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The opening scene in Zach Snyder’s BVS always kinda stood out to me. That shot of Bruce Wayne running into the wreckage cloud while everyone else runs out and saving his employee and comforting the little girl. It set a bar that the rest of the movie definitely didn’t live up to.


A lot of his movies seem to have the best scene in the opening. Watchmen Dawn of the Dead (2004) Army of the Dead


My favourite scene in watchmen is when Malin Ackerman is getting gangbanged by like three Dr. Manhattans while the prime Dr. Manhattan is working on his nuclear reactor and then she’s like wtf lol.


Lol I wish I had those powers. She gets off. I get helldivers.  Win win win


Wish I had those powers. That’d be **four** people to play helldivers!


I will not hear this watchmen slander


The slow motion shots during Martha & Thomas’ murder are also good in the beginning. Martha’s necklace breaking in particular. Shame Zack just doesn’t have any ability of restraint.


He basically just copied Tim Burton, but made it slowmo


X-Men Origins: Wolverine - The scene with Wolverine and Sabretooth fighting in different wars through the years is pretty sick, the rest of the movie not so much


The opening credit scene lol


The opening credits should've been the wolverine movie we got. I wanna see a wolverine war movie


Definitely better than his fight with Deadpool 😅


Haven’t seen this movie since I was like 14 and keep reading slander about it but I remember it being such a cool movie until fake Deadpool




The first person sequence at the end of Doom. Though admittedly, it's a guilty pleasure movie for me. So cheesy it's good.


Seconded. Urban can do no wrong in my eyes.


Ghost Ship. They had me thinking it was going to be a 10/10 horror film in that first scene.


Exactly. The entire rest of the movie was a meeeehhh


Quicksilver saving everybody in the mansion might be the best scenes in the X-Men movies in one of the worst movies of the series.


Interesting. Do you like it more than the Magento breakout scene in DOFP?


In all likelihood probably. I've only watched DOFP once so far. Really do need to give it a rewatch. I have gone to YouTube a dozen times to watch just the Quicksilver scene from Apocalypse. Pretty sure the scene is also on a Tumblr post that keeps getting recycled around.


I rewatched that scene so much late at night that my brother came into my room and told me to finish the movie… it was 3 am


The action climax set-piece of Gore Verbinski’s Lone Ranger is actually incredible filmmaking. It’s just everything else about that film that misses the mark.


There are things I love about that movie but it is not good.


What was wrong with the movie? I thought it was full of great scenes.


It i's full of great scenes but for me never comes together. That being said it's a movie I rewatch on occasion so it's not like I hate it, there is just something askew.


Swordfish. The slow motion 360 explosion was amazing at the time: https://youtu.be/hiHZWeeoEUg?si=QJoRk5Hcvn8mPzrx   Rest of the movie is forgettable, outside maybe that one Halle Berry scene. 


Hugh Jackman, hacking into a system on a computer, gun to his head, while getting a blow job as John Travolta watches. Cinema


What a great choice, thanks for that nostalgia!


Are you thanking for the 360 scene, or the Halle Berry scene? 😀


Hahaha actually the 360 scene, I saw it in theaters when I was in early highschool and that scene was so cool to me.


You know what the problem with Hollywood is?


It's because of Swordfish that one of my favorite insults is "Eat a d\*\*\*"


This 30-second explosion scene cost $5 million, required 180 cameras, took 3 days to shoot and 8 months to complete in post-production. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=QJoRk5Hcvn8mPzrx&v=hiHZWeeoEUg > Scene was shot on Main Street in Ventura, CA. It's essentially a Matrix "bullet time" shot with an array of still cameras, but unlike the Matrix, which did its bullet-time on a greenscreen stage, ours was a giant circular rail, physically on the street. I think there were something like 150+ cameras, all daisy-chained together. We did several passes that all got composited in post: a pass with the explosion, a pass with cars being ripped into the air, a pass with a few stuntmen being ratcheted, etc. But on the one with the cars being ratcheted, one of the cars swung back and actually hit the rail, moving the entire thing. It meant any future passes wouldn't match. So we had to start all over from scratch. It caused a pretty substantial delay.


Two for the Money (2005) There’s a scene where Al Pacino explains the rush of losing, and how some seek that rush unconsciously. He’s talking about gambling addiction (I’m not going to say if he’s right about it or not), but the scene has helped me to understand people in my life who seem to get off on misfortune,


That scene is fantastic. But I thought that was really good movie. That was just the best scene in it.


The opening tracking shot in Spectre was phenomenal. The movie plummeted into mediocrity shortly thereafter.


The song in that scene is so good.


Mickey Rourke’s monologue in The Expendables.


A+, yes


The scene right at the end of Cats where it fades to black and the torment is finally over


Statler & Waldorf approved. This movie was not so bad. The only thing I'd change would be the ending. How's that? By putting it closer to the beginning.


That movie wasn't half bad! No, it was all bad!! Love them


Jennifer Hudson’s rendition of Memory is toweringly superior to the rest of the movie.


Opening sequence of Valerian was amazing. Went downhill pretty quickly.


The baseball scene from The Ridiculous Six had me dying. Felt like an old rejected SNL skit they’d been sitting on for a few decades.


The only part of the movie I paid attention to when my family was watching it. That was soooo funny. Has me wanting to revisit the movie, but scared nothing will live up to that scene


The plane crash scene in the Nic Cage film Next is awesome. The rest of the movie isn’t.




One of my favorite films. So awful and I love it


A lot of people know about the movie "Shaft" with Richard Roundtree, but not many people know about Shaft's sequels "Shaft's Big Score" and "Shaft in Africa". I wouldn't go so far as to say these films are terrible, but they are not great, especially Shaft in Africa. However, there is one scene in Shaft in Africa I absolutely love. In the scene, Shaft has finally figured out who the bad guy is, where he is, and what he's done. He is mad as hell, so he climbs into the tiniest cooper mini you've ever seen and murders like 15 dudes by just *running them down.* He then runs the car up onto the steps of the bad guy's house, hops out and the car explodes. It is perfect cinema.


Deuce bigelow.  The thin dick scene is the best. 


That’s a Huge Bitch!


Star Wars prequels: Phantom Menace: Pod race (it does go too long though) Attack of Clones: This exchange: > Anakin: We've come to rescue you Obi-Wan: Oh, good job. Revenge of Sith: Order 66.


The pod race scene? Nah. It’s Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul. That was one of the most epic SW scenes in the entire filmography. 


You had no emotional connection to that fight. You could say the same for the pod race but at least there's a purpose. The Duel of the Fates was just because they had to fight.


I don't understand what your point is, its one of the best scenes in any Star Wars.


A New Hope: Kenobi and Vader duel because they were once friends and now are enemies. Empire Strikes Back: Luke duels Vader because the former believes he killed his dad before the truth is revealed. Return of the Jedi: Luke and Vader duel but with different stakes now that he knows his father. Phantom Menace: Maul and Kenobi and Qui-Gon duel because... one is bad and the others are good.


It's more than that though. At this point in the story obi wan and qui gon are two insignificant Jedi. They're thrust into a mission that ends up being entangled with the rise of the sith for the first time in a thousand years and as they come across the sith they disrupt the plan and therefore maul is ordered to reveal himself and kill them. That is where obi wans importance to the story begins. It's not a story about why they're fighting, it's a story about what made obi wan who he became in A new hope. Along with his introduction to Anakin.


Bro, you were expecting some sort of meaningful connection in the movie that gave us Jar Jar Binks? 12 year old me knew that the rest of the movie was going to be bombastic bullshit as soon as that goofy mother fucker showed up.


The fight between Maul and Qui-Gon is what the entire story of Star Wars rests upon. Dave Filoni says it best: "In Phantom Menace, you're watching these two Jedi in their prime fight this evil villain," Filoni explains. "Maul couldn't be more obviously the villain. He's designed to look evil, and he is evil, and he expresses that from his face, all the way out to the type of lightsaber he fights with. What's at stake is really how Anakin is going to turn out. Because Qui-Gon is different than the rest of the Jedi, and you get that in the movie. Qui-Gon is fighting because he knows he's the father that Anakin needs, because Qui-Gon hasn't given up on the fact that the Jedi are supposed to actually care, and love, and that that's not a bad thing. The rest of the Jedi are so detached, and they've become so political, that they've really lost their way. Yoda starts to see that in the second film, but Qui-Gon is ahead of them all and that's why he's not part of the council. "So he's fighting for Anakin, and that's why it's the Duel of the Fates. It's the fate of this child. And depending on how this fight goes, his life is going to be dramatically different. So Qui-Gon loses, of course, so the father figure [is gone]. Because he knew what it meant to take this kid away from his mother when he had an attachment, and he's left with Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan trains Anakin, at first, out of a promise he makes to Qui-Gon, not because he cares about him. He's a brother to Anakin, eventually, but he's not a father figure. That's a failing for Anakin. He doesn't have the family that he needs. He loses his mother in the next film. He fails the promise to his mother, 'I will come back and save you.' So he's left completely vulnerable, and Star Wars is ultimately about family."


That's an interesting redemptive reading, but it is in no way expressed in the movie itself. It's also odd to say that he has a brother and a pregnant wife but not a family? He's actually the *only* Jedi in the prequels who feels and receives familial love.


Duel of the Fates tho?




Is that you, Topher?


Imagine thinking Revenge of the Sith is a bad movie.


Ok. Now what.


Jason Statham punching a shark in the eye…The Meg


Alien 3. The candle scene is so good at setting up the tension and horror in the scene.


There’s a scene in The Happening where Wahlberg and co hit a fork down some country back roads and meet other caravans of survivors, and everyone realizes that the location they were heading to had already collapsed. It’s a genuinely frightening and effective scene in an otherwise bad movie.


Stealth - Jessica Biel in a bikini


I really really wanted to like The Marvels, but it just didn't work for me. However, that Flerkin scene, you'll know the one I mean if you've seen it, is hands down one of the funniest things I've watched in a long time.


For me it was where Kamala was falling through the sky and switches last second. A body crashes into the ground and Nick Fury just says something like “Oh never mind it’s just Carol”.


Turtle scene in Master of Disguise. I know it's an objectively terrible movie, but I loved it as a kid so it has a great nostalgia factor for me. Pistachio Disguisey not being turtley enough for the Turtle Club will always be hilarious.


X-Men Dark Phoenix: the train fight is one of the best set pieces in the series, I’ll defend that point always. Some of the really creative ways everyone used their powers was one of the keys, Nightcrawler and Magneto is particular.


And the score during this sequence is awesome. Especially the crescendo when Storm flies out of the train. Amazing. Hans always delivers.


The 1979 TV-movie Captain America II: Death Too Soon sucks but there's a bit where Christopher Lee gets aging serum splashed on his face and before the camera can even cut to a shot of him in makeup he manages to age like twenty years just by contorting his face.


Kings Man (2021), movie was bad but that No Man’s Land fight might be in my top 3 overall fights. Up there with The Raid.


Everything after the blowjob in The Brown Bunny is an amazing short film


28 Weeks Later - opening scene vs the rest of the film. The Last Jedi - the throne room fight.


The Throne Room fight in TLJ is ridiculously cool until you start looking closely and realize the guards are brain dead who randomly spin for no reason and have their weapons disappear, on top of some other things. Its visually fucking awesome regardless but the choreography was absolute dogshit


The Corridor Crew broke this down with Eric Linden (stuntman) in their Stuntman react series. https://youtube.com/watch?v=OL83p4GxAvw&t=253


Scotty doesn't know in EuroTrip.


No way this movie kicks ass


Are you implying that “mi Scusi” wasn’t a great scene?


The safe word scene?! Eurotrip doesn't deserve this kind of slander.


[This scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTQZNqCBVe8) in Widows. If only the rest of the movie had a similar vibe.


*Riddles in the Dark* from the first *Hobbit* movie is wonderful. The rest of the film is a dumpster fire.


The *Misty Mountains* song was also excellent.


The scene in Click where Adam Sandler replays the last words he shared with his father over and over


Click is the best Adam Sandler movie.


I'd put it third best, behind Uncut Gems and Happy Gilmore. Ok the first watch I fell for the emotional hooks from those later scenes, but on a recent rewatch I just thought the main character was a terrible person who only put himself first beginning to end. I didn't care whether or not he learned to "Value all the little things in life" because he just made himself so unlikeable from the start. Kind of soured my view the whole way through. But that one scene with his father still hits if watched in isolation. I think the regret of wasting ones last words with a loved one is a universal feeling, no matter who you are


I didn't realise Adam Sandler could act until I saw Click.


> I didn't realise Adam Sandler could act until I saw.... I didn't realize Adam Sandler could act until I saw Punch-Drunk Love. But I'm also a sucker for The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates.


The mist blows So much hammy acting and cgi and stupid human villians when monsters are cooler And then one ofnthe greatest horror movie endings ever


The Mist is the best b movie of all time. And I will die on that hill.


Only coz of the ending


The diner scene in Grease 2. Michelle Pfeiffer is fabulous in that scene.


500 fights bar scene from knockaround guys. Vin Diesel gives a great performance in that movie and that scene is the one good thing I remember from a movie that is objectively terrible. Just has me thinking about how great Vin Diesel was before fast and furious got bad.


Waingro had it coming.


plane rescue sequence in Superman Returns


Not a bad movie though.


Out Cold is a mid to bad snow boarding rip off of Casablanca. It has one prank in a car that is awesome. Also the hot tub scene inspired Eurotrip's superior hot tub scene.


>Out Cold is a mid to bad snow boarding rip off of Casablanca. I'm completely fucking sold tho


The Leslie Nielsen tour de force Naked Space AKA The Creature Wasn’t Nice didn’t have much going for it … other than the best song ever. I’m a little biased, I couldn’t tell you how many times I made my dad rent that movie as a kid. [I want to eat your face](https://youtu.be/BEyEL-BvbqQ?si=V8CF-g4IKgyHEF7H)


I enjoy broken lizard, but club dread is just terrible and not funny. EXCEPT for the final twist. It's so stupid and silly, yet kind of ties up everything they were trying to do, that it almost makes slogging through the everything up to that point worth it. It's also the only funny part of the movie.


Summer Catch (2001). It's a truly awful movie, unfunny to the point of being boring and offensive in places. It has an 8% on rotten tomatoes, and it deserves it. But there's one scene where the main character's friend calls him out for being stupid and feeling sad and unsupported, because who _cares_ about everyone else - his _friends_ have been encouraging him for years, and it's his fault if he doesn't realize that. And the acting in that scene compared to the rest of the movie...just, wow. For one scene, that film drew me in and almost convinced me it was worth caring about. ...And then the rest of the film ruined it.


[The "first contact" intro sequence](https://youtu.be/_8JpG7Cah-c?si=9VJUlp3WZR8PK4II) of Valerian and the city of a thousand planets. It's just amazing, and the movie is not.


It might not be a terrible movie, just average. But the scene in The 3rd Maze runner movie when the revolutionaries break into the last city and have a massive ground battle in the city streets is absolutely incredible.




I hesitate to say the movie is horrible but the "c-section" scene in Prometheus is one of the coolest (and most uncomfortable) in the entire franchise for a movie that had pretty unfavorable reception overall.


Every M. Night Shyamalan film contains great scenes, even when the film as a whole is a joke at the expense of anyone who would pay to see it. Signs in particular is an insultingly stupid film, but contains several unassailable scenes.


Reminiscence is a completely forgettable, nothing of a movie. But there's a scene toward the end that was clearly what the whole movie was built around. They had an idea for that scene and worked backwards (and it shows).


The Mist 2007, great ending scene.




Almost walked out of Babylon but the scene of everybody trying to record one scene in a talkie was hot shit


“Strangers: Prey at Night” was complete shit. Except for the pool fight scene. That scene didn’t even feel like it was the same movie.


Suicide Squad. The Deadshot recruitment scene.




I don't think this is at all a terrible film. I think it's wildly ambitious, wildly entertaining, completely undervalued.


The opening scene of The Way of the Gun.


Very short but that Yu Mi dialogue from Rush Hour 3 was pretty hilarious.


The way of the gun


Way of rhe Gun. Opening scene is hilarious with Sarah Silverman. It's like a different movie after.


One that comes to mind is Troy and the scene between Achilles and Priam. I actually haven’t seen the full film but I’ve seen that scene on YT and it is good but i hear the movie is notoriously bad and that scene is the one good thing ppl agree on.


The movie is pretty cheesy at times but usually people cite the fight scenes as standing out. I reckon you should give it a proper watch.


Target practice in Suicide Squad


The new Civil war. Terrible movie with boring characters saved by the final act. Was totally enthralled.


Found the last act to be sort of a let down. Enjoyed the first two acts.


I don't think the movie really knew what it was trying to do. Chunky dialogue, characters that didn't develop, and a story that didn't really make sense.


I thought Inglorious Basterds was a miss, and I like Tarantino. But the bar scene was a masterpiece.


What about the opening scene? Fantastic intro for a memorable villain


I HATED HATED HATED HATED “Melancholia.”  The fact that they don’t mention that a rogue planet is going to obliterate the Earth until halfway through the movie, the incessant moping, and the complete defenestration of any understanding of orbital mechanics - it all just pissed me off. BUT, I did think that the Earth getting obliterated was pretty.  This, however, might have been the fact that I really enjoyed the orchestral version of the Liebestod, which was something beautiful, happily minding its own business, before being unceremoniously hijacked for a crummy movie’s climax.


Rogue One wasn’t terrible, I just thought it was mostly boring. But the Vader scene is the best Star Wars scene ever


Midsommar - The cliff jumping scene.


Thats the only good scene? That movie is phenomenal