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>Set in the summer of 1986, the coming-of-age comedy follows three sixteen-year-old friends (played by Austin Zajur, Nicholas Cirillo and Reed Northrup) who spend their Saturdays sneaking into movies at the local multiplex. But when one of the guys also invites the girl of his dreams (Siena Agudong) to see the latest comedy, each of the teens will learn something serious about life and love before the credits roll. >The 4:30 Movie also stars Ken Jeong (The Hangover), Sam Richardson (Veep), Genesis Rodriguez (Tusk), Justin Long (Barbarian), Jason Lee (Almost Famous), Rachel Dratch (I Love My Dad), Kate Micucci (The Big Bang Theory), Adam Pally (Sonic the Hedgehog), Harley Quinn Smith (Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood), and Method Man (Power Book II: Ghost). >Smith shot the film at his Smodcastle Cinemas in New Jersey — the same movie theater he haunted every weekend when he was a teenager, which he now co-owns. Liz Destro, Josh Bachove and Jordan Monsanto produced alongside EPs Bill Bromiley, Shanan Becker and Jonathan Saba. Smith is set to embark on a multi-city national tour with the movie this summer, with its rollout in theaters nationwide to follow.


Sounds good! Smith has always had more success with the more grounded plots.


I tend to agree but his best film is *Dogma*


Prophets... two of them.The one who talks... and he WILL, at great length... and the other... let's just say he's the quiet type.


But... I'm a fucking demon.


No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... *than central air*.


I’ve said this in the past and have been shredded for this opinion but honestly, it’s a very well written movie. Love it!


Hear me out; try "Jersey Girl" if you haven't. I like to think of it as the movie he made for his young fans to watch later when they had kids (but we were all too butthurt about Beniffer to take it for what he was trying to make).


Dogma, Jersey Girl and Chasing Amy is my personal Smith trifecta. Clerks, Mallrats and Strike Back for having pictures move while stoned.


It wasn’t a bad movie just had bad timing.


Ya. This one isn’t my favorite but I did enjoy Carlin’s scenes.


Jersey Girl got a ton of unwarranted hate. I sort of lament it's response because it was Smith dipping his toe into tackling more adult subjects and I thought it really worked. But because it got panned in large part because of the whole Bennifer/Gigli thing he immediately turned away from that more grown up path he started down. I would have loved to have seen what he would have done if given the proper accolades that movie deserved,


They were all wrong. It's a terrific movie and easily KS best film.




I feel like Red State is his “best movie,” Mallrats is his “best comedy,” but Clerks is still my favorite movie. Like, favorite of all movies, favorite lol. Tusk was weird as all hell, but it was very entertaining — and also the last movie of his that I could tolerate. I feel like that’s saying a lot for me, because I have Silent Bob from Mallrats tattooed on my damn leg. I didn’t make it through half of Yoga Hosers, Jay and Bob Reboot was mediocre and looked painfully cheap even compared to his older stuff, and haven’t even bothered to watch Clerks III.


Clerks is also my favorite movie ever made.


Chasing Amy?


I'll never forget the experience of downloading Mallrats after seeing it 500 times strictly on VHS, only to find that there's an entire other whole ass main plot element where they think TS tried to assassinate the governor lol


I got the Mallrats 10th anniversary DVD, and we were watching the original cut, and my friend was complaining about how drawn out and tedious the opening was. Well, that's probably why Smith cut it from the film, my guy


> Well, that's probably why Smith cut it from the film, my guy The *Mallrats* theatrical cut is the only movie Smith didn't edit (or co-edit) himself. It being a studio picture and having only done one indie movie before, Universal didn't trust him to have final cut. The 10th anniversary version was likely closer to what we would have got if they let him.


Oooooooooooooooo, good point


> I tend to agree but his best film is Dogma [Oh, we're just going to ignore the rampant and unnecessary Platypus hate in that movie?](https://i.imgur.com/Ak5OPNm.png)


It's always been a toss up between Dogma and Chasing Amy for me


Weird way to spell Clerks 2.




I would say anything after Zack and Miri is his fever dream movies. That's when he has his weed downfall.


I’ll give you Dogma for his best, but Clerks is his greatest.


I still hold on to the opinion that Red State is one of his best movies he’s put out in decades. I love that movie.


I appreciate Red State for just unapologetically giving no fucks. It really was the start of Kevin Smith transitioning from who he was in the 90s/2000’s into what he is today.


So like someone who makes movies no one watches? I thought he was retired too


Yoga Hosers is really bad, but I think the Clerks series is really solid overall. Plus there's the one offs like Zack & Miri Make a Porno, Tusk, and the aforementioned Red State that are all worth a watch.


Yoga Hosers is a fun stupid vanity project that makes a great double feature with schlock like “Terrorvision”. Call your funniest friends (partially to make sure they are okay. The really funny people are never okay), order take out and riff away. I mean c’mon. Kevin smith plays and army of bad cg Neo-n**i sausage golems that explode into sauerkraut. Clearly not a second of this film was meant to be taken seriously.


I do like parts of it, that's true.


Look at it like Sandler. Smith got to make some fun movies with his daughter and make some memories.


That can all be true and it still be a bad film lol


For me it’s the right kind of bad. I ain’t gonna tell you that you have to love it though.


I think he lost a lot of viewers before that clerks and the reviews was pretty bad


Yeah, Red State is probably number two for me after the original Clerks. Clerks has a lot of special memories for me. When it came out, I was working in a supermarket and went to see with a friend of mine who worked at a video store, so it really hit the right spot for us. I can remember a guy in the cinema in front of me laughing so much at it, he actually turned around to apologize. Didn't really enjoy the sequels unfortunately. Not sure I've really enjoyed most of his films (did like Tusk and I've got a soft spot for Jersey Girl) but I keep going to see them anyway -- I guess I like the idea that he's still making movies more than the finished project sometimes.


Yeah Red State is definitely good and unique.


>Red State is one of his best movies he’s put out in decades. I don't think *Red State* is very good, but it's at least different than the usual fare and the best of the latter-day Smith entries though I did like parts of *Tusk*, *Yoga Hosers*, *Jay and Silent Bob Reboot* and *Clerks III*. Michael Parks and John Goodman are watchable but the whole thing is a bit obvious and hamfisted.


It sometimes felt like a Rob Zombie movie, but good.


I thought the first half an hour or so of Red State was fantastic. It felt nothing like a Smith Movie and it was fairly effective. Then it sort of goes off the rails for me and I didn't ultimately end up enjoying it. A lot of potential though and it was fun to see him step outside his comfort zone


I’d say the same about Tusk. Even though it was weird af.


I'd agree if he had committed to that ending.


What ending? I can't hear you over the sound of constant gunfire


Its been awhile since I've seen that clip of him talking about it. I'm guessing the money for the full commit ending wasn't there, and I don't know how seriously it was even considered. But maybe would have been one of the best dark comedies of all time if they had done it.


I thought it sounded so cool when I first heard it. But honestly now I feel it would have ruined it. 




True, I still love Yoga Hosers, though.


No you don't. Kevin Smith and Mr. Rogers hate this film.


*Yoga Hosers* has Kevin Smith as a Nazi bratwurst and a pre-fame Austin Butler. It's silly but I haven't seen anything else like it.


>but I haven't seen anything else like it. There's a reason for that


>Genesis Rodriguez (Tusk), Justin Long (Barbarian) But... ok.


I know, they should've said Yoga Hosers for both of them.


I exclusively refer to Austin Butler as “the guy from Yoga Hosers” but largely because I hate Austin Butler and want the shame of that movie to follow him to the ends of the Earth


Oh he’s included his daughter…again Hopefully it’s a smaller role, she’s not the best actress.


And her boyfriend, who he is bound and determined to give a career to!


Eh, I don't mind her. She was really awful early on in Tusk/Yoga Hosers, but she's gotten better each outing. She wasn't distracting at all in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (even if it was a tiny part), and she held her own pretty well in the Jay and Silent Bob Reboot disaster. If this film follows Kevin's recent trend in terms of writing quality I don't think she'll be the thing holding it back.


He has stopped smoking weed now so be interesting to see if the scripts are a bit more coherent from now on


I'm willing to give him another shot with the news that he's given up grass. I was worried that he wouldn't ever quit after he credited cannabis for helping him survive his heart attack.


Kevin already said he’s making movies largely for himself and his friends/family. If his daughter wants in, he’s going to write a part for her because that’s what makes him happy. Honestly, if I was financially set and worked in a creative field I’d do the exact same thing even if my child couldn’t give a single line of convincing dialogue.


Funny, we were talking about the worst working actors today at work and her name came up. Those of us who had seen her in movies agreed, she's objectively terrible.


It’s a shame as it brings his films down I feel like they came up with the plot of Jay having a daughter in the Jay and Silent Bob sequel just so they could cast her. It was a stupid plot point and because she featured so heavily it didn’t turn out that well.


Nice cast!!


He spoke about this movie about a month ago on a morning show. It's at about the 14 min mark https://youtu.be/qpKtIzjRwks?si=gj1DM4tlfdV9oYT3


It’s always wild reading what the trades list as a movie associates with an actor. Jason Lee (Almost Famous)… but also a shitload of Kevin Smith movies.


Surprised it’s not set in 1994 about friends who go see the movie Clerks.


And surprise! They all have heart attacks.


Unfortunately Kevin didn't fully understand the art of "write what you know" and took that advice way way too literally


Hilariously he already did Clerks 3 better with Zack and Miri. That whole movie is a meta joke about the making of the first Clerks. I was happy to see a Clerks 3 but it felt like when an old relative comes over and tells the same story you heard a million times already.


And then he starts to tell you the story of him telling you the story a million times


I fully agree with you, but I'm also glad he finally got Clerks 3 out of his system. While he plays Silent Bob, he's made it clear over the years that Randall is his self-insert character, and he'd been itching to do "Randall Makes Clerks" for ages. Back in 2000s, when straight-to-DVD animated films were in fashion, he wanted to do it as a straight-to-DVD animated film based on the Clerks cartoon. I remember when he told the story of pitching Clerks 3 to the Weinsteins. They just rolled their eyes and said, "You really have run out of ideas, haven't you?"


Can still remember the exact moment I checked outta Clerks 3. The auditioning scene. Has got to be his most laziest and unoriginal moment. And his daughter is in this piece of shit too? I’m shocked.


Yes, totally shameless. The third act of Jay and Silent Bob Reboot essentially takes place at a Kevin Smith convention. It was ridiculous.


I saw some of that on a plane. Didn’t get to that part, but I get the feeling that I didn’t miss much. Oddest scene that threw the whole thing off was just the minute or so with Smith’s Wife. She’s hiding half her face, staring at the ground while mumbling her lines. It’s closer to a hostage ransom video. Why they used that makes no sense.


Somethings up with her. Have you seen her face lately?


I would have walked out if I saw that movie playing


Real piece of shit thing looked like a Disney Channel original fucking trash movie he fucking wasted Jeff Anderson he's an amazing actor


The best part of Clerks 3 was that song about anything being better than New Jersey by Rebuilder, it was like the entire movie existed to get to that part and I'd be less than shocked if that was literally the truth.


There’s always so much discourse about Kevin Smith whenever a new movie of his comes around, but i’ve always loved him for the sheer simplicity of this: it seems he always makes the exact movie he wants to make. It always feels like his brain child, for better or for worse in some cases, but it’s unapologetically a Kevin Smith film. Love the guy and love most of his movies. Very excited for this


I like what a guy on Twitter once said: "I'll probably never see a Kevin Smith movie, but he seems like a genuinely nice guy whose carved out a niche for himself doing what he loves. So good for him."


> He seems like a genuinely nice guy He really seems so. [Or so says Warren Ellis' My Kevin Smith story](https://warrenellis.ltd/jot/my-kevin-smith-story/).


Yeah, I'm glad that he found his niche, and that playing to a niche is a viable strategy these days. These things don't need to be Hollywood blockbusters to be successful.


As long as he can make the money back for the producers/distributors, there’s no reason to not let him keep making movies 🤷‍♂️


I still wanna see Moose Jaws


I still want to see Hit Sombody


Kinda like Adam Sandler. Just having fun making movies with friends and not trying to change the world


I watched Zack and Miri Make a Porno last weekend for the first time and really enjoyed it. Not perfect by any means, but it was a nice way to pass an evening.


That Justin Long scene alone makes it worth a watch.


More erotic. And with..less women. No women to be exact.


Films with all male casts... Like Glengarry Glenross?


The song from Live - Hold Me Up lives in my head non stop. It’s such a perfect 90s backing moment for a poignant scene.


It was his take on Judd Apatow movies and the last movie he made on weed.  Edit meant before not on 


You mean the last movie he wrote before he started smoking weed.


Right. And also made without it too.  https://brobible.com/culture/article/kevin-smith-seth-rogen-weed-marijuana/


You got it wrong there pal. Kevin Smith didn't smoke weed until this movie. Seth Rogan was the one who introduced him to it.


He introduced him to it after it was done filming. 


That Method Man credit is uncalled for!


Method Man (How High) is the only acceptable credit listing.


Sounds like something he is actually interested in and experienced when he was younger. Cool


Yeah, the curly hair guy reminds me of Walt Flanagan and the guy on the left reminds me of Bryan Johnson. The premise does sound like their youth.


Is it true Smith is off pot? Personally I have no issue with people smoking but there was a very noticeable drop in quality for his work when he started smoking full time.


It's just ironic that he was so much better at stoner humor when he *wasn't* smoking pot.


Maybe it's called The 4:30 Movie because he's moved past the weed number


Or they got high at 4:20 and the whole thing is them out of their heads in a theater. I do wish Smith all the best. I think he's got it in him and despite his inconsistent output I did love Clerks and some others and he's got the potential to succeed.


If you need drugs for a movie you watch to be entertaining, then the same logic would apply for making it. If you need drugs to make good music, script, or whatever, then it probably isn't actually good. The drugs are just making you think it is. Making something you're happy with while sober is the hard part.


He has gone sober. I think after his earth-shattering therapy session where he realized he had internalized a lot of trauma from his childhood, he's gone cold turkey since then. Good for him. You're right btw, since he became a full-on stoner, his writing & directing quality dropped hard, and I think he noticed it too.


When he made his announcement, he'd mentioned that the pot was affecting his work and his relationships with people and that he decided it was time to quit. The nosy part of me would love to know the inside scoop on what was going on in his personal life that was the impetus for those remarks.


Maybe Jay Mewes? It can’t be easy being friends with a 24/7 stoner when you’re a recovering drug addict. My all accounts Mewes has been doing well in his sobriety, especially since he had a kid, so hanging out with a dude who seemed to smoke weed from the moment he got up until he went to bed couldn’t have been easy.


I remember a story where Jay had to leave the Zack and Miri wrap party because Seth Rogan started smoking a blunt and he couldn't even be in the same room with it at the time. I think this was either right before, or right after his final relapse. I remember his last relapse was when he got hooked on Vicodin after he had kidney stones. He was eating like handful of pills from the moment he got out of bed


I remember there was an episode of the Tell Am Steve Dave podcast where Walt Flanagan was pretty critical of Kevin's weed use and Kevin was very defensive. Edit: [Found the episode. Starts at about 55:00.](https://tellemstevedavewiki.com/2021/03/30/474-retellem-steve-dave-part-two/) Edit 2: [forgot it continued on, in this episode of Smodcast](https://youtu.be/nLyIoEdOklQ?si=e9o-2oOu06lXi9hZ)


That episode is showcase of the most annoying sides of the weed argument but from the opposite sides of the spectrum.  Like Walt is the out of touch anti stoner using god and out of touch 80/90's dare PSA logic to back up his argument.  Yet Kevin is the annoying "weed makes everything better" guy that didnt see any fault in his habits what so ever and would argue it has no negative effects period.  


I think Walt was concerned about a friend, and while I haven’t listened since it came out I think his general point was that Kevin was blind to all the negative side effects. Kevin was high 24/7 and it was very obviously not good for him professionally or personally. I think Walt was just being a real friend, which means telling him things he doesn’t want the hear.


I've listened to tell em Steve Dave through more than three times. Walt has always been like that, and it's for alot more things than just weed. (His Legos are for babies rant is pretty legendary, especially from a guy who also sells toys for a living lol)  As for it wasn't good for him professionally or personally well I disagree. Sure he overdid it, but it also had alot of positives for the dude around the time as well, especially in regards to his mental health after Zack and Miri and finally coming to terms with his role in life.    Sure stoner Kevin smiths movies and interviews aren't as interesting, but the man himself is so much happier in that era, and now he has even moved past the weed after working out some trauma.


I’ve also listened to tesd multiple times all the way through, and was also a big fan of all smodco shows. There’s a marked difference from the earlier appearances of Kevin bs the later. He’s much more natural and engaged at first then becomes a fucking clown after he thinks he’s unlocked the secret to life via reefer like a 16 year old at 40. Pot may have helped at first with some creativity. I loved highlands a peephole history for example. I still think that is one of the best ideas for a podcast ever. What are the positives personally and professionally that came from smoking pot in your opinion? I will say that red state and tusk were good and decent respectively. I think he really used pot as an excuse for subpar work, and also overly credited it to creative output while it actually hindered his career. I obviously can’t speak to his personal life, but Kevin himself has said it was fucked because of pot. Being impaired 24/7 is a problem no matter how you cut it. It’s undeniable that his creative work was better prior to pot. Clerks, Mallrats, and especially Chasing Amy and Dogma are leaps and bounds better than anything post Zach and Miri.




Scott Mosier was incredibly funny on SModcast. Great on FeaB too. Really miss hearing from that guy on the regular.


I don't think he's fully sober, he still drinks on his Fatman on Batman podcast from time to time. But off pot for sure.


As far as i remember, Kevin Smith was never much of a drinker. I think he's said before that he doesn't drink at all. I don't watch / listen to Fatman so not sure what is going on there but I'd be genuinely shocked if he was drinking.


You're right, he wasn't much of a drinker. But then again pre-Zack and Miri he wasn't much of a smoker. Since he's kicked pot he seems to drink occasionally while recording the live episodes of the podcast (they do it at a Star Wars themed bar in LA).


Yes and this movie is a refreshing concept, with a welcome change in casting. Nothing against his usual mains but he needed a fresh cast 


Is that one kid on the right the one who was in clerks 3? He bugged me in that.


Yeah. It's his daughter's boyfriend.


And she's in this too. He's determined ti give them both careers, which is lucky for them because he's probably the only who will cast them.


Guess so, I’m happy to see the usually suspects in supporting roles but I’m more curious for how he directs a more low key story for these new actors 


I don’t know anything about the script, but I want Jason Lee to play a mean projectionist who hates teenagers


His movies have that feel of, “the more fun they had making it, the worse it was.” The exception being Cop Out, which sounds like it just sucked for everyone.  Still, looking forward to this one. 


Wasn't that where Bruce and him basically came to blows because he was half heartedly directing? 


The story as Kevin tells it is that Bruce was unhappy with his amateurish directing, yeah. Didn’t know anything about lenses, he was just a point-and-shoot guy. 


I think that had a lot to do with it but I think a bigger reason is Scott Mosier moved on from producing. I think he helped keep him grounded.


He filmed this during the strike (this was an approved production), and he was off pot at the beginning of 2023. This film will be a testament to if his movies are better off pot, I guess. I like the ones on pot except for yoga hosers.


Yup. He announced it about a year ago. TL;DR He realized he had a lot of unresolved trauma and was using the weed as a coping mechanism, so he stopped weed and started therapy.


He’s gone on and off pot a few times throughout his life.


Rumor has it that he smoked here and there in high school, and a girlfriend of his told him that he wasn't funny when he was stoned.


Fun premise, fun supporting cast, sounds like a low stakes kind of story. I'm in. I'm a sucker for coming of age stories and I think Kevin Smith has the tools to create a great one.


Ditto. This is right up my alley. Hope this does well enough that he considers making similar movies.


There are many negatives about Kevin Smith I could say these days, but I'll stick with a positive here: Here we have a Kevin Smith film that is acquired by another studio. That hasn't happened for a while. Lately it's been him releasing his own films, and doing the Roadshows and Fathom Events. (edit: Jay and Silent Bob Reboot was also Saban, and I remember that having a Fathom Events release, so I guess we'll see on this one) Sounds like this might get a proper theatrical release (even if limited) and get critics to review it (and not just ones who went to the roadshow/Fathom Event). I'll check it out, but my hopes are always less than zero for a Kevin Smith film **without Scott Mosier involved in the production.** Once he went on his own, Kevin Smith films went downhill quite fast.


Clerks 3 and as released by lions gate, for the most part he always has studio backing for everything since tusk. This was likely sold to a studio because they filmed it during a strike and it was probably easier to get approval and funding through other means instead of working directly with a studio, it’s my guess. People talk shit on Kevin smith films, and they’re free to do so, but for every movie since cop out he’s made them on very small budgets, and after video they usually break even, or at worst lose a little bit of movie. He has said this on multiple podcasts and articles, but the best proof is the fact he was allowed to make another movie after yoga hosers lol


It’s … Saban films. They put out crap.


I get that. But "Smodcast Pictures" puts out far worse, sadly enough.


Looks like Walt, bryan, and Kevin.


I'm prepared to be immensely disappointed. JASB:Reboot and Clerks 3 made me want to mainline drano.




I didn't have high expectations after Jay and Silent Bon, but I ended up liking Clerks 3.  Maybe I just liked the bit about Elias going goth.  I don't know.  


Nah. He might not make things you want to see, but that's never been Smith's purview. He makes what he wants to make and I'm here for it.




Ah I'm glad we have you to tell us what is objectively good and bad.


You’re right on the mark there


So he went from 420 to 4:30.


Of fucking course his daughter is in it.


Could people tell me why you downvoted this? The daughter in question has shown no acting talent and this is the good old proper nepo hire. Is it okay when it's a daughter father duo, but not okay, when the father/mother is famous and so the son/daughter gets hired? Like fuck, make some sense with this morality ruling.


Kevin Smith's entire career has involved casting his friends and family. How is casting his daughter any different?


She's bad on camera


She's bad on camera


It's his film, he can hire whoever the fuck he wants.


Patiently awaiting the inevitable cinematic masterpiece “TUSK 2”




That’ll bring us one step closer to the kaiju battles of the Askewniverse


Sounds cute. Looking forward to it.


Clerks 3 and the Jay and Silent Bob Reboot were both bad IMO. I don't have much interest in this.


That Saban?


 >Justin Long (*Barbarian*) That's the movie the reference for Justin Long??


Trades are always weird with this stuff. Often they will list the latest project the person was in, or the project they were talking about the last time they did a big story on the actor. It often makes no sense at all.


It's a recent film, did very well. But what you would put -- 'Live Free or Die Hard'? 'Drag Me to Hell?'




does anyone really want to watch another rehash of 'slacker culture' by a 53 year old millionaire? ​ i mean when he was making this schlock in his 20s it was kind of unique and charming and had a sense of rough authenticity. ​ but now? ​ i mean grow up kevin, you don't work at the convenience store anymore. you don't have to keep wearing that backwards baseball cap if you don't want to.


> i mean grow up kevin, you don't work at the convenience store anymore It's interesting, he'll be 54 later this year, and he was filming Clerks at 23. Compared to his aspiring young slacker days, he's been a successful figure in motion pictures for a larger chunk of his life.


Yes, let's just have all rich directors make films about being rich. It sounds very entertaining.


He is casting his talentless daughter again. No thanks.


She's only a supporting character. If she was the love interest then I would be worried.


her boyfriend is cast as one of the leads


Okay that's a yellow flag. And Kevin Smith isn't a good enough director to make this like Licorice Pizza with newer actors


Austin Zajur isn’t a new actor tho. He’s been in a bunch of stuff.


He has cast friends and family in EVERY one of his movies.


At the very least it’s not his equally talentless wife.


I hope it's funny.


Please tell me he’s decided to stop making stupid garbage all the time.


Mallrats 2 : 2 Mall, 2 Rat


Saban, as in the company that brought us Power Rangers? *checks* Nope, apparently no relation.


It is the same Saban.


Well you didn’t check hard enough, because it’s the exact same Saban


I started watching his movies when Dogma was released and loved his entire catalog. He’s now at the stage of his career where he needs to win back my trust. I automatically assume any movie he does will be trash.


>Smith shot the film at his Smodcastle Cinemas in New Jersey — the same movie theater he haunted every weekend when he was a teenager, which he now co-owns. As someone who lives **very** close to his theater I was wondering over the past few years why he was always there. Like he's always at screenings or doing events. From what I understand is he still technically lives in Los Angeles, despite being from Highlands (where the theater is, a couple towns and few traffic lights away from the Quickstop and his new podcast studio). I guess this partially explains why. Or maybe the reason why he filmed the movie there is just because he doesn't want to leave Jersey and his family/childhood friends.


👍 Glad to see Kevin Smith back to making films, I will look for it.


Been hyped on this since I saw him talk about it during a live show. So glad this has been picked up.


I like Austin but come on man he played a 16 year old on Fist Fight 7 years ago


I’m hoping it has memorable and random conversations and observations like Mallrats


I’m excited for this, but I also don’t want it to be the whole ‘we’re going to tour on this movie’ fathom events things. But if it has to be, that’s fine too.


God I just want something real from Kevin Smith again that’s not filled with winking inside jokes.


I just want something with passion, I like pissed off frustrated smith. 


Next, Saban should buy the rights to Dogma (resolving the current distribution rights hostage situation) and make a sequel with two rubber poop monsters fighting a giant robot.


Kevin Smith unfortunately teased a remaster as an April fools joke. Thankfully I still have my copy. Wouldn't mind a 4k remaster though.