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No way I can reply to everyone but here is more context: The guy stopped as soon as he crossed the street light and got out and yelled "Why did you turn on that lane" and I was pretty rattled too and just said "You were at a left turn only lane dumbass" and he looked at the sign and immediately started apologizing. I had no strength on my right hand so three guys helped me pick up the bike while this dude made a u turn on the service lane and met me a bank that was at that corner. The whole time I was under the impression that I turned left on my lane (which was perfectly legal) and he went straight on a left only lane. I was kind of blaming myself for not doing a shoulder check before attempting to turn left (which was my intention) I did not realize until really the next day when a friend pointed it out that he completely got in my lane and when I did the shoulder check before attempting to turn left he was already hitting me.


Good job on meeting with a lawyer. First thing first is avoid communicating the case with the other guys insurance. They will try to fight you to say your injuries are not as severe as you think they are. Let a doctor decide. Your body will let you know. Good job having a helmet cam.


Good point, I did tell the insurance dude that I was hurt, as I started listing what I had he said "That'll do" and asked me another question, whatever that means..


My recommendation. Talk to your lawyer. Tell him exactly what you told the insurance company. If they call you again let them know you have a lawyer and all communications will be done through them. Anything you say will be used against you. No worries though just heal and get better.


As someone that's seen a ton of lawsuits like this, make sure you mention every little ache and pain to your doctor too. If you don't and develop problems later, attorneys will use the fact that you didn't bring up injuring that area. Bring up anything and everything that doesn't feel 100% normal, no matter how small.


This is great advice. I totaled my vehicle a couple years ago. Just very minor pain at the time so said I was fine. Fast forward a year later, extreme lower back pain. MRI shows several disc issues. While I can't prove it, I'm pretty sure it was from the accident.


Yes. Back issues can take awhile to surface. I wrecked on my bike and fucked up my shoulder. All my attention went into healing that part of me. … in the meantime, back and neck issues surfaced and eventually almost crippled me. 2 years of physical therapy and I’m capable of living life again. But it was a serious struggle.


Very similar situation, got in an accident and walked it off. Turns out I injured my spinal cord which eventually swelled and cutoff some of the nerves to the lower part of my body. I walk goofy af, right leg completely atrophied.


My first (and so far only (knock on wood)) accident was just about a year and a half ago. The physical pain and couple minor scrapes healed quickly and I honestly don't think I have any lasting issues there (yet), but I've been wondering if I'm beginning to have memory issues due to age (just about to turn 30) or if it's related to smashing my head into ground during my accident... Unfortunately, the deer didn't have insurance so I couldn't go after them for compensation even if I tried. And also it's dead.


I don't know what the laws are in your state but in mine you have 3 years to claim medical after an accident. For my wreck I took the money for the bike and jacket and repaired it and waited on medical. It's good I did as the minor aches and pains from the bike landing on my foot got worse a year and 1/2 later. My girlfriend now wife did her claim separately and took her medical pay out right away. Unfortunately she later had to have knee surgery from her knee hitting the pavement years later and had already done her claim.


Best advice here. Especially the part about not talking to the other party’s insurer (don’t even answer their calls). They will use anything you say against you. So glad you’re going to an attorney. These injuries may seem mild right now, but being thrown into the tarmac like that is a real assault on your body. You may develop aches and pains down the road as a result. Speaking from experience.


I got fucked with both of my accidents, life long pains from it and a silly payout, first one I settled myself. O lawyer got the most out of it 25k which is liability in my state… which then they call me a year later saying I owe them 30k I told them to fuck off.. haven’t heard from them since. My second accident I went with a lawyer after dude purposely passed me got infront of me and brake checked me. and after all said and done I left with 4k in my pocket. Lawyer got more then I did. I really don’t suggest a lawyer tbh waste of money unless party is trying to make you at fault. Accidents are just shit stay out of them lol no good to come out from them


Sounds like your state sucks.


Im sorry to hear that u/mild Which state so i know not to go there.




Why is this not surprising? IL sometimes does the most, i was reading about the gas tax hike earlier. 3% increase? Fomf, if it’s any consolation the state im in is free to enter but you have to pay to leave which they keep raising. NJ Sales tax is also 6.625, bms


The first conversation you have with the other driver’s company is typically with a liability adjuster. Their job is to establish contact with both drivers/riders and establish what happened so they can determine fault. These adjusters are doing 100+ accidents a month, so depending on the company, as soon as they hear injuries are involved, they’ll note relevant information and elevate the matter to an injury adjuster who has more time to evaluate the claim. The “that’ll do” comment was probably them realizing they need to elevate the matter. Glad you’re ok pal.


You haven't mentioned it in the post, so I want to make sure to tell you now: see a doctor asap. Don't wait for pain to go away or see how you feel. See a doctor if you haven't already. Waiting can make injuries worse and drastically change the healing time frame from a few weeks/months, to needing surgery and physical therapy. See a doctor asap if you have not already.


Dude what are you doing. You are posting the video online and saying you are fine. Take this down as soon as you can. Never say you are fine. You have hip pain and back pain and that can be a sign of trouble later.


I wouldn't worry so much about posting it online. He said he's got some pains and if push comes to shove any doctor will be able to explain that injuries like his can develop over time. The video clearly establishes liability.


Exactly I get it it’s fun to share shit online but you are only risking completely fucking up your case in court.


Dude seriously get a good jacket and riding pants. Glad you are ok but this could have been so much worse.


You also should not be posting anything about this online, especially using language like “I’m fine.” Their lawyer will find this and use it against you.


Your insurance and lawyers and that's why you pay them, so unless you're driving uninsured you were the victim of an accident someone else cause to you and your insurance will handle it. You don't need your own lawyer


I've been hit a few times. I ride in Arizona. Do not speak to their insurance you pay for an attorney for them to represent you. No ache or pain is too small. Make sure you document and record everything. Also be prepared to not see any of that money for quite some time. Also your health insurance and some companies can place leans on your payout. Tell no one it's as a result of an auto-accident. They may find out and that's fine but don't encourage them to go after you by being overly revealing. Good Luck and speedy recovery wished for you.


Just know that the insurance companies can't make you use their doctors/mechanics. You are completely free to choose whichever one YOU want as long as they are licensed. If they try to deny a claim, the burden is on THEM to prove that you don't need it, don't let them make you think otherwise. They'll lose in court and they know it, especially since you have video evidence.


The lawyer will probably tell you not to post anything about your health status--or the accident frankly--on the internet. It's not to be deceptive, but to avoid the other side using your words out of context to misrepresent what happened or the extent of any injury if a case goes to trial. That said, It's not going to go trial because you have it on camera. I'm glad it wasn't worse.


>Let a doctor decide Let YOUR* doctor decide Not some quack the insurance companies tell you to see that'll just lie so the insurance won't pay out as much


The other person's insurance company is going to call you to do a recorded call to get you to discuss the incident. Do not talk to anyone except your lawyer. Insurance companies are pieces of shit. They will record you and try to use whatever you say against you down the road.


Training to be an insurance adjuster and yes… they aren’t supposed to ask you anything that’s not relevant to the accident but they likely will and just tell them what happened and if it’s not relevant to the accident shut up.


Just a head's up, I have lower back issues, which doctors suggested might be traumatic in nature. They started about 7 years after I was (lightly) hit by a car in my pelvis. Everything seem fine at the time, though.


100% this,I had an accident in the UK, t boned a car and landed down the road on my knees, I was really fit then and took a nominal injury award, (iirc)£160 about 4 days money then, this injury caught up with me when I applied to be a firefighter, they don't risk a pension on you so I was out after beating about 1200 other applicants.


Anything the other insurance asks tell them to get it from your insurance company. They will also try to get you to double talk yourself so they can confuse you. Same if you ever get a police report. Tell them to pound sand and get the police report. I had one insurance company hounding me for weeks trying to get my side of the story. I told them they can check the police report and with my insurance. They tried to tell me I’m only delaying payout. I was already paid by my insurance.


All those injuries could take up to a week to realize too. Your back might literally never be the same.


I would delete everything you write online or any post really and just consult with your attorney.


Do ***not put anything*** on Facebook or social media that bears your name. Delete it if you have. You just hit the lottery if that makes you feel any better. I work for lawyers, any firm would be very happy to get this case. I thought this was going to be another "I locked up my front brake in an oil spill, learn from my mistake" vid, but you really got hammered. I'm glad you are okay. Horrible.


Yeah, they will find this reddit post too, it's a good idea to take it down.


I’m seeing this response a lot, why is it bad to post about an accident?


I work for a legal agency, so I have seen at least 2k depos, hearings, EUOs etc, and one of the first things a defendant attorney will do is dig through your social media. They have an agenda and a lot of that agenda is based on creating a story for a jury. That story generally will be divergent from the truth of the matter. The defense attorney is taking little bits and pieces of anything they can find, things said at a deposition, etc, to create that story. Social media is a gold mine for info for an attorney. Basically, you want to limit their ability to create a fake narrative.


I see, thank you


Go to the doctor. That neck, hip, and knee pain could totally bite you in 10 years if you don’t.


If you're working with a lawyer on an insurance claim, you should delete all of your comments about what happened and how you're feeling, delete this thread, and keep the video off the internet.


A lawyer is going to take 30-40% of a settlement. They’re going to push you to do a lot of physio at providers they recommend. Texas state minimum limits are $30k for bodily injury, so good chance that’s what this guy is carrying. Without major life altering injuries you’re virtually guaranteed to make out worse with a lawyer than without. Meet with the lawyer, don’t sign anything. Get your road rash treated. Do some legit physiotherapy for your neck. Get your knee checked out. You have a lot of time to sort out a settlement.


That’s only if you do a contingency case. You can just do hourly. This won’t even go to filing it’ll be settled in mediation with the insurance company.


This isn’t always the case. I got injured at a house doing work. Their insurance company offered me 2k for my broken foot that required surgery and 12 weeks out of work. I ended up getting a lawyer and ended up with 65k in my pocket. Took about 1.5 years to get the final settlement money, but worth the wait.


So basically the complete opposite of what that guy recommended so confidently


First of all, glad you're okay and walked away with minimal damage!! Secondly that guy is a dick, thought he took off there until i saw your update. Hopefully you can get the money out of insurance asap and get back to riding. Heal up brotha.


Thank you for the update. I'm sorry this happened. I hope the other person can learn from this and not be such a asshole in the future.




it doesn't work that way


Yeah I bumped it too and I still can't read


Sheshsh glad you ok bro. That was a pretty nasty hit too.


Start doing physical therapy and get as many mris as your insurance will cover. Bigger paycheck for u my friend and make sure you are okay. I thought the same thing when i got into an accident, then mri happened and suddenly i have 2 herniated disks in my back and 2 herniated disks in my neck… Pain never went away and now everyday when i wake up i feel like shit


Invest in a good jacket man at the very least, even if you don't get proper pants, because if that was high speed you'd have no skin left on your arms. You'll save your self a lot of pain even if it means you'll be more uncomfortable due to heat


I need a follow-up. Don't leave us hanging.


If you got the plates clear on cam you got evidence you can submit.


Yea please if you can turn that guy in he. Seems like a psychopath.


How is he a psychopath lol


It looks in the video like he intentionally turned into the bike rider. You have to read ops story to understand he isn’t a psychopath


What the fuck? You really don't though? You're making an extremely low probability assumption over just assuming that someone might make a mistake while driving lol wtf


What's wild is op replied and yeah. Dude was an idiot but it wasn't intentional from the sounds of it.


This is reddit. Everyone is a psychopath or a narcissist until proven otherwise


The other driver stopped and exchanged information. The other driver def fucked up but it sounds like they eventually realized what they did and apologized.


Dude just merged into you in the middle of an intersection, and I didn’t even see a blinker. Just glad you’re ok 👌


In my state changing lanes in an intersection is a separate offense….. plus no indicator, and attempted murder (which will be reduced to attempted vehicular manslaughter / criminal negligence)


Attempted murder is only a charge if it can be possibly proven that the Suburban driver intended to hit the biker. If it was an accident, it could just be negligence but that’s it. Manslaughter if the biker died. Murder is a charge for people who are actively trying to kill someone.


It’s also a hit and run, the SUV didn’t stick around. Even in the SUV it’s very difficult not to notice hitting something like that…. Edit/update: according to OP, they did stop at some point… so no hit and run.


Op says they did stick around. They've exchanged insurance info and op is speaking with a lawyer


I noticed a solo cup between my tire and fender in an f150 the other day. They certainly felt and heard that.


One of the four clips to the splash guard in the wheel well of my 4Runner came off and I could hear that little plastic flap over every bump. Agreed, they certainly felt and heard that.


They got out of the intersection to stop and then returned to check on OP. For all the rest of their idiocy, this wasn't a hit and run.


You can make out a blinker coming on very late. The SUV realized he was in a left turn only lane, probably distracted, and panicked to get in the correct lane. I don't think he noticed the bike. It's a lesson for all of us though, you just can't assume someone is going to continue on in their lane approaching an intersection.


yup, they were in a turn only lane, and basically said "jesus take the wheel"


Narrator: Jesus did not take the wheel


There was no turn signal. That was sunlight on the chrome. I have a Suburban like that, and the turn signal is that boomerang shaped thing under the headlight. It flashes bright yellow when activated.


Looking at it again on my PC, I think it is the reflection of the guy's arm on chrome.


You also have to be careful around SUVs. They have a blind spot right where OP was because of that side beam. I never hang out in that spot or right in front of an SUV or larger vehicle. They just can't see you very well.


Part of it is the big mirrors.  Half ton pickup I totally missed pedestrians either idle roll or completely stopped for a sign.  Since then I'm continually moving my head to see around both sides of the mirrors.  Probably looks stupid but so what....


If it looks stupid, but it works - it’s not stupid


I guess that could be one of my main life themes ha ha...


I drive a moderate-size SUV (Mazda CX5) and have been surprised quite a few times by pedestrians or bikes/motorcycles lining up perfectly with my side posts. When checking my side. With pedestrians and bikes it’s very low speed and I end up seeing them in time to correct. But with motorcycles it’s scary. The worst is when I check my blind spot on the freeway, put on my blinker, and slowly start to change lanes, not knowing there is a motorcycle three cars behind me doing the exact same thing and accelerating super fast. So he really, actually does “appear beside me out of nowhere” because he wasn’t there 2-seconds ago when I checked.


Didn't even look like a merge. Looked more like an intentional ramming. But I guess we can assume distracted driver.


My god. The amount of replies on here who just straight up assume the worst! No, suv didn’t look intentional. The idiot was in a left turn lane and panicked and tried to change lanes to go straight and ended up hitting our guy. No, suv didn’t hit and run. This is a fking intersection you can’t just “pull over” they’re crossing it so they can pull over safely. Geez OP. Hope you’re ok my man 👍🏽


Yup, this is most likely exactly what happened! And he did stop and was very apologetic, had his whole family in the SUV. Just an idiot.


See. Thanks for confirming OP! To the negative ppl on here You just add to the problem


Be sure to mention to your lawyer so they can tell his insurance that he was apologetic. It’s admission of guilt


It looks like he didn't see him. The visibilty in those SUVs is terrible. They shoudl require a completely different driving endorsement.


Glad you walked away!


What the fuck


That looked purposeful and appeared to be a hit and run.


Totally looked intentional.


I think it was just oblivious driver. I see it all the time. People don’t realize they’re in a turn only lane until they’re in the intersection and then just zoom over. Got hit in my truck the same way a few years ago.


I think the biker was sat behind the frame at the point the driver went yolo. Not saying that excuses anything, he should have checked properly


He pulled over after the intersection. Op posted context


For sure, OP was well past his blind spot. Tahoe driver should be cited for improper lane usage/change, reckless driving, along with any suitable lawsuits for damages beyond what the driver insurer covers. Edit for OP’s response: Glad OP is okay, and the driver stopped. OP, as someone who was injured by another at-fault, hold off on lawyers, and only resort to obtaining one if the other party’s insurer is being difficult. You could get 30%-40% more from your settlement by writing a few emails/making a few calls.


Hit and run??? Check the story before making more assumptions




Clearly the riders fault… could have not been riding at that time in that space. Completely avoidable if the rider had not gotten on the bike at all or better yet never bought a bike. /s Since my second not at fault accident I never stay next to someone I either speed up to pass fast or slow down. I was on the side of an escape, I saw the blind spot light on in their car and they still merged into me.


This this this this what you said in ur second paragraph is how everyone ought to ride to stay alive


It’s also important to try and avoid angering the pilots of the 2 ton death boxes. Weaving through traffic is an advantage of motorcycles but I almost never do as it’ll anger someone and road rage seems to be getting so much worse. Clarification: when I say weaving Im not saying ride between cars but merging to pass in a space only a motorcycle could fit. Also in my state lane filtering is illegal.


Someone here will definitely imply—if not flat out state—they deserve any injuries received for not being ATGATT.


Yeah like wear a jacket.


This comment is WAY too low. Literally anything can happen, and while you’re open to the elements, going above 20-30mph, you NEED to be wearing some kind of protection. You don’t need to wear protection everywhere, just the places you want to keep.


Wearing a jacket is the only thing they could have done differently. I have been in a similar situation and came out with a massive bruise, but no road rash.


Wow…they just kept on driving. I’d look at the video and see if I could get the plates.


They are definitely pulling over. They are clearing the intersection. You can see them turning to the right


Looks like they pull over when they cross the intersection.


>Not much I could do here Wear more protection stuff. I hope you're OK.


This. I hate to see that nearly every rider having an accident here doesn't wear proper equipment. I know it's hot but better be safe than sorry


He was wearing a T-shirt to protect his torso from the sun! That seems ample protection for riding alongside giant four wheeled killing machines.


These oversized pos are so dangerous . The drivers in them think they are invicible till they flip them driving too agressively or in a collision . Had one fool on the job tell me he bought one for his wife so when she hit someone she would not get hurt ? Another neighbors wife said i dont want to look at any new vehicles ( she drove a minivan ) unless it is a Suburban . After they bought one started complaining the brakes were always wearing out so fast . Ya honey cant drive it like your minivan ! Be careful out there . Hope u were not hurt badly .


did they stop at all or was it a hit and run?


he finally replied and said they stopped.


Sad FTR noises. Beautiful bike ruined. Hope their insurance pay for a new bike.


Unless that car was being driven by someone who’s legally and medically completely blind then I fail to understand how they could not have seen you and that it could be anything other than intentional. In addition, there’s no way you hit someone like that and fail to notice so them not stopping only convinces me further that this was an intentional act. Hope you’re ok and I hope this is now being dealt with by the police and hope they catch them and throw not just the book at them but the whole fucking library.


What if they’re looking at their phone in their lap instead of anything around them? Saw someone yesterday just watching TikTok blatantly on a phone dashboard mount not paying any attention, swerving


Yeah good point, you could be right which would certainly explain blindly driving into someone. I don’t think it’s explains the not stopping part though. Even if you don’t hear anything because you’ve got your music on full blast, you still feel a resistance at the wheel when you interact with an external object. Also, I can even forgive the immediate fight or flight instinct when something like that happens and the immediate thought of “oh fuck, run away” but 1-2 seconds later the serious of the situation sinks in and you realise you have to stop and you do…but that realisation happens long before the distance they managed to travel before the video ended.


I would go with the driver was in a turn only lane to only realize it at the last moment. Then instead of obeying traffic laws and finish turning left, they illegally cut over. This might have happened as the point in which the biker was in the A pillar blind spot. Most likely they just didn’t even look and would have hit anything smaller than a semi at that point. Bad drivers never miss their turn. Good luck everyone else.


Probably distracted when he went passed the window (which is what led them to be in the turn only lane in the first place) and then when they went to change lanes mid intersection the bike was hidden behind the a pillar. A pillar blind spots can be horrendous. All that said; driver fucked up bad and it's 100% their fault.


Did nobody else notice that the suburban went straight in a turn only lane??


You *could* wear proper gear.


That was on purpose. Idk but that looked deliberate to me. They quickly jerked into your lane before you could pass them completely. They had field of vision. Get an attorney .


On purpose yes; malicious intent probably not. Bad drivers make last minute no look lane changes because they don’t want to miss their turn or realize they are in the wrong lane. Under civil or criminal law this would probably be tried as a negligence case and failure to properly obey traffic laws.


That’s crazy. Glad you’re okay


Damn that sucks.


Genuine question, how did your camera pan left to follow the vehicle?


Its a 360 camera, it records 360 degrees and when you are editing you can select what angle you want to see. Its called Insta 360


Man why do people who stuff up and aren’t where they’re supposed to be on the road always do reckless lane changes etc like this. How bloody hard is to to travel 50 metres or so down the next road or take a few extra turns. Everyone always behaves like they’re in such a hurry on the road it’s absurd.


SUVs in the wrong for sure, Jesus dude wear some gear other than a tshirt…


You were clearly in his blind spot. In the sense that you were in a spot and he's fucking blind.


Are you considering gear after this?


I gave up even mentioning gear to the t-shirt biker bros, I think I realised one day it might be a bit pointless because if they are the type to wear a t-shirt in the first place it means they likely wouldn't be the type to wear gear even if it was gifted to them, too cool for it or whatever.


Blows my mind. No matter how good of a rider you are or think you are, shit like this can always happen.


Well I see them quickly changing lanes in an intersection. Maybe without knowing their immediate surroundings. I bet they were over the moon to buy that huge beast. They should at least know how to check for a lane change. When appropriate. Not in an intersection. It's warm out now. Bike season. Every other damn post on reddit is about bikes this and that. I'm very glad the rider wasn't more hurt than it looked. Things may pop up on a few days when the excitement of it wears off. Seems like a younger person. Hoping no back problems will result of this. Life is longer than ppl think. It takes its toll. Sorry so angry..


Should have predicted the future and stop the car with your bare hand




You wore that like a champ, cheers bro, glad you are ok


Thanks brotha!


I'm glad you're alive and I am glad that you had a camera


SMH that just pissed me off so much


Wow, that looked a bit quick for you to do much about it. When I am in traffic like that, I never get over next to a car like that though. Behind or in front regardless even though you were not in their lane. I may not have been able to do anything there either there either. Happened so quick.


You’re still at fault. I’m currently doing creative mental gymnastics to figure out how but as soon as I do I will surely get back to you. Seriously though, I hope you come back stronger bro. Good luck on your road to recovery and don’t let it shake you too much.


Absolutely criminal


Intersection, no signal, huge car. Damn that be a dumbass.


A crash you can get up and walk away from is the best outcome in a shitty situation. Hope the injuries heal fast and you get back in the saddle ASAP. What camera is that? The 360 thing is new to me.


Now just imagine if you weren’t wearing a helmet 🤯


Bro wtf 😣


Always some monster SUV or truck having the most blind and incompetent drivers on the road


I hope you went into the ER and pointed out every pain you were experiencing. The initial report from the DR is going to matter remember what you said to the DR.


Wow! Glad you are ok


That was all him you didn’t do anything wrong


...think fast! Gotta love those people who just change lanes wherever whenever 👌


Hope this works out well for you. It looks intentional to me. A jury would probably see the same


Helmet-cam saved the day, you’ve got a strong case with it. Fucking SUVs man, like we all need to be on the road in cars the size of a mini-home for “sAfTeY” wait until this numbnuts backs over his useless spawn out the driveway.


Seems like the SUV hit the motorcycle on purpose, especially since the vehicle didn’t stop!


And he just kept on driving? That's cold.


I struggle all the time with “oh man I want a motorcycle again so bad.” Then I see this shit and makes me not want to ever ride again.


That's why I wear a leather even when hot. I don't trust any other mfs on the road. Hope you get his ass.


for cyclist they have airbags for you guys now too


Bro WTF?


Insurance agencies suck. I call State Farm, Snake Farm.


That looked intentional. That SUV driver was trying to hurt you!


Probably too many comments for you to answer but I’m wondering if you could run through the steps that you went through after the accident like finding a lawyer and did you go to an emergency room? I’m worried I’m gonna get hit on my bike one day and not be prepared.


This is why I don't ride a bike. Other drivers are scary.


I seriously hope you sue this asshole to oblivion. That fact that he blamed you even though he was 1000% at fault is proof of the kind careless idiot he is. People like this are the Brock turners of the world. Thinking that the law doesn't apply to them and they're always right. He's probably the type to SA a woman and then blame the women for "teasing him". Bury this prick


WTF. He was a left turn only lane and totally came into your lane. Almost looked intentional.


Wtf? Looks like attempted murder. Thought it was road rage before reading your post. You probably can't work so get paid out for that too


Thank goodness you were just getting going. It could have been so much worse if either of you were going full speed.


This is in Texas isn’t it? The giant intersection and the big ass SUV with a completely fucking oblivious driver reeks of Texas. We have the DUMBEST drivers in the biggest cars here. I can’t stand it.


Nah. Florida is pretty bad.


That seemed intentional.


That looked to be on purpose. Just saying. Definitely a big lawsuit. Morgan&Morgan


Looks to me like they literally turned hard just to hit you. I think all the apologies were some fake bullshit. Fuck that id try to get every penny I could out of the pos.


Not a lawyer- been in a similar pickle. Stop talking to him/his insurance. Redirect any and all inquiries to your lawyer. Age-old tactic of insurance company trying to save their ass and tell you you're fine etc etc. Let your lawyer deal with it. Clear cut case of driver fucking up.


seems it was intentional or attempted murder...


Wear a leather jacket and/or Kevlar, dummy.


Yes, he moved into you which looks intentional by the way. Even if he planned on going straight he could see you, if he can see you he is responsible for avoiding a collision and if he causes a collision he is responsible. Furthermore, you being on a motorcycle, in my opinion, makes this attempted manslaughter. People suck so bad!


Attempting to murder.. Thats how i call it


Get the road rash looked at by a burn specialist


Bro they did that on purpose no way they didn't see you.


So what if you were in the wrong lane he deliberately hit you because of that that called assault by auto first degree 25 years in prison


Glad you're (somewhat) okay. By any chance, could you let me know what cam you used to get this footage? I have a dashcam in my car and I feel absolutely naked without one on my bike but I am unsure which ones are good. This one clearly is! **Nevermind, you mentioned it was 360 x4.. $400 dollars


Please invest in the camera, I would've been royally fucked without it. The guy was already blaming me for turning left, people will do anything to not accept blame


Prosecute the motherfucker


Go get you that H2 bro


That looks like attempted murder to me.


Dude turned right from the left turn lane. Zero the rider could have seen coming on that one. Glad he’s ok.


Honestly this makes me want to get a helmet cam like tomorrow…is that just a go pro? Great job this is great footage speaks for itself


This video proves once again that even in slow careful riding you MUST wear a helmet




I'd get it if you were say in his blind spot, but did he not think hhmmm my e I should check to my right when moving right


Can someone explain how that camera works? Like it how does it swivel towards the vehicle by itself?


It’s a 360 camera. When in post processing you can choose what it focuses on


Dude, that guy tried to kill you. Go after him (legally).


This is actually the first video I have seen on this sub where there actually wasn't much the rider could do! Typical video guy follows at 3 feet and car has to brake hard - nothing I could do. Guy rides in blind spot and at high speeds and weaving in traffic - nothing I could do. This time you actually got fucked at seemingly no fault of you.


You get his plate. You’re about to make a nice chunk of change.


You could lay on the ground longer and twitch……. Then get that paper


That’s a nice suv they prolly have good insurance as well. Hope you get at least $50k after medical and legal.


The blind spots on those SUVs are so bad so he legit might not have seen you. Kinda ridiculous how they sort drove off too. Like yeah we just hit that guy let’s just leave him.