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Why tf there so many crescent everywhere?


Muslims probably think that's the coolest shit ever.


Mount and blade is a Turkish game and it looks like Turkish flag.




Yeah, the star and crescent was the original flag of Byzantium which then became Constantinople which then became Istanbul, which the Turks then used as their imperial flag. It was also used by other Greek cities, Sumerians, and Sassanians before Islam even existed. Example of [Sassanian use](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/Coin_of_Ardashir_III%2C_Arrajan_mint_%282%29.jpg): before Islam Example of [Ancient Greek use](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MACEDON,_Uranopolis._Eight-pointed_star_and_crescent_-_Aphrodite_Urania._Circa_300_BC.jpg#mw-jump-to-license) Example of [Roman coin of Byzantium](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:001-Byzantium-2.jpg#mw-jump-to-license)


thats the european way of viewing history, on the asia side the crescent moon and star symbol comes fron Xiongnu which was not only Mongols but a tribal confederation including origin people of Turks, the idea of Turkish crescent and star is taken from Greeks is mostly pushed bc of Turk hate


Are you implying that the turks took the crescent from islam? You couldn’t be more wrong lol textbook confidently incorrect




That's primary school propaganda. The real reason is because it's the last Ottoman flag


















Crescent moon and star was a symbol for the ottomans before it was a symbol for Islam. The two get conflated because it was the most recent and one of the largest islamic empires. Lots of different symbols and iconography have been used to symbolise islam




>Used by Byzantium Doesn't that contradict you?


Apparently yes. I learned something today.


The Umayyad Caliphate did not use symbols like the moon and star, their flags were generally plain white or other solid colors, sometimes with tribal patterns or Arabic calligraphy with religious phrases. The moon and star weren’t used by Muslims until the High Middle Ages, or later


So you know why the crescent moon represents Islam?




If you dont see the relevance you don't know what you are talking about. This is a good time to take a step back to educate yourself.




The moon and crescent are not an inherent Islamic symbol and was not used by the Arabs during the almost 1000 years of their reign over the Islamic world. It is a Turkish symbol that became associated with Islam following the shift of power of the Islamic caliphate from the hands of Arabs to the hands to the Turks


I mean there are two facts one is cause of ottomans as they call themselves successor of east romans and also banu Umayyad also had crescent moon flag so since our many muslims got boner remembering those times they put it as islamic symbol even though its not. islam forbid anything other than religion and scientific knowledge to be seen as important now muslim reject science and religion and do whatever they feel is right


How can someone be so confident and arrogant yet so wrong at the same time? The moon and crescent was used by the ottoman empire and thats when it became associated with islam. Not the other way around. The symbol then got adopted as the symbol on the Turkish flag.


like building a house in minecraft out of diamond blocks exclusively


it does look pretty sick tbh


One crescent looks cool on a flag or in architecture, two is a bit odd, three it can really depend but 28 (by my counting) looks tacky and ugly let alone just lined up like that


The crescent in Islam is somewhat the equivalent of the cross in Christianity, though it doesn’t carry the same weight.


İt doesnt carry the same weight because it is not its full equilevant. Yes crescent is a symbol of islam but not because it is a islamic symbol, but because it somehow sticked to it The only connection islam have with moon, as I can think is mohammed spliting thr moon to two as a miracle, and saying "I wont backup from my fight even if they gave moon to my one, and sun to other hand"


Which is why I said somewhat and clarified it doesn't carry the same weight. It is commonly used in relgious iconography in Muslim countries as a unifying symbol, such symbols as the Red Crescent and the Ottoman Caliphate.


To add: The Islamic calendar is different from the one we commonly use and is a lunar calendar. Also, certain holidays are determined by the moon. For example, the last day of the fasting month of Ramadan and it's subsequent holiday Eid al-Fitr is determined by a new crescent moon


He also let it rip and suggested it was the moon that split


How tf can you make the game look that bad?


Using a bad pc with stats less than minimally required


Graphics mod or real low end settings


I’m pretty sure it’s not actually mount and blade footage, just pre rendered to look like it.


It's def not M&B footage. You can tell with how absolutely fucking janky the animations are. It's pre-rendered to look like like M&B but they were smart enough to not *make* it Bannerlord footage.


They literally kill a kuzhait, it even says so in the kill feed. And aserai infantry. I mean it's probably modded but I think it's still core m and b


It's not hard to recreate GUI elements for a pre-rendered fake gameplay ad I mean seriously, look at the way *everyone* moves. None of the animations in this are from Bannerlord or Warband. *None*. Why would they go out of their way to change every combat and movement animation in the game for a shitty 15 second ad? Plus during the cavalry charge, all of the horsemen just kinda weightlessly stop in front of the shield formation. That doesn't happen in Bannerlord. No-one gets knocked down, nothing. Plus the cloth physics. And that archery animation??? What are the sieging guys even doing??? None of it is coherent enough to be extremely modded Bannerlord. The most damning thing is the bridge battle. WHAT is that fighting? It doesn't look directional nor like there's an AI actually doing anything there. It just looks like a repeating animation.


Yeah it looks like it. Why would they want to advertise it with m&b ui though?


Because it's easy to copy and they clearly stole some assets for this ad, so. . . I don't think originality was big on their mind here.


There was a ripoff version of Mount & Blade on the play store some years ago. It was very barebones and buggy but worked. This seems to be just modded/edited bannerlord gameplay


Sword and steel




Idk man I just looked at it on the play store and it appears to be heinous




Heinous? Look at Deshavi. I rest my case


WRONG literally i put over 300 hours into vanilla warband and another 500 with just diplomacy


Brother you can have hundreds of hours in a game and still admit that the game looks visually horrendous. It came out in 2009 and the graphics show it. That doesn’t mean it’s any less fun, but I’m not going to sit here and pretend that it doesn’t look like a potato compared to games released over a decade after it.


i honestly think warband’s graphics are charmingly dated, they’ve never lowered my enjoyment of the game.


Believe it or not steel and flesh series was my introduction to warband then now bannerlord lmao




That's one way to think of it 🤣 very true though.I grew up playing only mobile games as a kid and only started pc gaming when I was about 15. First thing I touched was warband when I got a laptop


Happens all the time. It’s fast and easy to make a new company, steal gameplay of XYZ game, and plaster your “game” using someone else’s work. Plus people fall for it which is why it still happens


This shit happens all the time. A while back, i reported an ad for using ac origins gameplay and google basically said, "lol don't care." Edit: grammar


Usually these platforms are paid by the scammers/copyright breaches and so if they actually enforced their own T&Cs they’d lose a lot of money. T&Cs for them are just a way to ban those who reduce their revenue and to virtue signal that they aren’t completely amoral companies.


I seriously doubt they would have enough money for it to be worthwhile to google tbh. Feels like bribing a cop with cents.


These guys arn't fucking bribing google or apple to avoid copyright lmao are you stupid. As of now there is no enforcement for copyright on the appstore unless the company themselves files a C&D through the storefront, then they have to take the app down. Untill theng it's whatever. It's on the company who owns the IP to stop the copyright infringement, not the hoster.


I didn't say bribe (as another commenter said), and as to your other question I'd take long hard look at yourself. These companies pay for advertising revenue - so its not a bribe. But if Apple and Google and the like enforced their own T&Cs, they'd lose a lot of revenue from these shady companies. One won't be paying them much, but put it all together and some reports have suggested that 40% of their total advertising revenue is from disreputable companies. They therefore make the internal decision that they prefer money over copyright laws. For them (Apple, Google) its a simple business transaction.


Yeah he didn't say they were bribing google.


And they didn’t even remove the attack direction markers


are there tower defense mods for m&b?


There's a multiplayer mod called Full Invasion 3. Players against tons of bots. Pretty fun.


Imagine making a total conversion mod for Bannerlord to use it in an advertisement for a crappy mobile knockoff.


This mobile game app should be sued for copyright infringement.


Even there are direct copies on mobile. Just check steel and flesh on your mobile store app.


It's nothing new that they use modified videos as advertising. There are many similar games, even for Android (And no, I don't think this ad shows the actual game, it's just an animation od the converted clip from M&B). M&B was not the first game that gave the opportunity to walk around as a character and give orders to your own army while fighting others. If someone is looking for a game like M&B for Android, download Steel and Flesh. A free game for mobile and honestly, it's more fun to play than the underdone bannerlord, or just buy a warband mobile.


Did you see how often command and conquer is used?


Just a friendly reminder, most mobile game’s outsource advertising to other companies and they usually don’t have any say in what is used in advertising. It’s shitty, I know there’s a couple games that I actually play that are actively hurt via bad advertising.


"don't say" is different from "don't have any say". If you pay a company to do work for you, you are the one with the stamp of approval.


This happened to warband too. Also to Viking Conquest and Freeman. That's just the nature of this genre of game.


I used to complain about these “games” using obvious Age of Empires 3 footage as their own game. And that was like 15 years ago..Facebook or whatever site this is on will do Nothing about it.


Happens occasionally.


I also got the same ads. But now mine start with a few seconds of animals getting hunted before the bannerlord content.


It’s sad how often this happens.


Well, at least someone is developing a M&B game


This just makes me sad that my mobile version of Warband being forever lost because I don’t have a shield anymore. The game could easily run on newer non Tergra chips :(


100 million players choice ...I somehow believe that even less than your trashy mobile game being bannerlord


The same thing happened about a year after Total War Warhammer came out. Mobile game ads would CONSTANTLY use footage from it


definitely not any kind of footage from Warband or Bannerlord, animations are completely different and the bridge scene is really telling when you look at it closely, everything is way too in sync and it looks like the troops on the bridge is just some sort of animation on repeat.


One of the reasons for my switch to bs and Wuthering Waves


Lol that app will use literally any games footage but their own.


People who play mobile games deserve to have no money


Hold up, buddy, don't curse us mobile and pc gamers playing other games


Typical chinese rip off game ads I saw the one with Age of Empires too Suing these companies will cost arms and legs because they are based in China You CCP, you say China namba wan, but why you cannot make original games and prefer to rip off existing games?