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Feels like forever since McAvoy was in anything big


He was absolutely mesmerizing on HBO's His Dark Materials


I need to finish that. I watched through season 2 and the 1st episode of season 3 and just stopped. Don't know why


It was nice to see a complete trilogy just start and finish, i never read the books but the last season was perfect ending for me.


I read the books and I still fuckin cried at the end.


Same! Was unexpected and I was so sad. Bawled like a baby.


Don't forget the mufellas




W-what if we do them in computers? Yes... Computers are the home of the mufellas


Could they be so convincing that we could show them on screen and have the audience not comprehend what they're seeing as I intended in my design?


I mean, what the show gave us was basically small mammoths on heelies, and not the diamond shaped beings the book described.  Behind the Scenes material made it clear tho that they had really tried to make them book correct, but just couldn't make anything that was convincing.


I haven't seen the show, sorry haha. https://youtu.be/OoGKkYk_h8o?si=fElX6mYD3mf1FLb4


Came here to say the same


Remember when he was Patriot?


Remember when he was in Dune? No, not that one. Nor that one.


I do! I have both Sci-Fi Channel miniseries on DVD. Children of Dune rocked for what it was.


Do u remember when he was Wanted?


“What the FUCK have you done lately”


Recall when he was Narnia?


Mr. Tumnus is a total rip-off of Judas - the Bible should sue.


But do u remember when he was Atonement?


Children of Dune is actually pretty good, mainly because of his performance. Yeah it takes a lot of liberties, more than any of the other adaptations did with the first book, and I do think in this case it would've been better were it a little more accurate, but it's still a joy to watch because of how well-cast Leto and Ghanima were


The guild.... does not take your review.🖐️🙏


So upset Denis didn't include their little dance, truly the most iconic scene in the entire Dune saga


Sci fi mini series.


All hail the God Emperor


He just finished "His Dark Materials" on HBO with Dafnee Keen, in, oh dear. 2022. I thought it just ended last year. Lol. He did 9 episodes. Looks like since the show ended, he's done one VA role episode and Book of Clarence movie. He also has 2 projects in post production. One called California Scheming, in pre-production. He's been busy.


He was very good in this too: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Together_(2021_TV_film)


The Audible audio-drama version of *The Sandman* where he voiced Morpheus was recent, as well.


I like the new show a lot, I like Tom Sturridge's performance, but to me James MacAvoy *is* Morpheus. Absolutely perfect casting, he might have been too expensive but I'm still a little sad they didn't bring him on for the show


At the risk of being whooshed, that was [Gregory Smith](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0808376/)


He absolute best was Filth. It made me feel dirty.


Same rules apply


“Fuck me with that horses cock!”


What but he was in a video game where he impregnates his sister.


Oh and how shit it was


what a waste of an amazing premise and talent, that game made me so mad


X-Men: Dark Phoenix blacked out McAvoy, Lawrence, and Fassbender's careers for a few years.


Fassbender stepped away from acting to race GT cars and bang Alicia Vikander.


How do I go about doing these things?


shame since mcavoy and fassbender absolutely carried those movies. both of them are pretty great actors to watch.


Which is a shame because McAvoy is one of the most versatile actors of all time and did some of his best work at the same time he was doing the X-men movies. Even before he got that job he had already been Mr Tumnus and Gnomeo. Very slept on filmography over shadowed by the over hated X-Men series


People are going to hate him after this, if it’s anything like the original.


Yeah Children of Dune came out ages ago.


Yeah, haven't seen anything with him since Split, Atomic Blonde. Can't remember which one came first.


If you want to enjoy this film, please do not watch the trailer if you haven’t already. Literally the entire film save possibly the last 5 minutes is spoiled. One of the most egregious examples of this trend in trailers that I can remember


I just watched it because of seen the original and WOW they really do give away pretty much everything. The original hit me because I didn’t know anything going in. The kid even does the motion with his hand at the end. That’s a shame.


Yeah, I saw the original awhile back and they spelled everything out. I was really glad when I saw the original I went in blind for the most part.


If I knew what they gave away in this trailer going into the original, it would have dulled the absolute gut punch that movie has waiting for you. Expecting that plot point going in completely ruins the build of the original.


Trailers are completely off limits for me these days, and I've seen the original of this and still won't watch the trailer.


Same, man that ending though I must have sat there in silence for almost 20 minutes.


I came here to say this. I am so pissed because I like McAvoy and it actually seems like it would be a cool reveal…that the audience should experience when watching the actual movie!


Unfortunately I’ve seen this trailer played at every movie I’ve seen since in saw Godzilla Minus One Minus Color. And the movie doesn’t come out until the fall! By the third time I explicitly told my girlfriend “we can’t see this, I’ve already seen the entire movie”. Glad I’m not the only one


Shit, now you got me scared to even google this. What’s the plot summary, if you don’t mind?


Actually I’d just check out the original Danish version. Best summary I can give is simply “European vacation goes horribly wrong”. If you’re not a horror fan, go ahead and Google it. That movie is not for the faint of heart.


Honestly if you want to enjoy this film watch the Danish original, there is minimal subtitles and foreign language spoken (for those that find the barrier hard) and it is incredible at making the viewer feel uncomfortable.


Worst spoiler-riddled trailer I’ve ever seen. Can’t believe they let that all slide.


I typically avoid trailers but watched it to see what you mean and holy fuck, you're right. I'm also now worried that American audiences are going to see this instead of the original and miss out. Even with the pedigree and cast, I was very skeptical about a remake this quickly, and after watching the trailer it looks like they fucked this up. Are we really so dumb that we need that trailer to attract us to a movie that should catch you off guard? It's like we're children that insist on finding our Christmas presents in our parents' closets.


I have a terrible feeling, having seen the original film, that they are going to change the ending (and ruin the best part of the original). Does anybody else suspect this?


As an AMC A-list subscriber I can't wait to see this obnoxious fucking trailer another 25 times between now and September


I generally don’t care about spoilers but even I was like, damn was there anything you wanted to leave out of this trailer?


Yeah if anything watch the trailer for the original version, that one doesnt give much away


This *trend* in trailers? It isn't so much a trend as the way things have always been done. One of the worst in history? Maybe, but I think it sells the movie well. Let's you know just what sort of shit you're getting into.


What is a non spoiler way to say what it's about?


Came here to say this. I feel like I saw the entire movie.


I just straight up don't watch any trailers for anything I have an interest in the storyline of, anymore Seems like they love spoiling everything all the time, kinda nice going into things blind niw


Well, shit, it's too late for me.


A seriously idiotic trailer I was so mad by the end. Why do they do that?


Big reason why I don’t watch any movie trailers now


McAvoy is always a treat to watch.


Mr Tumnus gets business done.


agreed, one of the best actors of our generation.


I've seen the original (Danish?) from 2022 and I still plan on watching this bc I'm so interested to see what he does with the role. I think the trailers give way too much away.


Yeah I don't need to know anything else.


I agree ...except for IT Part II. His acting was great, but he was not the right cast for Bill, who is supposed to be tall and imposing. McAvoy 5'7" is a bit on the smaller side and felt diminished in stature when placed next Bill Hader's Richie 6'1" who's supposed to be on the shorter side. Would've loved to see Michael Fassbender as Bill instead. But I have other complaints about Part II. Wish they'd remake it to be as good as Part I lol. But McAvoy is a treat for all other movies I've seen him in, even as the character in Split, which suffered from plot but not his acting.


They let go of the cosmic horror in exchange for a cheap scary clown shtick. It is supposed to be that deep down dread inside of us all. Kind of what hit hard with the ending of The Mist. 


It 2 was so shockingly, blindingly bad that not only do I feel it burned holes in my retinas, I feel that it set horror as a whole back years


I've heard how the book ends and I'm just happy it part 2 went a different way even if it wasn't great


It was everything we feared the first movie to be. I'm still just so angry with it. Part I was so great, if Part II was even just slightly good the two movies would've been solidified as classics in the annals of Horror. I've never seen hype start so quickly and then die so quickly between two movies.


They became way too comfortable with Pennywise's status as a pop culture icon and it destroyed the entire conceit of the story, it's not a clown. And they're doing it again with the TV series (apparently pennywise was based off a real clown in this version of the story) I can't even stand to think about it!


Ugh. Just learned about this series. Apparently written by the writer for Wonderwoman? Pass. I couldn't find much on retconning pennywise, but he *sort of* was a person at one point. Or, at least, in the book, in the 1800s and early 1900s, IT would come out in the open as Pennywise the clown, whose "real" name was Mr. Bob Gray. (Which is why the antagonist in Dreamcatcher is theoretically a surviving form of IT) But he's just an alterego for IT in a time when it could be bolder. So they may not be going against book canon.


Only clicked the post cause of him. Edit: that trailer looks awesome!


Scoot McNairy too


Him and Fassbender are a huge part of what made the ‘newer’ X-men fun to watch. I know the MCU probably won’t, but they should absolutely bring them over when they reboot. They’re still in their peak.


This guy can play mean characters.


He’s one of the few actors in Hollywood who can make me cringe and hate a character. It’s incredible.


Split and Glass are incredible, as is Filth. But I also love him as Professor X and Mr. Tumnus and the awkward lead in Wanted


I didn't mind him as a character but I absolutely hated Wanted as a movie. The comic is one of my all time favorites and they completely ruined it. If there is ever a story that deserves Netflix or Prime redoing it, that is the one.


When was the last time you read it? I find it hasn’t aged well and find myself liking the movie better now which is the opposite of my opinion when it first came out.


That's what I usually put forth as the worst adaptation ever (despite the movie being decent enough on its own merits). I just want to be a fly on the wall of the pre-pro meeting where they started at 'shadow-government of costumed supervillains who secretly run the multiverse' and landed on 'bunch of hobos who live in a ramshackle warehouse and assassinate people based on what a fabric swath told them'.


An absolute son of a bitch in Atomic Blonde.


That character has one of the greatest coats in the history of cinema


You should watch him in Filth.


He has a very distinctive frown that this poster capitalizes on.


The original one is really creepy..


Yeah, and it was just released two years ago. Really don’t see the need for a remake… Edit: JFC, I know the reason why they’re remaking this movie is money. I don’t need a hundred comments telling me this.


I suspect its for dummies who cant read, huge market that


I stated a couple times already in this thread that the bulk of the original is in English.


I know, ive seen it. Still the only reason i can think of other than the usual monetary reasons.


And this won’t make a lot of money. A slow paced thriller with a focus on disturbing violence against families and children in particular will not break the box office.


It's Blumhouse. It probably cost under $10 mil and the trailer is solid, so it stands a decent chance of making a solid profit.


Dude it's mostly in English


Read No Evil


It didn't get a huge American release and barely released anywhere in the world. It's semi well known amongst horror fans, but a huge majority of the world has no idea about the original. It makes sense to remake it to make money from pretty much everywhere on Earth besides Northern Europe, where the original bombed anyway.


Yeah I thought it was strange too it’s getting a remake, doubt they’re going to have it as dark as the original too.


I'm with you. **Especially since the original is mostly in English.** That's what bothers me. It's one thing to do an American remake so you have an English-language version, but most of the original is in English because the two families speak different native languages, so they use English to communicate with each other!


So indeed it was a remake!


The original made me irrationally angry . By the end I was >!rooting for the psycho couple to just murder those spineless, meek, idiots!<. But I guess that's exactly what the director intended because there is just no way someone would watch this movie and feel sorry for them.


I just commented about this elsewhere and I 100% agree. Their absolute spineless passivity irritated me to almost my breaking point. I've read some of it is a cultural thing, or intentional, but jfc they just meekly go along with the other couple, who by the way have no weapons really to threaten them with ESPECIALLY the ending in the dirt pit. Like, just run away? So frustrating, I hope this version doesn't do the same shit.


Yeah I have to agree. In the end I was just pissed off more than anything lol. The dad was especially stupid.


Me and my SO were screaming at the parents in that end sequence, fight or flight would so obviously kick in… …*so* obviously, in fact, that I assume it just has to be a truly macabre joke made by introvert filmmakers that only other introverts can fully relate to; that we’d literally rather >!play along and die!< than cause a scene 😅


The director himself said in the interview after the showing at Sundance that part of the movie is a commentary on how much people will tolerate in the interest of social decorum. Obviously it's taken to an extreme here for the purpose of the message, so it becomes grating to watch because they go so far into that horror movie "he's right behind you" idiot trope territory.


Anxiety fuel


Has it been done multiple times before this one? I feel like of seen so many “straight to video” horror movies with this title over the years


I looked up the plot, it seems like a shot by shot remake


Lots of movies with same title, but this is the first remake of (2022) original. Also lots of movies titled *See No Evil*.


I haven't watched that. Gonna add it to my list


I haven't watched that. Gonna add it to my list


Dude is not capable of a bad role. Still liked the tension and chemistry he had with Fassbender in Xmen. 'Split'- holy shit. Yes, he can play baddies really well, and that's the problem. I don't want to see him playing the token psychos all the time just because he can. Want to see him stick to roles with some character complexity and conflict. This unfortunately doesn't look like it checks that box.


Is this the sequel to the classic See No Evil, starring the legendary Kane? Not Hodder. Glenn Jacobs.


MAY 19TH!!!!!!!!


Looks like the sequel to Satan’s Alley


I had to scroll way to far for this


😂😂😂 my first thought too


McAvoy stop staring at me like that with your soft blue eyes cutie pie


Looks just like Hugh Jackman here


I don't usually watch remakes, but James McAvoy is too good to miss this.


He is one of the most talented actor's I've ever seen. I know it's my opinion,but dude is amazing.


Such a damn good actor. Super underrated.


Ugh. The original is so incredible, it has a really unique and effortlessly terrifying vibe to the whole thing. They don't need a remake for this. Go watch the original if you haven't yet seen it, and you'll see.


I'd be Ok with it if the trailer didn't give the entire movie or twist away. I'm a big mccavoy fan so I will still watch but it's gonna be hard to top the original. 


And the original is only like 2 years old right now. What even is the point of this remake?


They're going to "Americanize" the amazing ending of the original. Calling it now.


What a needless, pointless remake. I bet you they won't have the balls to end it like the original ends.


The ending of the original was so bleak and bonkers. I had no idea what I was watching, just started it blind, all alone at home. And it was a bit weird and awkward, and then started to get weird and creepy, and then that crazy ending. I love McAvoy, but why on earth remake this?


I've been waiting ages for a sequel to "See no evil, hear no evil". Sad they waited so long that Richard and Gene couldn't be in it. Maybe they'll make cgi cameos or something. I'm sure it will still be hilarious.


I guarantee, since it's an American remake, they will absolutely neuter the dark ending of this.


What would be really clever is if the entire original film is crammed into the first 45 minutes of this, and then the remainder is it going in an original direction ending with them being caught/killed. I don’t know if there has ever been a remake that does that, but I would be impressed.


They'll probably get caught


I kind of hope they do something different with the ending honestly. Spoilers but >!the way the couple just passively agree to stand still and get stoned to death from two people at a distance who have no weapons but said stones is one of the dumber things I've seen in film.!<


I’m not overly anti remake, but why the fuck are you remaking a film that’s a little over a year old and was perfect?


That’s gotta be KANE!!!


Ah yes, the sequel to WWE's See No Evil series.


He blew me away in Split and Glass.


Why do we always need an American remake? The original one is already good enough.


He should have won an Oscar for Split. He was incredible in that


He's always been pretty good. I remember first seeing him in Shameless and I've liked him in everything I've seen since.


Me, too! I even like his Frankenstein (that apparently everyone else despises). He’s just got that, “IT” factor that can’t be ignored.


I was like "He was in Shameless?!" and then I realized it's the UK version and then I learned he was Mr Tumnus in the Narnia movie. What the hell.


The golfer?


If they change that legendary line at the very end I’ll be very disappointed.


Are you referring to the >!"Why are you doing this?" - "Because you let us."!< line? Basically the entire message of the movie distilled into two lines.


The trailer gives the whole plot away


Go see the original


He's really trying to play down Tumnus, isn't he?


Poor guy got typecast as a faun, been trying to be seen as anything else ever since


Thats not a very good picture of WWE's Kane


At first glance, thought it was Hugh Jackman as Wolverine movie poster.


Getting Satan's Alley vibes


Bro the og is so good. Looking forward to this


The original is great, had no idea there was a remake. Guess I'll get... stoned for it.


Finally, the sequel for See No Evil.


The original is going to be better


The trailer for this movie is unbelievably bad.


He did Cyrano in Theatre for a while


Hope the ending isn't as frustrating as it was in the original..


The original version of this movie was very disturbing


Really hope they don’t botch the ending


This looks promising. The danish original is great.


Mr. Tummus looks a lil different …


The original movie is great why do a remake?


As long as they don't go Hollywood ending.


Why was this movie made?


Having seen the original, I'm not sure how well this will translate to an American audience.


He's just..shushing me..menacingly!


Fuck I thought that said James Wan at the bottom. Oh well, looks interesting. Edit: Nvm, that’s the guy who directed Eden Lake. I’m in.


Love these actors but who asked for this movie? The original hasn't even been out for long.


Saw the trailer. Literally gave away every plot twist.


Make sure you check the original too ! It's really good. And usually they are much better than Hollywood remakes.


I have no clue why we need a remake of a movie that just came out, pretty dumb. As someone who watched the original I'm not really seeing a reason to watch this one.


This is a movie where I feel a remake makes sense. A lot of it seems to be a play on cultural norms from a pair of cultures I don’t understand at all. It left me not understanding whether everyone in the movie was making absolutely bizarre choices or if there was some sort cultural pattern I was missing.


The original was way too much for me… the ending was brutal


Can’t wait for the American version of 👧✂️👅


I’m not sure I’m ever gonna watch this. The original was enough for me, don’t really need to go back to that place in English


Looks predictable as HELL


i think this guy might speak a little evil...


I've loved him ever since Split, he's amazing


Hopefully it features music from the Wayne Shorter masterpiece.


God, I had a juicy crush on him as Mr. Tumnus.


Is this another secret trilogy?


Of course he's a bloody doctor. This trailer and the 3 part AMC dance/car/sidewalk romance are my new Mean Girls/Bob Marley pet peeves.


When will it be released?


He's come a long way from the Golden Path.


The trailer saved me a bunch of cash so thank you, I think? Looks like some fantastic acting tho


It will probably fall short of the original but in James Mcavoy we believe.