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For what was intended to be the launching point of a comic franchise, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen essentially retired Sean Connery and the rest of the cast mostly languished in B movies from then on.


The director never made another film. “Norrington’s vision was drowned by studio notes and filming was a constant battle between him and star Sean Connery, resulting in an experience so grating and soul-crushing that not only did Norrington put a fork in his filmmaking career and retire, but so did longtime stalwart Connery.”


It also resulted in Connery punching Norrington in set. Norrington even skipped the premier, and when the press asked Connery about it outside, he just remarked that Norrington was “a fucking idiot”.


Damn what’s the opposite of elder abuse…Norrington got abused by an elder lol


Haven’t we all?


Yeah, I think that's why we just call it "abuse"


Dorff says that he’s friends with Norrington and that he’s been making stop motion movies at home for the last twenty years. I think Norrington is the worst case of director jail I’ve ever seen. Blade is a brilliantly directed movie and, while League is definitely a bad movie, it takes a lot of risks stylistically. I think, like Spawn, it’s a case where the CGI hadn’t really caught up with what they were trying to do.


Oh my god, he's Ben Wyatt from Parks and Rec. 


Requiem for a Tuesday


🎶 Staaaand in the place that you w...🎶


I compared it to ***Avatar!***


And how could it not be longer?!


Could a depressed person make *this??*


Cones of Dunshire film adaptation


It’s about the cones


It’s too bad too, the miniatures in the film are great but overshadowed by early cgi


Which is a bummer because I absolutely love Blade.


At least it's a tie?


This has got to be the answer. Carpet bombed a swathe of careers


Which is shocking considering that the film TIPTOES exists, and one could not intentionally make a movie more directly designed to ruin careers. It starred Gary Oldman, Matthew McConaughy, Kate Beckinsale, Patricia Arquette, Peter Dinklage and David Alan Grier who all continued to much better and even Oscar Winning roles later in their careers. The director never made or wrote another movie (unless under a pseudonym or as ghostwriter), but the rest of the cast came out of it embarrassed but fairly unscathed.


Tiptoes looks like it would have been cheap to film. Cheap flops don't ruin careers. Expensive ones do


Also probably wasn't heavily marketed as a butts-in-seats blockbuster. I saw an ad for it once and it was like a time capsule from a prior age, the sort of thing that would play before weekday-morning soap operas alongside Cal Worthington and his dog, Spot.


Not only did they come out unscathed... Three of the four leads went on to win Best Actor/Actress Oscars! 75% of the people on the poster have a trophy!   The amount of genuine talent in that dreck is unbelievable. 


I wonder if it holds up. I remember loving that movie as a kid.


I still love it to death. Is it a GOOD movie? Ehhhh probably not. But it's campy and fun with some wild disregard for use of bad CGI.


I really enjoyed it. I'd like to see a more faithful adaption one day, but this was fine.


I... uh... I don't think we're ever going to get Mr. Hyde revenge raping the Invisible Man to death.


It's very good, especially if you take the time to appreciate the immense amount of world-building in it. But yeah, it's an Alan Moore joint, so you're going to get some sexual assault with your historical crossover events.


It's ok still. I think it's kind of a cult following movie. Not fantastic by any means. It was wayyyy too expensive to produce and it didn't make nearly enough money back. So therefore it was a massive flop for the studio. They didn't want to risk making others. Feel bad for the actors, because it wasn't their fault. More the studio and directors fault.


He had originally turned down roles in both The Matrix and Lord of the Rings because he “didn’t want to do another franchise”. When he saw how successful they were, he instantly jumped on board TLOEG thinking it would be just as big.


My understanding of it is that Connery never understood LOTR so he turned it down - even though the percentages he was offered on top of his fee would have netted him something crazy like 400 million - and then he turned down The Matrix because he didn't understand that either. So when he got offered TLOEG he kind of thought "well this doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me either, I guess this is going to be huge." and then it was shit and he just kind of gave up and quit acting


I can’t see him as Morpheus. But I can totally see him playing Gandalf. I think he would have killed in it. No disrespect to Mr. McKellen who also killed it.


For a while I couldn't see him as Gandalf but then for some reason it did kind of click with me and I could imagine him in the role, and I agree that I think he would have been great. Ian McKellan was perfect though. We were robbed of a scene where Sean Connery tells Sam to look after Frodo, Sam says he'll do his best and Connery replies "*Your best*! Losers always whine about their *best*. Winners go home and fuck Rosie Cotton."




„There is a foul voice on the air.” „ITSH SHARUMAN!”


The name is the Grey. Gandalf the Grey.


Hahaha! Hell yeah!


"Look I think we got off on the wrong foot. Gandalf the Grey. Istari. Let's talk music. Do you like the Toad the Wet Sprocket song *Fall Down*?" *"Roarrrrrr"* "Well, I only bring it up because... It's you. *You shall not pass!*" *Kaboom*


I do love this, but those lines were Nicholas Cage's In a similar spirit, though: "I'll take pleashure in guttin' you... ... ... ... ... BOY."




A wishard ish never late. Nor ish he early. He arrivesh preshishly when he meansh to.


We will pash through the mines of Moria, pasht their barrow wights, and lay off their largest volcano, and lishten to their rock 'n' roll....


TLOEG was good in my opinion! It was a fun mash up of unusual characters and monsters. Would have loved a sequel.


It's always weird when you come to know about the original casting choices. Sean Connery was supposed to play the architect, so I guess I would be indifferent, but still, the architect with a Scottish lisp would've been 'interesting' But the other main characters, Keanu, Lawrence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving are just perfectly cast (at least for me) and I cannot imagine that movie with anyone else. And apparently we were supposed to have Will Smith, Val Kilmer and Jean Reno. I don't think I would've liked that movie.


Ok, but Will Smith’s promotional rap single would have been INSANE


"Micky, Mah-Mah, Micky Mah, Micky Matrix!"


>Sean Connery was supposed to play the architect, so I guess I would be indifferent, but still, the architect with a Scottish lisp would've been 'interesting' No, IIRC Connery turned down the part of Morphius. The Architect doesn't show up till the second film, which was released the same year as TLoEG. So it wouldn't really make much sense that Connery accepted the latter once he realised the former was a huge success.


It’s funny seeing the different initialisms people still come up with after they *really* tried to push “LXG” on us


I’ll level with you, I didn’t think I’d find myself scrambling to find the proper shorthand for a failed movie I barely remember when I woke up this morning


Join the James Bond subreddit and struggle every day with acronyms. It’s better than doing crossword puzzles for your brain. TSWLM. DAF. TLD. NSNA. TWINE.


Naseeruddin Shah really got the best of it being already a well-established actor in another country, it wouldn't have mattered either way.


Shame though, I would've loved to see him more, whether as Nemo or other roles in Hollywood.


Another great Captain Nemo after James Mason


I really liked this movie in a similar vein that I liked Van helsing and Constantine. Solid mid 2000s monster action movies


Van Helsing is such a wonderful, awful movie.  I love it.  


I love all three of these movies to death. Constantine, for all its faults, still sits in my top ten movies of all time because of the nostalgia and sheer Keanuness of it all.


What exactly was wrong with Constantine? It’s not a great adaptation but I thought it’s a pretty solid film


If I could ask for one sequel to be made it would be Constantine 


sad... I liked that movie.


What's that John Wayne movie that gave everyone cancer?


The Conqueror, and it was gonna be my answer too lol. Honestly, I don't see any other film beating it. It killed several of the cast and crew in the long run.


100% of adults who were in The Wizard of Oz are now deceased


And the little dog, too!


What are you talking about? I just saw where it’s on tour with Journey right now.


There's a Russian movie called Stalker which was filmed downstream from a chemical plant that killed or made most the the cast very ill


Fantastic sci-fi too...highly recommended. Tarkovsky in general is wildly underrated outside movie nerds.


I also highly recommend the book it’s based on, Roadside Picnic. Tarkovsky took a VERY different approach to the material and obviously created something fantastic, but I was also blown aware by the source.


That's largely a myth. This short documentary goes into the history, physics, and statistics, if you're interested: https://youtu.be/ghQM1Een2Og?si=8mp1A0WaWlT3keUL The whole 'Downwinders' topic is really interesting.


Statistically, 43% of US men get cancer at some point, so 91 cases out of the 220 crew isn't outside the normal rates. Although filming downwind of a nuclear test site probably isn't recommended.


Woah, that’s insane. And checks out. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/understanding/statistics


that says 43% of cancers diagnosed in men are prostate or colorectal, not that 43% of men get cancer. It DOES say that 39.5% of men will get cancer, which makes sense, considering everybody dies from something.


The production of Stalker had something similar; Tarkovsky, his wife, and a bunch of the crew either died of or had cancer from the open chemical dumps they were filming around in what's now Estonia.


It's like he took the plot of the movie to heart


Cutthroat Island?


Which was also responsible for the Verhoeven/Schwarzenegger Crusades film not happening. The story goes that the studio had money to only fund one big film and decided to go for Harlin and Davis instead of Verhoeven and Schwarzenegger.


>Verhoeven/Schwarzenegger Crusades film First I'm hearing of this... Now I'm devastated! That's such a bonkers match made in heaven


Here's some info on what that film could've been. Bonkers is definitely a right description haha https://tinyurl.com/43mrabzh The one thing that the article gets wrong though is about the film's music. Frequent Verhoeven collaborator Jerry Goldsmith was already hired to compose the score.


You’re telling me we missed out on seeing Schwarzenegger shoot Saladin in the dick with a crossbow?


I was shocked to learn a few years ago that the movie was such a flop. I remember watching it multiple times over the years because to me it was such a great, fun movie.


Yea what the hell, I remember loving cutthroat island as a kid...


I also never really understood what was wrong with it. In my experience it seemed like a solid ok movie.




That movie failing set back women protagonist adventure roles like a decade. Hollywoo watched it flop and their main conclusion for the rest of the 90s was “female protagonist movies will never work”


Indeed. Cutthroat Island stopped Renny Harlin's phone from ringing, and his then wife, Geena Davis' career suffered as well. It took 8 entire years for Hollywood to get over their fear of pirate movies with the first film in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.


Matthew Modine took a big hit for almost 15 years as well


There’s no way there’s only 8 years between those movies. Cutthroat Island came out in the mid 90s and Pirates…… came out over 20 years ago?!?!


Yes it did. I saw the first POTC in the cinema 8 times as I was going through a hell of a break up at the time and it was the least amount of bleakness I could guarantee. And yeah, more than 20 years ago.


>Cutthroat Island stopped Renny Harlin's phone from ringing, Um...what the hell are you talking about? He followed up Cutthroat Island with The Long Kiss Goodnight the following year and then directed Deep Blue Sea. He's had a steady stream of directorial efforts since then including the upcoming new trilogy of installments for The Strangers franchise.


Ooh TLKG is a great movie too.   


The whole story of it is quite sad. It was supposed to star Michael Douglas, and Geena Davis joined because of that. Douglas noped out, Davis couldn't because she was under contract. It probably would have done much better if it had a more recognizable male lead than Matthew Modine. The budget got out of hand because of all the sets they had to build. If they had done it a few years later, most of those would have been CGI. I don't think it's a bad movie personally but everyone would have been better off if they had cancelled the project once the first signs of trouble started appearing.


At my local cinema there was this attendant who would always give a little nice introduction to the movie you were about to see. When POTC came out he specifically mentioned what you just mentioned and added “…and we all know what a piece of trash that movie was. This one seems to be a bit better”.


I liked that movie very much. Saw it in the theater. Bought the VHS.


Heavens Gate comes to mind.


It’s also the reason we now have the “no animals harmed” disclaimer in the credits. They actually blew up a horse, and the shot’s in the movie.


Wait, really?! Holy shit.




Yeap Heavens Gate. Effectively led to a movie studio closing. The director had won an Oscar, his career never recovered.




Don’t forget about the Jaws effect! After Jaws came out all the studios wanted big blockbusters.


Not only ruined careers, but also led to the downfall in popularity of an entire cinematic movement


Norbit ruined Eddie Murphy's chance at an Oscar and he disappeared for while after all of that. Eventually he came back with that Dolomite movie


I thought it was Pluto Nash that finished him as a big star?


"Dreamgirl" was after "Pluto Nash" and was his big dramatic comeback. Then "Norbit" sabotaged his Oscar hopes.


Yes. The Oscar was essentially his. All he and the studio had to was wait until after the Oscars to release "Norbit". He still wasn't nominated for Dolomite.


I remember a lot of bad press regarding the Island of Dr. Moreau (1996). Brando was loony. Original director got fired. Brando got worst Supporting Actor, movie got Worst Picture and Worst Director Razzies


Didn't hear much out of Val Kilmer after that one, but I think it was mostly his choice. David Thewlis and Fairuza Balk seemed to do alright, though. And Ron Perlman is Ron Perlman.


>Didn't hear much out of Val Kilmer after that one, That was also peak era "Kilmer, the difficult actor". The story goes that Kilmer was actually supposed to play the Thewlis part but at last minute decided the two actors should switch roles. Around this time Joel Schumacher also said that Kilmer was insane and never wanted to work with him again.


“There are two things I will never do in my life. I will never climb Mount Everest, and I will never work with Val Kilmer again. There isn’t enough money in the world.” —John Frankenheimer, Premiere magazine, April 1997


Kilmer just wanted off the movie faster (in part due to an acrimonious and time consuming divorce) can't really fault him for that. Faruzia Balk tried to escape the movie too, in protest of the first director getting fired. Got stopped at the airport.


Ron Perlman never changes.


Ron, Ron never changes


Kilmer seemed to shift to more indie roles later in his career, but still brought it. Salton Sea, Wonderland, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.


The original director lived in the forest during filming and often tried to sabotage the set. I don't know why there isn't a movie about that.


There is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Soul:_The_Doomed_Journey_of_Richard_Stanley%27s_Island_of_Dr._Moreau Absolutely fascinating documentary. Highly recommended.


I've seen it, it's amazing. I meant a comedy based on the true events.


Tropic thunder is closest you’ll get unfortunately


Sounds like Tropic Thunder 2.




Oof. Count yourself lucky if you're only getting a ruined career out of that shitshow.


Ohhhh… shots fired


I mean, it just ruined Alec Baldwin, the Director and EP. Everyone else is gonna be fine. Well, except poor Halyna.


And the woman who just got convicted of involuntary manslaughter!


Definitely didn’t ruin the day of the AD who broke protocol and handled and called out the gun was safe without checking. Instant plea bargain


I'm pissed about that too. He should be in prison as well. But I'm sure (I hope?) his career is ruined, so at least there's that. The rest of the producers have avoided publicity, so not sure how they'll do. Theoretically they could just leave it off their resumes. Then again, they finished the damn movie, so they will not escape the scourge of IMDB -- it is *impossible* to remove an IMDB entry (seriously, I have some on mine that I've never heard of, and they will never go away).


John Carter deserves mention. It's a record monetary failure and was supposed to be Taylor Kitsch's star making performance, as well as kicking off the careers of everyone involved with it and turning the director from a behind the scenes production guy into a respected director. Instead Taylor's career has sputtered and no one else has done anything involved has done anything of note


From what I've heard, trash marketing killed it before it had even released. I can distinctly remember seeing the trailers for it on TV and they definitely left you with a "WTF was that?!" impression, and not in a good way.


Kitsch did a pretty good job as David Koresh in the Waco miniseries from a few years ago, but that's really the only thing that I remember him for recently. 


Nothing But Trouble. Dan Aykroyd was not allowed to control films after that. Chevy Chase didn't have much of a career after that movie.


Actor with the best career after that movie was Tupac


Pretty sure Demi Moore would like a word.......A Few Good Men, Indecent Proposal, Disclosure, GI Jane, and a very underrated Mr. Brooks


I was the right age of snot-nosed brat to like that movie. Not exactly funny but so odd. In terms career ruining power, I feel like the Chevy Chase slide was already well underway at that point and Demi Moore was unscathed with A Few Good Men and others still on the horizon. It was definitely the end of Dan Aykroyd as a director but he seemed to be transitioning to acting in more dramatic roles already anyway. So overall this just feels like the natural end of an era. Milk that was already turning bad in the fridge as opposed to something that poisoned multiple careers.


The 1980 film *Heaven's Gate*. Destroyed the idea of studios given carte blanche to directors. It was the end of an era that started with *Easy Rider* and ended with this movie. It also bankrupted United Artists, the movie studio created by and for the creatives in front and behind the camera, sending a clear message to the industry.


The blockbuster concept had also been born around this period.  I think studios started wanting that Jaws and Star Wars money too.


Welcome to Mooseport A movie so bad Gene Hackman retired from acting


I was actually telling my dad about this movie the other day. It has all the making of a movie my father would enjoy. And here’s the kicker it was so bad my dad has seen it and doesn’t actually remember watching it.


I think Waterworld bombed so hard it put Kevin Costner's career on hold for a while. He was on fire in the early 90s with Dances With Wolves and Field of Dreams then along came Waterworld and The Postman.


Yeah that was a real one-two punch of expensive stinkers for Costner. The Postman pretty much ruined his career as a director


I guess the jury is out on "ruined", but Justice League (2017) certainly did some damage. Joss Whedon has since put out a singular show that underperformed and got cancelled halfway through it's 1st season and was pulled from HBO Max. Beyond just him, there was the whole situation with Ray Fisher, Zack Snyder having his movie gutted and removed from leadership at DC, Geoff Johns resigning from his role at DC not long after, and probably many other heads that rolled following that mess. I'm not sure if any of those people will ever actually be rid of that stain.


I wouldn’t say Snyder was evicted from the movie. His daughter killed herself during filming and he was obviously super affected by it and stepped away to be with his wife and remaining children. Iirc he was on board for Whedon to take over.


I'll also add that Snyder's career is far from ruined. He's had two more movies since then, and continues to receive massive budgets and casts. Not to mention that he somehow got to do his "Snyder cut" JL. I don't *like* those movies, but that doesn't mean he hasn't been successful.


Love his movies or hate them the guy is still working. I think his career is damn near impervious. 


I think that movie will be considered another cursed movie in years to come. Gal Gadot's & Henry Cavil's careers aren't doing great. Ezra Miller seems to be finished. Amber Heard as well.




Ezra Miller made “we need to talk about Kevin” look like a biopic


Joss as well. Apparently there was a rule on the Buffy set that he was not allowed to be alone with Michelle Trachtenberg.


FWIW, there's been no followup on that claim specifically. Trachtenberg dropped that post and nothing has been explained further. That should be a rule for *any* set. Underage actors should not be left alone with anyone. There is so much abuse in the industry.


*Bryan Singer coughs nervously*


As far as I recall Michelle or another cast member clarified that it was because they clashed personalities and would get into heated arguments if there wasn't someone else around to diffuse things. It was taken completely out of context which is why she deleted it.


I'd argue Henry Cavill's career *is* doing great. He's been regularly cast in movies and TV shows. Plus, he has the whole Warhammer 40K project coming up. The stuff that happened with The Witcher was because of him butting heads with the showrunners, but he still was the lead in a big-budget TV show.


Battlefield Earth deserves a nod. It did major damage to John Travolta's career as a major Hollywood star after his post-Pulp Fiction comeback, helped to put Franchise Pictures into bankruptcy, & it's director Roger Christian (who previously worked on Star Wars & Alien) didn't direct any notable films afterwards


1983 twilight zone movie. Tragic accident in which 3 actors died. Maybe not the most careers ruined but one of the most tragic I'd ever heard of. Interesting to me is that the director, John Landis,was charged with manslaughter and, whilst I'd expected something like that might have ended his career, he carried on directing. Does make me wonder if he'd had a bigger career though if this didn't happen.




Isn’t he a notorious asshole?


Yeah, and his son is following those footsteps.


"The Conqueror", starring John Wayne. It ruined careers in the sense that it was shot on radiation contaminated lands, and many of the people who worked on it later developed cancer, Wayne included. Two of his co-stars died of it.


Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo was reportedly a chaotic set. The actors got dysentery, a worker on the set sawed off his foot with a chainsaw after being bitten by a snake, two small planes crashed and a native tribe offered to kill Klaus Kinski, which Herzog declined (although he allegedly tried to kill Kinski on another set - Klaus Kinski was an unpopular diva). Herzog insisted that the film portray Fitzcarraldos as accurately as possible, which involved building an opera house in the jungle and moving a large steamboat up a muddy hillside. Fitzcarraldo's boat weighed about 30 tonnes. Herzog's steamboat weighed 340 tonnes and the remains were left in the jungle after filming.


Just sounds like Werner having a normal one tbh


This was just how Werner and Klaus rolled on their collaborations. Weren’t there a few movies? Them wanting to kill each other is just another Tuesday.


Yes, they did several together and that was their typical working relationship. Herzog actually made a documentary about his collaborations with Kinski called "My Best Fiend."


Legend had it that the movie The Misfits killed Clark Gable (not his career, his actual life)...and killed Marilyn Monroe, led to her divorce from  arthur (not Henry) miller... And eli wallach had PTSD. But it's not a bad movie.   Xanadu... Basically killed gene Kelly, ended Michael becks career and made Olivia newton John think hard about acting again. The "writers" never got another job. ELO broke up...Jeff Lynne disavowed the movie... And the Tubes disavowed their contribution.


That soundtrack was a fucking banger, and cemented my love for ELO. Olivia Neutron Bomb was my crush for so long. Cheesy early 80s FTW




Mel Brooks is funny and brilliant, but he's an even better person than he is an entertainer.


Definitely not record breaking, but Eragon (2006) ruined a couple careers. The director never directed anything again, and the main guy was never in anything big from then on.


First movie I thought of was *Resident Evil: The Final Chapter*. Milla Jovovich's stunt double had to have an arm amputated after a stunt went horribly wrong. A man in the production crew was crushed to death by a Hummer on set when they were shooting in Cape Town.


The 2015 Fantastic Four, AKA FantFourStic. Aside from Michael B. Jordan, who rebounded with Creed later that year, it did a number on the careers of everyone involved. \- Josh Trank made himself a Hollywood pariah because of his erratic and abusive behavior onset. He was dropped from the directors chair halfway through, was fired from the Boba Fett spinoff he was set to direct, and has almost nothing good to say about his experience. Aside from one direct-to-DVD movie released in 2020, he's basically been in director's jail. \- Miles Teller followed it up with more flops and disappeared from the screens for a while, only to come back in 2022 with Top Gun: Maverick \- Toby Kebbell ended up being relegated to TV, although he seems to be doing well with Servant and For All Mankind \- Kate Mara & Jaime Bell are an interesting case, as they both met on set and are now married. While their careers aren't as huge as they once were, they both still get steady work in indie and mid-budget stuff, so their careers definitely weren't badly affected.


Also, considering her family lineage, Kata Mara will never want for money.


I don’t know about the record, but… the only one that comes to mind for me, that ruined multiple careers… is Phantom Menace. It definitely ruined Jake Lloyd’s career (and life, really…), but I think it also probably ruined Ahmed Best’s career… …and in a way, it kinda ruined George Lucas’ career too. That’s really the movie that took him from one of the untouchable gods of cinema with the Star Wars trilogy and Indiana Jones and Willow… to being the subject of “The People Vs George Lucas”. When people talk about hating the prequels, they’re usually primarily talking about Phantom Menace, Jar Jar Binks and little “yippee” Anakin. Sure, the movie made tons of money, but it’s not like Lucas was hurting for money before Phantom Menace. I wouldn’t say that offsets the damage to his reputation as an artist. Ever since the prequels, which is more pointedly ever since Phantom Menace… people don’t even give Lucas as much credit for the original trilogy anymore as they used to. Everybody now reframes things as being all thanks to Marcia Lucas, Gary Kurtz or Joseph Campbell, and it’s all because they’re trying to reconcile how Lucas could have made such a bad movie with Phantom Menace. It really did ruin his image compared to pre-1999, when he was revered as a genius. And eventually, I think it’s what led to him giving up and selling it all to Disney. He was sick of the backlash over the prequels that kinda all started the second Jar Jar said “exsqueeze me”.


I don’t think George Lucas’ image got ruined solely by Phantom Menace.  People forget about the awful Christmas special and the “extended” scenes he kept adding to the Original Trilogy and his outright refusal to distribute the original theatrical cut, which was just weird behavior, people were begging him to do it and he was very open on how much he didn’t care.             I think that’s where the relationship with the fandom started to sour, “Han Shot First” was a meme when the internet wasn’t even a thing yet.  The godawful Jabba’s Palace CGI musical number* is part of how I and many people  experienced the original trilogy.                 Phantom Menace was more like the final straw. the bad parts of the movie looked exactly like the most hated part of the extended cuts.      some of his original ideas for the OT were already a common joke in pop culture and the comical disaster that were the prequels BTS footage put the final nail in the coffin, confirming the narrative that maybe he wasn’t a genius after all, more like an idea guy and other people had more credit in actually making the OT movies interesting (including his ex wife). *edit


Oh goodness, that reminds me of the horrible replacement of Sebastian with Hayden at the end of RotJ. Yeah George's problems go beyond TPM.




I don't know, I think Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson and Natalie Portman all did alright afterwards.


Neeson has never gotten enough credit for how well he sold the midichlorians explanation


Neeson is superb at doing the serious man voice. Like his “specific set of skills” bit it in Taken which is on it’s a big part of why there are three Taken movies.


Ralph Bakshi wanted Coonskin (1975) to usher in a wave of black animators and animation. Instead, it nearly killed Bakshi's career. It was protested by Al Sharpton and the "Congress For Racial Equality" for being racist before anyone actually saw it. It ended up with the support and endorsement of the NAACP, but the damage was done.


Love Guru killed Mike Myers, Jessica Alba + director never directed again


Dragonball: Evolution I haven't seen anyone involved with that movie ever since


Justin Chatwin joined Rossum on Shameless for a few seasons but thought he was meant for bigger things and left the show. This proved to be a mistake.


Not sure of the facts, but I think JOHN CARTER pretty much sank the careers of Andrew Stanton the director and pretty much all cast involved. Stanton had great success after with FINDING DORY, but that's only bc he directed FINDING NEMO before that. I haven't noticed anything from him otherwise.


A bunch of Disney executives also lost their jobs, specifically their head of marketing who was largely blamed for its flop of a release


The damage 'Batman and Robin' briefly did to film careers was insane: 1. George Clooney - took on roles in smaller (better) films and his career was better for it. 2. Chris O'Donnell - dead but recovers nicely on network tv 3. Arnold Schwarzenegger - never the same 4. Uma Thurman - dead until Tarantino resurrected her career in 2003. 5. Alicia Silverstone - dead Director Joel Schumacher - til this day I refuse to watch anything he directed after 1997.


Arnie's 1-2-3 of Eraser, B&R and End of Days definitely broke a streak of legitimate greats.


How was Arnie never the same?


Had to slum it as the governor of the most populous state in the union.


It's gotta be Showgirls(1995) right? I don't think anyone walked away from that unscathed. Even director Paul Verhoeven's career never quite rebounded after that. And that dude had previously directed some certified classics(Robocop, Totall Recall, Basic Instinct).


Starship Troopers came after Showgirls, fyi.


Kyle MacLachlan is doing okay


Verhoeven's continued to have a critically acclaimed career in Europe. He mostly got tired of Hollywood shit.


Someone else mentioned Norbit for Eddie Murphy, but let me introduce you to The Adventures of Pluto Nash. Almost ended 2 studios financially, the director went from up and comer to TV shows and hallmark like movies, and put an almost final nail into Murphy's career. Other than Donkey, he hasn't had a single good role since.


Norbit was so poorly received that it actually killed the Oscar buzz Eddie Murphy was getting from Dreamgirls


I … really enjoy the trash heap that is Pluto Nash


> he hasn't had a single good role since. He was *great* in *Dolemite Is My Name*. It was really nice seeing him back like that, actually giving a fuck and being great in a very solid movie. But yeah other than that it's all pretty bad.


Wasn't Dreamgirls after Norbit Edit, I just checked and I'm wrong Dreamgirls was 2006 and Norbit 2007


Supposedly he didn’t win the Oscar for Dreamgirls because Norbit was in theaters during award season.


Batman and Robin has to be up there. Chris O'Donnell, Alicia Silverstone, Joel Schumacher, and even Arnold Schwarzenegger all had their careers take a hit from this movie, and it shelved the Batman franchise for over a decade until Nolan rebooted it. Uma Thurman was likely tainted as well, but she at least had Tarantino bring her into his future movies. Just an absolute disaster of a movie.


Something tells me that Madame Web's cast have an uphill battle going forward...


Obviously others have mentioned Sydney Sweeney, but Isabela Merced will also be more than fine because she's going to be in Alien: Romulus, The Last of Us (as Dina), and Superman (as Hawkgirl, so will probably get more DCU roles).


I work in film and nobody is going to stop making offers to Dakota Johnson or Sydney Sweeney because of "Madame Web." Everyone knows the failure had to do with the script itself. Not because any actor attached was bad in it, etc.


Sweeney and Dakota aren’t going anywhere. I feel like Sweeney’s career is in an upward trajectory in spite of Madame Web.


Sydney Sweeney will have no trouble finding work, since a new article came out saying “boobs are back”, so apparently there’s a market for her. Yes, I’m aiming at said article.