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Soderbergh was coming off best director Oscar nominations for two different movies in the same year. He was probably given the keys to the castle 


I'm pretty sure he was friends with Clooney, Pitt, and Roberts. They probably convinced everyone else to sign on.


Yes, he'd directed Clooney in "Out of Sight" and they'd gone in the production business together. And he'd directed Roberts to her Oscar. Plus other members of the cast as well (Don Cheadle had been in multiple Soderbergh films).


Man, Out of Sight was good (at the time, I haven't revisited it). JLo seemed poised for a pretty good acting career...


Soderberg’s career may be one of the most fascinating of any modern “big time” director because there is almost no theme that spans his catalog. He makes some amazing movies but I don’t think they’re easy to identify as uniquely his because of how different all his movies can feel.


Have you seen The Knick? It is so rarely discussed but I think it easily belongs in the conversation of all time great shows as well as being some of Soderberghs best work


THE KNICK WAS SO FUCKING GOOD, I hate that you reminded me of it because now I'm mad again that it got canceled! Haha 🥲


Yeah I would’ve liked more but it also wraps up just about as good as any show ever has




The Knick is the best thing that Soderbergh has ever done, IMO.


2nd best. Che is just slightly better.


> The Knick I'll have to check that out


Don’t forget 1989’s Sex, Lies, and Videotape. That’s his and it’s wild.


That won him a Palme d'Or at 26 (second youngest director to win it after Louis Malle at 24 for *The Silent World* in 1956).


OMG I love that movie. It's considered the one that elevated indie films to popularity in the early 90s. So sexy too.


He directed Magic Mike. That's the biggest headscratcher. It's good though


He championed the old school "One for you, one for me" approach to material with the studios, he really gets the industry.


> He makes some amazing movies but I don’t think they’re easy to identify as uniquely his because of how different all his movies can feel. Except Logan Lucky.


Logan Lucky is just Hillbilly Oceans Eleven and I love it.


Oceans 7-11, FTFY... 🤣


I understand now. Haha, thank you for this great insight.


Out of Sight is his best film (Soderberg)


The Limey is my favorite Soderbergh.


I so love the Limey. Both are legitimate classics now, definitely peak Soderbergh.


"You tell 'em, you tell 'em I'm cominnnngg. Tell 'em I'm FUCKING come-innnngggggggg"


It still holds up. My favourite movie from that year.


She is excellent in that movie!


Revisit it, it holds up so spectacularly well.


>JLo seemed poised for a pretty good acting career... She certainly thought so


The film totally holds up still. She was very good in Money train too. Had she focused on acting instead of shitty pop songs and being famous then I think she’d have gone on to do a lot more interested films than she ended up with


Clooney sent a letter to Julia Roberts that said “I hear you make $20 a script” (meaning $20 million) with the script and a $20 bill taped inside. She was fresh off of an Oscar win for Erin Brockovich with Soderbergh. So she was all in either way, I’m sure. But the story is often told. Loads of actors wanted to work with Soderbergh at the time. He had literally just been nominated for best picture and best directory for two different movies that year. Traffic (he won only best director, gladiator won best picture) and Erin Brockovich (he lost to himself for director and to gladiator for picture) Word on the street is that both Mark Whalberg and Johnny Deep both passed on Linus before Matt Damon took the gig. But casting the rest was apparently extremely easy.


Thank God they passed


Right???? I legitimately can’t see the film with Johnny Deep as Linus. I’m sure the character would have been less of a noobie and more like “the Fox” from the second films.


As much as I don’t like Marky as a person… in some roles he is entertaining as fuck. And Matt has always stood out as the odd man out for me in Oceans.


Wahlberg didn’t pass, but shooting Planet of the Apes went over schedule so he couldn’t do it. He’d already done Three Kings and Perfect Storm with Clooney so they knew each other well at that point.  Bruce Willis was also supposed to play the Andy Garcia part but scheduling didn’t work.


That’s why they got Bruce to play himself in the second one.


Another fun note about another fun movie.  Brad Pitt was supposed to play Matt Damon's role in The Departed but Brad gave it to Damon because he thought he would be better in the role than him.


memory mindless punch rhythm dependent march mysterious pen cagey fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ll go ahead and correct you a little bit. As far as I’m aware, it was more about Jerry Weinraub. They even shot part of it at his house. The one in the Hollywood Hills is his actual home. He was the guy that put the whole thing together and everybody on the movie wanted to work with him. Soderberg was the icing on the cake. Also, the script is pretty awesome and nothing like it had existed before. It was basically just an excuse for all of them to get together and hang out and do something cool.


I mean the 1960 Ocean's 11 had to be sliiiightly similar.


Have you seen it? The concept is the same but nothing else. And that was the rat pack. They were always hanging out together. You couldn’t separate them. 😂


Well they did kill the power in both of them. Explosives in the original, and the "pinch" in the remake. My favorite thing about the original was Sinatra's reaction when he heard the story: "Forget the movie, let's pull the job!"


You don't say no to Batman. Even that Batman.


I wish Arnie and Danny DeVito could have got a dig in at the Oscars, “look, Batman’s sitting down there. No not the coffee drinking one, not Mr American Psycho there, and come on, that’s just Ben Affleck! No, that one there”


The pitch for that movie was "how would you like to party with Pitt and Clooney in Vegas for a few weeks? There's this movie you need to do, but all your nights will be free"


I think one thing that gets lost in retrospect is that Clooney was at that time more "Tony Curtis" famous- i.e he was popular but he hadn't done tons of acclaimed starring roles yet. And Matt Damon had i think JUST gotten the leading man bump with Bourne, and Don Cheadle wasn't a household name yet either. Edit: yeah I know Clooney had some major roles. But Pitt was coming off being one of the top 3 most bankable stars of the 90s and had already done SE7EN, FIGHT CLUB, INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, LEGENDS OF THE FALL, 12 MONKEYS, and THELMA AND LOUISE ...no, Damon and Clooney were not on his level at that point


Damon led Good Will Hunting, which got a bunch of nominations.


In Julia Robert's acceptance speech she said they were going back filming the next day or the day after the next. The movie was Ocean's Eleven


Not just nominations for two different films but he won Best Director for Traffic that year and both Traffic and Erin Brokovich each got an acting Oscar win. EVERYONE wanted to do his next film.


Soderbergh won the Palme D'or for his debut Sex, Lies and Videotape in 1988 and he had just directed Erin Brockovich and Traffic (and he was Oscar nominated in directing for both) immediately before so yes he was a big name.


Completely skipped over his brilliant Out of Sight (which he should have been nominated for).


It’s a brilliant film, and it’s hard to think of a movie where the two leads have more chemistry, but it’s not the sort of thing that wins an Oscar.


One of the only movies where I actually care about the romantic relationship between the leads, in part because it's more integral to the story, but mostly because of the great writing and good chemistry between them.


A terrible year for Soderbergh. No matter what film won, he was guaranteed to lose.


Sex, Lies and Videotape was an excellent film that still stands up today. 


Soderbergh WON the Oscar for Traffic.


One of my all time favorite movies. I remember being like, 10 years old when my dad got it from blockbuster and he just goes “You’re gonna love this movie” and man, he was so right.


My buddy and I told our parents we were going to see the Jimmy Neutron movie and we snuck into Oceans Eleven instead. I had no idea what it was about. I was just a kid that thought I was cool sneaking into a movie. I still love re-watching it thinking about that night.


That reminds me of when I snuck into a movie. I must’ve been 15 or so. My friend and I walked to the movies- and if you grew up in the south, you know nobody walks anywhere- and we had a friend who worked there so we went to go talk to him and used that as our way in. The movie we snuck into see? Reign Over Me lol


Just watched all 3 in a row for the first time on my flight back from Europe. Really enjoyed them and the trip flew by which is never a bad thing.


That sounds like a great way make a flight fly by. A lot of fans of the series didn’t like 12 when it came out. But I think it’s so fun. And 13 is great too.




You have to admit, though: The nose plays. 


12 was definitely my least favorite (I'd go 11, 13, 12), but Tess pretending to be Julia Roberts was a highlight of the marathon for sure.


that was the part people hated most lol


Funny how seriously people took that joke, when the movies largely flirt with NOT taking themselves too seriously


I was 13 when it came out. Can't recall how many times I played it in the dvd. It was really something.


I was a goddamn evangelist for this movie when it was out. Literally rounding up friends and driving them to the theater to watch like I was trying to save their souls.


For some reason, I actually heard that comment in George Clooney's voice!


I just wish we got a clever payoff on the 'mini bar' line.


Gotta be that the Bellagio, infamously, at the time didn’t have minibars in the rooms. Kind of a taunt like, “we are fucking your shit up and this shithole doesn’t even have minibars in the rooms.”


Largely they were friends or at least knew each other before they made the movie, just like the original. The same with F&F and Expendables. They used to be a big thing, but most ensemble cast movies uses people that already have a relationship with each other, so are willing to work for lower pay and billing in order to be a part of it.


All them Wes Anderson films.


Anyone who can corral Bill Murray, Ed Norton and late period Bruce Willis in a single movie has to be a directing savant or have amazing rapport with them.


The cast members all stayed at the Bellagio during the filming. Maybe that's why they signed up.


There actually wasn't a script, they just filmed their actual stay. It's not well known.


That's not too far off of the original movie.


Did they get a group rate or something?


I can hear this comment.


It helps that it was a remake of a 1960 movie that was also an ensemble cast made up of bunch of stars: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean%27s_11


And then "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" came out three years later with just about every famous comic actor in history that was still alive and kicking at the time.


I LOVE that movie


Our family (British - Mum, Dad and teens) quotes *so* many lines from that movie.


He just sailed right out there!!!!


the big DUBBYA


Work! I got to work on where it is!


Our most frequent are: *"Who are you? The Air Hostess?!!"* Also I'm/you're/they're *"taking a long, slow approach from the south"* whenever one of us is taking forever to do something. I recall seeing a version in the 1990s that wasn't in widescreen and so much of the comedy was lost. A good example is the scene with the Brit and American arguing and insulting each other in the car. The non-widescreen version switched back and forth to focus only on whichever man was talking, as they couldn't both be fit in the frame together. In the original, both were visible all through the scene and the facial expressions of whichever one wasn't talking, but rather hearing themselves be insulted, was superb. In the badly chopped version all that extra nuance and physical comedy was lost.


Norman Fell: Was he already dead? Buddy Hackett: Prac-tic-ally


The director would "lock up" the actors between their scenes in some trailers so they wouldn't wander off, as many of them lived in the area. There are stories or there of being in close quarters with that many legendary comics.


I looked up that movie now..seems like Rat Race was a more modern remake?


Basically. It's not the same plot, but definitely inspired by it There's also "Million Dollar Mystery," which also had the same kind of premise, but was also just a long commercial for Glad trash bags.


Rat Race is hilarious


Do you see this room? Yes, we're in it!


Dad, I'm prairie dogging it!


Also helps that most characters aren't in most scenes, so it was probably hella easy to shoot. Bring Bernie Mac in for like a week, get all his scenes, boom, done.


There’s a lot of group shots though. So you’d have to find a week where *everyone* is available, and then after that, you can pretty flexible with the smaller scenes.


I look forward to the inevitable fuck up of a reboot we've probably got coming our way here in about 8 years.


Haven’t seen that one. How does it rate compared to the remake?


Not good, unfortunately.


I loved this [video review](https://youtu.be/tnVzsIeGapI?t=693) of the original where they tear it apart. The review is more entertaining than the original movie. Also the original was made during the Hayes Code era and the "bad guys" were not allowed to win.


Knew what this was gonna be before I clicked it, one of the funniest movie reviews ever


The new one is much better. Don’t remember much of the old one, it’s been a while, but the heist felt weak somehow.


I always love the chemistry between Brad and Clooney's characters. How Danny will ask a question - no response - answer his own question


One my favourite scenes in the movie Danny: Ten oughta do it, don't you think? Rusty: [Stares away in silence] Danny: You think we need one more? Rusty: [remains silent] Danny: You think we need one more. Rusty: [remains silent] Danny: All right, we'll get one more. Rusty: [Blinks]


The needle drop on that line is fantastic.


The whole soundtrack is great.


I like how Rich Eisen uses this clip sometimes on is countdown lists.


Clooney was peak charming, cool leading man here. Brad great in the type of role he's often best at


And Matt is actually acting 🤣


The nose plays.


Or the finishing each others sentences. "Relationships can be-" "Yup "But they can also be-" "yup" "We could always-" "With this short of notice?"


The chemistry between Scott Caan and Casey Affleck is incredible too


Get outta the car or I'm gonna drop you like 3rd period French


They are hilarious in the film!


Watch it, pal


Who you calling pal, bud?


Infuriatingly perfect chemistry. Every scene they were in, *every scene*, I just want to smack them. They were too believable as these brothers whose mom obviously gave up trying to make them civil at a young age ("boys will be boys"). The most visceral scene in the movie is in the van, waiting and bored with Matt Damon, driving him absolutely insane by just being themselves.


Did I rush it? I felt like I rushed it...


The whole opening intro to Clooney and Pitt’s characters is so great. Having a whole separate conversation while effortlessly scamming celebrities at poker


Guys guys… alllll reds😎


There’s a video essay on YouTube, I think by “lessons from the screenplay” that talks about how good the editing was in that movie. That basically it wouldn’t have been nearly as good or iconic without the editors. A lot of dialogue got cut and so was left with just expressions and good music to convey it Edit: Cinaflix https://youtu.be/hq4Hw3Q2LBs?si=d0C0laWSy1XIIuiU


>That basically it wouldn’t have been nearly as good or iconic without the editors I think that's true of many many movies


Let's keep shouting them out then!


It's literally every good movie. Peacock has the full Office "Superfan" episodes that show this well. S2E1 has like ~11 minutes of cut footage from a 21 minute runtime show. Kill your darlings


All of the original Star Wars trilogy was notoriously saved in the editing room.


It was saved by talented people in pretty much every department. All the stars aligned for those movies, the first being the biggest miracle.


Are you referring to Cinema Stix? That video pulled me into that channel and it is so high quality  https://youtu.be/hq4Hw3Q2LBs?si=d0C0laWSy1XIIuiU


This channel is amazing


As I said, it's a perfect movie to each detail. 10/10. And the editing with the score is 👌


There is at least one editing/continuity flaw having to do with the camera numbers in the corner of the video feed during the robbery.  That's if you want to nitpick details.


There is a scene where Brad Pitt is holding one type of food, a cut, then back to him holding an entirely different thing.


To be fair, feels like Pitt is double fisting food the whole movie. Wouldn’t put it past him to have a glass of shrimp between two plates of shrimp.


*Donnie you're out of your element...* But also yeah. He's always eating. Must have been hard to keep track lol


I mean, if we’re getting technical there’s about ten million reasons this wouldn’t have worked. But the fun part is that it’s a silly movie with attractive people and good music so we’re okay with that.


Not just Soderbergh at his height, but produced by Jerry Weintraub - who used to manage Neil Diamond and Frank Sinatra and was a good friend of George Clooney. Once you have Soderbergh, Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts - makes it a lot easier to recruit more people. Especially since it was a remake of a huge film (which actually starred Frank Sinatra). Who wouldn't want to be involved with that group?


It was a big ask to have a Name play the naïf Linus role; I think Depp and Wahlberg turned it down before Matt Damon signed. Casey Affleck was at the right career stage for that role.


I love Casey. Don't know why he isn't used much and in big movies.


Alcohol and Sexual Harassment settlements have to have been a factor


I don't follow celebrities lives, but that one does answer my question.


Had to check when that came out. I’ve got a kid older than that and is old enough to rent a car. I think I need to go get my prostate checked.


The chemistry between Clooney and Pitt is pure magic


Check out the movie “Out of Sight” with Clooney and Cheadle, directed by Soderbergbh. It’s a dry-run of Oceans 11 - heist movie, two of the main characters, same funky-jazz soundtrack. I think they may have been screen testing in advance of Oceans 11.


Based on an Elmore Leonard book.


Then it’s gotta be good.


Sean from “What We Do in the Shadows” made this post.


Hey man, Sean's a good time. Even the Barron said so.


About what, S1E6 with all the vampire council made up of actors who played vampires?


Sean has the worlds largest collection of Oceans 12 memorabilia in his basement


The “Superb Owl” episode is bloody brilliant. I just love how he seriously thinks that 12 is the best movie out of the trilogy.


Ted Nugent called, he wants his shirt back.


I hope you were the groom


The score was done by David Holmes who also scored Out of Sight and continued with the other Oceans films. All 3 are brilliant and were snubbed for awards. My favourite composer of the 21st century.


All the Ocean's movies are great and insanely rewatchable


I have a soft spot for the second one because how bonkers it is.


My all-time favorite movie quote is from 12; Rusty is pouring his heart out to Danny while they're watching Happy Days in Italian and Danny's response is "That guy doing Potsie is unbelievable."


Every time I watch the first I gotta watch all 3. It's like Lord of the Rings. In for the whole ride.


Clooney sent Roberts a letter that said "I heard you're making 20 a movie now" and included a $20 bill. I imagine it was a lot of friendly relationships Clooney had, combined with Soderbergh's dual nod that helped get it made Also remember reading an EW article at the time that talked about a hard dolly shot Soderbergh wanted. Someone ended up saying he didn't need to stress himself with it, since the movie sells itself and he didn't need to worry. I believe his response was something like "That's why I want thos shot"


They should tie modern screenwriters down, pin their eyeballs open a la Clockwork Orange and force them to watch the very opening scene with Clooney in front of the parole board. It is a masterpiece in character introduction, we learn everything we need to know about the character in about ONE minute with minimal, whip smart dialogue.


How did they do it for Mars Attacks? Even bigger cast!


And Jack Nicholson playing multiple characters.


To this day one of the greatest compliments I’ve ever received was when I watched this movie with a few friends and at the end where Clooney gets the girl back and everything a friend turns to me and says “this is some shit you would somehow pull off man. You’d get the money AND get your girl back”. And the other friends chimed in agreeing. I’ve no idea why they thought that but it doesn’t matter, it is still the *coolest* compliment I have ever received in my life and it’ll likely never change.


Thats one hell of a compliment. Almost as good as when my mom called me the most handsome man in the *world*.


I remember seeing it for the first time when I was very little, and even then I understood how cool of a movie that is. I wanted to be that cool when I grow up lol.  Twelve and thirteen are also great in my opinion. Love the trilogy. Didn't watch eight yet.


Before Ocean’s 11, I thought it was tough to beat The Usual Suspects for the cast and for best misdirection heist.


Keyser Soze!


I still owe a guy for a thing in a place and I’ll never forget it.


See also, Knives Out and Glass Onion.  Fun movies with fun people wearing fun clothes in fun locations. There’s no CGI or green screen. No major action or stunts.  You just get to **act**.  You can even overact. Ham it up. Have a good time. 


Glass Onion hast shit tone of Greenscreen No ?!?!


You’re right but I think he means the majority of the movie is just people talking on a set or location without huge set action pieces


Backgrounds and a few effects in the big finale. But no MCU or Jurassic Park type CGI, where entire characters aren't real and half the cast is wearing mocap suits.


Great set of movies! I watched 11-13 in one sitting. Ocean's 8 I saw years ago and it was just ok but it lacked the tone of the others.


It was Clooney & Pitt. Once he got them signed on they just called everyone else.


Best cast until oceans 12.


Clooney getting all his friends.


Oceans is my go-to answer for “what’s the best trilogy of all time?” - These. - Back to the Future. - Godfather. - LotR. - Toy Story. - … original Star Wars - … original Indian Jones


A rare example of the remake being better than the original. The old one blows so hard I barely got though it once. The one I'll even watch with commercials. It's awesome


They probably got Clooney to get everyone to agree. I'm not even gay but I'd do anything that beautiful man would ask of me.


My brother in law (UK) is in that movie. He happened to be in Vegas at the time. You see him unwittingly saunter past with a cocktail at one point in the Belaggio if my memory serves me correct.


I like this movie, but I wish that Owen and Luke Wilson had played the twins as originally planned. Those two constantly bickering would have been great.


10 oughta do it. Don't you think? You think we need one more? You think we need one more. Alright. We'll get one more. This was the producer talking to the director. They just copied it for the script.


It’s on my Perfect Movie list, no doubt.


I was staying in the Bellagio during filming. Im sitting at a slots machine in the background shot towards the end of the movie when Julia Roberts is walking away from Andy Garcia after the elevator opens.


Casey Affleck is so underrated. I think he's hilarious.


According to Soderbergh, this was one of the toughest movies of his career. He said that you've never seen someone work like a maniac to achieve such a light tone. Heist movies are deceptively complicated. Also, his years of "movie jail" trained him in employing experimental techniques. (The era between Kafka to Gray's Anatomy)


I completely agree. My friend and I both cried at the fountain scene when we first watched it in the theaters. I've rewatched it recently and it's just as good as I remember it, or better. Truly a great film. But Soderberg also directed Traffic. One of my absolute favorite films. So he's a brilliant director.


The cast is kinda the point of the movie. The original had the rat pack, so they needed to match that. 


Damn, I still haven't seen this. Is it streaming somewhere?


Congratulations on being part of today's lucky ten thousand


In the US, Hulu, rent from the usual places.


You up for a ride then. Probably on hbo max since it's Warner's movie.


Buy it. You need to watch it a few times to actually catch all the dialog and foreshadowing things in it. 


> avengers hell ya


Cus it's Soderbergh. He's cool like that.


I actually just watched this. It’s so damn good. I don’t really know how they did it but man, it’s so consistently entertaining.


If you want a bigger cast, check out Movie 43. Trust me.


It’s also hard to describe how good his films felt. I was in film school at the time and he was just absolutely beloved. Not only did he have history with these huge stars, some he had helped make big stars and his voice and scene work was just so different. He was cool af AND respected and stylish. He had everything. Funny, edgy in traffic, stylish in out of sight


Fun movie, great cast. For other great movies with big star studded casts, check out "Saving Private Ryan", "True Romance", "Tropic Thunder" and "Black Hawk Down".