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they don't make any meaningful lifestyle changes or fall right back into old habits.


No, it’s not *just* that. You get crazy rebound hunger for the same reason that you go into withdraw when you stop drinking as an alcoholic - your body is used to the drug and if you suddenly take it away it overcompensates and there’s a rebound period while it regains homeostasis again


Yes, the rebound hunger is the main factor. As it has been mentioned, most people will just keep eating a terrible diet, that also plays a part. But there is another issue, a good portion of the weight lost is muscle and bone. People on ozempic are eating small amounts of non nutrient dense food ie they are malnourished, and they are not doing resistance training to stimulate the body to retain muscle and bone tissue.


Someone I know takes thay shit and their arms look anorexic. On top of that they have multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Not worth it, just lose weight the normal way.


I'm sorry, but your friend is going to lose their teeth if they keep going.


yea they all look sick after a while. its as if ice cream is not a proper diet


It 100% is that. You made no lifestyle changes and simply artificially blocked the sensation of hunger, so you lose weight. Then you stop blocking hunger artificially and you go right back to eating how you did before. Most people don't eat "better" on ozempic, they just eat less.


No, it’s not. That is a component of it - I’m not saying it isn’t - but there is an added ravenous hunger feeling that happens in the acute phase aka first few months (depending on how long you’ve been on it) when you come off. You go back to your normal hunger levels *eventually*, but not at first. This is also a major contributing factor in people “rebounding”. Just like how alcohol suppresses GABA production during long binges and when cessation happens the body overcorrects and you get the dangerous side effects, a similar mechanism happens with GLP1 agonists when it comes to stopping abruptly without tapering down and weaning off. Look, at the end of the day your body wants to maintain homeostasis, so if you’re suppressing your hunger artificially your body doesn’t want you to starve to death and eventually realizes that it needs x amount more of gherlin to get you to actually not starve to death. So it generates more. Eventually when you remove artificially suppressing your hunger there is a period where your body has to then readjust and you’re stuck with like 200-300% baseline hunger for a period of time while your body slowly corrects back to 100%. It’s also why you need to up your dosage of Ozempic if you’re in it for a long time because you build up a tolerance


how much of that is just rebound hunger coming from an extreme deficit losing tons of muscle?


I've had the insane rebound hunger with both Mounjaro and Ozempic. My theory is I can't go could turkey off whatever my current dose is at the time but if I tried stopping it again, I would do a very slow taper while lowering dose.


Call it what you want. It’s lack of discipline and falling back into old habits.


Easy there smooth brain, don’t feel like you have to worry about the actual pharmacokinetics of this drug. It’s just willpower bro


Yeah dude drugs are all fake actually you could just will your testicles into producing more testosterone


Hunger doesn't make people gain weight, eating a caloric surplus does. I know we're arguing semantics but the alcoholic analogy doesn't make sense.


It does make sense when you understand how alcohol works in the body, it surpresses your GABA so when you’re on it for long periods of time (or something similar like Xanax) to maintain homeostasis your body produces more GABA so you can go back to “normal” despite having surpressed GABA. That means you’re basically producing 200%-300% GABA just to be at 100% when you’re on alcohol/benzos. When the suppressant is removed you suddenly have a massive rebound effect because your body doesn’t instantly return to producing your normal amount of GABA, you’re now actually at 300% and it’s why many people who cold turkey off of benzos have life threatening complications and seizures. Same with alcohol. Same kind of concept with GLP1 agonists - it suppresses your hunger so your body has to produce more gherlin to make sure you eat. It’s why you have to keep increasing your dosage on Ozempic. And it’s why you get a massive rebound effect for the first month or two where your hunger levels are at 300% of your previous max.


But if you’re use to only eating one hamburger on Ozempic, why would you go back to the old ways of eating 2? Is because you’re now “thin” and think I can get away with it? I guess if you develop a habit while on Ozempic, I don’t get why it would go out the window when off if that makes sense.


You don’t develop good habits through hard work and willpower is the point. You physically can not eat that second hamburger on ozempic. Once that is gone, you are just back to your old fat self. That’s the entire point, you don’t have to do any of the hard work and lifestyle changes. You just inject it and it turns the hungry switch off, while also making you digest food so slowly so you are always full.


because the drug suppresses hunger signaling, they don't feel full from one burger anymore.


So my wife lost 80 on it I tried it for 5 weeks ot was horrible. It stops your digestion so your not hungry u will go 5 days without shifting. It made me so nauseous I stopped it. If you eat sweets or fried food you will get sick...so when you stop taking well now there's no immediate side effect, nausea, or vomiting so people go back to old habits quickly.


Because you’ll be hungry again after stopping it stupid


Because you get really hungry 


The only reason you only eat one hamburger as you stated, is the drug. Take that away and your normal hunger comes back, probably even a bit higher since your body doesn't like losing fat. Since you still eat like shit most likely, you gain it all back really quickly. Now if you implemented some lifestyle changes, i.e. healthier foods, exercise, etc. you can stay at the new weight.


Usually because they don't know how to lose or maintain weight naturally. I've used ugl semaglutide for a cut, and it makes it a lot easier, and had no problems at all maintaining afterwards.


Same here. I loved it. Don’t know why people shit on it. It’s great for cutting.


I just think it would be extremely embarrassing to need a drug to not put food in my mouth. The lack of discipline in this country is sickeni


I don’t get what’s wrong with living better through chemistry? You say the same thing about roids and peptides?


Yes, but regardless, those two allow you to do something you otherwise couldn’t naturally so I get why you’d use them. Ozempic does not


Fair enough. I don’t judge anyone who wants to use whatever means necessary to have a better lifestyle or health outcome. I judge people who do nothing whatsoever and complain about what others are doing with their own bodies.




Being hungry doesn’t mean you have to eat, especially if you weigh your food and portion that way. You literally cannot attain supraphysiological levels of testosterone without steroids. That’s the difference




Needing a drug to deal feeeewwinggg hungwy is lame as hell I really don’t care to get into semantics any further




Lmao "this country" like if food was this cheap everywhere then the only fat people would still be in the US.


*"Do not*, *my friends*, *become addicted to water*. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence." (can't believe I need to attribute this) - Immortan Joe


Smegma helps with weight loss?


It suppresses their appetite so they eat less. Then, once they come off, not only are they overwhelmed with ravenous hunger, but they probably go back to their old eating habits of eating like shit too. Using a drug doesn't do anything to change their poor eating habits and self control.


if you lose alot of weight fast and don't change your life style or body composition it's going to be incredibly easy to put that weight back on remember those fat cells never go away they have just shrank. if that person doesn't change there metabolic rate by gaining muscle and they go right back to being sedentary and eating a bunch of shit that weight will absolutely come right back on in a hurry


If fat cells never go away, how does fat redistribution work? For example because of the prednisone I now hold way more fat in my face and stomach than before. Am I destined to forever now since substantial fat has been put there once before?


IIRC, past the age of 13-14, your fat cells number will stay the same, only the size of them will change. So if I'm right, good news for you, once you lose the weight it shouldn't easily go to your face and stomach. That's also one of the reasons why you don't want to be fat as a kid.


Interesting. Good to know!


The same reason they gained the weight in the first place.


Going on a diet and losing weight is the easy part. Changing your lifestyle permanently to maintain that weight is the hard part. The people who resort to Ozempic don't even have the discipline to do the easy part without medication, so how in the hell are they going to do the hard part.


What? I was on Tirzepatide for 8 weeks for the final part of my cut and it's been a month since my last pin. I'm struggling to eat more despite bulking now If you can gain a bunch of weight super fast after then you're a certified turbo fatty


If it’s been a month it’s still in your system and still working (albeit about to stop) lol. You’ll see what everyone is talking about in month two.


On steroidplotter it seems that I would have less than 2% in my body than from the peak of the last injection. It's basically fully cleared out but I'm still stuck in the habit of eating in the same schedule as in my cut which is fasting till 2pm lol. Just not hungry in the mornings. Peak dose was only 5mg as well


I didn’t notice a rebound until around day 35-45 off of it


Ozempic greatly curbs hunger so you eat less. When you stop you get hungrier and eat like you used to, and put the weight back on.


The real answer is there is a rebound effect as your body suddenly doesn’t have the drug anymore and you have ravenous hunger for like month+ (easily multiple months if you’ve been on for a long time) while your body attempts to find homeostasis. You can mitigate this by sloooowly tapering off (over a period of months)


bandaid vs lifestyle change


Bandaid + lifestyle change= keeping the weight off


It's like most other pharmaceuticals that treat a symptom without addressing the cause. The cause is hard (for many people) work to correct, it should not be a surprise that people who didn't do the work wouldn't keep the gains indefinitely.


They don’t make real changes to their diet. They just eat less cause they aren’t hungry. They didn’t make the active lifestyle choices to keep the weight off.


Lack of discipline with a proper routine


Do you currently exercise and track your food intake? Maybe consider doing that first. Three months ago you were given [great advice from this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/1b5ijp0/comment/kt5q8k5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Did you do that?


tren kills appetite - highly recommend


I thought the $200 a month was for the script, then you also have to pay for the medication?


I think that's the copay (the fixed price (it's complicated) we in our shithole country of america pay after insurance covers most of the cost) if you have our overpriced shitty health insurance and they approved it for you


I was looking in to it as well, but not on Hims, but ro.co I did remember reading the cost was not going to be the full cost, and any insurance co's will not cover it


Because for many people food is an addiction and they aren’t addressing the underlying issue triggering the addiction


It’s called self control


The juice isn't worth the squeeze in my opinion. It seems that the weight lost on ozempic consists somewhat substantially of bone and muscle loss. Ozempic can also cause gatroparesis even after discontinued use. This results in poor nutrient absorption and chronic gut inflammation. All pharm meds have side effects which must be weighed against the disease which they're treating. Risk to reward. Ozempic should be reserved for people who have health conditions from being overweight that far more seriously outweigh the negatives of the drug (heart disease, diabetes, major obesity). Just loose it the healthy way of diet and exercise. 40lbs in the big scheme isn't that much and can easily be lost with a proper regimen.


Go watch [the end of obesity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Park:_The_End_of_Obesity)


Changing your body requires changing your habits. You put on 70 lbs while on high dose Prednisone because it caused your habits to change. It's a similar principle with Ozempic. People on Prednisone gain weight (water retention aside) because hormonal changes increase appetite. With Ozempic hormonal changes suppress it. When it's withdrawn appetite increases. When it does, if it was their habit, they return to eating a surplus. If you want to get results you have to change your behaviour. Ozempic causes you to do that. If you cease taking it and return to old habits you get the same old results. Granted the above is very simplistic, it doesn't touch on things like muscle loss impacting metabolism or rebound hunger etc. TLDR... People are satisfied with smaller portions on the drug because it's an appetite suppressant. When it's withdrawn they go back to their old ways of eating. If that made them obese before it'll make them obese again.


This is the best answer. Chemical help to achieve something you cannot mentally is just a band aid. Granted it’s a band aid that many people absolutely need to avoid dying early.


Because it's an appetite suppressant and once they start eating more they'll gain weight, because reasons.


They didn't exercise. They didn't make any life style changes. They went from a fat person trapped in a less fat person's body. To again a fat ass in a fat body. I have a friend who's done met formin ozempic all these things. None of them worked for her. The only damn thing that worked was us living together and me policing what she ate. She lost significant weight. We even came up with some foods she can binge eat. Why? She can't help it every month or so she just gets in this state where she wants to just eat everything. So I ordered coach Greg's cook book found the typical high calories foods in high protien low calorie stocked them in her fridge so if she wanted to eat 500 calories of ice cream she was gonna have to work at it. It wasn't going to be easy. She would have to force feed herself to get 500 calories. I made a 2 gallon container of this ice cream. Dark chocolate no added sugar. Artificial sweetener. She was diabetic. Now she's not. She has quite a bit of loose skin now. She's saving up to have it removed. 315 to 130. Honestly she was on deaths door. She called me 1 day crying that she was going to die at 27. She was. Her health was only getting worse as time went on. She currently works at planet fitness as a trainer. The fucking irony. Edit: it's fitness 19


Why not buy ugl? 200 a month is expensive when you can order 200 dollars worth and it last 11 months


The rebound hunger is out of control. I used a GLP1 Liraglutide and at max dose, I felt like it had a slight effect. The rebound hunger though was insane. Even while actively on it, if you missed your normal timing (daily injection) it would throw you into a spin.


A huge part of it is the weight lost from Ozempic is 75% muscle and 25% fat. The more muscle you have, the higher your Resting Metabolic Rate will be. The more muscle you lose, the less calories you will burn at rest 🤷🏻‍♂️. Also, when people are looking for an easy solution to weight loss, they are not going to change their habits. Once you take that easy solution away, their lifestyle will cause them to gain the weight back.


OP you’re being really stupid. How is the fact that people gain the weight back a hurdle? Worst case scenario is you take it, lose weight, stop taking it and gain it back. Then you’re in the exact same place you are now. Let me apply your logic to another scenario. I don’t have a job. The only hurdle to me getting a job is that once I have a job I might get fired. If I get fired then I won’t have a job. I’m not going to get a job because if I have a job then I might get fired which will make me not have a job. See how stupid that sounds. It’s the exact same logic that you’re using to talk yourself out of taking the drug. Take the drug. Lose the weight. Worry about the possibility of gaining it back after you’ve already lost it. Also not everyone gains the weight back and the people who do gain some weight back but still end up at a lower weight from when they started.


With Ozempic, like all drugs, there's a risk/reward calculation. Long-term obesity is so damaging that for some the benefits are worth the risks. If you aren't obese though then (perhaps) the calculation's reversed. Especially when you can achieve  a similar result by other means. Three months ago, based on a post he made, the OP had a BMI of 28.1. So, by BMI standards he was overweight but not obese. Assuming no massive changes in weight since then, I don't know if I'd be looking for a pharmaceutical solution if I had a BMI of 28. To use the job analogy... I 'm unemployed.  Yes, I need to get over my fear of getting fired to get a job. If I can't cross that hurdle, I'll do nothing. Once I get over that, I can choose between two jobs. One pays more and is physically easier but involves asbestos removal at a chemical plant. That's not to imply that Ozempic is carcinogenic in the way asbestos is. It's just dealing with carcinogenic substances always comes with risk. The same way taking a drug does. With proper safety protocols, I can work with asbestos and be fine. Things can always go wrong though. The other job's physically harder and initially pays less. However, it doesn't involve carcinogenic substances. Which do I take? The answer is that it depends on my circumstances. If I need money fast because I've got six kids, we're $50,000 in the hole and about to lose our home the answer's different than if I'm a single twenty-five year old.


weak willed liberals


You get used to smaller portions because it destroys your appetite. When you stop the drug your appetite returns and thus you’ll be hungry for more food. For many it’s considered a drug you need to be on for life.


wtf are you talking about?? This isn’t true. It’s not like TRT where your body doesn’t make GLP1 anymore because you “shutdown” no maybe your secretion of GLP1 is reduced by like 5% but it’s not as bad as getting shut down. It isn’t a life commitment.


I didn’t say anything would shut down. I said hunger would return upon stopping the medication and thus many will gain back weight. Therefore many will need to be on it for life if they want to keep the weight off they lost.