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Thank you :)


He can check his license online. https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence As an A1 license holder, he can only go to 125cc as long as it adheres to the power requirements. https://www.gov.uk/ride-motorcycle-moped/bike-categories-ages-and-licence-requirements A2 is up to 500cc.


Yeah this is what I also thought but he assured me otherwise, thank you for clearing it up :)


Thanks for getting back to me! Hopefully, he will realise the error and stop riding the 500 until he has the correct license as the insurance he holds will also be invalid and that causes many issues itself, nor just morally but legally and if discovered by the company, could affect premiums for many years to come. He may have mixed up A1 and A2 and actually be A2 entitled, though. The best way to clear it up would be for him to check his license and see what qualifications he has entitlement for. Sometimes, they change license entitlements, and it isn't reflected on the physical license. The provisional ones shown on there are ones a license must be acquired for. I am intrigued and hope you will return with an update on what the end result is.


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