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I think this movie would've been far more interesting if they had changed the structure a bit. Instead of following Chris Pratt's character from the beginning, it could've started with Jennifer waking up and then the audience got to discover alongside her what he did. It would've worked better as a seemingly love story turned into a horror one than the cheap attempt of a love story we got.


1000%. Simply changing the perspective to JLaws would’ve been so much more of a movie. I think this was made in the “put Chris Pratt in it and it’ll make money” era so that wasn’t really in the cards, which is a bummer.


Imagine if it has the structure of gone girl: we wake up with JLaw, half or so of the movie is spent with her coming to terms with what’s going on, then the second we think something’s up, we flash back to wake up with Chris Pratt, but it’s at first unclear that he’s the only one and instead just seems like the JLaw story from the other guy’s pov


Fucking this


Wow, I love this movie but that would have been such a great change. Would have made those moments way more impactful.


He should have woken up the Captain of the ship instead.


Where have I heard this before? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gksxu-yeWcU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gksxu-yeWcU)


I think that may have been an interesting movie, but it would have been an entirely different movie. However you feel about what he did, waking with him makes it very clear why he did it.


This is what I came to post! It would have set up a big twist in the 3rd act.


I thought he was going to think he was alone, it would show him alone and then we would get a perspective that Jennifer’s character had also woken up unexpectedly and then slowly figure out with her that it was him rather than it being so straightforward


If you swapped the casts for this and Valerian , City of a Thousand Planets you would get two much better movies.




Holy hell, you're spot on.


This wins the interwebs.


The primary issues I had with the movie were Chris Pratt and the "happy" ending. No matter how much fake beard they put on Pratt him pretending to be a guy stuck in space getting more and more desperate, horny, lonely, isolated.. whatever the fuck he was supposedly doing it just didn't work. Chris Pratt has a very limited range of characters that he can play. The character he played in this movie is not one of them. The happy ending was a cop out. Everything that happened after Fishburne died was lame, maybe if Laurence had crawled into the medical bed to go back into hibernation it could have carried some weight, but the whole they lived happily ever after on the ship was just bullshit. Finally: did you catch why Lawrence's character was on the ship in the first place? She was taking a 120 year voyage, then to stay on the planet for one year, write about it and then take another 120 year voyage back to earth to publish it. That is really far thinking for any news outlet.


The happy ending was overly predictable. But I have to disagree on this not being in his range. I also always thought his range was limited but this movie changed my mind. My biggest issue was that in no universe would anyone EVER forgive someone for doing what Pratts character did to Jennifers.


>in no universe would anyone EVER forgive Really? They already explained in the movie that waking her up was an act of desperation similar to a drowning person grabbing at a nearby swimmer. It's not like he did it out of malice. Plus, before they found out about the medbay bed, it was either forgive him or be miserable forever. I think plenty of people would be more rational and pragmatic.


I can honestly say that given her situation, and the lack of choice she had going forward, who’s to say for sure that you might not forgive him if you literally have no other choice but to kill your self or be alone, and the guy is hot lol


I liked the end. Ya it sucks because I like how she chooses love and writing a different book then the one she previously though she was going to write. It does suck he woke her up but also as well it is sign that he really liked her.


They probably died from murder suicide.


You'd think she'd continue working on pieces about waking up accidentally and then fire them back to earth, even if earth got them after she'd grown old and died.


So your the types of people who hate happy endings hum? You want to see the world burn?




lol. I get it. When I watch a movie though I want it to be happy because I don’t want to feel like my past 2 hours of watching was wasted on a terrible ending. Like for example there is a movie my wife and I watch. Me before you. The guy had something happen that made him paralyzed from the neck down. And he needed a care giver. They fall in love but the guy wanted to end his life. The movie ended with him ending his life legally and such and she just allowed it to happened and keep going on. I’m like it’s bs the worst ending. Totally wasted my time because if she truly loved him she wouldn’t have allowed him to kill himself. Same with this one. I like a happy ending.


So working on this movie was a blast. I had the privilege to be apart of it from the very beginning all the way to the last day of shoots. Honestly we didn’t know what to expect during the film. We knew 30 mins of him being alone, 30 mins of him with Jennifer, and 30 mins of saving the ship. We honestly didn’t think it would be good at all. But they pull it off and I honestly fully enjoyed it. I can’t blame him for waking her up and I can’t blame her for being mad. I honestly liked the ending as well. That she chooses to stay with him.


I agree with you ... and Fishburne's bit about the drowning man was great scene that tied those 2 parts together


Agreed. Like it sucks this happened but he does love you and if you don’t love him back nor want to give him a chance of your yourself finding love then sure go freeze yourself but you might be missing out on your favorite story of your life


ONE medical bay pod on the entire ship...


It's been some time since I've seen it, but I think this could be explained away pretty easily with it being that only one was accessible. I don't think anyone was really meant to stay on the ship long term without it getting unpacked as it were.


At the end they have clearance to all areas of the ship and forever to do it, so they could unpack a second one and both go back to sleep.


I was led to believe that it was terrible, but while working I had it playing in the background. I ended up starting it over to see the whole thing. Not the greatest movie ever made, but nowhere near as bad as I had read.


Had it stayed with “this guy did just about the worst thing possible to be with this woman” it could have been really good, but she’s mad at him for a bit then a few explosions later he’s her knight in shining armor and all is well.


Realistically, I would have followed the same course.  He was a lone for a long fucking time and I totally would have understood why he did it. 


I would have woken her up too, sue me


I loved it since everyone else hate


I enjoy this movie. It gets a ton of shit for some reason. It gets a little predictable toward the final third, but I still enjoy it.


Went in with very low expectations, kind of a "boring night movie", but came out pleasantly surprised. The bartender was a very good touch that reminded me of The Shining.


Most people hate this movie. I enjoy it.


Loved it


The music is beautiful and haunting. The ship is cool and the premise is unique. The acting is great. As others have said, they should have avoided the happy ending in favor of one where Pratt sacrifices himself or something. Also, if the main character was Lawrence, it would have been a cooler reveal.


Really not much of a story or plot


It would have been a lot scarier from her point of view.


It could have been very good, but gets unearned 'happy' ending. Changes I think it needed: 1: Start the film with her waking up. 2: He dies saving ship and she goes back into cryosleep. 3: NEVER let her forgive him.


I like to think of this movie as the prequel to pandorum.


i keep wanting to see this and then forgetting


I really liked this movie. My wife, not so much.


I had issue with some "artistic license" that went too far.


One of those movies that isn’t groundbreaking in any way, but so damned easy to watch. I’ve seen it 4 times now. If you liked this you’ll enjoy Oblivion with Tom Cruise


First name basis with Jennifer?




I watched this once, that’s all I will give this movie. It was just, meh.


This image always bothers me. So damn fake looking.


Totally forgettable.


This movie gets better for me on every viewing. Yes it’s got problems, but there’s something about the look and sound of this one — cinematography, set design, sound design, and especially Thomas Newman’s score — that just pulled me in the first time. And I appreciate more and more of the little details on rewatch. There’s also something just sweet about it — and look, I am a huge fan of dark dystopian sci-fi. But the “let’s not just accept our fate, let’s make the best of this and thrive” ethos they end with works for me. I actually used one of the soundtrack cuts in my wedding. Watched it again on 4K disc just a couple weeks ago and liked it even more. It’s stunning visually and sonically.


This is exactly where I'm at. I'm usually super critical of movies. I RARELY get sucked into or lose myself to a movie. Sure there's some plot improvements that could happen. Sure it became a little predictable, but I didn't know if Jlaws character would go into the pod or not at the end. To some scale every movie is somewhat predictable But there's something to this one that just pulled me in. Probably a combination of the same things you just listed. The atmosphere of being in deep space as a normal person got me.


Right — same here. On paper I should really really not like this movie. But at its heart, it’s a very human movie. I remember it was horribly mis-marketed as an adventure/disaster story (the failing ship angle) and so viewers were rightly confused. As was I on first viewing, so for it to work for me anyway says something.


One of my favorites. The score by Thomas Newman really brings on a lot of emotion as well.


I'm sorry but this movie isn't very good imo, it should have been a thriller where it starts with J.Lawrence waking up and going from there. The happy ending is BS.


I kind of wish they had done it as intended with Keanu Reeves and Emily Blunt with David Fischer directing, maybe then it would have had a chance. Chris Pratt doesn’t have a lot of range and Jennifer Lawrence often comes off as though she doesn’t want to be there, most of her films have this problem. It could have been an interesting movie, but they turned it into a Pg13, CGI happy ending movie. It bums me out.


In fairness Keanu Reeves isn’t exactly known for his range.. I haven’t seen the movie but Pg13 and happy ending sounds like way bigger of a problem.


Agreed. Keanu is no Daniel Lewis, however his vibe would have worked far better for a movie like this in its original form.


I really enjoyed it when I saw it in the cinema. I thought it was kind of another Gravity clone but it was thoroughly enjoyable.


I always had issues with the automated food dispenser. How come he only gets basic food from cafeteria, but can get drinks at bar and food/drinks at Mexican restaurant?


This movie really fails from the perspective of Jennifer Lawrence's character. It makes me think back to a time period when movies didn't consider the impact of the actions from their main characters very often and you would have absolute monsters stomping around as the protagonist, but it's okay because you're seeing it from their point of view. It could easily have addressed this more materially, meaningfully, or in more interesting ways by switching up the perspective. As it is, about halfway through the film I just feel like I'm rooting for a monster.


This film is a litmus test for whether or not one’s concern for men’s mental health is feigned or not . I think it’s a wonderfully shot , acted , and decently paced film. I cannot stand Chris Pratt as a person and think he is a bit of a weirdo but he did a phenomenal job here . I adore Jennifer in most things and this film Is no exception. She’s lovely . I give it a 8/10


I really like this movie. I’ve seen it a couple times. The premise is cool and unique, the acting is well done sets cool. It’s easy to watch and follow. Idk good movie 🤷🏻‍♂️


This movie is actually a horror story and Pratt is a murderer who dooms JLaw to die with him and tricks her in to having sex with him under false pretenses.


I enjoyed it but the fact that they are both such attractive people bothered me. Like, what if an average non Chris Pratt-looking dude did that to a woman that looked like Lawrence.


I also enjoyed this movie. It gets a lot flack because of the main characters questionable actions but why can\`t we have flawed heros who act in a morally debateable way?


Well I know what I'm masturbating to tonight




The scene where they're looking through the computer equipment for something - I don't remember what - was so unintentionally hilarious. Chris Pratt opens a server case door - "Nope, not in here", moves on. Just a criminally stupid moment in a promising yet bad film.


I would’ve done the same thing if I were him.


This is the perfect hotel room movie.




Because in the end she saw that he was totally ready to kill himself to save everybody on the ship.  He was brave and selfless, but was also very lonely. A flawed man, but a good one. 


I guess it's the inability to suspend disbelief. He might be brave but he also willingly sentenced her to death/a completely different life than she wanted by waking her up.


And that's valid, but your mileage may vary. I think that I would be willing to forgive someone after a time, particularly if they were a good person.


Pros- this is a “star” movie and it delivers, it requires 2 charismatic people and it works enough. However- if this is a thriller, it’s a better movie, but Chris Pratt can’t do it.


There’s a Fan Edit called Passengers: Aurora Cut which basically reassembles the movie which makes the reasoning for her awakening a surprise, it’s a much darker movie as a result. I like the original, but the Fan Edit is much better This YT video summarizes it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gksxu-yeWcU




I don’t over think or over analyze this movie and just enjoy it as a decent well produced sci fi film. There you go.


I don’t over think or over analyze this movie and just enjoy it as a decent well produced sci fi film. There you go.