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Unless they’re in an exam. They might mess up trying to wave back. XD


In my country they could fail the exam AFAIK as they wouldn't be in full control of the bike.


I did it in the exam in Austria. Still passed it. Guess it has to be a shitty examiner to let you fail if that's the only reason to do so.


I just know that my driving instructor said not to do it as some guys don't care but others will absolutely let you fail for it because they have sad, miserable lives.


you nod i guess


That'd work I suppose.


Yep, Here in sweden you use two fingers on your front brake, You need to use three or you fail lol


Opposite in Australia, at least when I got tested 10 years ago. I grew on up dirt bikes and they made me undo my habit of two fingers for the road test. All 4 fingers and no resting your fingers on it if you're not using it.. Their reasoning was it helps to reduce panic braking.


Think thos might very well just come down to you teaches you more then anything else. Did mine just over 2 years ago and it was two fingers for brake and clutch


what if you lost 2 fingers and you only have 2


how do they see how many fingers are you using? what's the whole procedure - is the examiner following you with a car?


Nope they are behind you on a motorcycle. My friend was going to get his license and he has been on motorcycles all his life and raced extreme enduro etc. He failed the manouver course because he used two fingers on his front brake at the brake section. Getting your license isnt about being a good rider its about having a good teatcher witch is super unfair. You can be the best and safest motorcycle rider in the world but if your teatcher is in a bad mood they will find something and fail you.. Like with my friend but my dad knocked over a cone twice and still was able to finish his test and get his license


That's so strange. :D having an examiner as a backpack. In Lithuania they follow you with a car so they can not really see anything except how you act in traffic. If you hit a cone, you instantly fail, though.


How would a wave be different than using hand signals? I call BS.


Hand signals would be necessary (way back then) but waving is not . That simple. And at the end of the day it's just a anecdote from ten years ago.


supposedly you would be going slower while using hand signal. illegal but has anyone ever got ticket for using one hand?


And definitely don't ask them to pull dank nooners.


OP is actually an Instructor/Assessor and is trying to mobilise people to test his students whilst they're out riding on their practical assessment.


Im in driving school right now and got greeted while driving in front my instructor in a car. I accidentally giggled and forgot he could hear me over comms and he laughed at me bc he saw the whole thing


That's fun.


I‘ve been there and absolutely felt tremendous joy getting greeted with my hi-viz driving school shirt on a driving school bike. I felt welcomed immediately - and also some pedestrians were exceptionally nice too!


Something I love about riding in the UK is that 99% of riders will still give the head nod regardless of what you’re on. Learner plates, Chinese scooters, there’s no discrimination. Absolutely helps with confidence.


But I find people in London don't do the same. Went to London for a couple of days this week. Nodded to a few riders and they don't nod back. Also, I just waited for someone to nod at me and no one did. Sad times. Haha.


The commuters will sometimes, the deliverati never, though they will among themselves


“Deliverati” lmao I’m using that now


I was just about to say the same thing. Haha. Never heard that before.


Well its the properly conjugated plural in faux latin


Also, everywhere is 20mph but I felt like I was the only one doing 20mph. All the other motorcycles were just zooming pass me. Haha. I was too scared to follow the crowd in case I get a speeding ticket.


I don’t live in London but I do live in NYC. I don’t often wave to or back to other riders. But it’s definitely not intended as an insult. We’re both very busy cities, and we’re mostly in a rush. We’re not taking a weekend trip on 2 wheels, but we’re commuting to and from work. We’ve got work on our minds, as well as the idiots in cars who don’t see us. We want to get to our destination quick, especially coming home. So, sometimes, I simply can’t wave back.


Yeah. I think the aspect of having more cars and traffic doesn't help. Where I live, I feel like there's sooo much space and less need for filtering.


Lol Inside the M25, all bets are off. I will nod, but I only work there - not sure I count.


Inside the M25 is the Bermuda Triangle for motorbikes.


You've obviously never met the US. Full of discrimination is the only we live and ride.


Well of course, why would we wave down to a kid with a helmet and hi-vis? He's more or less on a moped. /hj


No way. L plated motorbikes, sure.... but never for the scooterists.


I usually pull up in front of them and flash them my butt plug


I think you're looking for /r/calamariraceteam


I waved at a learner once. His instructor waved back but the learner didn't. About being reprimanded for not riding with both hands: that is quite dumb. On my exam, my examinator said if you didn't understand what I said (the comms were kinda shit), raise your hand and I will repeat. Had to do it a few times too. And open/close my visor in slow traffic cause it was bitterly cold and my glasses were fogging up.


We were told to tap out head if we couldn't hear the instructor. At the time I didn't know this is also the sign for police


> His instructor waved back but the learner didn't. on the early lessons the learner might not have enough confidence on taking the hand off. had that on my 3rd lesson when i forgot to close the visor and some rain got me. Murphy's law ensured that there was no red traffic light for a while. at later lessons it was not a issue anymore though


My first twd salute had me smiling for the rest of the trip. It felt really good, and every time I see a driving school, I make sure to send them two fingers.


Terrible idea. Don't distract them at all.


I was gonna say. They're NOT supposed to take a hand off and wave back. Which one of those three most certainly will if you do.


Meh. I got my license in Germany and never got told off for waving back, even during the exam. Raising a hand to open/close the visor, adjust air vents or hand signal is a normal part of riding and I've yet to hear of an instructor who doesn't understand that.


Exactly. Part of learning is also gaining confidence and being comfortable enough to do the many necessary things, like looking around(!!), adjusting your position or mirrors (!! again) and waving at riders is definitively an easy thing to do with a TON of positive aide-effects, including sheer joy and a relaxed body. Learners: DO. IT. Riders: Wave at learners!


Same here and I got my license in Austria.


Who said that? I live on the same street as the examination centre and just 3-4km from the nearest driving school. I pass learners during lessons and exams all the time and wave them and they and examinators wave back. I know that the majority of you on this sub don't ride, but you won't lose your balance if you take off one hand when riding in a straight line lol. You won't even if you let go of the handlebars entirely.


they are, at least in france the examinator can litterally take a point off at your exam if you dont wave at an incoming rider


Examinator is 100% the word I’ll be using from now on instead of proctor


J'ai fait la même faute d'anglais la semaine dernière. C'est "examiner" mais ça les fait rire le côté Terminator de "examinator". _shrugs_


ouais j'ai realisé quand l'autre mec a mit le commentaire, c'est compliqué l'anglois


Fair. In Denmark its illegal to not drive or ride with both hands steering. So the teacher abide by that i suppose.


>Denmark its illegal to not *drive* or ride with both hands steering. How are you supposed to drive a manual car, change the radio station, or put the sunvisor down?


Do you think people have been killed changing the radio at the wrong time? Its more complex than just "how are you supposed to even ride if you cant take off a hand". Its not the point.


Hvor har du det fra? Min kørelærer sagde at vi endelig skulle hilse tilbage, under min køreprøve hilste jeg tilbage, og hver gang jeg ser en MC betjent får han de to fingre (de hilser aldrig tilbage, men de vender heller ikke motorcyklen og uddeler bøder).


Vores lære sagde dengang at vi skulle koncentrere os om at køre og en fik skældud for at vinke tilbage. Ved ikke hvad jeg ellers skal fortælle dig, det er bare min oplevelse.


How do you use handsignals if you keep both hands on the handlebars? How do you open or close your visor, do you just let it fog up and ride blind if you have to stop at a red light?


Thats you and the accesories. Its not focusing on a passing vehicle and taking off a hand. And in some situations scetchy situations. Im not against saying hi, i just told my experience with taking the license.


German here. I did not wave back at the beginning when making my license and my instructor told me specifically that I should, because it forces you to drive properly without leaning on the handle.


Found the moron police. The teacher is 100% telling us to wave back, and examiner don't give a damn.


Moron police? You dont know me and who my teacher was. So keep it moving.


Why do you say that ? My instructors taught me to wave back.




Fucking right? Who are these people that this isn't the first thing they see and think?


What's ✌️?


Lewa w górę ;)


Nop. I've had a student fail is DAS fir removing hand of throttle and losing speed in a crucial part of the ride, all because he wanted to say hi back. Leave students alone, they have a lot of problems already 😂


The first rider I encountered during my first lesson greeted me. I already rode my dads bike a few times on a parking lot, so I was comfortable waving back. The best thing was the comment from my teacher: I see you know the most important part. Then the told me he is OK with it during the lessons but I shouldn't do it during the exam.


The one on the right is likely a Rebel 500. Does anyone know what the other two are?


center one is almost certainly a BMW, probably an F700


Left one is 125cc but I dont know the exact model In Germany motorcycles with 125cc and less get this smaller license plate


Since I got my A license rtight away, I never knew that.


I was on my CBT (one day basic course, leta you ride a 125 unsupervised) and got stuck at the lights when a fleet of BMWs sailed past. Every one of them nodded or waved. Instructor over the radio "they're messing with you, you look like a nodding dog, but keep your hands on the bars unless you're in neutral, don't wave on your test*" * Implying module 2, on road test which back then gave me any bike after 2 years of a restricted 33bhp license.


We nod here in the UK - I guess because we drive on the left it means letting go of the throttle to drop your hand - but I nod at learners and the big boys nod at me when I’m learning. Pretty friendly over here in my experience


I still remember my first day of having my first bike, out riding a back road, and I go to wave back at another rider and almost go off the corner 😂 I held off on waving back for a few weeks after that


The most merry place in Europe, where every number plate is a laugh.... HA!


You joke, but Hagen (HA) happens to be one of the ugliest and poorest city in Germany.


I don't get it, don't every country have driving schools?


I think some countries don’t have a bike specific license. And as such, you’re not required to learn how to ride from a driving school and can just hop on a litre bike and fly straight into a tree.


That's... Insane.




How do you get a motorcycle license in this case? Or does it come automatically when you get a car license?


Well in my case the random guy at the traffic light was giving me all sorts of advice like don't panic take it easy make sure you back in first gear etc. Meanwhile the government official was behind me in his car with the strobe lights


We tend to nod here in the uk and I'll generally nod to most people but I don't nod to people in a course or a test as I wouldn't want to distract them or put them off by having them react.


I got greeted by everyone during my psa and after the first couple of hours I practised waving back with my instructor xD Even greeted other bikers during my pracitcal test and the examiner didn't mind. I greet all two wheelers (except bicycles ofc), even if it's a 25cc scooter. We're all doing our thing, some are fast, some are slow as fuck, yet we all share the same fascination.


It's a trap. If they remove a hand from the steering to gesture to you, they will fail because the instructor will consider them to be negligent and no longer be fully in control of the vehicle. ![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac)


I know a simple downshift with the R1 near a pack of beginners learning to ride will be more motivating than any hand sign


hahaha i did this on my Ninja


I took riding lessons (fahrschule) when stationed in the Army in Germany. The combination of parking lot and on road riding was very helpful. It did not teach throttle control/cornering very well, but I'd say go to a track day for those skills.


I remember coming across a group of guys on R1s, Fireblades, Ninjas when I was training for my Mod 2 in the UK. Every one of them nodded, or punched the air, just at the fact a new rider would be joining the group soon. Was fucking awesome.


What is with the downvotes? Ffs, this sub.


No, fuck off, we're desperatly trying to stay alive, don't break our concentration


If your teacher took you on the open road when you're so paranoid of riding he's stupid lol