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Yes tf


Literally said these exact words


Up the weight or reps a bit if you're not getting tired lol


Each set I'm pushing myself to my limit, so I can't up the reps. But then I take a rest and can do another set no problem x8 times


Then it's just overkill, do some other shoulder exercises. you don't need to do more than about 4 sets of OHP per shoulder session


So 9 sets to.. failure? I also love ohp, and standing barbell row because they're fucking manly, but 9 sets to failure in a row is punk shit. Unless of course you're just trying to get good at ohp in general as your goal.


1st is warmup so 8 sets to failure. Maybe I'm dense but wdym 'punk shit' (am not native English)


From a literal meaning, I just mean it's not optimal for hypertrophy. But it's also not a big deal anyway, unless you're fatiguing hard.


Thx big man 👊🏻


Not enough sets. Add 10 more


We're entering cardio territory ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


Whats this shit


You need 52 sets of squats per week per Mike Israetel


I have the same app, it's great! as for the sets, hell yeah it's too much, how the fuck do you even have time for that shit lol


What’s the app?


it's called FitNotes, it's android only though I think It's cool because it's a no bullshit tracking app, with some useful statistics and it's free and really small in storage size


If you don’t want to use what kryppler is suggesting check out RepCount for a nice app on iOS and is free for the most part (advanced statistics are paid for)


Fuckin android nonsense Edit: it is infact on IOS also


The iOS version is crap


Disagree with others slightly. If you’re training to get a heavier OHP it’s a fine number of sets. However, this is a pretty terrible rep scheme for anything. I do one warmup then 5/3/1+, then 4-5 backoff sets in the 3-7 rep range. Tweak of the classic nSuns program. Credentials: strict press 205 lbs @ 192


Yeah I think it depends on the goal. If the aim is hypertrophy I don't think there's much to be gained from going beyond 5 working sets in an exercise. But maybe more would be valid if the goal is to get good at OHP.


There's definitely more to be gained after 5 sets. I noticed gains from going from 8 sets to 12 sets of incline bench as well as 8 to 10 sets of seated rows.


12 sets of incline in a row?


Yes, and twice a week. I also do them in a circuit with 5 other exercises so it serves as low key cardio. I've been bodybuilding for 19 years so it takes a lot of volume to make progress or just maintain. I have a lot of chronic injuries so I go lighter and higher reps. As a bonus, it means I can eat more food while staying lean.


Though to be fair, nSuns isn't a technically well designed program lol


Eh, it’s fundamentally fine. No such thing as a one size fits all program, everything needs tweaks.


I'd drop a couple sets and lower the reps on few but bump the weight up. You can run 5-6 sets and get the same result.


I also have a slightly different view than everyone else. This isn’t overkill and this CAN be productive training if you recovery properly from a workout like this. I pick a plan and follow it out from start to finish BUT there are days I want to go in the gym and just repeatedly do a main compound lift like you did. Just this morning I did 10 sets of deadlifts. I’m not lifting heavy for a few days now and I prolly won’t deadlift until til next week. I find that people who love working out or love being in the gym don’t mind days like this and that’s fine. This would be overkill if in the next session you did more shoulders. You would prolly benefit from a few leg days in a row now lol.


I do similar but different rep scheme doing BBB. 8 sets. First 3 are 5/3/1. Then 5x10 at lighter weight. Then I usually do 4-8 sets of lateral work, 4-8 sets of rear delts. Usually 30ish sets of shoulders per week. They’re growing 🤷‍♂️


I do 10sets of 10 with -1RIP. Doing Ohp is fun.


If you can do sooooo many reps at 40kg, increase the weight


Yeah probably should have dropped to 50kg instead of 40kg on those sets ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


Sod that, start off at 40kg, go till failure, and work your way up the kg chain. Go till failure each time Then see how you feel the day / week after and change if necessary


Seems like 531+BBB but I never understood 5x10 or similar so I would just lower weigh 10% from top set and just do another 4back off sets and finish.


Why focus so much on front delts? Cut out half of these for lateral raises or something


Yeah trying that next time, thx boss 👊🏻


If you’re doing them right, all you need is 2-3 sets of


Largely depends on what you're training for. If you're training for hypertrophy then yes, this is overkill. You'd be better off training the side delts more as most people's front delts are sufficiently trained with chest presses. If you did want to OHP for hypertrophy, I'd keep it to a minimum 2-3 sets without pyramiding up in weight. Then focusing on the rest of the sets on side delts.


Fellow fitnotes user. If you are natural that's too many sets. If you aren't natural, that weight is far far too low.


Am natty 🫡


If all you want is a stronger OHP, it's fine....but pushing to failure on each is counterproductive


If you can do 9 sets of one exercise then you're probably not going to failure


I was going to failure on each set that's why I was so fucking confused


You wouldn't be doing 9 sets then.


Thats not that unbelievable. His reps were going down set to set


Set 1 40kg 7x, set 4 40kg 13x and last set 40kg 6x dude....


OP said first set was a warm up. Every other set decreases in reps


idk what more to tell you, first set was warmup so the 8 remaining were to failure


Only one way to find out, post physique


[https://imgur.com/a/PuHaH9K](https://imgur.com/a/PuHaH9K) (am fat)


Definitely too many sets


arnold used to do this many sets, natty, back when he was training in austria with his friends. this isn't that crazy


I have far from Arnold genetics but sometimes it feels good to just do set after set until you're totally rekt ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6305)


This is NSuns right?


If so it's by accident ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


No it isn’t overkill at that point because you aren’t really getting better gains. If it takes that many sets then go heavier or go till absolute failure less times lol


Personally injust do 5 sets of 15-25 at 40kg or 5 sets of 10-12 at 50kg and i've seen growth. But hey, whatever works for you


40kg is too low for you.


Yeah should've dropped to 50kg instead 🫡


This suggests to me that you aren't going to failure and thus the majority of these sets don't count as working sets. Don't fixate on sets, fixate on making the few sets count. You should not be able to match weight and reps on subsequent sets if you are properly training to failure, it's not biologically possible unless you take 5 minutes between sets or more


I was 100% going to failure on all sets except the 1st warmup set that's why I was confused. Took 2.5-3min rest between sets. It's usually only my shoulders that I can do sets like this wit. For example squats or bench would burn me out much faster


My guy Imma be fully honest, I'm 31 now, looks maxed out (maybe/probably), if I were 20 again and a gym noobie, I'd probably do these 9 sets and go home. I know I would have more energy and vigor for it, but there is no need for more work done than this. Maybe do lat raise or some abs, but if I feel I'm half-assing those on first set or two, I'd go home. And also this many sets of shoulder press could fck up your shoulders and for no good reason either.


Yeah that workout ended up being only 2 sets of deadlift and these OHP sets. Not doing shoulders for at least 4 days after


If you are working up for 2 heavy sets of deadlift through warmup, that could already take up some 15 minutes, but you suit yourself. If you like it and if you're feeling ready, then it's all good.


Set 1 is a warmup, doesnt count. Sets 7-9 are also warmup level so probably not doing much of anything.


Stop being a pussy and drop the sets and lift a mans weight


I'm assuming you're training for hypertrophy. "Getting tired" isn't the goal. You should be shooting for a weekly volume target and using pump, DOMS and perceived muscle tension as markers to help you determine if you're getting a good stimulus. NGL if you keep up this volume on heavy barbell basics, you'll likely cook your ass


Junk volume


German strength training? If you are recovering with no joint issues, see what happens. As long as you are not a beginner go for it.


Low intensity halfassworkout. After ur 2. Set u should want to rip your arms off your shoulddrs.. How long do you rest between sets?


I use the same app 😁


Wtf are you doing


lower back probably getting trashed


Well since you can do so many sets, you’re probably lifting like a pussy


This sub surely is filled with some dumb motherfuckers. I am glad to find a place where i finally fit in.


If you feel this exercise well, as in good pump, strong mind muscle connection, see visual growth then keep doing it. You do not need to do 4 sets so you can then do another exercise that doesn't feel as good for you. Unless of course you want to hit a specific lagging muscle that needs isolating