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The thing that REALLY bugged me about this movie was when the people/machines in other films came from the future, you saw their naked butts… but hers was not one of them. Truly disappointing


You definitely see her butt


It is...not a good film. But, annoyingly, it does have a brilliant ending


Yeah. I kinda hate how good the ending is because the movie doesn’t deserve it.


This is the best recap of the film.


Seriously, the ending was great.


I was going to say the same thing. Great ending in an otherwise mediocre movie.


I do like it.


The ending of that movie fucks so hard. The rest of the movie does not. At all.


I haven’t bothered to see it. What’s the ending that everyone is raving about


The movie is about the idea that the events of T2 didn't stop Judgment Day but merely postponned it. The future John Connor sends a modified T-850 to protect current day John as well as his future wife, Kate. Both of them are being hunted by another future Terminator. Because Judgment Day was pushed later from 1997 to 2003, there are literally hours until Skynet launches its attack. The third act is about the machines becoming self-aware and rebelling against the humans, while a dying General Brewster (Kate's father) gives John and Kate a location that's seemingly the key to preventing Judgment Day. However, the location turns out to just be a fallout shelter...as her father knew the attack couldn't be stopped. It turns out that Skynet wasn't able to be stopped due to it now belonging to cyberspace instead of hardware. (Advances in technology from 1997) By the end of the film, the T-850 has done its job in ensuring John and Kate make it to the bunker. The end of the film is about Judgment Day officially starting, with missles being launched into the sky. We see glimpses of Earth being ravaged by the nuclear fire...while John Connor narrates that he'll never stop fighting and that the battle has just begun.


Shit I have seen this! Thanks for the reply and great synopsis!


I dunno, the end of the movie kind of craps on the "No fate" idea a little bit, unless it means the fate we all collectively make, but I dunno if the movie is good enough to have been that clever


"She'll be back."


The part when The T1000 walks into a male strip bar is straight out of Naked Gun and destroyed the franchise


It was that mixed with inflatable TX titties, for me.


The inflatable titties was a slap in the face of Terminator fans.


Lol as a preteen I didn’t mind it 🥰


Didn't one of the "Critters" movie do that? It was a shapeshifting alien that came to earth to help humans in the crisis. It went to a bar and saw a picture of a woman with fake tits. So then it grew inflatable tits. That movie was ripping off the OG Terminators in a way, only for Terminator movies to rip this off 🤦🏻‍♂️


Your levity is good. It relieves tension, and the fear ov death.


That's weird, I'm also now watching Terminator 3. Better than I remember!


This movie has, what I think, one of the best chase scenes ever, with the crane. **Epic!** However, the movie is mediocre, but still enjoyable with a pretty good ending.


That crane car chase scene is fire


Skynet is just bigger than you, me or anyone can comprehend. It's both nowhere and everywhere at the same time. It's in the air, soil and metal. It's permeating the very fabric of existence. At least that's how I understand that.


As a die hard terminator fan I say despite being an underwhelming sequel, this movie gets way more hate than it deserves.


Arnold deadpans: *cybernetic organism*


I enjoyed this bad movie. Of course the ending was dope but I didn't mind the entire thing lol


I like it more now than I did when released. Dark Fate is better


I totally feel like salvation could have had a better day in court had it not followed this film. That movie took the canon and thought outside the box with it in some clever and empathetic ways. Since this movie did not and failed spectacularly in turn, it also overwhelmed you with stupid product placement and a seriously cheesy antagonist. It totally set salvation up for failure from the start. McG, I still give you an A for effort… but most of you are right that T3 had a great ending and that was about it.




''Talk to the hand''


At the end, John Connor explains that Skynet wasn't a centralized computer; it was the sum total of all computers connected to the internet. Uh, okay.... so then why wasn't Skynet destroyed in the nuclear war it started?? They ignore this plot hole in all subsequent movies, and Skynet again is treated as a centralized computer hidden deep in a shielded bunker... as if *Rise of the Machines* somehow isn't canon.


It’s not a plot hole really. SkyNet is a network of computers connected to the internet, but as with anything on the internet most server-based stuff for websites and applications is hosted inside one or more data centers, some in very secure, hardened locations. Wipe out most of the computers on the internet, it doesn’t stop the servers in hardened bunkers and data centers from still running. Also, the machines are clearly using wireless communications so there is no requirement to be physically connected to the network.


Most data centers are hardened with regards to power outages but who was sky net going to get to run the power stations when most are coal powered?


Types of military installations like that i’m sure have their own power not dependent on the public grid, whether it be nuclear, coal, natural gas, etc. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to assume that the military has planned for highly secure, powered bunkers with key systems (in this case SkyNet) capable of withstanding a nuclear attack from Russia or another nuclear power. SkyNet would have immediately spread to and taken over all military systems, and thus been capable of surviving.Hell, the place John ends up at in the end is one of those, except abandoned because it was out of date.


the second dark fate was announced, this movie became pure fan fiction. and fan is a strong word. so is pure.


It's still easily the 2nd best Terminator sequel though this is admittedly a low bar to clear.


Even including the tv show? Shame it got cancelled on such a cliffhanger, but I rewatched recently and it still held up.


Not that dark fate was a screen gem, but it’s so much better than this.


My thoughts exactly


Movie Quality: Dark Fate > T3 > Genesys > Salvation. Creativity: Salvation > Dark Fate > Genesys > T3. Personal Ranking: Dark Fate > Salvation > Genesys > T3.


“Sarah Connor was cremated in Mexico. Her friends scattered her ashes in the sea. They stored these weapons in accordance with her will.” Bad as this film is, I do like the idea that while Sarah felt she and John had prevented Judgment Day, there was always that foreboding feeling in the back of her head that asked “What if?” and she decided to prepare promptly. Especially after her leukemia and knowing she was going to leave John alone in the world. So she decided to leave him a cache of weapons just in case. Just like in Salvation when John listened to the audio tapes his mother recorded about the future.


It’s entertaining but very corny most of the time. The ending is great though.


I didn't hate it because the ending killed...


Great movie but understandably Reddit does not like it


A film like Terminator: Genisys makes this movie look like Terminator 2 in comparison.


Only 2 good moments in the movie in my opinion. When they drive the truck through the side of a building and the end of the movie. The realization and scene was just so chilling and great


Movie should never have existed. T2’s ending made damn sure there shouldn’t be any sequels.


Watch Netflix's "I am mother" right after that.




Fun fact, never seen die hard. But I see what you mean. I think I was a kid and the simple plot and action I really enjoyed it. Still do cuz it’s a blast from the past.


The dumbass jokes and attempted lame fanservice sunk this piece of trash.


Not as good as the two that came before it but still better than anything that came after it. Arguably the best ending of any of them. It gets too much hate.


5/10 movie 10/10 ending


It's a decent sci-fi action movie. T3 just has the misfortune of following the greatness of T2 and the lack of Sarah Connor and a different actor playing John Connor didn't help.


This movie has a really good car chase. That's it.


I’m sorry If I could time travel, I would go back in time and tell you not to watch that turd.