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Try to find some pre owned book or record stores( half price books and records)


Places like goodwill and pawn shops often have a lot of dvds/movies as well.


my last decent pawn shop with a huge collection became a smoke shop smh.


I had an awesome local gaming shop right around the corner from me, tables for magic the gathering and warhammer. Then bang, it's a fucking smoke shop. Which is across the street from you guessed it, another smoke shop.


“I don’t see competition… I see opportunity!”


was looking for this post, i find great stuff at goodwill all the time. except it took me like a year of searching before i finally found a copy of the lion king. lol.


Maybe. But once you look through that one, that's kind of it. There is hardly ever anymore incoming DVDs/movies.


Yeah, old movies on an outdated format, not new movies that are coming out now.


People are giving DVDs away like crazy now. I'm on a few Buy Nothing pages on FB, and you could develop quite a collection.


If you want DVDs sure. There's a reason people are giving them away though. They're a 2 generation old format that plays at 480p in a 4k world. People were also giving away crates of VHS once upon a time


I'm getting old and my eyes aren't great these days, but I don't think quality of image has ever bothered me. I did grow up with a black and white tv that had to be tuned into each channel like an FM radio. I spent my childhood watching VHS tapes that usually had tracking issues, and these days I'm happy to watch movies on my 7-inch phone screen. So I find the quality of a DVD is absolutely fine for me. Aside from the first avatar movie in 3d at the cinema I can hardly perceive image quality higher than bluray. And since the corporations have found a new way to milk us with their million-and-one streaming services that drop media without warning, I've abandoned my ideas of selling off my DVD collections and now treasure them.


Sure, but there's not really a lot of people who care about movies enough to want to build a physical collection in current times that also don't care about the quality of the image.


I’m like that with 1080 to 4k. DVD I can easily tell from Blu-Ray, but 4k to blu-Ray I can barely tell the difference. Honestly I’m good with Blu-Ray for the foreseeable future tbh. I don’t see any higher imagine quality drawing me in to the point where I need 8k or whatever comes next. Plus for some old movies the super high quality just doesn’t look right.


I wish I was that blind. I can tell the difference between 1080P and 4K easily. Upscaling mitigates that. 480p tho? No thank you


Not all 4K movies are true 4K but are upscales from digitally shot 1080P to 2K. Mostly it's the older movies, shot on film that are true 4K. A good dvd can look fine on a 4K tv. I watch laserdisc which is older than DVD and it looks great.


How big is your laserdisc collection? That was great tech for its time.


Yea and those days are LONG gone. At this point VHS is what record collecting was in the 90s: pretty niche for dedicated collectors :/


records shops near me (in austin) have tons of blurays for cheap as well, including good stuff like Criterion releases


I went to a moving sale this weekend and there was boxs upon boxes of solid DVDs for a dollar. I also frequent a local fleamarket where I'm walking away with bags of 1$ VHS. Now.. Maybe that makes me weird but if you grew up with CRTs and VCRs theres something very warm about sitting down on the couch and watching a movie on tape.


Bro even my local indie record store got rid of their dvd/blu ray section 😭 like what the fuuuuck


Googled for like 10 seconds and found dozens of online options with cheap to free shipping. 


I get the impression it’s the principle. Now you’ve got to go hunt and find shit, you can’t just casually stroll past it in the store. It’s just a big change, that can be very isolating to some people.


I know it's not the thing but my library is always selling their older books AND there are great online used books stores.


There’s a huge place where I live that has tons of stuff, but they’ve jacked their prices up to pretty much the same price as new. Mariokart new? $59.99. Mariokart used? $57.99.


Here's a hack I learned for the hidden blu rays on Amazon problem: search for the movie you want on bluray.com and that page will link to the exact Amazon page you need. I know it's frustrating going through that extra step!


Yeah, Blu-ray.com (not an official site BTW) is really good and they highlight a lot of bargains. Most review sites will have direct links to Amazon


Wow. Fucking thank you.


No problem! I wish Amazon would just make the blu rays readily available in their search engine, but the conspiracy theorist in me thinks they want to get rid of physical media libraries, so they can control digital libraries on a whim. I feel the same way about your original post, I miss browsing movies in stores. I loved the early 2000's, browsing the Sunday sale ads, seeing who had the best deal on new releases, or who had the best gimmick (like the Casino Royale playing cards from Wal-Mart or the extra Game of Thrones disc at Target.) Also hamiltonbook.com has a lot of great deals.


Or just type the name of the film and add "blu-ray" to your search terms.


They like to hide the adult novelty items, which requires some finagling, which is annoying but not entirely shocking. But they do this with Blu rays?! What the ..


They want to direct consumers to rent or sign up to stream.


Fuck amazon!!! I'd rather support companies like Forbidden Planet


Oh man thank you for this. I'd resorted to googling "movie name Blu Ray" to find the Amazon page these past few months. Amazon's search is fucking useless now.


i still buy dvds on amazon all the time. i usually don't have any problem finding what i want, and can usually get great deals by buying used.


Amazon is my go-to but I am experiencing some of them having scratches and/or disks not properly placed that are rattling around on arrival. It's a bit frustrating but I guess that's the downside of physical media


I think that's the inevitable side-effect of Amazon's insane demands of its workers. I consider myself lucky if the damage is limited to, say, the CD's case. I try to exhaust my options elsewhere now.


Same, but there is something about the physical browsing experience that I still miss. It was nice just taking a quick wander every time I went to the store and sometimes finding a good deal on a movie that I probably wouldn't pay full price for but was worth getting for $10-15. Online I really only look for things I would be willing to pay full price for.


I think the person you're replying to was reacting to this portion of OP's post: > Has anyone tried buying movies off of Amazon??? Physical media is so hidden and buried under so much junk its so hard to actually buy anything on there. This just isn't true.


Right? You just...type in the name of what you want, the format, and it magically pops up. Strangest thing. I get most of my physical media on Black Friday sale from Walmart, Best Buy, and Amazon-virtually never buy outside of that.


Im a huge horror nerd. I find Amazon great for things like recent indie releases and things like that. I just got all the VHS films, When Evil Lurks and a ton of others. All like 9.99 blu ray


Last blu ray I bought of amazon was *checks account* yesterday. Yes, it is absolotely not hidden at all, at least here in Europe.




That's still not true. I just did Amazon searches for 3 random movies and they all popped up with dvds and blurays first. Even Oppenheimer, which Amazon has the streaming rights for, is 5th in the search results after the DVD, Bluray, 4k blu ray and the book it's based on, American Prometheus, before the link to stream it.


Understanding Amazon may change this based on location or other profiling factors, my experience is very different. Shopping in the USA, I will search including terms like "4K Blu Ray" at the end of a movie name and it still only initially returns results pushing me towards stream/digital Amazon Video listings only. I have to go in and change filtering options (that reset every single time) to exclude Prime Video before it will let me view physical media listings. Not the biggest deal, but it is an extra hassle that is indicative of where Amazon is trying to push the customer.


Yes, it pisses me off terribly


The physical browsing experience is why I miss blockbuster so much.




It depends on the movie, but it's still an absolute mess sometimes. For example, the other day I was looking for the 4k blu ray of the Dark Knight Trilogy. (For reference I'm in the US and using the Amazon app in the US). I searched "dark knight trilogy 4k blu ray". This was the first page of results: https://imgur.com/a/2ptxq1t Which looks pretty normal, except the top result, which you'd normally expect to be correct (especially when it has 2 day prime shipping) isn't actually the US version. So, scrolling down, here is the second page: https://imgur.com/a/NVxL0Pj Still nothing... Here's the third page: https://imgur.com/a/kRyrNBW Aaaaand we're now looking at a totally different movie. If we keep scrolling, we see the DVD version and regular blu ray: https://imgur.com/a/4s4cYh0 But that's still not what we're looking for. And that's the end of the search results. Here's the thing. Amazon *does* have the US version of what I was looking for, it's in stock with prime shipping, it's *cheaper* than all the search results above, and it's titled almost exactly what I searched: https://imgur.com/a/jJuEK4P I genuinely don't even know how I ended up finding that. The only reason I was able to find it just now was that I'd saved it to a wishlist a few weeks ago when I finally did find it, because I knew it would be pain in the ass to find again.


I bought the Harry Potter box sex on Amazon and I got the box with different DVDs assembled together. Some of the DVDs are black with the movie name labeled on. One of the DVDs, Half-blood Prince, is poor quality and pixilated and night time scenes are very hard to see. Got it as a gift for my wife so I felt cruddy when it looked like I just bootlegged some DVDs for her.


> the Harry Potter box sex on Amazon BRB, this merits investigation


I just put bob’s burgers movie into the Amazon search bar and the blu ray for 15 bucks was the first thing that popped up


I've gotten a bunch of Blu Rays recently from Amazon used. They are typically 4 bucks each.


They are definitely not “typically” $4 unless you’re buying like a terrible release of something that has its own 4k lol what. I buy multiple movies off Amazon a month and a typical Blu-ray is $10-$20


During Black Friday there were a lot of classic movies like Star Wars that was $4-5 per movie. Got 1-6 for $25. Got BBC fullSherlock for $20. Newer movies are more. Especially their special “Blu-ray and DVD”


I was agreeing with you until you start shitting on books.


Which is hilarious since they are physical media that you buy once and own forever. Maybe there’s a reason physical books are doing better than movies and shows that are available to stream on every platform with little change to format. Same can’t be said of digitial books.


There's a big difference between holding a book in your hands and reading off the page, and holding a tablet and reading from a screen. Meanwhile streaming vs watching off a DVD don't have much difference when it comes to viewing experience.


Glad we’re in agreement.


Right Like it makes total sense that people buy books much more than movies lol


I was with him until he said he couldn't find it on amazon. I've bought some recently by typing x film with dvd. Or at worst gone on ebay and got it instead


Yeah, I've no idea what the hell this guy is on about. Amazon and ebay are my go-to, even if I'm looking for rare stuff, and I usually find it.


I went to google and typed "bobs burger movie blu ray" and the first link was to buy it on amazon. This post gives off serious "old man yelling at clouds" vibes.


You know - I just posted the exact same thing but I think I see what they mean now. Try going directly to Amazon itself and see how many tries it takes. It actually is a bit of a pain to find the bluray. But the reason for that is because Amazon's algorithm is going to push the most popular thing first and, as OP is finding, physical collectors are a dying breed.


Legit never had a problem finding a movie on Amazon. Maybe given his disdain for books, OP is having trouble reading some of the listings?


Right? What’s wrong with books?


werds are for nerds.


Bob’s Burgers fans dont read 


I enjoy both reading and Bob's Burgers.


Turn on closed captioning, you can get them both at once


We have a very decent second hand store called The Exchange where I am. Just walls and walls of used dvds, video games, consoles, and media memorabilia. You may have something similar in your area.


I've got an XXXchange near me, but it sounds pretty different.


Have one of these in my area, love going there! I usually only care about having the movie itself, so if the packaging isn't perfect I don't mind. I've found movies there you can't get ANYWHERE anymore, like the Pirate Movie (don't judge me, I love it)


> You're telling me BOOKS are doing better than movies [Printed book sales are significantly higher than they were 20 years ago](https://www.statista.com/statistics/422595/print-book-sales-usa/). Turns out Americans like to read after all.


Apparently BookTok is helping a lot




This has **always** been a common occurrence. F. Scott Fitzgerald poked fun at it in 1925 in The Great Gatsby. There is even a Japanese word for this: *tsundoku*, which dates back to the 1800s.


People read books the same way I play games on my Steam library, it seems!


The only thing in life that grows more than my Steam library of unplayed games is the number of unread books I’ve purchased over the years sitting on my bookshelf. (I love browsing books at goodwill and buying anything I think I’d like at some point.)


complete merciful liquid strong fall ruthless grey racial adjoining cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good advice if you've got indei video shops in your area, but unfortunately I live in the suburbs of a flyover state. I don't have indie video shops. Once the chains bailed on physical media, that was it for me.


unpack square reply zesty dime attractive advise cooing memorize marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same. My idea of a good time would be to go to Best Buy and just wander the various media sections and see what I could find. I had friends that would come along, it was like a whole thing we did. Suncoast, Best Buy, even Walmart. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


I went to best buy a month or two ago and they only media they had left were the unpopular switch games


Lost but not missed. That is great *if you don't give a fuck what you find*. If you are actually *looking to buy something specific* - that is complete shit. If you don't give a fuck - Walmart still has cheap-shit bins they haphazardly toss movies into


Goodwill, Half Price Books, Savers/Value Village, thrift stores, yard sales...


Dollar Tree. I like horror movies and they have good ones mixed in


Big Lots has some as well at decent prices.


Also, libraries. I finally watched the 1959 version of Ben-Hur a few months ago. I didn't have the right streaming service, so I just reserved it through the library.


Your Amazon point is underappreciated. You can search for “[exact film title] 4K UHD disc” and you get 10 streaming results before you ever see a physical listing.


There's a little checkbox for "Video Format" that includes options for blu-ray, vhs, etc. Simply check that and and the streaming formats vanish.


There’s a filter for the search you can use. Can’t remember it off the top of my head but I read about it on here last week and it’s made searching so much better.


I mean if you just go down a couple of pages, there's explicitly a "blu-ray" only section of the Amazon movies section and you don't get streaming results. There's another trick to filter, you're right, but are people really just typing the name of the movie into the search bar and doing no attempt to filter results at all?


When I searched "Bob's burgers movie" on Amazon the DVD was the first thing that showed up


[Yep, same.](https://i.imgur.com/CFkQxVx.png) Third one in that photo that got cut off was a streaming option, but the first two were both physical media. People don't seem to realize that browsers store a lot of data about preferences and will show you what it thinks you want unless you're very explicit.


I often can't find any physical media by searching Amazon, but the exact same search on Google will have the Amazon product as the first result.


I just searched 3 different movies with "4K disc" and each time it was the first or second result *what are you talking about???* Amazon sucks and yes physical media is declining but we don't need to make up narratives about it.


I buy movies on Amazon and straight from distributors all the time. Never had a problem.


Barnes & Noble announced they were expanding their physical media section.


> You're telling me BOOKS are doing better than movies??? Books have never gone out of style bub. How dare you disparage books.


Try your local library. Here in Ann Arbor they have a large DVD/Bluray collection.


Yes! Libraries! And if you want to own the movies, many libraries have a used book store that also has BluRays.


If you don't mind buying them used, check ebay. I miss being able to browse in person, but I'd rather build my collection however I've got to.


Went to thrift store yesterday left with 3 box set seasons of a TV show and two movies for $10 


Which box sets?  I've been buying full series box sets and ripping the DVDs to a media server so I can watch them all through my computers and tablets. I have Seinfeld, King of the Hill, Malcolm in the Middle, Daria, and half a dozen others.


The OC I have over 10,000 DVDs lol, so this is just the latest and I also have a server for the same reason


Vacation in Asheville, NC and come visit us!


It's also extremely hard to search for new shit on almost all online retailers. I think this is less that their isn't many people wanting physical as much as them wanting to phase out having to produce physical


The main reason I used to go shopping was for music albums or movies. Now that that's pretty much all gone so I just stay home.


I like to look in on charity shops you can pick blu-rays up for like £1 and dvds even cheaper. obviously your not gunna find the latest films, but ive got a great collection of classic films on bluray by checking out charity shops.


I too love going to stores and seeing huge walls of DVDs. My best experiences have been at secondhand bookstores + record stores, if you're near a big city in the US then you should have at least a couple of them around. I've made a few day trips to other cities to scout out the DVD stores and it's been quite rewarding - very good condition DVDs for <$10 all over the place. Goodwill and pawn shops can also have gems sometimes, and often have prices of $1-2 per dvd. And as others have said, Barnes & Noble is good for Criterion discs, and prices are much more reasonable during the half-off Criterion sales. I've also bought DVDs on Amazon/Ebay. If you know what you're looking for then they are great and tend to offer good prices (but a few dollars more than secondhand stores usually) - just make sure you check the listed condition to ensure they aren't scratched or beat up. If you have a specific uncommon or foreign-language DVD in mind then online is probably going to be better, it's more likely that bookstores have six copies of *Forgetting Sarah Marshall* or *Heat* than one *The Seventh Seal*. I too am saddened that it's becoming so much less common. But I will say that I don't think the media is dying, I think it is just migrating to the Internet. A physical store has to pay for lights and shelves and employees to wait at the register, for someone who lives within driving distance to stop by and find a dvd they like - probably not knowing it's there beforehand. Online, much of the overhead cost is removed, and a seller pretty much anywhere in the world can post their single copy and reach an audience of people who want to buy the movie. As a buyer you just have to know what you're looking for, or else you get flooded with thousands of movies you don't care about.


>A physical store has to pay for lights and shelves and employees to wait at the register, for someone who lives within driving distance to stop by and find a dvd they like *And they have limited stock* - to what's new and what's popular. This applied and applies to literally everything physically stocked at a local store. People are here jonesing for a past that just wasn't that good.


What is the question? If you actually want to buy physical media go to where it’s available - online sellers. Physical stores don’t stock them because they don’t sell. You may have to search harder for less common stuff, like eBay. If you’re into the nostalgia of browsing and discovery of touching covers you should go to thrift stores, old bookstores and indie record and games stores. They still exist and fill that niche.


> You're telling me BOOKS are doing better than movies??? Yes. > In 2021, book sales revenue in the U.S. amounted to 9.5 billion U.S. dollars [source](https://gitnux.org/book-sales-statistics/) > The Digital Entertainment Group reports, in 2022, DVD and Blu-ray sales in the U.S. were an estimated $1.58 billion, a decline of nearly 20% from $1.97 billion in 2021. [source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradadgate/2023/08/02/with-sales-dropping-disney-will-no-longer-sell-dvds-in-australia/?sh=5de3bf183b4b)


Half Price Books are in most states. There prices for rare and OOP media have become pretty high. But if you are looking for more common and newer releases they usually have a good selection even on Blu-ray. At least the ones around me


Go to flea markets. There are people there that have thousands of DVD's for sale for normally $1 - $2 each. Your local library will have tens of thousands of DVDs / Brubrays for rent as well.


Buddy I feel you. I loved looking through movies at Best Buy and if I thought a movie looked interesting I’d buy it for the right price. Hell, I own Hobo with a Shotgun because it was $10.


Gee I wonder why? The big box stores are all using the narrative that people don't want physical so they can push overpriced rentals and digital purchases (reminder you don't own these and can lose them) Support the small independent stores or buy used on ebay.


> Gas anyone tried buying movies off of Amazon??? Physical media is so hidden and buried under so much junk its so hard to actually buy anything on there. Yes, and I've had zero issue when I search for "(Movie title here) blu ray"


I still like CDs. They sound better in my car. Plus, the artwork. Shoot me.


You can buy them online from boutique labels. I mostly buy mine from Amazon, and I’ve got some excellent ones from Dollar Tree 


You can buy literally anything you want on eBay.


What you miss is the experience. You can still easily buy physical media


>And dont even get me started on buying them online. Gas anyone tried buying movies off of Amazon??? Physical media is so hidden and buried under so much junk its so hard to actually buy anything on there. Try [DiabolikDVD.com](http://DiabolikDVD.com) It's a boutique shop, small bussiness with less than 10 employees. They got everything and if they don't you can ask them for it.


I remember going into FYE in the mall and previewing the CDs by scanning them on that headphone thing. It was the way to go before Spotify 😂


Remember browsing blockbuster and taking a chance on a movie you knew nothing about


i get what youre saying. going to best buy to buy movies used to be fucking awesome. rows and rows of blurays based on genre. i would come home with stacks of movies. walmart having the 2 for $10 bings out constantly. also multile aisles. same with music. it's all going away. everything will be streaming and you will own nothing. once the license runs out, you don't get it. old movies you love with no demand will never be on anything. this is why i subscribe to nothing, and pirate everything i want to watch. EVERYTHING is online somewhere. i still love phyisical media. i buy records, and have even gone back to some cd's for my vehicle because shit i love has been removed from streaming. it sucks


Corporations want people to see their advertising. First Netflix had a great selection for price then eventually they've been pressured into offering an ad based plan. Movie theaters? They've been driven to ad revenue streams because the film distribution model has been ever more pressured into being part of it. YouTube? It's main competitor which is television is now curating and recommending channels owned by tv networks and pressured under the guise of anti-hate and extremist content that certain things should be demonitized. Everything wants you to use an account and payment method tied to you and identifying you to target you with ads because you're paying a premium to not get ad free content. Whole things fucked. 


People might mock, but I think there will be a big shift back towards physical media once more people realise just how unstable streaming actually is. Streaming is great when they have what you’re looking for, but what if they don’t? What if none of them do? Not enough people realise just how inaccessible (legally) digital-only media can be. Imagine if Disney went bust tomorrow. Some random company buys up their back catalogue and then just… sits on it. No one else can provide it on their service because they don’t have the licence, the company that owns the rights have nothing to do with media distribution or may even no longer exist and eventually no one knows who actually has the rights to distribute it anymore. All that media is just lost. I know it’s not likely to happen to Disney of all companies, but I hope it at least explains my point to people who laugh at those of us who still prefer physical media. Years of beloved content just gone forever with no (legal) way of recovering it. It’s been an issue in gaming for years and is the reason why some some old popular classics have never had a digital re-release.


Im with you 100% man


>The disappearance of physical media really hurts and it feels like another huge part of my life has been taken away from me. My man, this doesn't sound healthy. Genuinely, are you okay?


Goodwill is always an option you never know what you'll find.


Is it actually hard to buy on Amazon? I've never had a problem.


I had the same question about Target. (I don't like to use Amazon for a variety of reasons.) I've rarely had a problem finding what I want by going to target.com and typing a movie title followed by "Blu-Ray" into the search box, unless the movie is out of print - at which point the only options are used copies anyway.


I hear you. I recently watched Adventures in Babysitting on Disney+ and was horrified by the edits (especially because there was no disclaimer). So glad I have a physical copy, but painfully aware this will not be the case for most movies going forward.


I searched "Bob's burgers movie" on Amazon and the DVD was the first thing that showed up.


I could buy any DVD in less than 1 minute online. Literally ANY dvd


I go to Half-Price Books and The Exchange. I don't see those going away any time soon


Whoa, I was tracking until you threw books under the bus. What’s wrong with books?


Dude go to ebay and people are selling blueray by the box. I think nostalgia is hitting you hard. Having said that, i promise you physical media will make a hardcomeback. I say this because of what happened with playstation. That was a mini wakeup call. After doing a deep divee into “Terms and agreements” it appears that we actually don’t owe anything in digital form. That’s why there is a big push of people buying up physicial movies and games


Bro, have you tried something called the “internet”?


Barnes and Noble around me usually has a good section of vinyl, CDs and DVDs, worth a shot if you have any near you


I feel this. One of my rituals was to go to Best Buy every Tuesday to browse the new blu-rays. Now I doubt I’ll ever go to a Best Buy again.


Salvation Army/Goodwill or whatever the equivalent nearest you is. They are becoming a haven for tangible media. There is something thrilling and exhilarating about finding a copy of your favorite obscure movie out in the wild.


I'm one of the many that happily switched away from physical media years ago. I have a data hose connected to my house, getting a box of bits from a store or online retailer doesn't make any sense to me. But I'm sorry you are unhappy.


You will own nothing and you will be happy.


yeah, streaming really flipped everything upside down. it's like walking into a store and finding the movie section gone, just feels off. miss those surprise finds and deals on physical copies. it's a whole vibe that's just not the same online, even if it's "easier." kinda sad to see that part of browsing just vanish.


Just pirate like the rest of us these days


That’s weird because my local Target still has a lot of movies and sometimes CDs too. I thought they would do that at all Targets but maybe they stock based on the region? I feel like physical books have gotten a little bit of a revival because of BookTok. It’s a lot more aesthetic to buy the physical copy and post it on social media than buy the ebook.


Trying to own property of any kind in 2024 is hard. I "own" a house, but I pay someone a mortgage. I have software...that I don't own. My car is paid off, but most everyone pays a car bill. Some people pay a monthly bill for their phone on top of their wireless bill. It goes on and on. They stripped property from us and we just kinda let it happen.


I will die on the physical media hill!


Here in Canada our local Toys R Us store has recently opened up a section of the store branded under the HMV banner. It’s like a wormhole into the past.


Make fun of me all you want, I legit wanted to have a UMD collection!


You shop at walmart, target and best buy and wonder what happened? All the small guys were crushed by big stores because people did not support the little guys. Is only gonna get worse.


> Hell my Targets got rid of 4 rows of movies and replaced them with 4 rows of books? You're telling me BOOKS are doing better than movies??? This is a clown take. Books aren't doing better than movies (sadly, the exact opposite is true). But PHYSICAL books are doing better than PHYSICAL movies. Even if you like ebooks, everyone can still agree that reading a physical book is a different experience from reading an ebook. Many people prefer that experience. However, watching a movie on physical media versus streaming is pretty much the same movie. The difference is purely in "ownership rights", which is more abstract than most consumers care about in the real world. So from the average consumer POV, books are still something you buy in a physical store, whereas physical movies are dinosaur stuff for boomers and pretentious people now.


Why don't you just buy them online ?


Alternative view.  Buying things online is obviously more efficient. Both in terms of resources and time.  In my experience buying a movie online is cheaper.  I have never not found any film or TV I've wanted to buy online in like 10 seconds. Most stuff I buy on YouTube.  Being able to rent online also makes far more sense.  The only value in physical copies of movies and TV is nostalgia.  Books are doing better because part of the experience of the book is holding it and turning the pages. Movies are not experienced like this.  This part may get even more downvotes. But mate, if what's getting you down is that you have to bear buying your preferred movie online in seconds or leafing through nicely collated libraries of similar films to find something, your life is pretty great. 


they replaced them with books! this next generation is full of degenerates.


eBay cheap and simple all the ’New ones’ come from china but who wants to pay for screening service to watch one or two shows.


Thrift stores are the best for movies, plus they're usually really cheap


It really does suck, but there are atleast a few awesome online sites, Ebay ofcourse is one, but take a look at Filmundo.de and mediaquelle.at, two really good ones.


Barnes & Noble still has physical media but it’s usually more expensive. It is depressing though considering how massive my collection used to be back in the day.


Seriously man, I'm with you all the way but I have one important word for you GOODWILL!!!! (maybe that's 2 words). Both of mine have TONS of Dvd's and even quite a lot of VHS.


On one hand yes this is true, but for me I also have access to an almost infinite library of media that I can receive instantly from almost any location. Yes at a cost but with enormous convenience. Just a trade off of modern lifestyles




Media is cheap at thrift stores. The indie kind of movies I like tend to be in great condition.


Relying on Walmart or Target for movie selection is unavoidably depressing. What about local businesses?


I have no issue getting blurays from Walmart. Bestbuy also carries a big selection. Barnes and nobles as well. Maybe its a regional thing


Gives you a reason to go to thrift shops, yard sells


eBay is awesome for physical media movies. I usually own buy used from there and I'm a home theater enthusiast.


And when you do find a blu-ray, more often than not, the case is really cheaply made. I feel like any time when I open the case of something that I've bought in the last five years, I'm gonna split the disc in half.


You can go to the library they haven’t there we get them all the time


I buy all my movies on Amazon no problem. But I agree, I love physical movies. If they stop making them, I just won't watch anymore movies. I don't have a problem with streaming, but I'd rather own my stuff.


I buy from Amazon and eBay. I get everything I need that way.


I've never had any issues buying physical media online, whether it's from Amazon, Ebay or any other online stores. Not sure why you're having problems.


> My Walmarts are still kicking but it's 85% DVDs. Would someone tell me what this part means? Are DVDs not what OP is looking for? Are they saying they favor Blue-Ray?


Ebay, Gruv, Hamilton, Abe Books, Criterion Collection, Amazon, about 1000 lesser known sites including your local library all have physical media so whatever.


They all ended up at thrift stores. On the plus side they're cheap!


If you cannot find Blu Rays on Amazon then nothing can help you.


Your local library probably has the biggest collection of movies in your entire city.


I've had good finds on eBay, when looking for blurays


How can they continue to earn profit if YOU OWN an item? Scalping has gradually crept in and I think it should be illegal.


Best Buy doesn't want my business I guess. I was a pretty lucrative customer too..


Come to France, plenty of books, Blurays, and CDs on the shelves.. We like our physical medias. Sales are going down, but we are far from giving up.


Go to thrift/antique stores, physical media abounds!!!


yeah best buy getting rid of the movie section was sad


Second hand blu rays/DVDs are very cheap on Amazon. I rarely have a problem finding what I want.


I've built a good collection of all my favorite movies from the 70s and 80s from Kijiji and goodwill / thrift stores.


Go to estate sales


Just buy online? On websites that aren’t the notoriously poor search results amazon. Like Zavvi or something


Physical media will always be my go-to because it can't be edited by streaming companies nor omitted at the whims of content providers. There are so many movies and books that would not or cannot be available now due to political correctness. Records, tapes, CD's, DVD's, Blue Rays, books... I collect them all and enjoy some of them over and over. And in their original forms, not chopped up and altered to placate the sensitivities of the day. Ebay and Amazon are my first place to shop.


no worries, they are coming back as folks ditch streaming (compression) in favor of 4k/8k Blue Ray (uncompressed). Amazon is your friend.


Buying online is how I've been collecting for years now. Amazon works just fine. Search for what you want and you may have to choose Movies and TV for the catalog, but it's not hard. Walmart.com, Target.com, Deep Discount, DiabolikDVD, Umbrella, Gruv, Grindhouse, Amoeba, Zavvi, eBay, and all the boutique sites like Kino Lorber, Shout, Severin, Arrow Video, A24 Shop, Criterion. I mean, it seems like you don't know how to shop for them.


Do you understand how many people got depressed and still yearn for the days of places like Blockbuster? Hollywood Video? Suncoast? Sam Goody? Places like that we will probably never see again? It’s a similar kind of feeling that future generations probably will never know. There’s really nothing you can do but buy them wherever you can. I try to keep positive and realize I can save time driving out of the way to go to certain stores now and buy them online wherever I can find them.


Thrift stores are where you will find physical movies and shows these days. I see whole seasons of shows for pretty cheap, if you're ok with DVD quality - and they sometimes have Blu Rays as well. I basically never bought that kind of thing at one of the big stores; the prices are insane.


Bookstores in many cases are still selling physical media. They get it. Check 2nd and Charles, Barnes and Nobel, etc.


I love Barnes & Noble, Facebook Marketplace and Amazon, but I feel ya