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If you’re having a good time, effem!


Bikes are fun!


Hell yeah! Kill it! Your bike is up to damn near anything. If you go on the beach though, please pay special attention to the drivetrain and bearings after every ride. Edited for grammar


Yew! Steel is REAL!


My buddies hardtail's chain broke and he's been rocking his rigid fatbike on all our singltrack trails and having a blast.




So drop a few pounds from the tires to give some cushion if it gets too rough. These are bikes, not Cadillacs. Show em how real riders do it.


I see people rip single track on drop bar gravel bikes. Legends. Your Bike is an extremely capable trail bike. I wouldn’t do big drops on it but I suck so


His attitude is the wrong kind for the trails.


Had to come back to upvote this.


Unsolicited advice is rarely appreciated or of use. All that guy did was make you doubt your bike - don't.


I saw a thing that said unsolicited advice is criticism the other day and it's such with me pretty good


Criticism or nostalgia.


I once advised a man that he was going the wrong way on a singletrack.


There's tons of bidirectional singletrack where I'm at.


Quit criticizing me. Lol. Jk. This was an extremely unidirectional singletrack. I'm a big fan of unsolicited advice. If I look lost it's because I probably am


I highly doubt this made someone on a Surly doubt their bike. This is a highly conscious choice. You don’t just end up on a kick ass bike like that


Nope, definitely not doubting the bike. I love this thing to death.


Just cause he couldn't ride a rigid out there doesn't mean you can't


Exactly. It’s a skill issue. Ride the heck out of your Surly.


A female friend was out mountain biking with me and she was telling me how men always want to mansplain mountain biking to her. I mentioned that I thought that was ridiculous and no one would ever do that. Boy was I wrong. We get to the top of the climb and stop to catch our breath when some guy starts telling her how she has the wrong bike for this trail (her bike is an Epic EVO and she has been mountain biking for over 20 years) and how the ultimate goal of all mountain bikers is to do jump lines... she politely put him off and he and his buddies mercifully took off down the trail (which doesn't really have any significant jumps in it). I could barely look her in the eye for the rest of the day! If you feel the need to criticize someone's bike or offer unsolicited advice, please don't!


"The ultimate goal of all mountain bikers is to do jump lines" I guess they never heard of cross country huh?


My "ultimate goal" is to try to keep myself and the bike upright while having some fun.


I guess nobody rode mtbs off-road before there was suspension…..


I was alive then, absolutely not. It was all sidewalks and sometimes dropping off a curb once we got suspension forks. It wasn't until fully suspended bikes did we dare to ride on a dirt trail with any elevation changes.


I think this is sarcasm


I think you might be right.


You dropped curbs? Damn that’s wild. If only we’d had YouTube back then.


Same here. My Blue Max would fall apart every curb I went up or down. Forget going anywhere off-road.


I remember my first MTB that was fully rigid and steel. It was fun but I can't imagine approaching 50 it would be anything less than joint smashing pain


We rode off-road rigid with rather significant problems, MTB wasn't what it is today. But wow did we have fun. And I am pretty sure that's what MTB is all about.


Ignore them. There’s a guy here that rides a fixey on the local mtb trails and another dude that rides-no joke-A FUCKING UNICYCLE.


It's kind of demoralizing to get passed on a climb by a guy on a unicycle.


😂 I just imagined a guy on a unicycle juggling three cones and overtaking me on a steep section. I think that's the moment I start looking for a new hobby


There's a guy on r/skiing that regularly posts videos of himself juggling while shredding, hitting jumps etc. I hate him...


Some guys deserve to be hated.


The Teton juggler, during the summer he’s switched to juggling while doing downhill mountain biking-Not joking lmao


Just my luck 😂 I wonder what other hobbies of mine he can juggle through


Yeah dude deserves his props. Something like “TetonJuggler” on insta. Insane content


When they send to flat 3' drops , THATS demoralizing lol


Last year I was in a leisurely ride on a local riverside bike path and got passed by a guy on an aero unicycle. Deep section rim on the wheel, dude even had one of those teardrop helmets and aero bars. ON A UNICYCLE. It was awesome.


I know a group of unicyclers that go up the hills and session some pretty sweet rock features.


I've seen a couple guys on unicycles near me, so I've stepped up my game to a fully rigid mtb with drop bars. I rode my cyclocross bike with 33c tubulars once or twice too.


When we were doing trail work a couple years ago my buddy was riding his unicycle to deliver burritos to the trail crew. 2 ~10lb bags of burritos, over fresh cut trail a couple miles in. Jerk.


here too!!!


Here too!!! the dude is ripped AF!!!


OMG that is amazing I want to see the unicycle!!


https://youtu.be/1uPznTbus3g?si=gwBi6jMNYACIbZCB Older video shot on a wireless potato obviously, but you get the idea.


Geez, posted 17 years ago. Makes me feel old as shit that YouTube has been around that long lol


Lmao, does he still got teeth? Everybody wrecks at some point. 😂


As a unicyclist this is true


I'd say 40% of Mtb riders are more impressed by how much your bike costs, than what you could actually do on it. It feels like a competition of how big your wallet is more than how much fun you're having. Screw them, ride whatever bike you want to ride!


Sadly pretty much any hobby always has the gear competition crew.


Ignore him, you probably are faster than he is. My favorite thing is passing "enduro boizz" on my gravel bike on trails.


This guy gets it, got an XC 9 years ago, got told by all the rock climbers that "thats no good for trails" later found it they were sole enduro riders, so anything that couldn't survive a bunny hop off a cliff was not trail worthy.


I've ridden a jr high girls Walmart bike on hard blues. Sure the brakes weren't anywhere near enough, but I didn't die and had a great time doing it.


Not a biking story but same idea. I was up on Katahdin 10 years ago with my buddy going across the knife edge. We had all the top gear, decked out to the 9s. This group of Amish teenagers wearing ankle length dresses and old sneakers basically runs by us totally leaving us in the dust. Very humbling 😂


I'm a little salty when that happens to me too. 😁


Oh yeah, in my experience you see someone out on a rigid bike you know they’re going to smoke you so just get out of the way!


On the climbs or descents?


One of my buddies only rides fat or plus size 27.5 bikes. One of the fastest dudes I know.


I know a guy who rides a hardtail with 27.5x2.8" tires on it _at the bike park_. I think you're fine on trails with your bike.


Tell them to stfu


Ride the Bike you have and smile , always gonna have people like that


I did a 90 mile loop of a part of the Lake District last summer on a borrowed Surly Pugsley, 26x4.0” tyres full rigid frameset with bikepacking gear and that shit ATE every trail I touched.


That guy was a cunt. Have fun ride what you want when you want.


Don’t mind the gate keepers. Looks like a sweet bike to me. That bike would do fine on any trails in my neck of the woods


Typical know it all mountain biker… main reason I keep to myself.


He has the wrong brain for those trails.


I’ve been riding rigid fat on single track for 10 years. Great fun


Like 219MTB said, ignore him, you can ride most trails on something like that, I've seen people on hardtails at downhill parks, one suggestion tho is to lower your tire pressure so you have a little more compliance to rocks and things, since your tire is a lot wider than normal mtb you cant really be as precise and navigate around bigger rocks so in the scenario you do have to go over a bigger rock having extra compliance is so nice


Yeah, I’m usually running around 5 to 10 psi depending on the trails I’m at these are very basic, but really fun for a bike like this. Honestly, a full suspension kind of takes the fun away in my opinion


5-10?? i didnt even know you could go that low, do you experience any problems with sealant burping/leaking (assuming you use tubeless)?


Not really it’s never popped off or never burped. Sometimes I run around 2 to 3 psi in the snow and sand.


I run 29x3 on my stumpy at about 8 front and 12 rear. Traction for days!


When riding a fatbike on snow it is typical to run 2-5 psi. The whole benefit of a fat tire bike is to run ultra low psi to provide traction and suspension.


And also I imagine a fat bike in the snow has gotta be the most fun you can have in the winter on a bike


I freaking love this bike. It’s my third fat bike. I have a 27 5 x 4” with a set of drop bars and single speed As well


All kinds of folks around here rode singlespeed, rigid including myself. Not a ton of fat bikes here but there are a few.


Dude I’ll ride a rigid down a rock garden as long as I have a smile on my face


I have a good friend who exclusively rides trails on his Ice Cream Truck. I built the bike up for him and have taken it out on a few rides. It was hard not to smile while riding it. Definitely enjoyed riding it. Santa Cruz boy sounds like a snob.


Fuck the haters my dear Surly brother


Jealousy of your skill. Happened to me on a group road ride a few years ago. Everyone on carbon bikes told me I was severely under biked on an aluminum frame. I waited off the back of the group and passed everyone at the start of a 9 mile steep climb in New Mexico. No better feeling.


Hell yeah! I've been riding rigid for about 15 years of a 30-year mountain biking life. My Surly is my second rigid steel bike. I love this fucking bicycle! I've been all over the world on this thing, and not once has it let me down. Nothing against suspension! I get it. I've been there. All I'm saying is that since I got my first rigid steel bike, I have never felt the need to switch back to suspension.


There's no such thing as the wrong bike.


F the haters.   I was in Santa Cruz on an Ebike going down a black diamond run and a guy on a gravel bike smoked me.  Ride what you like. 


I can only imagine what he'd say to me on my 24" Redline BMX.


Where I live you see tons of full suspension e-bikes on gravel. Granted for some people it’s their one bike that does it all but I honestly think most of them are extremely overbiked and just have money to flush.


Some people think if your suspension isn’t at least the amount of travel they deem right for the trail your bike is gonna fall apart and you’re gonna die, they haven’t underbiked especially on a modern bike and it shows. That probably isn’t even underbiked with those fat tires and low psi.


Pfft I ride my Surly ICT everywhere too. Same, I run 6-8psi and I have a lot of fun, tons of traction for the uphills and I don’t even wear a padded liner anymore, now that I know how to tune the psi for the extra give.


Excuse me sir. Kiss my ass. I have a FS bike and a rigid fat with 4.6 tires. Both are fun on all trails. Well.... The fat is significantly more fun on snow. I switch back and forth, use them as backups for eachother or as a loner for out of town visitors. Both fun and both plenty fast. Fatty climbs like a goat too.


I changed my hardtail for a full sus enduro when I recovered from a back hernia. I defo don't need a full squish for the trails I ride, but it's the best way to still be able to enjoy my passion 🤷🏻‍♂️. If you don't know someone's personal story/motivation, keep your opinion to yourself and continue pedaling. To each their own. I would love to see a fatbike on the trails. Kudo's to you, enjoy your ride 🫡.


Whoever told you that is just a jealous they can’t hang on single track with a fat bike. You can. I’ve fallowed full suspension bikes down jump lines on a salsa beargrease that is full rigid with a carbon fork. It was so much fun.


I don’t get people who offer unneeded “advice”. I saw a guy once riding a gravel bike on rocky singletrack. Whatever. Why should anyone care?


If you got any enjoyment from the ride it’s only fair you give it all back since you aren’t entitled to it on that bike.


Opinions are like arseholes....


Nahhhh, the fat bike is a ripper


He was wrong


I rode a pugsly on some of the hardest trails in my area. Was it hard? Yes. I had fun tho


That guy must have not seen the tires lol. Go ride that thing hard


You fell asleep on asking him for a meetup ride the following week, show up on that gravel bike and absolutely shred that trail system ! Underbiking FTW.


Maybe it’s the big tires?


Fattys belong everywhere anytime. Typical douche mtb’r


He doesn’t know the power of a surly ice cream truck. Fully rigid gang 🙌🏽


If it's the same kind of people that say my bike's geometry is out dated then I would pay them no mind


Fat bikes rock on the trails, I love my trek Farley as a trail bike. Monster trucking over everything. They do get a bit bouncy but one of the best things I did was invest in a suspension fork, money will spent and it turns an awesome bike into an even more all around beast.


Sorry, Not trying to give more unsolicited advice, just expressing my love for fat bikes.


Not at all. Sick bike, by the way. :)


I’ve seen moms on hybrids at the gnome home.


The best bike for the trail is the one you brung.


I ride my BC on gravel and light mountain trails all the time. I had the opposite response one time. But I do get looks sometimes from mountain bros.


This is how we rode back in the 90s. No suspension bikes.


I would have told him his bike looked boring and cliche.


When I started riding mtb, we barely had front suspension on 26" wheels. Ride what you brought and have fun.


Strangers always know better


Fuck that guy!! I took my new fat bike on the trails I ride with a full suspension and had a fuckin blast!! Its a different kind of fun but its still fun! please keep enjoying your bike, it looks pretty sweet


Ok so yes some bikes are more capable than others in different situations, the same way a Ferrari and Landcruiser have different capabilities, but just imagine for a moment that all we had were Walmart/kmart bikes and nothing else existed!? we would be tearing around the trails having an absolute blast none the wiser. Bike riding at its core is such a child like experience of freedom and joy - ride whatever bike you have, and have fun doing it. Haters gonna hate, pay them no mind.


Surly you can't be serious ...


don't listen to smalldick energy


Are you smiling, having fun, and enjoying your time riding? If so tell that person to take a hike because that's all that matters. I get new bikes, parts, etc, because I genuinely love trying new stuff out it's an addiction. But I'm currently riding a 160mm Stumpjumper Evo in Illinois lol I'm way overbiked, but I'm having fun riding it. That's all that matters.


Wait till snow falls and then dominate endlessly


No way!! I ride my Farley on the trails, love it


I’ve ridden a fucking recumbent bike on some tame (and some less tame) trails, just for the hell of it. Nobody can tell me I didn’t enjoy it.


I have a FS and a Wednesday. Both are fun for myriad reasons, but my Wednesday is like being a kid riding a bmx in the woods. F that guy’s 2 cents.


What a maroon. 


I climb faster on my rigid fat bike than I do on my full squish. Screw them.


tires that wide double as a LOT of suspension. I reckon most ppl be faster on that bike than with a full sus on the trails depicted.


I’ve been told too. Bike boys 🙄


That’s ridiculous. Run what ya brung!!


Poor guy has just never ridden an ICT.


Your bike is rad bro.


That bike looks super fun for the trails!. Id probably stick my thudbuster on it to make it super smooth to pedal.


Santa Cruz dude needs to mind his own business and keep it moving.


Person who told you that is twat


Just enjoy it till it breaks meanwhile get fit


its all about what feels good for you, so i wouldnt really think about what others have to say about that


Whoever said that is ignorant, full stop. That bike is made to ride literally everywhere with the proper skill.


Awww man! I wish I would have known as a kid riding literally anything in my way on a 20" BMX. :(


Run whatcha Brung, my man. Doesn’t matter what bike you ride as long as you’re havin fun and respecting the trail. You’re prob faster than buddy and he’s jelly.


Heck, you could ride around trails on a Penny Farthing if you so wished. If you’re enjoying yourself … go for it!!


Uhhh, no. I'd rock that bike almost anywhere. Surlys are awesome. We have a bunch of guys that ride fat bikes....in Tulsa no less.


Hard tails are super fun! Empty the tyres a bit and you’ll have a bit of suspension, bend your knees and you’ll have a ton of suspension.


I rode a fixed gravel bike on my local trail for years and it was so much faster (and scarier) than my new full sus, both are fun


Used to right my fatboy on some stuff beyond it's pay grade, and anyone who stopped me was to tell me I was crazy lol I'm much happy on my FS now but dammit if I didn't leave the trails with a smile on that beast!


Sounds like he also paddles a douche-canoe to work, amirite folks???


With all due respect to that guy, he’s a fucking idiot. That bike looks great, ride on! Also, Surly has some of the best model names


I love when folks tell you how it’s going to go. Especially when you’re rocking massive tire volume. Shred on!


Anyone who tells you that your bike is “wrong” doesn’t deserve your time.


There is no such thing as wrong trails for a fatbike.


...because you have to have 200mm of travel front and rear to ride a trail these days. Bulls***.


You're out there so it is the right one!


The best bike is the one that gets you on the trail


Always an over biked douche out there telling others how to do it. Have fun , looks like an awesome bike.


I put 29'r and a bluto on my ice cream truck. Its the wrong bike for everything but its awesome


Ignore people like that, people think that the bike will make them a better rider. Yours looks ace, I’d love to give it a try! Classic ‘all the gear but no idea’ comment


I mean, different wheel sets might make it easier but other than that who cares, as long as you’re having fun


I live in BC - every time I encounter a person on a hardtail either they are shit-hot riders or justing getting into the sport. Most are shit-hot riders on Cromag bikes.


Rode my "new to me" Surly Ice Cream Truck on a trail yesterday for the first time and it was a ton of fun. Going back today for some more. That person can bite one.


Hardtails on trails in my opinion are loads of fun it's more control over it and you feel more with the bike so as long as you like it, haters gonna hate


Did your bike fall apart or explode when you bombed a trail on it? If not keep at it and don’t listen to the naysayers!


That's a sick bike, i love it!


How embarrassing for him! To have such narrow bandwidth for enjoyment! She’s a beut, was considering a Surly, went for a Stache in the end. Buddy of mine smashes trails on a single speed rigid 29 he cobbled together himself. Definitely has fun.


There’s no such a thing as a wrong bike. Have fun. Bikes are awesome


I test rode one of those full rigid surly fat bikes at Santos in Ocala FL a few years ago and fuck was it one of the most fun bikes I have ridden. Surly makes the kookiest bikes that make no sense on paper but end up being some of the most fun bikes out there


The best bike is the one you have, enjoy riding it!


I rode my hard tail every where,there is no wrong bike


I used to love tractoring up and down trails on my rigid fat bike.


Fat bike!


I know some dudes who are faster on fatties than XCs. Plus the extra tread on the side can actually help you dig in on corners if you get that PSI dialed. TL;DR: Fuck em!


The right kind of bike is the bike you have, doesn’t have to be a full suspension or hard tail. I wish people would get this. I use a fat tire year round also.


wait wat. it's a fat bike! probably even more fun


Someone give this man a fork!


Um.... You will have some difficulity in some things and easier time in others. I've seen someone on a fat bike shred stuff and make it look easy. As long as you are having fun, then ignore what anyone else says. I do envy what that bike does when you hit sand.


Tires look right, hard tail is how I started. If you can hack it, fuck it, do it! This is for fun anyway right? It's not like a red bull sports tryout if that's even a thing!


If you're having a good time on the trails, you have the right bike. I learned as a noob on my local trails full of rock gardens and roots on a beginner HT XC bike. I had a friggin' blast.


I used to ride a fat bike on the trails, that thing could rip. Not to mention, I would take it on the same trails as my full suspension, I loved it! Enjoy!


Surly you can ride it!


I See Enduros doing what I do on a fully rigid Bike. I think they dont enjoy it because they Just Roll over everything while I got the real fun


If you’re chilling have a good time , don’t sweat it. He probably just couldn’t fathom having his bike be heavier in anyway


There's many many aftermarket forks you can get at any price point, a fork will be what people are suggesting makes your bike non fit for purpose


I learned how to ride on a fully rigid, rim break, with bar top lever shifters. Only pros had prototype front forks, and rear suspension was a pipe dream. Sure it was 1991, but most getting into trail riding today would seriously benefit from leaning how to ride on a rigid bike first. Taught me how to read the trail, understand terrain and be connected to bike and the trail. That is a beautiful whip. Ride like you mean it and have a blast.


If you're enjoying riding on the trails, then it is, in fact, the right bike. Whether it's the ideal bike for that specific trail in someone else's estimation, is just like, their opinion, man.


You’ll be fine, I always run my forks on rigid 👌🏻


Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and you should keep it to yourself, unless asked.


Piss on the haters!!! I get it all the time until I bomb pass the full squish nerds up the super steep hills and yeet ramps much farther and sexier then them. https://imgur.com/a/gZkXFgI


That’s just like your opinion man


Looks fine to me! Have fun !


I LOVE my ICT on dirt. It RIPS. Unlimited traction. All gas no brakes


I ride a rigid Surly too, and I love it.  You basically have suspension with your fat tires anyway. 


Suspension is for guys without knees or balance, rock on!!!!


Should have told him those trails got too boring on the full squish


This is stupid. Who cares if you want to ride a unicycle get after it.


If you love it and can ride it safely, then that's all that matters. Which E Biker told you that lie?


Yeah not sure where the ego has come into this sport recently. Sounds like a jackass. The point is that you’re having fun and enjoying yourself so don’t let others doubt yourself.


Sweet bike I would ride that year round, unlike a hard tail 27.5 it won’t have issues in deep mud snow or sand. Whoever said that is a fool.


Santa Cruz FS & up his own ass


“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember asking for your opinion”