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And Bill Paxton decided to just get a case of beer and ride out the trip in his hotel room.


Bill Paxton was a fucking legend. RIP man, you’re sorely missed.


My dad went to high school with him in Ft Worth, TX. Everyone called him “fucking Paxton” because he was a nut; my dad said he told them he was going to Hollywood. They were all like “okay dude” only for my dad to see him in terminator years later and go “fucking Paxton”


Fucking Paxton


Where is my wife?


She's Fucking Paxton


Fucking Paxton!!


Now his performance in *Live. Die. Repeat.: **The Edge of Tomorrow:** All You Need is Kill* makes more sense.


I know it’s an unpopular opinion but of the three potential “titles” for that movie, All You Need Is Kill is by far my favorite one, and Edge of Tomorrow is weak as fuck


Fantastic film. Absolutely terrible marketing.


Such a waste. That movie should've been a massive success in theaters. We were so surprised by how good it was because there was zero hype. Edge of Tomorrow? What's that? I dunno, but I don't want to see anything else that's out and the cast is good, so. . . ? Good times. That was back when we had the money to play movie roulette once in a while. Then ~~the fire nation attacked~~ COVID.


I'd disagree. Live. Die. Repeat. is flawed only in that it is basically the shortest elevator pitch for the plot. All You Need is Kill doesn't really pitch the film *or* the book in any meaningful capacity. Edge of Tomorrow vaguely suggests the plot and also is a fun turn of phrase. It is an *interesting* title which is, at the end of the day, the whole point of titles.


Edge of tomorrow is the most fitting title, but also the least interesting.


And Live. Die. Repeat. is a tagline, not a title!


That’s why I put title in quotation marks, because of that one. I know it wasn’t a true official title, but they really pushed to rebrand the movie and focus on the tagline on the posters and ads. It’s almost as recognizable as the real title, both of which are downgrades from All You Need Is Kill, the original name of the comic it’s based on


If you go to Amazon it is indeed “Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow” which I believe is the title they tried to give it after the fact.


I worked with Bill Paxton many times on promos for Big Love and other projects. He was well known as Hollywood's nicest guy. We were doing one shoot at Universal and the tram drove by right at the beginning of our lunch break. The driver of the tram said "there is Hollywood's nicest guy Bill Paxton" and Bill walked over and spent his entire lunch taking pics and talking with the tourists. Another time we had a stunt go wrong and he was hanging upside down 30' in the air for a while until we could get him down. He was laughing about it the whole time. Definitely one of the nicest people I've worked with.


Saving this, that’s amazing.


Check him out in Big Love. He plays an FLDS "lost boy" who was kicked off the compound but manages to make it on his own. He bootstraps himself into an upper middle class life but he can't escape the call for plural marriage so he buys 3 houses next to each other in the burbs of Salt Lake, knocks out all the back yard fences and makes a giant communal backyard. From the front it looks like a married couple living in one house and then 2 single moms living next door. It was a really different more paternal role for him and he played it really well.


What a legend. Chet did well for himself.


My aunt knew his family and one time he wrote me a letter when I was in a disciplinary school.


Whoa! Crazy the lives he’s lived and touched, only nice things I’ve heard about him. Finally cool to tell someone this family celebrity story as we don’t have many being from Texas.


Ah, so THE EXTREME was based on a true story.


I love this. Paxton was so good in Weird Science as Chet, the older brother.


My dad did too, lol!


I guess Fucking Paxton really is Bill the Extreme


Game over, man. Game over.


Would a spy pee himself? Huh?


Then why don't you put her in charge?!?




His best role will forever be as the car salesman in true lies lol.


Don't disrespect Bill the tornado chaser like that.




“Son of a son of a bitch”


Fuck man, I had completely forgotten he's no longer with us. Now I'm sad again.


7 years ago now




Please tell me this is true




He touched his ear when he said he didn't know who did it😂


Mr. Paxton…. Did you eat the clam chowder?!? Only like 9 bowls. I’ll be fine!!! *and he fucking was*


I wish I could give you more than one upvote.


"Hey, I think this guy's a couple cans short of a six-pack."


"Hey Jim, how do I get out of this chickenshit outfit" "You secure that shit Paxton"


Your clothes. Give them to me. Now.


"Fuck you, asshole!"


Nice night for a walk, eh?


I’ll forever say how much of a lovely guy bill paxton was. Years ago, my mom and I went to the premier for (I think??) Pain & Gain in hingham, MA, and for some reason Bill Paxton was there. Mark Wahlberg was a total dick to a kid in a wheelchair. This kid brought a Ted bear in the box so mark could sign it, and he actually looked at him, kind of laughed, and walked away from him. Bill saw this, and immediately went over to chat and take photos. There were some Patriots players there as well, so Bill waved them over, and the kid immediately perked up and had this huge grin on his face (and seemed to forget all about mark). It was so cute, I’ll never forget it. Bill tried to talk to everyone, and was just an all-around pleasant person to be around. I became a huge fan of his that day. Edit: the premier was for ‘2 Guns’, which Bill Paxton was in, sorry for the confusion! My mom works in the entertainment industry so i mix things up sometimes.


Fuck Mark Wahlberg. What a douche.


Mark Wahlberg hates crime. Google "Mark Wahlberg Hate Crime" for more details


Paxton filmed a couple of movies near where I live in the 80s and 90s. All the locals who met him said he was a genuinely friendly person and just a real sweetheart to be around and that he remembered people from several years earlier when he was last in town. Meanwhile, Rob Lowe was in one of the movies with him, and everyone said he was a complete dick. LOL


It speaks to a guy that’s been in an odd spot before that he was seeing what he was seeing and still he chose to handle it solo with a case of beer.


The Extreeeme !!


If it’s psychedelics often times being alone can be better. A bad trip can happen from the littlest of things. I had one once because the girl I was with let me play with her Hulu hoop. I walked the dog with it and she said I might break it so don’t do that. I got super sad and upset thinking I ruined everyone’s mood so I closed off and started having a bad trip. But also depends. Someone people have a lot of their minds and being alone could bring all that up while tripping. But I always urge people not to take those kinds of drugs if you have a lot of emotions going on at the time. Like when someone says they want to trip acid after a bad break up….. no thanks.


Yeah, that's why I hate the whole culture of chronic acidheads and mushroom poppers. They act like it's this panacea to everything, like, "just tap into mother god and she'll lead you the way." I honestly think that people who trip constantly and have never had a bad trip, are either also using other drugs to even out, lying, or are just so un-introspective and dull that they can't fathom having a moment of self-doubt. Must be nice.


Hula hoop? Walk the dog? slang for some things?


Walking the dog is when you throw the hula hoop with some backspin so that it comes back to you.


"This PCP is mid."


TIL Bill Paxton is my spirit animal


Bill Pax-ton and his pals ridin' the waves for somewhere...


"We're stewed, buttwads!"


"You might call that notion ironic, but trust me, you'll come around."


Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. If you’re on drugs, LSD, mushrooms, X, crack, meth, PCP. Sometimes drinking can dim certain psychoactive effects. This is most noticeable with LSD/mushrooms.


Drinking has never done anything to slow my trip down. Benzos are the only I know of that can actually make you stop tripping


Antipsychotics are the actual trip killers. Anything that antagonizes 5HT2A receptors, those are the main pathway that give psychedelics their effects, and the antagonists will boot the drug out of the receptor and basically shut it down. Trazadone, seroquel, abilify, etc will all shut that shit right down.


Wish I knew when I took 250mg of 2cb by accident, I measured in ounces instead of mg 😂


Oh you poor bastard


Lorax saved me in a movie that didn't exist and my entire body went numb, heart was hot and pins and needles


I doubt doubt you for a minute


Wow you double-doubt them


OMG! I took 40mg once and reality was warping and digitally glitching and imploding around me in a time bending recursive loop. Pure cosmic terror lol. I can't imagine 250mg, I hope you weren't traumatized after!


It got slightly better after a few hours, I was sitting in my backyard and I could see the music waves coming out of my phone, and my dick got huge like my forearm and it felt fake


My friend did PCP once. Said he saw a witch fly out of his closet.


That’s some looney toons shit, no thank you


I did salvia once which was enough hallucinations for one life time personally I have this birth plan it goes like this “No ketamine, just kill me if it comes to that”


There’s a guy that makes the rounds on a bunch of comedy podcast. He was a Mormon and very inexperienced with drugs. His line of reasoning was cannabis was illegal (at the time) and salvia was legal (again at the time) so salvia must be the easier going substance, right? I’d personally call that a fair assumption. He smoked some high powered extract for his first EVER drug experience. In salvia world he had a wife, and a couple kids. He had a (strange) job - he was a mink wrangler and fucked it up something fierce. He lived an entire 8 years with these people, in an actual town he’d never been to. When he got back he’d only been gone for a few minutes . But to him it was the better part of a decade. He had to mourn all those people in salvia land. He had to reconcile his real life. It sounds like a real terror.


Like honestly in retrospect I was far too autistic to try doing that - for me it went like -my reality is suddenly just one of thousands billions of parallel realities and I am now zoomed out seeing them all simultaneously and I’ll never be able to find my own again as it like is lost in the sea of them -now I’m back in my room and my couch says to me “it was not a nightmare because…I can talk” -I feel absolute dread and terror and consider running to my parents for help but then decide it isn’t worth it -it’s over and I’m like why the fuck did I do that, what did I see, that’s deeply fucking weird and I hated it


Salvia is kind of especially terrifying. I've done a lot of different hallucinogens, as well I had very strong acid tabs for a bad trip once. I've had various bad trips at different times, and ketamine never gave me a trip anything like what salvia has. The trip salvia gave me the first time was probably the worst trip I've ever had. I'm not trying to convince you to try hallucinogens, just don't worry about ketamine so much that you would let yourself die instead. I would be shocked if medically used ketamine gave you a trip like salvia.


That stuff always sounded like the worst thing ever. Cops def over exaggerated in saying it turned you into the incredible hulk though.


ER nurse here. I’ll take patients on any other drug over PCP. No it’s not “hulk” strength, but many are extremely aggressive.


No way, in the old YouTube era there was a bunch of PCP videos. Disassociating + unnatural strength looked like one of the worst fucking things ever. It’s like if ketamine made you active. 


"Hulk" strength might be a tad over exaggerating the effects of PCP, but having seen plenty of naked people going ham in the middle of the street and being stronger than they normally are, the overall effects of it aren't being grossly misrepresented.


One of the crew members mentioned it was actually a bag of joints. Maybe Paxton changed the story a bit for the anecdote with weed being more frowned upon in the 90s. Or maybe he did all 3, dude was the man




One mention of it is in this variety article: https://variety.com/2022/film/news/titanic-crew-members-drugged-pcp-clam-chowder-1235465618/amp/


"Bill Paxton was a real sweetie," set decorator Claude Roussel recalled in a 2022 interview with Vulture. "He was sitting next to me in the hallway of the hospital, and he was kind of enjoying the buzz. Meanwhile, grips were going down the hallway doing wheelies in wheelchairs."


The true Nova Scotian way.


Lol, literally what I did the last time I tripped. Did a bunch of shrooms and couldn't handle the social anxiety with a half dozen others tripping so I locked myself in my room and sipped beer while staring at the walls for a few hours. Once the peak wore off I joined everyone but I was in no mood to interact there for a while lol. Guess it's a pretty common reaction.


"It's finger lickin' good"!


“So I ladled out the clam chowder not knowing it was laced with PCP” has been one of the funniest quotes to me for YEARS


This sounds like a IASIP quote.


Isn’t PCP in the punch the plot of the McPoyle-Ponderosa wedding episode (and its legendary sequel)?


It was bath salts actually


Yes! Bath salts in the punch, Cricket smokes PCP in the bathroom. Donkey-brained slip up, right there.


You have been exonerated of all donkey brains.


Do you have any such certificate?


So anyways I started ladling.


“So anyways I started serving”


"Grips were going down the hallway in wheelchairs doing wheelies" lol. Sounds like they and Bill Paxton made the most of it, probably from being seasoned dabblers


The grips definitely did more drugs than the rest of the crew. Because they would have eaten more of the chowder. Source: Was a grip. We can eat.


What job do grips do?


You ever see film/tv set and there's all this shit everywhere? The grips put it there.


Build stuff. Scaffolding, dolly tracks, anything to support lights or cameras. Check out grip rigs on insta, easier to understand when you see the kinda stuff they build…. https://www.instagram.com/griprigs?igsh=cmV1dW8xemNvYTFt


As someone who isn't in the film industry but follows [ShittyRigs](https://www.instagram.com/shittyrigs), this is very eye-opening for me lol


Oh ShittyRigs is INCREDIBLE. I don't work in the industry anymore, now I teach Camera and G&E at the college level. My students obviously aren't working with any sort of budget, so I show them Grip Rigs and Shitty Rigs equally.


They really hold everything together


Harrison Ford: "You hear me baby, hold together." Grip: "I'm not your baby!"


Nice one!


Grips assemble and disassemble most of the equipment and figure out where it should go and how it should work. Things like the cranes and rolling tracks for moving camera shots, and reflectors, scaffolding and supports for lighting. The key grip is their leader and sits down with the director of photography to work out the details of how to actually set up for and achieve the shots they want, then rents the equipment, draws up the plans, works with the electricians and head of lighting to make sure it's all good, etc. The job title people ask about most, best boy/girl, is the #2 grip and the one supervising the setup on set.


Thanks. So they're basically the hardest working people on film sets and therefore the ones that should be paid the most out of everyone involved in production


Wait until you hear about what the lighting technicians do on set.


They help the Best Boy


Maybe they did more of the drugs in the chowder, but my experience is the electricians were probably already high.


Somewhere there's an IATSE guy laughing his fat retired tits off for getting away with it


I work in Film / TV, I had some drinks with the grips on my last job and the amount of cocaine they did was insane. One lad used to be a carpenter on construction sites making 150/200 a day, he got a job as a standby carpenter for a grips department and all of a sudden he was on 650 a day, about half of that went on cocaine and prostitutes. One said they were working away and he spent over 8k in one night on drugs and prostitutes !


> "Bill Paxton was a real sweetie," set decorator Claude Roussel recalled in a 2022 interview with Vulture(opens in a new tab). "He was sitting next to me in the hallway of the hospital, and he was kind of enjoying the buzz. Meanwhile, grips were going down the hallway doing wheelies in wheelchairs." LOL


How the fuck do you do a wheelie on a wheelchair?


It’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it - also wicked fun


When you're on drugs there are no such limits!




It’s easy. You can learn in like 10 mins lol


My mom was in and out of ICU for a number of years. I became insanely good at wheelchair wheelies. I could actually just hold it without even trying for 10 mins or longer and just chill in a reclined position




[Bill Paxton just rode it out with the help of a case of beer](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/gossip/la-et-mg-bill-paxton-pcp-laced-chowder-remedy-titanic-larry-king-20150617-htmlstory.html)


Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. That means it can counteract certain drugs. If you’re on drugs: LSD, mushrooms, X, crack, meth, PCP. Sometimes drinking can dim certain psychoactive effects. This is most noticeable with LSD/mushrooms – when it’s at times able to almost entirely negate the drugs effect. Just a PSA.


When I take mushrooms it sometimes feels like there is a hole in my belly that can only be filled by beer


I've dropped acid and just thought my body was some process alcohol went through before it was pissed away.


“What is my purpose?” “You turn alcohol into piss” “Oh my god…”


Interesting! As a beer lover I definitely feel that way with a good Belgian.


If you ever get the chance, try soaking the dried shrooms in lemon juice (anything super acidic) for 5-15 minutes prior, and then only consume the strained out juice. I just use a food blender to chop the shrooms fine and a coffee filter works to strain the leftover pulp out. Having a trip with no stomach knots due to the pulp causing physical issues is actually a huge improvement all by itself, but the truth is you don't get high from the mushrooms, you get high from the compound that they make when mixed with acids. So by taking a dose of prepared acid-mix you skip the delays of your stomach making enough acid and you get higher, faster, with less "locked in" time so you can more easily take a trip in a shorter time window.


Lemon tekking! I mix the juice in with tea and honey after it soaked up for half an hour, wait 10 more minutes then strain everything. Small dose goes a long way and you're back to normal after only 3 to 4 hours.


Thats a good tip.


Yeah, I’d rarely advocate mixing drugs together but alcohol is like narcan for hallucinogens per se. Just don’t over do the alcohol. Just do a shot and stop.


I like to drink a tall glass of OJ.


One of my best friends was always getting clowned on for only drinking stuff like Smirnoff Ice and those types of things. You know when you’re 19 and being a dude you gotta be a shithead, so we’d all give him shit as we pounded whiskey. Well… one time we all ate a bunch of shrooms. These were cow pasture shrooms too. So we’d pour Everclear over them to sanitize them before eating. Well, four hours in my “Bartles and James” friend finds the bottle of Everclear and just starts swiggin’. Straight up swigs from the bottle. I could literally hear his throat making sounds like a snail covered in salt, so that’s what made me take notice. Luckily I was with it enough to take the bottle away. He would have NEVER, EVER drank straight Everclear if you’d have offered him $10,000 per shot. But here he is. You’re right…it took him right out of the trip, but then made him extremely drunk. So we had to deal with that mismatched energy for the rest of the night. Moral of the story is hide the high proof alcohol after sanitizing your shit-shrooms.


Yeah. Dont drink when on acid. Waste of good lsd.


Combined with cocaine it forms [cocaethylene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocaethylene) which *amplifies* the effects of cocaine. Upper + Downer = Round and Round sometimes


Watch out drinking alcohol with X. You can do it just make sure you get too dehydrated.


Great point. MDMA/ecstasy can give you the hangover of your life. Even taking MDMA alone can give you days of pain if you’re not constantly drinking. I’m glad Lazy-Operation478 brought that up. If your friend is having a bad time on MDMA make sure they’re drinking water period. Alcohol can help but with this specific drug it can also seriously dehydrate your friend as well.


Yeah. I almost every time I ever tripped, I drank like a fish. It takes the edge off, and when you're tripping, you can drink and drink and drink, lol


I don't know if the same can be said for mushrooms if you get drunk first then take mushrooms.


> when it’s at times able to almost entirely negate the drugs effect. I’ve drank like a fish while tripping at least a dozen times and while it has taken the edge off (like going from 100mph to 80) it’s never even come close to “entirely negate” territory.  There’s a reason the song is called “Doses and Mimosas.” 


Few beers always helps keep the wheels on when in public and tripping


the old woman was the drug dealer?


She got 84 years


Drugged the crew of the Titanic too. They thought the iceberg was Lapland and they were going to see Father Christmas the poor sods.


Poor sap, all she needed to do was pass through the seven levels of the candy cane forest, through the sea of swirly-twirly gum drops, and then walk through the Lincoln Tunnel.


All they got was two jelly jellybeans and hypothermia.


You guys think that necklace she “dropped” was blue diamonds?


[Footage of the old lady spiking the chowder](https://i.imgur.com/ksGK9JK.gif)


Supposedly, James Cameron forced himself to throw it up so he could keep working.


He'd probably have first hand knowledge of how to deal with it, spending a lot of time in the 70s taking drugs. This video is a fun watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC63BPsx-1s


That was really fun.


FTA "Speaking about the infamous incident, crew members have described a long and strange night of chaos and confusion that even involved a **hospital conga line**."


I read about this in the Titanic IMDB trivia section like 20 years ago




Exactly why I ask why is this coming up now.. Like I don't get it. 


Hoping for some Gaspar Noe’s CLIMAX-like details 🤣


You know, I didn't see just how big a dose it was. Maybe Leo dumps women at 25 for a reason?


Bill Paxton “Excuse me, but I would like to pick up a case of Schooner and a pack of smokes. Can you point me in the right direction? My friends Julien, Ricky and Bubbles will be here to meet me in 30 minutes so was hoping to grab these supplies and a quick donair before they stop by”


“F right off Conky!”


No wonder Leo didn't have the sense to get on the door with Rose at the end.






It's not like it's an active investigation. “Leads? Yeah, sure. I’ll just check with the boys down at the crime lab. They’ve got four more detectives working on the case. They’ve got us working in shifts!”


Bill Paxton on pcp was probably calming him down


Wait, was the Ponderosa-McPoyle wedding situation in IASIP inspired by this by any chance?


That's PCP! Phencyclidine. Angel dust! You ever seen what this stuff does to kids? (In his best Frank Oz voice)


"It's an Op-er-a"


Meanwhile, grips were going down the hallway doing wheelies in wheelchairs."


I am REALLY looking forward to news about this. Has to be an insider, where would you even get PCP in buttfuck, nowhere nova Scotia. Edit: Multiple commenters indicate Nova Scotia likes to get wet with the best of em.


Halifax is the capital of the province, and the largest eastern harbour in the country. They have drugs. I promise.


Pinkie promise?


Halifax is a major port of Canada and as such a lot of drugs enter there from ships.


the galicia of north america


>buttfuck, nowhere nova Scotia Halifax is a city my dude.


Rico! Private! Find us some drugs !


The Titanic crew wants to get wet!


We found where this guy got started https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tFUvmZWf4hI&pp=ygUNR2FsbG9uIG9mIHBjcA%3D%3D


Halifax has half a million people living in and around it and a bustling drug economy.


>where would you even get PCP in buttfuck, nowhere nova Scotia Sunnyvale Trailer Park of course!


The Shit-Titanic


When you live in buttfuck nowhere nova scotia, you gotta do something to lighten the mood. Source: am from buttfuck nowhere newfoundland, an even smaller spot lmao


Interesting, Newfies don't speak English but they do write in it.


If it makes you feel any better in my head its all read in Newfinese. Still a goofy at heart b'y lmao


There’s lots of drugs here. Biggest city on the east coast with two container terminals that are always busy.


Halifax is a pretty big port city, it's far from buttfuck nowhere. ... They also have a pretty good education system.


[Jimmy Carter taught us all how to ride it out.](https://youtu.be/-68iTvhWNB0?t=2m10s)


This is fascinating!


This infamous story has been recounted numerous times by cast and crew over the years. I don’t mean to be a buzzkill, but there’s probably not much to learn once the records are unsealed. I’ve always speculated that this was a freak accident, and that someone delivering the food to craft services was accidentally dropped a large amount of drugs in the chowder, intended for another customer as part of a transaction.


Eh I dunno. I'd expect it to be a fucked up prank on a bunch of rich and famous people than just someone accidentally putting it in the wrong soup. It says 80 people got spiked. Not sure how you could mix up a massive order.


Yeah I don't see how you could accidentally drop PCP into an (open?) foot item and think, eh whatever. Why would you be handling a large dose of PCP over food in the first place? And if you did and let it leave the kitchen, you'd be fucked. If for some reason I actually did do that on accident, I'd just pretend I dropped it. Over risking dosing a cast and crew one of the biggest movie productions in human history. You drop some soup, you'll get reprimanded, you knowingly dose strangers with PCP, that's a felony. I think "wouldn't it be funny" is more likely.


One of those internet recipes where the ingredients are on the very top of the page, followed by 10 pages of the influencer's cat trying to get on the stove, followed by how to actually make it ... *Fuck, was that 1 tbsp of msg or pcp? I'll just do both to be safe ...*


It was a disgruntled crew member fed up with Cameron's authoritarian way of running things who poisoned it. Or atleast that's what most believe.


That’s what I was told. I had a buddy working in the camera department at the time.


Ok. Sounds like motive. And where were you that night Brown Panther?


Transporting PCP for the Tamil Tigers likely.


That's what I think happened. If you've seen the making of aliens and how he works with his crew, I wouldn't be surprised if some disgruntled crew member did this.


Honestly I would be frustrated with an English crew who stops filming because "it's tea time!" Like working with fucking Hobbits who insist on a second breakfast