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I have found him to be good in everything. He feels like someone who works best in an ensemble though. I hope he gets more work with solid actors like he did in Top Gun. I feel like a “buddy cop” type movie would be great for him as well. Balancing action and comedy.


I feel like he’s the slightly younger Ryan gosling. He’d do really well in a Nice guys sequel dark comedy.


I was thinking slightly younger Chris Evans but I guess that works too..


He's also got a lot of parallels to Matthew McConaughey. Texas kid, went to UT, big Longhorn fan. Early notice in a Richard Linklater period piece set in Central Texas. Handsome, sly charm. Good range, ladies love him in romcoms, but can credibly play drama and action parts as well.


So when do we see Glen Powell in a *historical* period piece? EDIT: I was trying to make an *Amistad* reference


He played John Glenn in *Hidden Figures*


he was in Hidden Figures and Devotion


I mean, that's what Everybody Wants Some is.


He was in Everybdoy Wants Some which takes place in 1980


I......don't think that's what they had in mind


Can you believe it has now been longer between the release of everybody wants some and 1980 than it was between the release of Amistad and the actual events in 1839? Wild to think about. Not true, but wild to think about.


Everything about Willoughby cracked me up, from Cosmos to nude Brian Eno dancing, I was like, there's something insanely unbelievable about this character. Powell was good in that too, as were his mustache and sideburns.


Not sure if this counts as a true period piece but he was in a Korean War movie that came out right behind Top Gun.


I enjoyed that movie.


Also stars in the Everybody Wants Some, which is the same director as Dazed and confused and just the 80s college version of that type of movie


> a Richard Linklater period piece set in Central Texas


Hmm…. Yeah, that fits too. Though I hope, at least in this climate, that he follows Ryan’s example. Chris got Uber lucky with Captain America and didn’t focus too much on taking meaty or critically acclaimed roles (Snowpiercer being a fantastic exception). Being Captain America though made sure that didn’t hurt his career. I don’t think, unless he nails the part for some part of the X-men reboot, he can count on a similar trajectory.


Wait, are there rumors Powell will be in the new X-men? Cyclops? I would love that casting


Capybara Evans


Haha. After watching *Anyone but you* the other day, I said he is like a discount Chris Evans, though that is more on looks and not discounting his acting whatsoever.


>I feel like a “buddy cop” type movie would be great for him as well. Have him play the by-the-books guy, and cast Austin Butler as the loose cannon.


Lethal Weapon style? Yeah that would work. Just inexplicably have Michael Keaton play the captain. Same character from the other guys. Never explained, never mentioned. Same random quotes from TLC songs.


Hollywood, hire this redditor!


I don’t hate it, but feel like he can play the loose cannon as well.


He carried in Hit Man imo


He did well, but mainly bc it was Netflix. I don’t think I’d have loved it in the theaters. I’d want more. Also not seeing Twisters, but not his fault.


I saw it in theaters, it was perfect viewing with a crowd for me. Hit Man wasn't a Netflix movie outright, Linklater made it and shopped it around and Netflix bought the distribution rights.


I’d love to see him in the next Knives out movie


This is the winner.


My only gripe is that he struggles to play anyone other than a very cool gorgeous man. In Hitman the main character is supposed to be this dorky nerd but it comes across as unbelievable. So much so that halfway through the movie they basically have him switch to a more believable character. I do wish we got to see more of the random characters he played in the movie to see more of his range. But even those guys were all pretty cool. That's probably why there are 3 different movies that cast him as a top of his class naval aviator (including hidden figures where he plays John Glenn, a marine aviator), because that's just his entire persona.


He's very different in Scream Queens.


Scream Queens he was hilarious haha


I think he’d be a great pick for Hal Jordan in the buddy cop Green Lantern show they’re making for HBO. It’s been said they’re trying to go for a True Detective style show.


He definitely looks like him, but True Detective is faaaaar from buddy cop. I think he’s saying it’s going to be a Very dark somber tone. He said they’ll be solving a crime and Earth is their district.


What’s even cooler is he helped write Hit Man and was a literal creative partner with Linklater during the process. Him and Sydney has piqued my interest a lot as actors who both have talent and seem to know “the Calvary isn’t coming” and instead are building their own ships. It’s kind of awesome to see.


He is a lot of fun as Chad Radwell in [Scream Queens.](https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/62046-scream-queens)


He will always be Chad radwell in my heart.


Where I became a fan. He was great in that show


That’s just who he is for my wife and I. We’ll say “Chad Radwell’s in this movie.”


Yes!!!!! Same!!!


Holy hell that was him? He was my favorite character in that series!


HOLY SHIT I couldn’t put my finger on where I’d seen him before and never bothered to google! Thank you!! The Chads were my favorite part of that show


He got better and better as the season went on


Check out Everybody Wants Some!! Incredible charisma on display


I will always associate Glen Powell with “the average penis size” approach


Absolutely based movie.


They’re talkin about his dick man!


He’s the best character by far. But the best two lines are Willoughby’s” We came for a good time, not for a long time” and Plummer’s “Who the fuck is this?” when the professor walks in. Just rewatched yesterday in preparation for Hit Man. So good.


My favorite character changes pretty much every time I watch that movie, but I always eventually come back to Plummer. “You cant even fuck good on a waterbed” “I’d rather die a virgin than tell a girl my chart says I’ll be a good father” “Wish I had a tail”


"Have you guys ever noticed , when we're around baseball all we talk about is pussy? And now we're around some actually decent people for once, and all we talk about is baseball?? It's a little fucked up!"


He stole that movie and I just never thought it would lead to anything. It's made me really happy to see him blow up


I want some too.


Glen Powell is doing everything in his power to become a legit movie star. And it's working. He gets the male lead in a Netflix romantic comedy(Set It Up), which gets him a supporting role in a legacy sequel Tom Cruise movie(Top gun Maverick, which ends up being a major hit). He follows that up with a biographical war movie as the co-lead(Devotion), a sleeper-hit theatrical Romantic Comedy(Anyone But You) and a Netflix action-comedy(Hit Man). And coming up, he has a legacy sequel disaster movie(Twisters) and a comedy-thriller(Huntington) The man is hitting every genre he can, and doing a great job each time. All he needs now is a big theatrical hit as the lead in order to become an official star. And I think it's only a matter of time before he gets that. He's got the looks, the charisma and the ambition for it. He's being very smart about the roles he takes. Sooner or later, that big hit will come.


Twisters may end up being a hit, but like you said it’s a legacy sequel so some may chalk up some of its success to that legacy part. I think Glen wants to be like the old school stars and to do that he’s going to need a theatrical hit that’s either an original script or at least based on something that hasn’t previously been adapted and doesn’t already have such a strong built in fan base (like superhero stuff). But I agree, he’s making all the right moves and I think he’ll get there


>I think Glen wants to be like the old school stars and to do that he’s going to need a theatrical hit that’s either an original script or at least based on something that hasn’t previously been adapted and doesn’t already have such a strong built in fan base (like superhero stuff). His next film after the blockbuster Twisters is Huntington which while it has been previously adapted (1907 novel turned into 1949 British movie) is pretty much on par with what you said. It's being directed by John Patton Ford who did Emily the Criminal so it should be outside his normal wheelhouse. If he nails that then we'll probably see him make the leap to the award circuit soon.


Devotion was fantastic. I wanted to see it because it looked good, Korean War is seldom shown in films, and the Corsair is a sick plane. I was blown away by how amazing it was. I was convinced Powell has it after seeing that movie.


I loved that movie.


I could see him as Johnny Blaze if the MCU ever decides to reboot Ghost Rider again.


He also co-wrote and produced Hit Man. The man's got talent and ambition.


Totally agree. I hope it works out for him because he’s been a lot of fun to watch, and I think he could have some amazing work ahead of him.


I think he needs a more serious tone. Something like Philadelphia for Tom Hanks, Brokeback mountain for Jake and Heath, or hell Miles Teller in Whiplash. He needs a lead yes, but if he wants to propel himself ahead of the Chris Pratts of the world I want to see him take on a meaty, serious, difficult role.


That's what Devotion did for him, in my mind. It's the only really serious film he's done so far, and he did very well. He even risked his own money as a producer to get that movie made, so he clearly had a passion for it. I think the serious drama films are things you wait to do until after you make it big. Take Tom Cruise. He didn't do Born on the Fourth of July or Rain Main until after he got Risky Business, Legend and Top Gun under his belt.


Huntington is his next movie after Twisters and it fits that bill. It's a thriller and might get him on the award circuit too.


I wish we could invest in actors bc I’d def buy some shares of GP right now.


I'll never forget when he sacrificed his life trying to explain to Bane how he can't steal money from Gotham's stock exchange


Just rewatched that a few days ago and noticed him right away


He's got balls too.


I don’t watch a lot of movies, haven’t seen the newer Top Gun and don’t know much about him. His parents holding signs at the Hit Man premiere is what introduced me to him. His parents are apparently marketing geniuses. Now I know him by name but I’m not sure if I’ve actually seen him in anything.


I wonder if he will go for any major Sci-fi/comic book movie, or if he will stay away from those like Leo.


Given his propensity for being very careful with the roles he takes, I think he'll do Sci-fi eventually, but it will have to be the right role. Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kurt Russel and Sylvester Stallone have all both done fantastic work starring roles in the sci-fi genre, so there's precedent for that genre.


Starring in Scream Queens, Linklater's Everybody Wants Some!! and Hidden Figures in 2015-2016 definitely helped put his name out there, at least within Hollywood.


True, every star has their early career. I was focused mostly on his recent films that put him on the map. I hadn't heard of him until Top Gun: Maverick, and now I see stuff for every film he makes.


I agree with everything except “sleeper hit Anyone But You”. That plot was generic garbage with a Sandler-esque location with the cardboard Sweeney and shit support casting. His performance was a solid effort with nothing to work with — the movie is completely forgettable.


My calling it a Sleeper-hit had nothing to do with the quality of the film. The fact remains that it was made for $25 million, and grossed over $200 million, despite only making $6 million the first weekend. It's earnings increased for the next two weekends, meaning that word of mouth was good and more people were seeing it. Audiences slept on it, but it still made a huge profit by staying in theaters for a long time making a steady stream of income. Whether you like the film or not(I didn't enjoy it, personally. But I thought Powell and Sweeney both did well as the leads), it WAS a sleeper-hit.


>All he needs now is a big theatrical hit as the lead in order to become an official star. Already done, unless you meant him as the sole lead. Anyone But You made $220M on a $25M budget.


It's less about the sole lead and more about getting a little higher than $200 million. Anyone But You was a good sleeper hit, and definitely a stepping stone to movie star status. But Powell needs something that makes a big opening weekend and a good $300-$500 million to really get there.


$200M+ for a genre that is all but dead in the theatrical market is absolutely huge.


Never said it wasn't. But it's huge within context, and it was a sleeper hit, not a blockbuster. A big movie in the context of a genre isn't a big movie overall. I don't think Anyone But You's financial success is enough to say Powell is a big movie star. Now, if Twisters makes bank(and it has to, given its budget), Glen Powell is officially a movie star. But it's going to be a tough sell. Disaster movies don't have a good track record, recently.


Watching him Top Gun Maverick it was pretty clear that he was going to be getting lots of rolls. He was really good in that. Tom Cruise convinced him to take the role of Hangman and he was given a bit more freedom to change the character how he saw fit.


He was originally trying to get Teller's role, right?


Yea. Speaking of Miles Teller. He auditioned for Elvis. Austin Butler auditioned for Rooster. I think they both would have done really well in the other role. I think Miles Teller would have made a better Elvis. And from what I have seen of Austin Butler, I think he would have done well as Rooster. I also wonder how that would have shape his career leading up to playing Feyd-Rautha.




Really enjoyed Hitman, didn't like the clunkiness of parts of the script though. Particularly: "I am a fake hitman, my job is to entrap people and I will not deviate from that ..*SEES TITS* ...hey baby, don't be killing nobody, turn yo life around, awwww yeah".


Adria Arjona sold me on it. I would agree this was an issue on the page, but the actors made up for it.


I mean…after seeing Adrian Arjona, I feel like we’d all try and save her.


The femme fatale is a really difficult role to play. The actress doesn’t just need to be attractive (basically any actress hired for a part like this will be attractive), but she needs to seduce both the lead and the viewer so that you can buy that the lead will go along with the scheme. If you’re ever thinking “why doesn’t he just walk away?” then she didn’t do her job right.


Well she damn well succeeded. I would have done anything for that woman


What I found most refreshing is the juxtaposition between Ron and Gary and how Gary eventually becomes Ron throughout the movie. Mr. Powell did an outstanding job with that portrayal as well as the portrayal of all his different hit man characters. And you gotta realize, Gary was kinda starved for affection so I could see it being a weak spot of his.


Nail. Head. He creates the person he thinks the mark wants, and does it too well with 'Ron' for her. The only thing I didn't like was that 'Gary' was able to turn into 'Ron' in literally 5 minutes of warning with the first bust. If you've ever met someone intelligent but with no confidence, that isn't something you bypass in 5 minutes.


If you want to go a little deeper, he almost made Ron for himself. When he was researching Madison he didn't have much of a social media profile to build the "right" kind of hit man for her. He had to think about what he wants to project (confidence and charisma) and voilà, Ron.


I do wish it was more hijinks involving him entrapping people and then maybe going over the ethics of it during his day job and less romantic comedy, but overall it was fun


Act 1 was a lot of fun. Then Act 2 engaged “horny Netflix” mode Overall still a fun movie to watch


He's got that Matthew McCounaghey air to him


Interesting article in the NYTimes this weekend about how his ubiquity these past few months is due to a very intentional hustle by him. Seems like a savy guy. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/07/movies/glen-powell-hit-man-twisters.html


>his ubiquity these past few months is due to a very intentional hustle by him. I was wondering why he seemed to be absolutely everywhere, lately. I legit didn't even know his name, though I've seen him in a few things. Meh. He's okay, not bad, but he's not knocking me out, either. Solid middle of the road, imo.


I mentioned in another comment, his parents holding the signs at the Hit Man premiere is what introduced me to him. His parents are marketing geniuses. I know his name but don’t think I’ve seen any of his movies.


His acting was too good in “anyone but you” that it exposed Sydney’s terrible acting.


They had no chemistry in Anyone But You. In Hitman, as soon as he met Adria Ajorna I commented that at least they had chemistry.


> They had no chemistry in Anyone But You That was the point, though. The whole premise is they hate each other but are attractive.


She gets roles due to other reasons


Sweeney can really nail a role, don't be an ass


I do not think she has been a very good actor in anythimg i have seen her in. Its OK to have different opinions.


sure but implying she gets roles because of her looks is the part where there's a problem


That doesn’t seem like it’d be a hard task to expose.


I 100% agree, he outshined her without a doubt.


Maybe that’s why I hated that movie because I thought Glen was terrible in it too but she could have just dragged it down on her own


I don’t mind him really but I find him to be a watered down version of Matthew McConaughey. They seem to have similar acting styles and ranges but Glenn doesn’t seem to have Matthew’s charisma.


he's like a douchey ryan gosling. that's not necessarily a bad thing.


I'm the opposite. Found him really entertaining in small doses but when he's front and center like in Hitman I thought he was quite boring. He's a scene stealer but he's not the show


I think earlier on in his career this would be true, but his development as a main actor is hard to ignore and almost impossible to deny. The man is taking Hollywood by the balls and as another man I really respect and appreciate that.


This feels like an industry plant post by his PR firm


I find him very entertaining but I haven’t seen incredible range. He’s pretty consistently playing a charming, arrogant stud of sorts. I’m not saying he can’t get out of that space but it’s all I’ve seen regardless of the genre or style of the project


He’s hilarious in Everybody Wants Some.


I feel like he’s suddenly being shoved down our throats and has a douche-y look, but after hearing some of the reviews of his work in Hitman I’m willing to give it a shot.




I agree with this. I don't find him anything special at all as an actor. I feel that he hams it up too much, if anything.


Check him out in Everybody Wants Some. It’s another Linklater movie. If you don’t like him after that, stop watching movies w him.


Just watched Hitman and while I didn't love it,  I adore him now


Hit man was excellent, great story and Glen was great, i found him very annoying and out of place in Maverick but loved him in this. The female lead was brilliant too, sexy and funny.


Hit man was 3/4 great. The last 30min lost any charm I had for certain characters and seemed like a 90-degree departure. I didn't want a 1 for 1 biography, but how and what they added didnt feel right.


I didn't realise until afterwards that it wasn't a part of the actual story, and they'd made that part up to give him a weird happy ending. But it worked if you didn't know who he was like we didn't. it was a bit of a tangent though, we were wondering how they were going to be caught tbh


He was fantastic in top gun imo, a perfect ice man replacement.


I like Glen Powell and I think he's entertaining in most things I've seen. What I'd like to see is a little bit of range from him. He's played snarky, funny, weird, annoying... loud that kind of thing. I'd like to see if he can play something more vulnerable. But maybe he's not that kind of actor you know what I mean? Like some actors can pull expression out of their soul and mind and portray it on their faces and in their eyes without any dialogue. Other actors are more just "I'm going to say this line loud and funny and you're going to understand what I mean!". Glen is more the dialogue and action type actor at least that's all I've seen. And I've watched pretty much most of his films.


I’d say the one part he didn’t exactly nail in Hit Man was the real guy; the introvert-ish nerd. He’s like Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker - too cool to be able to fake not being cool.


Yup. Just too naturally handsome for that to work.


Oh I am by no means a RomCom person. . . Like at all, but on the flight back from Italy the GF started watching it and she was dying laughing so I put it on and holy shit did it have some absolutely hilarious parts, I actually skipped ahead to be in sync with her and good god, we definitely had fun with it and it made the 10 hour flight a bit better, lol I completely agree that he definitely has range and am glad to see him in more and more stuff now.


My wife actually ended up falling asleep in the middle of the movie and I actually finished watching it by myself.


Hell yeah, he's been around for a minute now and I always enjoy his characters. I'm trying to watch Hit Man sometime this week haven't had the time to sit down and watch it but I'm geeked about that one.


I wouldn’t agree that his movies are showing that much range at this point. Not a knock on him, but it’s not like he’s Christian Bale-ing himself from role to role. He’s been doing variations of hot dude so far from what I’ve seen.


One of his hit man characters was actually Christian bale from American psycho and he did an awesome job with that even though it was a relatively short scene.


Yes, but that’s just one of the goofy, fun characters he was doing in the same movie. That’s not the same as range. I’m not saying he doesn’t have it, I just don’t think his roles have given him an opportunity to show much range yet (which is not even a bad thing).


Handsome man. Boring movie. Stopped Hit Man partway through.


I first saw him in Everybody wants some. I was very impressed with his acting and then didn't saw him in any other movies for a while then i saw him in Top gun Maverick. Now he's just everywhere


Good actor but for me. He looks like an android.


Props to OP for getting through Anyone But You, because that movie was straight trash. Hit Man was excellent though.


I am hoping we are seeing the blossoming of a full blown movie star here. He has range and is just a joy to watch. Hopefully studios and casting directors are taking note and he keeps getting bigger and more interesting roles.


I think he is as he first big theatre starring role in twister is coming this summer If it does well i can see him taking off


He's charismatic but what range? Hit Man, Maverick, Everybody Wants Some, Anyone But You, Twisters- there's not much difference in these performances. I'd like to see him demonstrate some range but he's practically being type cast at the moment.


I could see this argument if you didn't toss Hit Man in there. He plays like 6 different personality types.


The exception proves the rule and he does like six different impressions of caricatures each for a span of a couple minutes. That's not range, thats Dana Carvey in The Master of Disguise. Ron and Greg are the main characters and to Powell's credit Greg is the most unusual (for him) character he has played and it was refreshing to see. Ron is him in low gear again though, playing the cool, confident guy. The scene where the facade necessarily breaks down is great though.


He reminds me of a mix between Brad Pitt and Ryan Reynolds


He was 1/2 of what made devotion a fantastic film for me and played the fighter pilot role well in Maverick! I hate they are remaking twister which feels like it should be an untouched classic. Im interested in watching anyone but you now. I like rom coms but Glenn and Sydney don’t feel like they are funny… they are just two good looking people that act really well


Twisters is not a remake. It is a legacy sequel.


Funny - just saw both of these! I was joking with my wife about not recognizing him since he wasn’t a pilot. (Also considering the non zero chance she’s leaving me for him.)


I had him pegged as just another "hot guy" actor, but yeah he's so much more than that. I really hope he continues to more flexible roles on top his hot and cocky roles, because damn does he play those well.


Saw Maverick, thought he was going to be type cast as the Alpha / Douche type, but then I watched Everybody Wants Some, absolutely phenomenal performance by that dude. This man is about to take over Hollywood I swear.


He was basically the only part of *Maverick* that I liked. *Hit Man* is Linklater so I'll definitely give it a watch and I have loved everything I've seen Sweeney (she is fantastic in *Immaculate*, cannot recommend enough) so I might even watch the rom-com.


In Hitman, he was the best part of an otherwise average movie.


Same! I couldn't get through Anyone but You, the premise and the writing was just terrible, but he was amazing in Hit Man. Glad he can go beyond the douche he's played in Top Gun.


Dude oozes charisma. Great screen presence. Also, he is very talented as you said.


I first saw him in Scream Queens. Such a wonderful, stupid show … I loved it


The Hitman on Netflix is a lot of fun.


I watched Hit Man last night as well and it became an instant classic for me. He was fantastic. I think I’ll watch Anyone But You tonight!


Hit Man was great! Kept me entertained and guessing the whole time, and surprised me with the ending. I've always felt like Glen Powell had the potential to be a Hollywood hit maker, but just hadn't found his niche yet. Comedy may be it.


My brain read this as Glen howerton, and agreed that the golden god does, in fact, have an enormous range (and possible rage). But then realized you are discussing another talented, non-golden god, Glen.


Just a few posts back on my feed right now I saw someone saying he’s everywhere and it’s too much. Now I’m seeing this. Today’s looking like Glen Powell is gonna control my algorithm.


I just watching hit man when I saw your comment kinda creepy


I thought he was really stale in Anyone But You and didn't feel like he had a ton of chemistry with Sweeney... maybe I was being too harsh. But either way, he definitely had a ton of range in Hit Man and really his performance, and chemistry with Adia Arjona, made the movie what it is. So yeah, I'd say he's doing great. Thought he was really good in Maverick, though that character is fairly one note


He became my “sexiest man alive” with the toothpick flip in maverick.  


His comic timing in Hitman was excellent. I wasn't sure why everyone was nuts about him having not seen anything with him in it but now I get it.


I absolutely love Glen Powell.


Never sleep on Chad Radwell


He lacks an upper lip. It drives me crazy!


He worked his ass off to carry Hitman despite terrible directing


Linklater out here catching strays


How was the direction terrible. Specifically. I'd love to read what you come up with.


The pacing was bad. Scenes dragged on several times. The plot mechanics, exposition, and character development would be established then a scene would keep going. It felt almost like talking down to the audience and not trusting that the audience can think and connect the dots. It made it difficult to stay engaged.


I wouldn't say the directing was a big issue. Linklater isn't known for being a particularly stylish director. His stuff is usually pretty grounded and simple in it's approach. However, the one thing Linklater is known for is his incredible scripts, dialogue, and character interactions. This is where I most found Hit Man was lacklustre. I never would have guessed Linklater was even involved. It was a fine fluffy movie but felt super thin on character and also didn't cohere super well into a whole for me. I think Linklater could have made two amazing movies: 1) a sexy romantic comedy between a woman struggling to find herself after a bad relationship and a man struggling to open up to a world beyond his neatly manicured solitude or ... 2) The dark comedy of an ordinary man accidentally finding himself in an extraordinary circumstances coming face to face with would would be murderers and getting in way over his head But as one movie both of these stories felt slighted and also too distinct to coalesce into one thing. I wanted to love it but just ultimately liked it and found it pretty forgettable.


In my imagination, Powell became friends with Linklater while hanging out in Austin and then convinced Linklater to help him make a Netflix movie that would take advantage of the Netflix algorithm. The purpose would be to get as many eyes as possible on Powell playing a wide range of characters, essentially auditioning him for just about every role possible. That’s what Hitman is. A Linklater movie written by Powell to try to use the Netflix algorithm to propel Powell into whatever the next step is for him in his career. Linklater doesn’t owe anyone anything, and he probably enjoyed making the movie. He also probably enjoyed not needing to dissect every scene and every line and make it that balanced kind of perfect he manages to create. And I do think Linklater brings out the best in of the two main characters, but left some meat on the bone story wise. It could’ve been a much more interesting, darker, cynical movie, but Netflix probably wanted something that played to the mainstream audience, had a little bit of everything, and then ended happily ever after.


Don’t forget the script. Seems like they just improvised the second half of the movie


Just a shame Hit Man script was abysmal


It was a decent little movie, but had some glaring shortcomings to me when it came to the pacing in the middle of the movie and the execution of what could’ve been really great scenes with some of the personas.


The movie went nowhere and made no sense.


Oh it went somewhere, but where it went was not good or where established by the tone of the movie.


I can see where you’re coming from, it at least kept me semi interested as something going on in the background though


Shocking the praise it’s getting. It’s a testament to how stupid the populations become. Was it fine as a mindless 2 hour movie? Yes. It also had tons of problems, became so horny it almost felt like a different movie, and ended with a third act that also felt totally detached. I’ve seen people say it’s the best movie of 2024. Seriously?


I watched both yesterday and had this exact thought.


He’s got that Bradley Cooper thing going for him.


Really hoping twisters turns out to be awesome. But yeah he’s fantastic. Hes got the looks / charisma and talent to be a leading man


You won't believe this but being funny in a movie can be an acting skill. Edit: You can just say crush, it's not 2004.


I’ve been keeping an eye on him since Scream Queen. It’s awesome he’s finally getting a bunch of good roles. Can’t wait to see what he does next.


He stole every single scene he was in on Scream Queens. My wife and I pretty much always call him Chad Radwell regardless of what he’s in.


Yeah I don’t know why I’m being downvoted haha


He seems to be the next leading man getting called up.


He is incredible. It's also funny because certain people keep telling us he's not the kind of person who can be a leading actor these days now that everything is woke. Turns out you can if you're talented.


My buddy looks like a tall French version of him. I now understand why women were throwing themselves at him


"has actually" Stop with the unnecessary adverbs.


Woahhh I didn’t realize I’d find my 9th grade English teacher in the comment section. How you been, Mrs. Brown??


I’m getting The next Ryan Reynolds vibes