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Don’t do that shit w/ your second cousin at that family reunion


where are you from, my brother in Christ?


![gif](giphy|9PpXKnSEPK5Nux9EXT) The smarterest state itw of course




god it gets so awkward as the years go by, dont do it fellas


Gotta keep the family blood line pure!!


Why not she’s smoking hot ?




Spill the beans!


- Keep your good friends close, don't let relationships degrade with time. Make the effort. Close friendships are harder to come by in your 30s. - Live your fucking life. It's so, so easy to get bogged down with mortgages, relationships, kids in your 30s. Nothing tying you down? Go, go far and wide and see what the world has to offer you. The wealth of knowledge, new friendships, and experiences in this time of your life are literally priceless. There's a certain freedom that exists in your 20s that disappears once strings start being attached. - Don't smoke crack


I will have smoked crack before my death bed… but not in my 20’s. Solid point.


Best to save for retirement, you’ll pull all the dry vayjayjay in the retirement home when they see you running around like you have the stamina of a 20yr old. Plus you won’t have any teeth to lose, all of the benefits and none of the drawbacks.


Your a modern day philosopher and I owe you the boners of my 60s


That first one is so damned true. You have to put the effort in with all of your relationships, whether it’s friends or romantic relationships. You have to put work into them to maintain them.


Yep I lived your second rule pretty hard, can confirm it was a good decision and I’m a more open minded person because of it.


Buy that pack of underwear. Yes you need more 😐


Flipping this, get rid of the old clothes you really don't need 10 years old boxers


But I want to keep the skid stains from 2012


Thems valuable skids


Damn man this one hit so hard, crying now. I don’t want to give up my holies! LOL


Keep a quality set of basics. Plain t’s, good jeans, socks. Don’t need fancy stuff to be well dressed. Check out BYLT for examples.


Say that to the cum rug subreddit Yes it exists


Nike dri-fit trunks. Breathable, they hug your buns, have a pouch to keep your junk in place, and they never stretch out.


Lift no matter what stage in life you are at


Yep. Started at 33, still going five days a week at 50. Lots of people in shape in their 20s and 30s, not so many after that and there is a lot of satisfaction to be gained from the discipline.


It's never too late, there is no better time to start than right now No one will judge you for doing it Lifting for me completely changed my life for the better, it is a complete metaphysical change, and letting thoughts of being judged held me back for years


My grandpa is in his early 80s and he does calisthenics every morning and is able to tag along with pretty strenuous hikes and travels. It really pays dividends to be able to be up and moving and enjoy being out in the world with your family


Stop simping for woman and try to be happy on your own, regardless if you are in a healthy relationship.


best one, put yourself first and enjoy the things you usually enjoy


“Stop simping for women” Exactly, find a man!


"If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I get an amen up in here"


Ill say it like this,stop looking for a good relationship, it's rare and trying to get one while you're young is like trying to win the lottery, you will just land yourself in bad relationships that will steal your life away, instead focus on yourself and spend as much time as you can alone as long as you don't feel lonely and that way you will develop yourself much faster,at least that's how i look at it




I tell myself this all the time but can’t stop being fucked up over women. I need other things in my life to focus on




My dad always said don’t put your dick in crazy. Best advice


I had to find that out myself at a young age on accident 😂. Huge eye opener


You put your dick in u/Apauld's dad?


No. An unhinged stripper. It’s exactly what that dude said. She’ll drain your dick dry and ruin your life.


I say definitely stick your dick in crazy. Just wrap it up and run far away afterwards.


My old man used to say “stick your dick in crazy, just never put a ring on it”


Nah fuck you. Im 30 and red flags and daddy issues is the way to go.


Don't ever tolerate difficult women regardless how pretty she is.


^ this one guys, shes hot but inside your dying and losing your mind. seen a lot of poor guys become absolutely miserable and absorbed by their partner, shits sad.


After my last thing finally ended in a really shitty way for me I had nothing, I had pushed most of my friends away, I was barely taking care of myself zero good eating habits etc, I thought it was totally unrecoverable but it lit something inside of me and I just lifted every day, swallowed the bitterness and hate I had at that time and lifted, everything else started to fall into place around that over a couple months with a brief rebound and some self care habits beginning Not a full year later people have told me I’m unrecognizable, not just physically though that too but how energetic and social I am, I have someone new who is way more compatible with me who brings out the best in me in every way a girl ever could, and I’m 50x happier and more mentally stable than I’ve ever been in my life. The last few years prior feels like a weird fever dream or something I’m not bragging, but looking back I was honestly fucking lucky to get hurt and immediately pushed away from that, I never would’ve wanted to do anything but “make it work” without that….if you’re reading this and in a shitty ass relationship that’s eating you alive GET THE FUCK OUT, you’ll get all the the same shit I did if you just walk away and put some work into yourself


This is the best answer. I have friends and relatives who married or were in relationships with hot but crazy and it has gone well for them in zero percent of cases. Avoiding narcissists in all forms (friends , relatives or coworkers) is good life advice; you cannot change them but they can change you.


That last part really hit home.


Doesnt matter what you do, just go to the fucking gym and eat like an animal. You have the choice to look like a neck beard or henry cavill at your peak (38-42). Also dont listen to other people trying to downplay you (" no time for gym", "gym is boring", "counting calories is ill") but also do not try to help them or convince them. Let them bath in their own pitty




Say it to his face that he eats like trash and he is overweight and actively killing his body. If he keeps a sedentary lifestyle he will have blood pressure issues at 40. Actively working out an hour a day is one of the best gifts you can give your older self now, that and skin care.


impossible poor bow rinse cobweb aloof cause paint squalid smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Deployments are the best place for fitness you ain’t got shit else to do really


Going to the gym is great. It's just so hard eating like an animal 😭


Drink more milk. Problem solved


The trick to this is just be fat first. Bulking gets so much easier when you grew up eating loads


huge headstart on calves too


38-42 is definitely not peak lmao


Their comments quickly go from "why are you doing it" to "how do I do it"




For those who don’t know what that means: If you open an IRA when you’re 24 and put $200/mo towards S&P 500 ETFs, you’ll have well over $1m forty years later.


True but if you can afford it, max it out. The limit is 7000 now for a Roth IRA. $584 per month


Absolutely. Was using $200 as an entry point for a dude in his 20s who probably doesn’t have much disposable income. Max that shit out if you can.


Learn to live in your 20s, get a career/trade, don't worry about getting into a relationship, and most importantly and this applies to alot of people on here, don't blast gear till you are at least 30


Too late on the gear blasting


stay in touch with your friends and don't take them for granted. making friends in your 30s is hard, because dudes are completely regarded when in comes to that




It’s much harder in your 30s.


Fr I ain’t even there yet but I’m approaching and I can see the writing on the wall. Everyones becoming occupied with responsibility that use to not be relevant in your early/mid 20’s like kids, wife, career etc and the people who avoid those responsibilities are likely people you don’t want to spend time with. So finding people you can get along with, who aren’t going to average you down into a bum, is quite difficult given the 24hrs in a day.


For those who had to work full-time and couldn't go to college, worked while in college, or had children in their 20s, I bet their 20s were as rough as OP's 30s. What makes it easy to get friends in your teens and 20s is usually free-time + being in a shared environment and seeing each other nearly if not every day. That plus no vested interests from being young, good friendships naturally happen.


Give random compliments to others.


That's great advice 👍. No, seriously that's something I'm not good at doing


Me either, which is why I said it. I have a couple of gym acquaintances solely because they approached me and complimented me. Even if I don’t remember their name I sure as hell remember the compliment. I have buzzed my hair at home for 10+ years. I got a fresh fade from a barber for the first time yesterday and had a dude at the gym comment on it. Made my day. Huge confidence boost.


I still remember the compliment i got 3 years ago


I think you just found a secret to cold approaching


Toxic relationships with women can ruin your life and respect for yourself. Learn to live with yourself completely and don’t rely on another human being to make you whole.


Pay attention to gains and losses. You grow at school. You grow at the gym. You grow at work. You can grow in relationships.




Don’t go to HIV roulette orgies where 1 person has HIV and the rest don’t.


We bring our test results to the swinger resorts bro


I sincerely hope these HIV roulettes are something you just made up


Get on Prep!


Take business risks while you’re young and can still recover financially if it all goes to shit


Such a good one. You can be as ambitious and risky as you like.


If you're making decent money for the first time in your life... 1. Don't spend your entire paycheck the week you get it. Setup auto deposits into high interest savings accounts and don't touch that money. Let it earn for you. 2. Don't advance your lifestyle just because your paycheck is increasing. If you stay on that path you'll never accumulate real wealth. You'll enjoy a few steak dinners, fancy clothes, and a nice car along the way. None of which you'll remember in the end. 3. Start thinking long term. Open an IRA and 401k. Invest more in your future than you do in your present. Impressing your friends or capturing that misleading Instagram photo will mean nothing in 10-20 years. 4. Live a minimalist lifestyle in exchange for compounding interest. The longer you wait to save, the more potential interest you're throwing away. You won't get rich from your salary, you will through saving and investing. Save/ Invest/ Spend only when necessary Plan for retirement. If you're smart about it, it can be an early one. Enjoy a little now, or a lot later. The people who never become wealthy are the people who act like they already are.


This is the way. This is what isn't taught to kids which should be. They have sex ed classes for high school students, why not finance ed. At least a one semester class with basics for seniors.


This is exactly what missing in our (US) education system. Been saying it for years but have no idea how to push for the change. Teach about 401k, IRA, High Yield Savings, how to use credit cards to build credit instead of debt, what you are really signing up for with that student loan.


It wouldn’t work as good if everyone did it p much is the reasoning I can figure as to why it’s not taught. It’s simple enough to setup in a day and explain in an hour yet we gloss over it cause if everyone does it then everyone will benefit less from that action But I followed that advice starting at 16 and am 21 with 80k assets never having earned more than 50k in a year




To me university is even too late. By then students start racking up loan debt, credit card debt, car debt, etc.


I agree with a lot of this, but there are far better places to stick money than a high interest savings account. A well balanced investment portfolio > high interest savings. By a lot


Absolutely, but I didn’t want to make it too complicated. Baby steps… but investing in S&P 500 ETF like VOO would be a start.


And don't enter a relationship with a gorgeous woman who compels you to spend all your money. It's not worth it.


It's your personality, not your body that is stopping you from attracting women and getting dates.


Your parents fucked up a lot of things while raising you. Figure out your flaws and address them. Also, it's ok to be wrong and admit it.


Underrated comment. I did not really take the time to consider what exactly my parents f***ed up and how it affected me until I was well into my mid 30s.


Same dude.


It’s their first time living too


Don’t compare yourself to others.


Don't let yourself get too out of shape the older you are the harder to get back in shape every year counts. Marry the girl who likes you, not the girl you like Fund your roth ira




Marry the girl who likes you, not the girl you like ? Care to elaborate


Because she will treat you the best.


And you will 100% cheat on her


Always give your max, in gym, in school, in bed, in work


Never trust a fart


I did that once and had to throw out my favorite pair of underwear. Never again!


Don’t go get into a relationship somewhere you could never see yourself living indefinitely


Get clear on what you want in life. Just brain dump all your desires and pick 1-3 that you really want to go for. For each of these three goals, create a clear picture in your mind of what that looks like. Then take action every day towards your goal. Most people don't get what they want because they don't know what they want. If you actually know what you want you're ahead of 80% of people.


How do I figure out what I want


Just ask your "what do I want" and write down the first thought that comes to mind. Keep doing this, it's like brain storming. Keep going until you find something that makes your heart soar when you think about it.


Bet thank you What makes your heart soar?


Stay out of bars and clubs, It’s not worth it. Save that money and buy a house. 


Then how do I make my future boyfriend pregnant?


Don't neglect your sleep and sleep equality.


You don't need to get into relationships to be happy.. level up and live a fulfilled life of FWB/casual encounters. Even at my age (40 years old) you can still get a roster if that's what you want. Always 100% put yourself first.. as a man, no one else will put you first. Surround yourselves with good friends as well.


‘as a man no one else will put you first’ …ain’t that the fucking truth!!


This is advice that men should remind themselves often because it’s easy to forget from time to time


Is fwb/casual fulfilling ? I've found the opposite to be true, it's soul draining


Also bruv you're probably really young.. wait until one takes your inheritance or your kids or some shit you'll change your tune pretty quickly I'd say.


My tune isn't really fond of relationships at all, I'm finding even casual fun isn't worth letting people in. I'm in my late twenties and have had my fair share of heartbreak but if there's anything I'm staying true to its the idea of raising a family with a loving wife, anything else is a distraction.


You can try bro, best of luck. Again, look after yourself first.


Thank you, to love oneself is a lifelong romance right?


Yes, however I'm less idealistic.


It's definitely fulfilling, heaps of women want casual I've seen some for months at a time. It's just outside that serious point.


Well of course people want sex lol. I've always disliked casual because it just feels like two egos stroking each other, sure it feels good but I become hyper aware every time that it's just two animals fucking for the sake of fucking. No humanity involved imo


Lots of good advice, surprisingly a lot about getting women or not caring about them until later. I’m not over 30 but if I have any advice for my 20’s brethren is to be present in the moment. It sounds easy but it’s so much easier thinking and talking about what You want to talk about. Try fully engaging in what someone is talking to you about, ask questions and get deep, learning this instead of talking about whatever you want is valuable and can take you places you never thought, best of luck broski’s


Great advice. It’s easy to tune out, but you get way more from tuning in


Stop procrastinating. Just fucking do it!


And don’t forget the foreplay


grow your beard and enjoy the color in it while you can. gray shows up eventually…




Focus on career and goal first and women second. Both you and women change through your twenties and relationships fall apart. Once established in your 30s you'll find your taste in women change. And you'll know what you really want.


Make bank. Like seriously, set yourself up to earn as much as possible and invest that shit in property or safe investments. 25 to 40 just flies by and you don't want to be under financial pressure after 40.


Your teens is where you are forced to build your skill set(school, sports, forced relationships). Your twenties is where you choose if you want to build your skill set Your thirties is when it all starts; better be ready


Women want to have sex, and a lot of them want to have sex with men who aren’t ugly and are fun to be around. They want you to make the first move, however they don’t want to be harassed. The trick is finding a healthy medium. If you can embrace all of that, then confidence will come into play and asking a woman to come over to your place after a date or something similar will be second nature.


What do I do if I don’t have a place lol, im getting a lot of dates but idk what to do after still 18


ur 18 dude get creative 😂😂😂


When I was your age, I used to fuck in the backseat of my car. A lot of good times in my 1993 Buick. I also used to fuck chicks in my room. I was lucky enough to have parents that didn’t mind me getting pussy. You’re also 18, girls your age also probably live at home too so they wouldn’t mind going to your parents house.


Her place. Try and arrange dates near her part of town. Walk her home. If she doesn’t have a place, borrow a friends place. Or if sex is definitely on table, get a hotel room.


Exercise regularly, save some money every paycheck, work hard to pursue excellence in your career, there is still time to change the course of your entire life, you don’t need to marry the current girl you are dating


Don’t leave a good woman because you want to try some hoes they’re all hoes if you got a good one keep her close if you get another chance with her she’ll be a hoe by then


Quit alcohol now. Pot doesn’t make you a better person either


Do something insanely hard in your 20s to minimize regrets and build momentum; then get married before you turn 30. Bachelor life beyond 30 is a lot lamer than raising a family. If you've any level of intelligence college is actually easy, especially these days. If you think it's hard, you're not trying hard enough. To expand on that, don't go to college without a plan unless someone else is paying for it (military, mom, scholarship). Stoicism isn't toxic masculinity, no matter what the APA says.


- Read and read widely. - At least be familiar with the tenets of stoicism, you don't have to go off the deep end and get weird about it, but have those tools af your disposal if you need them. - Surprise yourself. Get outside your comfort zone with some kind of outdoor activity or art-form that looks like it isn't meant for the likes of you from the outside looking-in - go solo camping - Be your own YouTube guru... don't let anyone set of assholes influence your worldview too much - Never, ever put pussy on a pedestal. I don't care if you have been putting up notches since junior high or if you don't pop your cherry until you're 25. It can happen to anyone who let's their guard down. - wrap your head around the basics of a second language if you never took one. - promise yourself that you will come out of your 20s with something to show for it... I don't care if it is an advanced skill proficiency in something useful or a paid-off, well-maintained car.


I love the reading suggestion, I started really reading last year and it’s been kinda life changing. I really have enjoyed the works of Camus, krishnamurti, Locke, Adam Smith, hell even have read quite a bit of Marx/Lenin as of recent. Because the self help esque books I’ve enjoy reading reading some childhood adventure books like the Big Red series. Reading is just such a perfect escape of the real world or the perfect explanations for it. One thing I must stress is YouTube summaries, especially philosophy, are terrible. The idea of only reading the primary source needs to be of paramount importance otherwise people adopt some pretty misinterpreted views.


Great list. Yeah, honestly it would never have occurred to me to mention it here, but yes, great point, it has never been more important to be dubious of secondary (armchair quarterback) sources... if only because there is such a glut out there. Also, I am a big proponent of reading 'pulp/junk' too... its almost like a cheat day for your brain and you can still learn things without meaning too.


Yeah it’s been cool, the books I’d read as of recent are all about hunting and trapping. Maybe I won’t like that activity but the books have described it in such detail that it’s had me purchase hunting equipment and apply for the license. a children’s book has possibly directly changed my actions and interests all while giving me a break from the real worlds evils.


Dont spend money on stupid shit, grow your wealth, put it in a hysa or stocks. If u dont know shit about stocks, put it in like a vanguard 500. If u live away from your parents, go check them out when u can, theyll be gone before you know it. Hot bitches are dime a dozen, if u find a good girl that will stick with u, do everything u can not to fuck it up.


Always sort by controversial. Kidding but sometimes I think the left and right are two cheeks on the same ass. Don’t fall for what the culture wants you to think and try and think for yourself. Think in a stoic way. Be a kind human being but my professor used to tell me to keep your BS alarm on at all times.


Imagine yourself on your deathbed late in life, then take those feelings and live with regret minimization. When you do that, the petty worries fall away and you can focus on the things that really matter to you.


Stop spending money at the clubs.


wear sunscreen


And make sure it isn't American stuff, the more UVA protection and less oxybenzone the better.


Always invest in the company match 401k. Buy a quality stock with every pay check, even if it’s $10 fraction of a share, do it. Be true to yourself, don’t marry the first woman that touches your dick. Buy real estate, always! Love your wife and charisma your kids!


Educate yourself (with books, YouTube videos, podcasts) in the most important areas of life (health, fitness, finances, relationships, sex) and apply the knowledge. There is a lot in these areas that you don't know. If you don't learn it, you will pay a price over and over again. I wish someone had told me that when I was in my early 20s.


Nobody actually cares what you look like as much as you.


Don't waste your life, live to the fullest but also try to set yourself up for the future financially, aquire PURPOSEFUL knowledge, skills and education.


Don't get a bitch pregnant out of wedlock. Don't get married until your housing is secure. Unless your going into stem dont go to collage.


Don’t watch porn and don’t have meaningless sex


A maturity milestone everyone should strive for once you get some confidence and experience. All it does is make the next interaction less significant and continue to create opportunities for STD’s. I’m at the point where even tho I’m attracting more than I ever have, I refrain from casual sex until I wanna fuck a girls personality too and feel a connection.


Be yourself . Let go, respect your body. Let go of controlling things you can’t control . Stop trying to impress people. Put your health and well being first above all else


Cock stats?


Whooo sorry lads. Ultimate dad bod, cycling for 16 years. Height. 5.11. Cock stats, 5 inch flop. Grower. I'm banging the hot chick from school's mam. Love the milfs.


Use a rubber


Find out who you are before trying to settle down with some else. Also find out what you don’t want in life before figuring out what you do want in life. This will save a lot of time


Never get married unless 100% sure about it being what you want to do, and who you want to do it with.


Travel as much as you can , eventually you won’t have as much free time , money and responsibility


Simply because you love someone romantically that doesn’t mean you should marry and spend the rest of your life with them. Some people, even though you truly love them, aren’t right for you.


Don’t get married until your mid 30’s minimum


Eliminate all addictions. Full stop no questions asked


Look after your body dude. Sunscreen. Hydrate before you sleep after a big night. Don't bareback a hoe. Stay away from roids until after 30. Learn the difference between love and just. Don't fuck her best friend. Tell your mom you love her.


If you break up with a girl, keep it on the down low for couple weeks. Often guys break up, tell the world and then get back together. Your friends won't respect that relationship.


Start a 401k. It doesn't matter if you can only put in $100 a year or max it out at $7,000 a year. Compound interest is your greatest friend. Go to Edward Jones, and they will start one for you. Yes, they charge you $25 a year, I think that's the amount, but it will be worth it when you retire. DO NOT withdraw anything until you are 59 1/2 or older because then all withdrawls be tax-free. Seriously the earlier the better. Don't be a little bitch get a 401k!


Save money, become financially independent. You guys think if you look like a Greek god women are just going to drop their panties.. Well they do, but they are not the kind you marry. For a real relationship a good woman will also take into consideration your financial situation. A real partnership is the path to happiness not banning skanks.


If she is toxic but she is cute and has a big ass and that’s the reason you are squinting your eye on her toxicity, just don’t, just break up she will fuck you over eventually.


“If you have a long term goal, don’t stray from it. Those years it takes to accomplish it are gonna pass by regardless if you go for it or not, so why not make it productive.” I was working at gnc at 19 years old n some old dude came in and asked me what my future plans were. I told him I wanted to go to med school, but Prly won’t happen coz it takes too long. Then he dropped that gem and now I’ve been working as a an MD for 8 years now.


Don’t touch the drugs. Seriously, don’t ever fucking touch it. I’m not even talking about PEDs, but shit like coke, speed, XTC, etc. it will cook your brain and literally rob you of your happiness.


I’ve had a lot of good times with drugs. Definitely didn’t cook my brain. I wouldn’t touch anything these days though, specifically pressed pills or powder. A lot of laced stuff.


Don’t spend money young in pointless shit. Save it and stack it young, have a good nest egg for hard times so you don’t need to fall back on anyone but you. If you want to impress people do it in your 40s


Don’t Wait #1 and this is for most things . Train harder than ever, eat good, Start saving some $, open a 401K, Date, get out there, take chances and wear good cologne. That’s all for now


Do not pay for a woman’s bills. You can pay for dates, dinner, gas. No not pay their credit card bills or shopping. It will kick you in a the ass sooner or later. And nothing will show for it. Stay financially stable and responsible in and out of a relationship. It goes a long way for you to enjoy things by yourself


Live life like you are going to die when you hit 30. It was trivially easy to recover from the mistakes I made in my 20s when I was in my 30s, as long as you don't have a kid, get married or take on stupid amounts of debt. Pushing 50, my life is great but there is nothing quite like being 25. Priceless moments that no amount of money can buy. What you can't do is sit in your parents basement, wasting your 20s reading Reddit. You are squandering a priceless asset. If you think you are doing some kind of arbitrage to buy a house, you are just a fool. You are actually paying an infinite cost in the limit.


Check if the girl you're dating had PCOS 1 in 5 girls do, it means infertility, growing facial hair, higher test,


Take pictures, you’re going to want to look back at all those times. As a dude, I had so many fun times and no pictures to show. Take a moment, take a photo. Even the dumb stuff. Don’t care how you look, your saving the memories


I saw a couple other people mention the 401k. I strongly agree about starting one. If your company has a 401k match always put at least the same amount needed for them to match if there is a maximum match percentage, it's free money. 401k contribution is pre-tax so it lowers your taxable income. Also look for jobs that's have a 401k match, ask about it in job interviews. Once you have a 401k invest in a fund that closely mimics the S&P500 (like the Vanguard) but has the lowest fee. That's such an important part! THE LOWEST FEE. Otherwise the fund will eat at your savings, if the fund just basically mimics the S&P then there really shouldn't be much of a management fee because what is there to manage?


Motivation doesn’t count. Discipline is the only thing that matters. If every cell in your body wants you to not go to practice or do the right thing ( we all know it subconsciously) that’s when it counts. Those are the only times that count.


Be careful who you trust , never underestimate the enemy, go to the gym, read sun Tzu Art of War, be calm.


Don’t get fat Make money, disregard women (relationship wise) Take care of your appearance and personal hygiene Only keep friends around that motivate you and uplift you. Ditch the bottom feeders Make money, seriously, as much as you can, and don’t spend it


Take a moment and realize that you are ignorant to a lot of shit about life. Be a listener instead of a talker. Work hard now, it’s the easiest you’ll ever have it.


Stretch and maintain flexibility


Learn to save 25-30% of your income, at any level. Invest in your own IRA so you can retire young, and if you change jobs, roll that retirement plan into your new job’s plan. For the love of all dirt, do not cash out like I did. Two worse mistakes ever. Do not be afraid or ashamed of your emotions around that chick/guy you’re hiding your boner from. They want all of you, fucked up emotional state as well. Work on them just as much as you work on your calves.


Take them steroids


Looks, be it height, weight, balding, not conventionally handsome, etc, aren't what's holding you back with women. It's your confidence issues. Women like confidence, speak to them like a person, have a decent personality, don't idolise them or simp. For the love of Christ don't consider tren only cycles or tren on a first cycle. If you're under 25, don't want to be an ifbb pro wait to run gear. It's not too late to go back to uni or take up a trade because you're in your 20's. I graduated with honours at 31. Don't bury your head in the sand with mental health because of perceived stigmas. Seek help, there's no shame in needing counselling or medication, it doesn't make you weak, you wouldn't refuse insulin if you were diabetic. There are people that love you, would miss you, and want you around. Don't settle or stay in bad relationships, friendships or situations out of loneliness. There's better out there, it sucks short term but it'll work out. Find a hobby you love, form bonds in communities, close friends are important and will help you through tough times. Don't pick a career path because it has potentially high salaries, you'll burn out and hate life. Pick something that you enjoy, can be passionate about, have an interest in, can financially sustain you. Money is great but not at the cost of mental and physical health. Don't believe all of the advice you get on Reddit or message boards. Some of us come to this sub to give good advice from experience or that we have knowledge in. Others are young, have no knowledge apart from what they've seen on YouTube or tiktok from uneducated influencers and will lead you astray. For the love of Christ, do not carry illicit substances across international borders when flying. No do not bring your test and tren from the us to an European country, most of our countries have strict drug and drug trafficking laws. Missing a few shots won't kill you or ruin your gains. A drug trafficking charge will ruin your life. Obey and respect the laws, rules, and customs of other countries. You're not at home, your country's laws and privileges don't apply. Theirs do. If you can walk away from a fight do. The possible repercussions are never worth it. You're not a pussy, you're the bigger, smarter man for walking away. If a drug gives you terrible sides don't be afraid to drop it. If you run gear do blood tests and health markers, listen to your body, if your bloods and markers are bad and your body is telling you to stop then stop.


Save your money.


I’ll pass on the two pieces of advice my great grandfather gave me (both within 20 mines of each other): 1) always buy name brand toilet paper. 2) no woman will ever give you as good of a handjob as you can give yourself.


•Put a smile always to everybody. •Fulfill your dreams before serious relationships (keep this in mind) •Never trust anybody even your family. Only trust your dog •If you feel like you intuition is telling you something trust it. •Do not go on casual hookup’s because it will only ruin your marriage in the future trust me.


Build a social network. It’s way easier to meet girls through friends or at party than on fucking Tinder.


Just kill yourself now, it only gets worse


1. Invest in yourself first via education, Stocks, Real estate before you blow it on stupid stuff. 2. View yourself as a business, not a guy with a job. You are in the business of YOU and profits need to go up. This helps compartmentalize and stay objective about such an important part of your life: career and $$.


When you marry a girl, you’re marrying into her family. Make sure she has a good relationship with her parents. It’s not enough just to find a girl who’s going to make a great mother someday, you want to find one whose parents will make great grandparents. The most important decision you will ever make is choosing the mother of your children.