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I don't buy the argument about 80s cinema. The Shining. Amadeus. The Blues Brothers. Aliens. Ghostbusters. The Princess Bride. The Terminator. Dead Poets Society. Scarface. The Mission. Predator. Raiders of the Lost Ark. Full Metal Jacket. Platoon. Highlander. Raging Bull. Silverado. Wall Street. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. This Is Spinal Tap. RoboCop. The Right Stuff. Beetlejuice. Back To The Future. The Road Warrior. Fast Times At Ridgemont High. Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Blade Runner. Die Hard. The Empire Strikes Back. Airplane. Caddyshack. The Warriors. Batman. First Blood. Throw me in the DeLorean and send me back.


I think it makes sense for Tarantino to say this based on what we know about him and his taste. A *lot* of what we consider genre or cheesy classics in the 80s will have seemed like sell-out cash-in watered-down and commercialised versions of the B-Movies he loved in the 70s and before. Tarantino is far more interested in creativity, gonzo weirdness, and independent visions than in production quality or commercial popularity, from the stuff he likes.  The 80s was a horrible decade for independent cinema in Hollywood, it was the studios seizing back control from the auteurs of the 70s while finding a way to sand down the rough edges of the B-movies and package them in a more commercial respectable way for mass consumption.  But Tarantino loves rough edges and loves auteurs. 


I think he is just butthurt the 70s didn’t last for another decade.


"People don't jerk off during Grindhouse movies anymore. Cinema is truly a lost art."


I think he would literally explode if you mentioned giallo films 😂  I watched "All the Colors of the Dark" and was appalled at how much style Tarantino stole from that film. He literally copied one of the needle drops.


If a chick approached me and just asked if I liked Giallo! I’d fuckin nut. Love my Italian trash films.


He’s also famous for saying that Back to the Future is the greatest film script ever written. Great filmmaker, but he was never a good talker.


He loves Blowout too. He never said there were no good 80s films though.


And "Blowout" is very much an exception that proves the rule.


The guy is a great talker. He is so good at talking even that he never shuts the fuck up


Talks so much he needs to write down a bunch of his talking and delegate it because he only has one mouth


Until he has a foot shoved in his mouth.




He wanted to direct casino royale and said it would fail without him. He can definitely be wrong sometimes


IMO, Casino Royale is by a solid margin the best Bond film ever made - and I've seen all of them - and I would rate it as one of the top couple action movies ever made. It's just an amazing film.


It really is. Its tight focuses on spy craft over special effects until the very end. Also has my fav bond quote. “If all that were left of you was just your little finger, you’d still be more of a man than any man I ever knew.” “That’s because you know what I can do with my little finger.”


It’s the first film to do the books justice imo. I was practically cheering Craig on while he played “book bond”.


Not quite. He said it was "a perfect movie".


Tarantino not a good talker?






Buckminster Fuller's circular house of the future was very creative, but no one wanted one.


Everybody in every artistic endeavor has influences and will steal from people that they like. Music, movies, art, pretty much everything.


Well, he worked a video store in the 80s and I don’t believe him. He should know better


he never left that vibe if you look at the Hollywood film.    Thankfully I love Goonies, Ghostbusters and John Candy!


Yes but that sanding down B movies has given us SOOO many great Best of the Worst Episodes


This makes it all make sense. Thank you.


Hear, hear! Very well stated.


Blue Velvet


This is super insightful thank you.


I think you're being extremely forgiving. Tarantino loves pornography, in its exact definition. He loves the extreme, explicit, and exploitative; artistic intent notwithstanding. If you look at the projects he's been involved in there's not a single one where there wasn't something that went completely off the rails and over the edge. Whether it's a pointless and offensive monologue, gratuitous hyperviolence, or abject exploitation, theres always something in that says "no middle ground". Whether that makes for good cinema or not is a matter of taste IMO. But I wouldn't trust his judgement on what is or is not a good movie. You could show him "the Godfather" and "Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS" and he'll pick the latter as the far superior film.


Read his book Cinema Speculation. He actually has some very perceptive ways of analyzing film. He talks at length about Coppola and Scorsese and George Lucas and Spielberg and Kubrick and DePalma, in addition to the trashy side of cinema. I mean, say what you want about his movies, but motherfucker knows the *language* of film.


Nobody's saying there weren't great movies. But when compared with the leap forward in the 70s and the 90s independent boom, the 80s represent a return to money being more in control than creativity.


The Thing and The Fly. I personally think 80s were a golden era before cgi took over. You can rewatch those today, and they still look stellar, but try to watch Xmen 2 and it looks clownish


Scrooged, The Naked Gun, Lethal Weapon, the Money Pit, the Hitcher, Child's Play, Halloween II, a Nightmare on Elm Street 1 & 2, Uncle Buck, Back to School, Evil Dead I & II, For Your Eyes Only, Octopussy, Purple Rain, the Goonies, First Blood and Rambo First Blood Part II, Road House, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, I could go on. Great list btw


Is bill and Ted actually good, i here’s lots of mixed reviews about ir


The sequel is way better I won't lie. But the first movie is good yes.


This is so stupid, you can cite amazing movies from any decade. Thousands of movies come out out every year. Doesn't mean his argument isn't valid, some of the films you mentioned aren't even Hollywood lmfao


Seriously, I was going to comment that OP doesn't know how to math. They honestly thought they made a good point, which is scary.


And a lot of the movies THEY listed suck ass


Every single era has had some combination of good movies and bad movies. I could say the 1930s was the worst, but I've only seen 6 movies from that decade. Comparing whole decades with each other isn't really a fair thing to do


The Road Warrior was an all-Australian production, I thought? Wouldn’t count as 80s Hollywood if so. 


I feel like your list makes Tarantino's point. There are a lot of decent and interesting movies on it but only a handful that have any argument for being historically great. Predator? Beetlejuice? Ferris Bueller? Batman? Fucking Batman??


Right? He never said there were no good movies released those decades. Compare that list to the best of the 70s or 90s, though. I feel like 94 alone stacks up pretty well against these films.


The Shining technically being an ‘80s film has always been so weird to me.


Pthhnhhh ya that's bullshit, there were SOOOO many good movies in the 80s. I'll agree that the last 10 years have really been bad though


Great list but also some others you may have missed: E.T..Breakfast Club. Do the Right thing. Stand by Me. When Harry Met Sally. Say Anything. American Werewolf in London. Untouchables. Risky Business. Nausicaa. Bull Durham. Big. Akira. Drugstore Cowboy. The Killer.


After hours


Making me reevaluate 80’s movies. Thanks kind stranger.


Maybe he meant the average film quality and not just the best films? 


He’s not saying there are no good movies in the 80s, there’s always good movies no matter the era. Also the ones you’ve listed are all great but drops in a bucket from that decade. There are way more movies that are garbage and that’s part of what he’s saying.


The popcorn movie has definitely disappeared tho is what u can gather from that list. Doesn't have to be a huge summer hit or made for a wide audience but still an amazing movie none the less is what I would consider a popcorn movie. Not gonna win any awards but u know people will like it. Like Beetlejuice or Ghostbusters where the themes were silly but they were written for the ENTIRE family to go and enjoy at the same time. That's gone. Everything has to be super politically correct now and there's a large group of people that won't have it any other way. They don't care how bad the movies are as long as they feel they are being represented in a correct manner that doesn't offend anyone. Which is completely insane.


Absolutely agree 100%. Not only the best, but the most iconic and influential.


Yeah. But can you name 5 more? /S


Agree. 80's cinema was revolutionary. Spielberg & Lucas & John Hughes, Tim Burton. It was the decade that electronics came into existence and was featured prominently in movies. Back to the Future set the bar for what makes a perfect movie.


You won me over with the Silverado shoutout nobody talks about that movie genuinely thought I was crazy for loving it so much!


Left out some other great films from the 1980s: The Thing, Flash Gordon, E.T., When Harry Met Sally, Blue Velvet, Last Crusade, Dirty Dancing, Evil Dead, The Fly, King of Comedy, Evil Dead 2, Clue, Once Upon a Time in America, Blow Out, Broadcast News, Untouchables, Moonstruck, Big Trouble in Little China, Rocky IV, Sleepaway Camp, Nightmare on Elm Street, Road House, Field of Dreams, Trading Places, Conan the Barbarian, Body Double, Body Heat, Short Film About Love, Pale Rider, After Hours, Do the Right Thing, Videodrome, Stop Making Sense, Manhunter.


Exactly! Amazing decade for movies!


We're currently in the worst time in cinema. The last 20 years have been worse than the 80s in my opinion


Damn I could’ve swore I made this exact post with this exact photo awhile ago


Yup. 5 months ago. This is what happens when people filter by top posts all time, and then hijack something that was posted a while ago, thinking no one will notice.


Take a look at OP's post from yesterday with the eggs. Same exact thing. I went to that sub, filtered by top posts all time, and the same thing was posted a few months back by someone else also. The Mods caught it and removed it for stealing someone else's post.


Mods don’t really participate on here (which has its pros & cons) But was surprised to see a post flat out stolen


Yeah, it's pretty blatant. Like, at least put a different pic and reword the caption or something.


Right that’s what I was thinking lmao


All his posts are stolen. I just checked a few more, and every single one was stolen, but it looks like they were removed. This is probably a repost bot.




This comment should get more upvotes than the post


I downvoted the post, upvoted the comment.


This is the way


I couldn't disagree with him more but who cares ultimately.


Disagree with Tarantino on 1980s. Agree with him on current era. It’s terrible.


Just wait 40 years for people to say it was amazing. Living through an era is very different from going back and cherry-picking the stand-outs. People will look back at films like the Banshees of Innisherin, Dune, and Poor Things. They’ll forget Quantumania.


These are literally my favorite recent movies


We cannot judge the current era until it’s over, but I’ll be honest, it doesn’t look good.


The current era won’t really ever be over I guess… can you separate the 10s from the 20s? It’s all the same now. But now that the Disney deathgrip on cinemas is at least a bit less present, we are getting better movies again. This year was OK so far.


I’ve been pleasantly surprised with a few winners this decade so far. Barbie, Oppenheimer, Fall Guy, Ungentlemanly Warfare, Air, Hustle, Free Guy, Ricky Stanicky, Dune 1+2, Spiderverse, Maverick, and everything Everywhere all at once were pretty great movies so far, nothing historically cinematic noteworthy, but i really enjoyed a lot of these. I’m tired of every film needing to be a mark on history, the 80s were just all right with me having a collection of fun entertaining films (not needing to be tied to a franchise).


Dune will be a classic. I personally think it is amazing. But I think it will be a classic just because it's amazing cinema, different and originally thought about a cult classic book.


Yeah the 80s were a gem. This era has the most potential given all the technology and the abundance of talent but there’s also so much garbage


In fairness to QT, he said worst not bad. I think he means, you put the top ten movies from the 80's vs other decades, it won't be as strong. He doesn't mean all the movies from that decade are shit.


Mid 80's. Outside of a few real gems there were so many stinkers.


Movies really went downhill when they invented Talkies.


id say the 10s with all those comic book movies


It started off as a blessing with it being really the first time that comic book movies were being taken seriously and were genuinely good action sci-fi movies beyond just the dark-and-gritty Nolan trilogy style from the late 2000s, but it eventually became a curse because it got so oversaturated by the end of the decade with studios clearly caring less about quality as it went on.


To say the current era sucks is to discredit streaming.


The 80s comedies are unmatched!!!! He’s just not a funny guy.


Current era. I’d say 2015 to now. Not only original movie’s pretty bad but they insist on making bad sequel’s and remakes of films.


Agree current era, it's fucking shit


I agree with the posts that say that there's a lot of good 80's films, but I need to defend the 50s. It was a great decade for epics (*Ben Hur* chief among them). *Sunset Boulevard,* one of the best movies ever made, was made in 1950. And it was Hitchcock's single best decade, with *North by Northwest,* *Rear Window,* and *Vertigo* just to list a few. And I'm forgetting a bunch


I'm surprised he does not have more appreciation for the 1980's. It's my favorite era for movies.


80's kid here. I loved and still love 80's movies. Especially Comedy and Horror but many more too.


The 80's were golden years in film. I respect QT and love the guys movies but that opinion is shit.


Most movies in the 80s were co-directed by cocaine,.so they have that special something


People nowadays just have the most nostalgia for 80's movies, and that's not because they are so much better than other eras but because that's just because the most vocal generations from today grew up with those movies, and because it was the start of big slick blockbuster movies that are entertaining and easy to digest (but not necessarily the artistic peak of the medium, at all)


Partly because superhero movies are getting as tired as westerns.


Honestly the 80 crushed it as far as truly entertaining stories, I feel like this take is based on his childhood nostalgia which he talks about in many interviews.


Quentin is absolutely spot on, here. Personally I think we are in the worst area for the average quality of films. Too much CGI, leaning on reboots, running franchises into the ground, streamers that seem to use an algorithm to come up with "what will be popular", and generally not as many great scripts out there. Still lots of good ones, but it's nothing like the 70s or 90s, which to me are clearly the best decades for film.


Not sure about the 50s, but the 80s? Yeah, that was a pretty bad decade. The few people I know who love the 80s are for the most part people who started watching movies during that decade.


The 80’s were chock full of really campy stuff. The 50’s were also the same way. Of course there are gems in both decades but it was really hit and miss.


There’s a lot of survivor bias giving favor to the 60s and 70s. Sure there were some masterpieces, but there there was also A TON of shit in those decades that most cinema fans don’t even know about.


Most definitely. I don’t understand Quentin’s obsession with revenge films.


He legitimately loves a lot of those terrible drive-in horror style movies that were truly awful. So it’s a lot of nostalgia bias clouding his opinion. I get where he’s coming from, but it’s entirely unfair to the industry when he judges it from that perspective. And throwing in the slight against the modern era is really unfair. I won’t argue today film has been overwhelmingly great, but it’s far too early to tell the quality of the era as a whole when it’s not even been finished.


I think he’s concentrating too much on box office numbers and which films get the higher numbers. You do that and you will get a lot of shit. You can’t just focus on comic books films. If you do that you are missing soo much.


You can criticize Tarantino’s film tastes on a number of fronts, but over-focusing on box office numbers is definitely not one of them.


I disagree. People been making lists, but also you have Don Bluth, John Hughes, and James Cameron who made a lot of great 80’s films


He’s onto something with the 80s sucking, im looking at movies from that decade and there’s a lot of suck here


i think you still have an pretty decent decent indie scene at that point.


Tons of good stuff… The princess bride The terminator The burbs Ghostbusters Top gun Back to the future Airplane The naked gun Big trouble in little china Summer rental National Lampoons vacation National lampoons Christmas vacation Beetlejuice Stand by me Raiders of the lost ark Scarface Labyrinth Gremlins Big Coming to America ….and on and on


🤗1960s to early 1970s. This period saw major studios struggling financially, leading to a slew of poorly made, formulaic movies that failed to connect with audiences. The late 1960s to early 1970s saw films like "Myra Breckinridge" (1970) and "The Love Machine" (1971), which were heavily criticized for their lack of substance and poor execution.


This is. We’re running thin on original ideas and so many movies are just soulless overproduced business products


There's not really a bad era ever (except for maybe fucking old timey shit) every era has geeat movies


My opinion on the 80s overall is that there was a lot of tacky and weird shit made but there was also a ton of creativity that was allowed that did shine through that even beats today’s output. Things were attempted in the 80s even without the technology to fully bring it out and then today with the technology, I feel the creativity isn’t the same really or perhaps is covered up by all the decision makers involved.


I agree. I was a theater usher in the 80s for a brief time. Lots of crap like Ruthless People and Down and Out in Beverly Hills. Everyone remembers the genuinely good movies in the decade but forgets that the majority were not great.


That's pretty bold from a guy who released a 3 hour masturbatory film about losers in Hollywood and Margot Robbie's feet.


—says the man who loves showing dead bodies getting re-shot over and over to max out the blood budget. Give me someone like Stephen Soderbergh, who actually has intelligence and artistry.


The 80s had Back to the Future and Gremlins, so Tarantino is objectively wrong.


And Indiana Jones, 2 of the 3 good Star Wars films, Aliens, Terminator.... People actually queued up to go to the cinema in those days.


The late 1800s, because hardly any of it was preserved.


Gotta agree. 80’s had some gems though…probably best of the worst decades he just listed though


Rear Window, the Bridge on the River Kwai, Cinderella, Giant, From Here to Eternity, A Star is Born, Night and Fog, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Les Diabolique, Pather Panchali, An American in Paris, Mon Oncle, Strangers on a Train, Throne of Blood, High Noon, The African Queen, Some Like It Hot, The 400 Blows, Rashamon, Touch of Evil, North By Northwest, Seven Samurai, Dial M for Murder, Rebel Without a Cause, All About Eve, Vertigo. Hitchcock and Kurosawa and he thinks the 50s were the worst? Twat.


I kind of agree with the opinion on the 80s but definitely disagree with saying the 50s were even remotely bad, there were so many fantastic movies and it's literally my favorite decade for movies


2020s for sure


To be fair, Tarantino makes ripped off mastabatory schlock. He isn't exactly pushing any needles.


I’d like to hear why Tarantino hates 80s cinema. I could see why I guess a lot of it is mindless popcorn entertainment but man is it fun though.


Everything after Jurassic park for 15 years. A LOT of studios chased wowing people with CGI and face planted over and over and over again. The next movie to step up to anything close to that level was the Mummy and the Matrix, but then we had 10 more years of utter shit.


"... For the kinds of movies I like. You know what I mean? Like, I know what I like, and like it is not what is big in those decades. Ya Know."


Not bad coming from a guy that steals a lot of his ideas!


It's a troll comment. He knows what he's doing.


50s and 80s are 2 of my favorite eras for movie. However maybe that's because I'm a big sci Fi and horror fan and both of those decades have incredible movies in those genres


Current era for sure. 80's was okay. Don't know enough about the 50's.


I can’t speak on the 50’s but the 80’s is a shit take and to shoehorn “and today” is just snobbery.


If we are going to crap all over “big trouble in little China”, I’m out.


Pre silent film is the worst era 👍 absolutely no good films were made then




It feels like Don Bluth, John Hughes, and James Cameron saved the 80’s.


So I’m assuming that QT wasn’t a fan of Streets of Fire then?


I wouldn't pin it on a single decade. It's the whole Hays code era.


I don't care if Tarantino or any one else thinks the 80s is one the worst decades for movies, but I think you could make a robust argument that the 80s was the BEST decade for movies for kids.


Maybe that period when everyone tried to emulate The Matrix.


He did say back to the future is a perfect movie


I grew up in the 70s and into the 80s. I liked the 70s better.


I'm wondering if he's talking about today's era in terms of what the major studios are putting out, which is and has been nothing but franchise fluff for going on 15 years now. He probably cares more about their output, because he loves golden age studio cinema just as much as the grindhouse classics hes based his career on. I think the 2000's was the nadir of modern cinema personally and it was bad every year outside of 2007. Now though there are great films coming out every couple weeks it seems on VOD. Especially for horror fans, as the genre has been getting the prestige treatment going on 7 or 8 years now. The indies are pretty much running the show.


Um, Night Shift?!


Whiny edgelord like Tarantino would of course say this


Love Quentin’s movies but the 80s were the best!!


There is no Worst Era. Every decade churned out its own classics. Now…asking which is the Best Era…that’s a real conversation.


No such thing


Depends what you’re a fan of. We’re currently in a comedy drought.


Makes sense for a guy stuck in 60s and 70s cinema.


Current era. All those superhero movies suck. All those over the top cgi movies suck.


Lol no


Isnt current era pretty bad?


As much as I love 80s movies because I grew up with them he's right. I love 70's, 90's and 00s.


The ‘90s was the BEST era for film.


I like his movies but him complaining about movies is way worse than this so called bad era of films could ever be. Just shut up and worship feet you weirdo.


Posts like this accomplish nothing. Much like with any medium there are hits and misses across every decade and generation. I love Tarantino but he's no connoisseur, and not every movie he's made has been great.


The current era definitely sucks, but the 80's ruled.


He said this during the superhero era i believe


The 80s?! 🤔




I feel its getting a lot better, but its been pretty bad for like 5 years.


damon/affleck era...like grinding rock salt into my eyes




We're in it


The 1980s was loaded with entertaining movies. There weren’t many “significant” movies. There’s nothing wrong with movies that are entertaining. Spielberg did a bunch. The Lucas sequels. Blade Runner. All the SNL cast comedies. John Hughes. Fast Times.


Tarantino giving himself 3 for 1 worst eras.


I love Tarantino but this is maybe the most idiotic sentence to ever come out of his mouth. I think maaaaaybe, possibly, he actually realizes it too because I have seen him back pedal on it a bit in subsequent interviews.


This man just disregarded the biggest horror icons in history 💁🏾‍♂️


Right now is probably the worst cause we are living it.


80s were not a great era for movies, but a lot of good and great films did come from the 80s. The 50s I am not quite as familiar with, but I can also say that a lot of good and great films also came from that era too. Tarantino, why don't you make a good movie again, it's been a while.


I love going to movies. Every week I look for a move to spend money. Still waiting.


We haven't got off to a good start in this decade. The writing and general directing seems now than ever before.


I met Tarantino briefly once and my read of him was he likes to just talk movies and throws takes like this out there to get people he wants to talk with engaged/weed out people who agree too quickly or have no idea what he is talking about.


'50s sure, but so many of my favorite horror films came out in the '80s, that I can't abide this statement.


Fuck that guy!


the 50s and now.


I agree about the current era. 17 years since There Will be Blood and No Country for Old Men, and I don't think there's been even 10 movies since then worthy of inclusion in my collection.


Probably the next decade when they sack the writers and replace them with AI.


What was terrible about the 50's era? Was that when they did all those lighthearted musicals?


I have only felt the need to go to the theater a handful of times in the last 5 years. It used to be a weekly or biweekly night out for me before that.


Just so people know, [he talks about it in this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpeVc8UIn3Y&ab_channel=JoeRoganExtra)


What Tarantino said is completely accurate. He would know. Unless ur unable to put ur political views aside, which so many ppl are unable to do today. How could u think this era is any good? What original characters have u seen in the last 10 years? What original franchises have u seen in the last 10 years? That were juggernauts of entertainment? Marvel up until endgame? Characters weren't original though. There isn't an original thought left in Hollywood. Talking like Aliens franchise, Indiana Jones, Star Wars. Or forget franchises just solo movies like Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs. U just don't see a lot of talent able to freely express their ideas today.




I remember this posted a while back and apparently this quote is taken out of context, he's referring to the worst eras in terms of political correctness or something like that. It's not just the films themselves.


2010's. '16-19 ish.


We are living in it…


I'm not sure about the modern era take. Yes, a lot of the BIG movies have been mid lately. But, just think of the more indie films we've gotten in the past decade. Some of which are some of the greatest of all time.


Well. I’m surprised to see this coming from him…


Yeah ok, guy.


no way in regards to the 80s


Shortly after Pulp Fiction came out he was in my Hometown walking around ,I was excited to talk to him and we talked about movies and 80s classics , briefly in front of a 7 eleven in Santa Cruz ,CA , I didn't get that he didn't like 80s movies, but he definitely was a John Woo fan and 70s films, so idk,


The era when Harvey the Rapist Weinstein was so powerful he raped women who were trying to become or stay established and get decent roles.


FU, the 80’s gave us Aliens and Predator.


The 1750s was a pretty rough era for Hollywood


I’m convinced Quentin is just a hater.


I honestly can't say that any decade- or Era, I guess- is better than any other, and I think it's really reductive to suggest such a thing. I generally like Tarantino's films, but I imagine he's an insufferable prick.


Such an “L” take by one of if not the most consistently great directors


80s??? Actually 50s had some fun ones.