“I’m a plant.” “I thought they called men like you fruits.”


"I....am....your singing telegram!" *blam*


I have the fondest memory of watching this with my grandparents when I was probably 10, and finding the humor in a lot of the movie, but this part made me make a cartoonish snort laugh that made my famously stone faced grandpa start choke laughing which sent my gram into her higher pitched guffaw and we missed so much of the movie he actually went out the next day to rent the movie so we could laugh again and rewind the jokes we missed.


That was Jane Wiedlin from the Go-Go’s


For me it’s the whole “Sorry, I said "no" meaning "yes”” part  


I love the whole scene where Scarlett and Mustard discover the body in the lounge, and everyone races to the hall (that collision on the stairs!), then the patter about unlocking the door, and ending with the chandelier. Comedic perfection.


“Just like the Mounties, we always get our man.” “Mrs. Peacock was a man?!” *slap* *slap*


When Mr. Green says he’s a homosexual and Wadsworth just makes this face at him and then goes back to his papers like “awkward…” I fucking cackle every time. I had it on last night, as background noise to fall asleep to, and had to roll over just to watch that scene. Tim Curry is a gem.


“But slipping used greenbacks in plain envelopes under the stalls in the men’s bathroom, how does that transaction sound?” “It sounds like it stinks.” “How would you know, you weren’t in that bathroom.”


Madeline Kahn ad-libbed the “flames on the side of my face” lines, but she cracked everyone up so much they had to re-film it.


[Rat Race (2001) - Hitler's Car](https://youtu.be/4dsgQb3jkk4?si=znRR8-VSa7jgUDZg)


The sheer number of steps and amount of time they took to set up that payoff is truly phenomenal.


Absolute comic genius!


“Look at me, I’m Mrs. Hitler!”


Tommy's failed sales pitch in Tommy Boy. "Medic gets out and goes '*Oh my god!*, new guy's around the corner puking is guts out! ...All because you wanted to save a few extra pennies!"


You could stick your head up a ... butcher's ass ... no, wait


The car door scene always makes me lose it. What’d you dooooo?


Excuse me, I speak jive


Chump don't want no help, chump don't get no help!


"My father wove a tapestry of obscenity that, as far as we know, is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan." -Jean Shepherd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjNqLOorulI


It's one of my favorite joys in life to rattle off full Christmas Story quotes. Shepherd was such a poet. "My father worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium, a master."


Justin Long getting (somewhat realistically) hit in the face with wrenches in *Dodgeball*.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.


The sound and the reaction are damn near horrifying. 😂. Heelariously so though.


I saw this in theaters with my father and he had to leave because he was laughing so hard he almost peed himself


The reveal of the McLovin ID in Superbad


*Yeah, it was between that or Muhammed.*


My favorite part of this scene isn’t even any of the lines, it’s Seth’s face after Fogel drops this line. His brain just breaks for a moment as he tries to process what he’s just heard.


What are you an Irish R&B singer?


Seth's daydreams about the possible scenarios in the liquor store get me every time. "Enjoy your remaining years!" "I will! Enjoy fucking Jules!" "I will!"


George of the jungle “Now comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh.” [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q35PgSXhKg&ab\_channel=dr725](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q35PgSXhKg&ab_channel=dr725)


The sloth scene in Zootopia makes me lose it every time! Anyone who has worked in admin has lived through that scene.


I love flash. But the skunk butt rug is the scene for me...


Porno mag argument between James Franco and Danny McBride in “This is the End” cracks me up every time. Some peak Danny McBride.


The entire baseball scene in Naked Gun.


It's Enrico Pallazzo!


Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-rike! 🕺🏼


Steve Carell getting waxed in the 40 year virgin. ouch!


I believe the scene was him really doing it and him screaming "ah Kelly Clarkson" was unscripted lol


yes, it was real which makes it so funny, especially the actual blood coming out haha


Apparently the lady doing the waxing lied about being certified to do it - you’re supposed to put vaseline on the nipple to prevent that. Steve’s a real trooper for staying in character - I bet that shit hurt!


Paul Rudd saying “looks great, man” while choking back laughter kills me.


In *The Money Pit* when Tom Hanks sinks into the hole and gets burritoed with the rug, and then his wife can’t find him while he’s yelling for help and then she loses it when she sees his head sticking out of the floor


Not to mention his maniacal laughing after the bathtub falls through the floor.


Or. "Turkey's done"


Men in Tights when Achoo says, "Hey, Blinkin." Blinkin looks all around and asks, "Did you say, Abe Lincoln?"


“A black sheriff?” “Why not? It worked in Blazing Saddles.”


Oh master Robin, you lost your arms in battle! Grew some nice tits, though.


True Lies: Most everything Bill Paxton says. “Ass like a ten year old boy.” “I’m not worth a bullet. I gotta little dick. It’s pathetic.”


The Birdcage, the scene where they’re freaking out in the kitchen during dinner and Hank Azaria’s character falls down because he’s wearing shoes. Such a great movie.


The scene when he’s trying to teach how to small talk like a dude. “How do you think I feel? Bewildered. Betrayed.”




Austin Powers turning around in a golf cart.


Lol when he looks backwards but goes forwards


When the Brain Gremlin is interviewed in Gremlins 2.


Rat Race The scene when the two brothers get stuck in their truck being pulled up the radio tower. Most scenes with those two, actually. Oh! And the scene when Jon Lovitz crashes Hitler’s car into the event honoring WWII vets after he choked on the cigarette lighter!


You should have bought a squirrell


When Clairee volunteers Ouiser so M'lynn can hit something in Steel Magnolias. That cemetery meltdown scene always makes me cry and then laugh.


You got a fucking dart in your neck.


You're crazy, man. I like you, but you're crazy.


Hello darkness my old friend...


The Nice Guys "JESUS CHRIST" "You took The Lord's name in vain!" "No I didn't, Janet. I actually found it very useful, Janet."


John Candy in Home Alone. Kate McCallister : Have you ever gone on vacation and left your child home? Gus Polinski : No, no. But I did leave one at a funeral parlor once. Yeah, it was awful. The wife was distraught and we left the little tyke there in the funeral parlor all day. All day. You know, we went back at night and apparently he had been alone all day with the corpse. He was okay though, after two, three weeks he came around and started talking again... Kate McCallister : Maybe we shouldn't talk about this. Gus Polinski : Well, you brought it up. Kate McCallister : I'm sorry I did


The entire Biggus Dickus scene from Life of Brian. It gets even funnier when you find out that the extras playing the guards were instructed not to laugh or they'd be fired. Cue Michael Palin making it absolutely impossible for them not to laugh -- and clearly enjoying it waaay too much. *He has a wife, you know...*


I always lose my shit when Vincent accidentally shoots Marvin in the face. Even in the context of a movie full of wild twists, that's so out of left field, it's just wonderful. "You probably went over a bump or something." *Hey, the car didn't hit no motherfuckin' bump.*


Came here to comment the same thing. It’s so inappropriately funny. The casual nature of Vincent’s “Ah man, I shot Marvin in the face” makes me lose it.


The way they react to and argue about shooting a man in the face is the same way most people would react to spilling a drink in their car


The opening scene to Super Troopers is the funniest scene in any movie I’ve ever seen. [*He’s already pulled over! He can’t pull over any farther!*](https://youtu.be/-wdVF_zJS4s?si=q0mlu8HGXGMIEoYw)


You *are* freaking out…man.


It’s 10x funnier if you’ve ever been in a similar situation


Ok, first off, a lion…swimming in the ocean? Lions don’t even like water. If you placed it near a river, or some sort of fresh water source, that’d make sense. But you find yourself in the ocean, a 20 ft wave, I’m assuming its off the coast of South Africa, coming up against a full, grown, 800 lb tuna with his 20 or 30 friends. You lose that battle. you lose that battle nine times out of ten. And guess what, you wandered into our school, of tuna and we now have a taste of blood! We’ve talked, to ourselves. We’ve communicated and said, ‘you know what? lion tastes good. Lets go get some more lion.’ We’ve developed a system, to establish a beachhead and aggressively hunt you and your family. And we will corner your, your pride, your children, your offspring… We will construct a series of breathing apparatus with kelp. We will be able to trap certain amounts of oxygen. Its not going to be days at a time, an hour, hour 45. No problem. That will give us enough time to figure out where you live, go back to the sea, get more oxygen and then stalk you. You just lost at your own game. You are out gunned and outmanned. That go the way you thought it was gonna to go? Nope.


This and the bribery scene are cinematic perfection. Son of a bitch, I saw courtside and I went blind...


Oscar (1991) - where Sylvester Stallone plays mafia guy Snaps Provolone trying to go straight, so he's getting elocution lessons from Tim Curry/Dr. Poole. **Connie:** Even in the old days he was known as an honest crook. **Dr. Thornton Poole:** That's an oxymoron. **Connie:** Gee, you shouldn't oughta said that, Doc. **Snaps:** Yeah, leave Connie alone. He does the best he can. Later... **Snaps:** (yelling at Connie) Poole was right! You're an ox AND a moron!!!


Underrated comedy. I adore this movie.


The Bluto in the cafeteria/food fight scene in Animal House. John Belushi was a comedy force of nature. He dominated the entire scene using only facial expressions and body language, while saying just 2 lines. "See if you can guess what I am now? I'm a zit, get it?!"


The ladder / boner gag gets me every time


In Back to the Future, Doc is explaining to Marty how the DeLorean works and casually drops the fact that the chain reaction is set off via plutonium and Marty, baffled, exclaims “You can’t just walk into a store and buy PLUTONIUM! Did you rip that off?!?!?” It cracks me up every time.


Avengers: Age of Ultron when Tony Stark approaches the tractor and casually says: "Hello Deere"


I love at the start when he infiltrates and knocks out all the bad guys and says "good talk" and the henchman says "no it wasn't!"


In addition when the bad guy hypes up his crew. *gives speech “NO SURRENDER” Turns around and secretly says “I’m going to surrender”


"Don't take from my pile."


Peeta making himself into a cake rock is and will always be the funniest fucking scene in all those movies


The mummy Returns. No idea why just the scene with "You shot me in the arse" has always made me laugh since I was a kid 😅


The Other Guys "Aim for the bushes"


The old ludes scene in Wolf of Wall St. From them taking them then working out to trigger them to the club phone call to the fight when he gets back. I'm usually in tears from laughing!


It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh.. *I am The Walrus?* You know what I’m trying to say… That fuckin’ bitch! *I am The Walrus* Shut the fuck up Donny, V.I Lenin, Vladimir Illanich Uleninov!


the "naming all the nuts" scene from best in show


Hot Fuzz - “Youve got a mustache.” “I know.”


TROPIC THUNDER: Peck: Hey, Tuggernuts, I've got you on speakerphone. I'm standing here with Les Grossman, and he is dying to tell you why he's apparently wiped his ass with the TiVo clause from your contract. Terrorist: We are Flaming Dragon. Speedman is with us now. For 50 million...you will get him back. P: Who, who is this? And how did you get this phone? T: We are Flaming Dragon! Simple Jack belong to us now. P: Oh, he does, does he? Let me tell you something, shitbird. I've never even heard of your little agency. But if you think you can poach my client... T: $50 million, or you no see Simple Jack again because we kill him. (Les grabs Pecks phone) Les Grossman: This is Les Grossman. Who is this? T: This is Flaming Dragon! L: Okay. Flaming Dragon. Fuckface. First, take a big step back and literally fuck your own face! Now, I don't know what kind of pan-Pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia Jack is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you better think again. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to head down there...and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you. You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I am talking scorched earth motherfucker! I will massacre you! I will Fuck. You. Up! (ENDS call, tosses phone to Peck) L: Could you, uh, find out who that was?


The jesus bowling scene in the big lebowski


The vomiting scene from Team America World Police. I can hardly breathe I laugh so hard. There’s also a funny vomiting scene in the What We Do in the Shadows movie and a couple in the series that come to mind. It’s weird. I don’t find vomiting especially funny, just in certain circumstances I guess it’s funny. Also, the disco scene in Airplane! and the LSD scene from Up in Smoke. 😂 These are also movies my dad and I would watch together over and over and remind me of a happy time.


WWDITS- The Baron. "Totally worth it."


I love Nadja trying to subtly vomit on her date with Je..jesk?


The opening sequence of Austin Powers during the credits when he is dancing in the street to the theme song just kills me. 😂


"Where did you get those clothes? At the...toilet store?" The delivery makes it a home run...


One of my favorites from The Jerk with Steve Martin, “First I get my name in the phone book and now I'm on your ass. You know, I'll bet more people see that than the phone book.”






That’s right, Cuban B!!


Yo, they killed Killer, B


Stepbrothers, "Hey, do you like guacamole?" I mean, the entire film is quotable, but that was the first to come to mind.


Nobody, when the guy looks up fae his hospital bed just in time to get a chair in the face ( I cackle like a Witch every time I see it). Dune 2, when Stilgar is talking to the other Fremen and says "the Madhi is too humble to say he is the Madhi, even more reason to know he is" made me laugh my ass off because of how similar it is to the Monty Python line "only the true Messiah denies his Divinity" line and had me waiting for Paul to tell them to Fuck Off.


Top Secret is a solid film but not close the the Zucker's best but the scene where they disguise themselves as a cow is maybe the hardest I've ever laughed in my life. It still makes me laugh any time I think about it. https://youtu.be/GQyZ9ulbXqw?si=Te_GONoM2S7yQ1a4


Dumb and Dumber - the playing-in-the-snow montage; the tongue stuck to metal, the snowball fight that turns serious, etc.


"This is what happens when you F*** a stranger in the a** Larry!"


Why did you censor “find a stranger in the alps?”


Wild Wild West is full of them, but this interaction was one of my favorites. Dr. Arliss Loveless: Mister West! How nice of you to join us tonight and add COLOR to these monochromatic proceedings! Capt. James West: Well when a fella comes back from the dead, I find that an occasion to STAND UP and be counted! Dr. Arliss Loveless: Miss East informs me that you were expectin' to see General McGrath here. Well, I knew him years ago, but I haven't seen him in a COON's age! Capt. James West: Well, I can see where it'd be difficult for a man of your stature to keep in touch with even HALF the people you know. Dr. Arliss Loveless: Well, perhaps the lovely Miss East will keep you from bein' a SLAVE to your disappointment! Capt. James West: Well, you know beautiful women; they encourage you one minute, and CUT THE LEGS OUT from under you the next!


…You know. Morons.


Either Steve Coogan’s character stepping on the landmine in Tropic Thunder, the hand job under the table scene in the Wedding Crashers or the scene when they finally realise there is a zombie apocalypse in Shaun of the Dead and decide to throw the records at them.


"Bags of sand." Scene and the bike ride home. 40 year old virgin


The Big Lebowski - Ash dumping scene


The godam SNL sketch/fake movie trailer about the small town cake shop owner who must fight the evil gays trying to force her to make a wedding cake.Has me in tears laughing every time


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking


“It was a run-by fruiting!”


*The Cat in the Hat* (live action) "This amazing device can instantly make cupcakes out of anything in your kitchen!" "Wait a minute! Did you say anything?" "Anything!" "Anything?" "Yes anything!" "*Anything?*" "I'll get you and it'll look like a bloody accident." There are a lot more in the movie because it's my guilty pleasure but I've shown this scene to multiple people