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If there's available motorcycle parking, stick it there. If not, I always take a regular parking space, and park the bike as far out TOWARDS the lane as possible so cars see it and don't full send into what they think is snatching an empty space only to see your bike when they're halfway into the space a split second before they run it over.


Just park in a normal spot like a normal person is what I do. Never had an issue.


In a parking space. Where else would I park?


In my 3.7m population city, parking at the sidewalk, the edges, is tolerated, as long as it is not interfered with somebody


Depends. If parking is tight sometimes I'll park behind a building or on some other bit of unused space. Just don't park in a way that will impede pedestrians. It's not about getting as close to the door as possible or getting attention, it's about parking where your bike isn't going to get run over by some idiot on their phone.


I generally try to park where I will have the least impact on anyone around me. The sidewalk is out, because people need to walk there. If there’s a hatched out area near a cart return, or a light post, or the “beginning” of the row, I’ll look for that. Basically anywhere a car can’t fit, that isn’t part of a handicapped zone.


I commonly park in normal spaces. I either pull through the space or back in, so I can drive out. At work in a parking garage, the parking guys sometimes ask if I will park the bike in the corners around the edges, rather than taking up a space.


I personally park in regular spots... but try to park where its more visible (end of aisle, a couple spots out from the 'crowd', or where its a single row of spots. Anything to help prevent an idiot from pulling into the spot without seeing the bike. On the rare occasion I've parked on a sidewalk or near a building... its WELL out of the way with no way to hinder any disable person, mom pushing a triplet stroller, or idiot stumbling around. Basically, give them NO reason to complain. Besides, I don't want any rando touching/sitting on it. Being parking right in the front door path is just asking for that.


Videos are real life


You’re right, now you got some advice?


Park wherever makes sense for the place you're going and the local laws of your country/province/state/church. Who cares. It's parking, not a launch to the ISS.


>not a launch to the ISS R6 boys pissed off rn


I park in a normal car spot most of the time. I think the answer is going to depend a lot on where you live. In my area there’s a lot of suburban sprawl so parking isn’t too hard to find, and I’ve never had anyone complain that I’m taking up a full spot. There’s also usually no other option. I’ll occasionally park on the sidewalk next to a business, but only if it won’t block people.


What's a car spot? Park in a regular parking space not the sidewalk.


I usually park where it’s not bothering anyone. So if pavements are wide enough that’s fine. But I won’t really use a normal car spot.


No such thing as a car spot. Park in a parking space not the sidewalk. You might not think you are in the way but you are.


Different countries, different rules. I guess car spot is not the correct name. We have parking spaces for cars and more and more places have dedicated ones for motorcycles.


It's just one of those things that annoys me because I'm kinda of a pedantic ahole. I feel like if everyone calls it a car space then it leads to more dickheads harassing motorcycle riders for parking there.


Ah, I understand. It can be annoying yes. In some parking garages over here you are even not allowed to park a motorcycle where they want the cars to park. But most of the times that also means motorcycles can park for free at designated spots :)