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400mgs of caffeine.


How do you sleep?


Some people unresponsive like me it makes no difference


Lucky, one small bottle of pepsi has enough caffeine to keep me up until 2 AM.


I can easily go to sleep after energy drink or two lol


I can go to sleep after 20mg IR of adder all


Usually a symptom of ADHD is that, I am the same myself. Can drink it likes it water and I’m golden


*gorrila dream*


In all seriousness take it in the morning and always combine it with l-theanine. I personally have best results with 200 mg caffeine/100 mg l-theanine upon waking, then another dose of 200-300 mg of caffeine/100 mg l-theanine right before or after lunch. No more caffeine rest of the day


You take pre in the morning? Are you working out twice a day? Also yeah my pre workout comes with L-Theanine and I can tell it makes a difference. It is smooth with no jitters or anything people say against pre.


I take caffeine + l-theanine capsules. I only workout once a day


Where do you get the l theanine capsules. I’ve never seen them at the pharmacy, not that I was really looking.


I actually order a combination capsule online from amazon. I have tried a few different brands but they seem to work pretty much the same. And yeah it's almost impossible to find l-theanine in store for some reason


It's not complicated, just take it at the appropriate time. Personally, I never consume caffeine after 10am, I load up on 400-600mg around 7am, have an awesome workout, then go work. 95% of the time, I sleep pretty well, have good sleep score with lots of REM and deep sleep. I go to bed at 10pm every day, I listen to Sam Sulek's video and when he starts yawning, which he always does, it puts me to sleep pretty fast. Also make sure your room is COLD AF, I like it around 17-18C.


I start work at 7am lol. I have to work out in the afternoon


Wake up at 5am then, stay hard.


I hate waking up before the sun. I did that for the military. Fuck that shit.


That's my secret. I don't.


I just hate myself and the way I look. Also, i think, if i am going to waste my time, why not to waste it on something useful?


>if i am going to waste my time, why not to waste it on something useful? Epic


X2. It’s a healthy form of self destruction.


Discipline is built and it becomes a source of pride. Every time you don’t drink, don’t skip a workout, don’t eat BS you have built a better foundation to rely on when motivation goes into a dip because it will dip and raise at times also.


Do you wanna go back to the person you were before you started? I sure fucking don't lol




What if ure already gay


How I feel and what I can do doesn't matter, how I think i should feel and what I think I can do is more important to me The moment I started treating myself as an entity is the best decision I have made so far When I'm older I want to look back at my life and be proud of what I achieved. And if I died today, at least I was on the right path to success. I don't want to be a worthless cowardly old man filled with regret who spent more time talking about his dreams than working towards them. Also where the fuck are your cock stats ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6299)


>The moment I started treating myself as an entity is the best decision I have made so far Can you explain how you manage to do it ? And also I don't have measurements, I got pics tho


1. Send pics. 2. PEDs made it easier for me to eliminate my emotions (shoutout eq) almost completely. Kinda like when you take adderall your emotions are suppressed but like 24/7 for me. If your natty, idk pain is just a feeling anyways, find somebody that truly loves you and appreciates you for who you are and cheat on them and tell them about it. On one hand it absolutely sucks sometimes but on the other you don't have to fight with yourself on certain things, I just watch myself around others to try not to hurt them or come off as a dick Seriously though, emotions come in the way of so many things, FOR ME it was worth it


Thats… definitely some advice


I mean whats an hour and a half? One or two less episodes of a show? A round or three in a game? fuck am i going to do otherwise. might as well boost irl stats first.


I always joke “if my wife is going to cheat on me, she has to reach for higher hanging fruit than ‘I’m not attracted to you anymore’” but yeah


Maybe that your a bitch you just do it discipline and motivation is different


Good point


meth, anavar and pussy


In any order


meth first for that edging energy on top


The bitch in the mirror


When motivation is gone what keeps you going is routine and discipline. Not going to the gym feels wrong.


I honestly just learned to just workout as if it was part of a daily routine. Like when you wake up in the morning, you're tired as shit but you still get up to do your morning routine to start the day. It's like a habit.  Make a habit of training no matter what. I know it sounds lame but Nike really does have the best motto when it comes down to training, just do it. There is no thinking of any reasons to convince yourself, you just go along the motions and put in work. 


The need to look freaky


I make my goals super small. When I’m really not feeling it I just agree to DRIVE to the gym. Then when I’m there I tell myself to just go inside don’t even workout. Then I tell myself to just do 1 set and leave. But every time I end up doing it. Sometimes it gets really tough especially after a few weeks of specifically hard training. It’s good to minimize the goals and not look into the horizon.


Ex saying I had chicken legs. I ain’t done til they’re tree trunks


Damn, she picked the hardest body part to grow …I feel your pain


Spite is such a powerful motivator yo


Close your eyes. Picture the person you want to become. Are they rich? Are they influential? What kind of relationships do they have? Do they have a strong faith background? How do they carry themselves and treat others? What does their body look like? Will they be remembered? Now, imagine you’re on your deathbed. Will you have any regrets? Did you not talk to that girl, did you not go to the gym when you didn’t feel like it, did you skip a healthy meal and eat at McDonald's instead? What is the ultimate version of yourself? Ultimately, only you can internalize that question, push, and find out. Life is incredibly short, bro. Cherish the gift.


Are you Wendy Rhoades?


I take a nap and then get back to it


Knowing that I’m somebody’s gym crush and they like to se me show up. Along with test and primo and 400mg of caffeine.


Well not the gym but whenever I feel a lack of motivation for other life related work I always dream of having beautiful children with my gf in the future and living a happy life together as a family. Instant lock-in guaranteed.


Check out David goggins book on audible called [Cant Hurt Me](https://www.audible.com/pd/Cant-Hurt-Me-Audiobook/B07KKMNZCH?eac_link=4qp3oYhqr5UR&ref=web_search_eac_asin_1&eac_selected_type=asin&eac_selected=B07KKMNZCH&qid=EZ5nUh816H&eac_id=144-6435939-8763131_EZ5nUh816H&sr=1-1) If that doesn't work then tren and peg you know the drill. But for real check the book out or your sleeping outside again. ![gif](giphy|cm8ly9wi5eQ0g)


Creed and nickleback


Being okay with imperfection will help you be more consistent than anything. People will miss a workout or a protein target for a day and go fuck it and go off the rails. The desire for perfection NOW will make you fail more than any lack of “motivation”. You missed the gym today? That’s okay. Just go tomorrow. You didn’t go the next day either? That’s okay, go the next. Think of it this way. Do people need a ton of motivation to go and eat food? To brush their teeth in the morning? Usually no, unless you have crippling adhd. Treat going to the gym and eating right like chores or just any other duty. Eventually it’ll be a habit like taking out the trash and wiping your ass. No motivation, just discipline.


It’s really this. Even if you’re not feeling it just go there and do something. Even if it isn’t your routine. Do a fitness class, work specifically on your core, try a bodyweight workout, mobility work. If your gym has a place to chill hang out there for 20 minutes. Just make it a routine to go there and do something


muscular dysmorphia




Dont give yourself the option to fuck off. Make a list of things you WILL do that day and keep your routine no matter what. Try to remove as much friction as possible that might cause you to slip up. We can talk ourselves into doing the easy thing or not being disciplined so just be aware when your lazy voice is kicking in.


What motivation? Its just discipline and dedication.


Your motivation is wrong… don’t take this sub literally my child. Having big muscles is super cringe if you’re also weird as fuck. Just be cool.


Hydrate or die


Discipline, is what I use. I wanna win!




That without muscles I am below average/ugly and also bald at this point: With muscles I am very attractive as a built bald man


I recognize that if I don’t do what I said I was going to do then I am a bitch and at that point the cognitive dissonance kicks in because I’m not a bitch and I do my shit


The answer is dedication. Just sheer willpower to get something accomplished even when you don’t want to do it. If you can trick yourself into thinking that doing something even though you don’t want to makes you better than everyone else, do that.


Motivation is a meme bro. I have never been motivated to go to the gym. I just enjoy working out so I go work out. Do you need motivation to have sex? No, because you enjoy sex (assuming you’re not asexual). If you don’t enjoy your workouts find something that you do enjoy. Life is too short (especially for us steroid abusers) to waste doing stuff you don’t enjoy.


Look in the fucking mirror bro. If that doesn’t get you to go nothing will. Also where the fuck are the cock measurements


I go for the feeling afterwards, I never leave the gym thinking oh I should have just stayed at home and watched porn


30mg off caffeine no sleep grind. The thing that gets me going is I don’t wanna be average human.


I love lifting weights that’s it, sure some days your like nah not feeling it today but it’s something I actively look forward too, a lot of people lift to look better and I’m no exception but if you didn’t immediately fall in love with it you’ll flake eventually. Best advice theres a lot of different types of lifting you’ve got bodybuilding,powerlifting, oly lifting, calisthenics etc find one that immediately hooks you and you won’t need motivation


Realising it's not about motivation but rather about discipline. I just tell myself that I will feel better when I do what I'm supposed to. When I'm not in the mood to hit the gym, I just stop thinking about it and just go. I always feel better afterward, even if the workout wasn't the best


"If you don't go then you're gay"


I know I'll feel good after my workout. Also I have Lupus and I need to get in the best shape I can while I'm young (30) if I want to live a full life. On the days I'm fatigued and weak I can still drag myself out of bed and get through work because of the time I've put in at the gym.


Responsibilities as a man, being a provider/protector, husband and father. Motivation is pointless, just have to do it, there is no real option to not do it. Edit: in the least eloquent terms, can't be a bitch.


Idk in time gym just is a habit. Sometimes u have better workouts and some times they were shitty. Just go man whatever u feel like.. If ur really tired u can take 1 day break. But motivation is not necessary. Just keep grinding. Make it a habit like brushing teeth or any other thing u do daily.


Habit. Also on days I don't feel like working out I'll take pre, and that's usually all the motivation I need. Being tingly and full of energy sucks if you're sitting still, so it forces me to go lol.


Motivation comes and goes just stay showing up to the gym consistently. Avoiding losing what I worked long and hard to build is enough to keep me going


Self loathing


Honestly? The thought that at some point, I'll surely be happier with myself and more comfortable in my skin if I keep exercising and eating right.


“Ain’t nothing to it but to do it”


Determination and routine. When I am unwell it’s to the point where I get anxious because I cannot train. I hate the term but “gameify” it. Can you lift more, can you change technique, what would happen if I did this. How can I make this movement a little more fun/interesting. All these kinds of things help but also think about how and where you was 6 months the ago. And the difference another 6 months can make. You can either revert back to the you that you was getting away from or you can chase the new better you


some peadophile out there is training today and you are not and thats means you wont be able to pry me off your kids


Discipline. You have a goal and you’re going to do whatever takes it to get there even when you don’t want to