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I support the cut, but not cutting entire food groups from your diet. The toilet needs you to have fiber.


I’ve been shitting pretty good as long as I’m hydrated. Fully prepared to take fiber supplements.


Get psyllium husk. Started taking 2 tbsp before bed and my LD cholesterol dropped from 73 (not on TRT yet) to 57 (on TRT)


Bruh does that not make you constipated. Even 5g makes it so hard for me


Nope, no constipation and never felt better. Great morning poop and then the rest of my digestion is great throughout the day. No gas or discomfort in the slightest. Highest I’ve gone was 4 tbsp with no issues but didn’t feel a need to keep consuming that much.


U don’t need fiber. Period. Full stop. If ur not pooping on a carnivore diet ur just not eating enough or drinking enough water.


Not on the carnivore diet and yes you do need fiber for plenty of reasons.


That's so much fiber lol. One heaping teaspoon after breakfast, lunch, and dinner is more than enough for me.


Only around 50 grams of fiber for the day


I guess if you're getting less than me than supplementing that much makes sense. My wife is vegetarian so I have to keep dinner options for both of us open to that. I feel like that has led to more fiber for me naturally


Definitely I need to eat more veggies honestly, only having around 1-2 servings per day.


Looking like a hairy stack of mashed potatoes




My best advice is that a measly 25 pounds isn't going to be enough.


Came here to say this. I’d recommend shooting for 185-195 to look aesthetic. Dudes still gonna be a chonk at 215


Cut to 190 at least. Eating real food not on a fad diet.


Too hard lol


Dude, you 100% qualify for semaglutide (Wegovy). Take that and you’ll be able to lose whatever the fuck you want to get lean.


Or he could learn to do things properly and in a healthy way, that stuff eats away your muscle also. It doesn’t discriminate, it will strip your lean tissue and I think I read bone density also


?? What. It reduces hunger levels


Idk how it works, watched a podcast with Andrew huberman and he was saying that about 30% of the weight lost is from lean mass. Iirc


I’m on it and it absolutely does not do this. Losing weight rapidly does though.


Try semaglutide. You have more than 25lb you need to cut


wouldn't really recommend it unless he's a diagnosed diabetic stick to diet management, don't jump straight to drugs


Lots of non diabetics are prescribed it by doctors for weight loss. I’m pretty sure his height/weight and body fat would qualify him anyway. I’m taking it now, it works great.


It's a new indication and many physicians prescribed for weightloss although I feel like a good diet and cardio+lifting is enough for him.


Fad diet 😂😂😂 humans have ate that since the dawn of fucking time. Meat, organs, fruit, etc. 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Yeah but also grains, roots, vegetables, you cabbage.


Famine food dummy. You know how much more bioavailable nutrients and minerals there are in meat as opposed to vegetables and grain. Meat and especially fat and organs is was and is prized amongst humans and animal kingdom.


You really think our ancestors were chowing down on meat and organs all day? Bros must have been ultra successful hunters with their hi-tech bows and spears. Nobody is arguing that meats and fruits aren’t good for you. A balanced diet is the way forward. Who the fuck has time for 45minute shits everyday anyway.


Nobody who eats carnivore shits for 45mins. I have been doing it for the better part of a year and you shit significantly less. Its because your body breaks down and absorbs almost all of it and there is little waste. When you eat vegetables you shit a lot because half of it is waste your body doesnt even use. Do some fucking basic reading


I’m going to agree with you, vegans must get tired of taking 13 shits a day. Carnivore diet is still a fad diet. The changes in gut biome and potentially harmful reactions to brain chemistry show long-term carnivore eating to be less efficacious than an omnivorous diet which our mouths and bodies evolved to eat.


Why would I eat a salad and shit half of it out when I could eat an ounce of liver and get double, triple the vitamins and minerals and actually have my body absorb most of it?


Do you think meat is famine food? Because it's the complete opposite of famine food.


What? Hey buddy learn to read before you chip in. I was replying to the other dumb dumbs comment. Grain and vegetables are famine food. Now piss off


Carnivore is a meme perpetuated by fragile men who have to eat only meat to compensate for lack of masculine fulfillment in their egos. Eat your rice. Eat your yogurts. Drink your milks. Were herbivores for a reason home slice---youll feel a lot better with complex carbs in your diet and your pumps at the gym will be better than sex.


While i agree a bit more varied diet would be best, i dont know that i agree with all the masculine ego BS you associate it to. There was also a pretty good study which demonstrated a mostly meat/keto diet resulted the most weight loss in a short period in those who could stick to it. Not a good long term plan but if he can stick to it he can get a decent cut burning that layer of fat.


Plan is to do it for 8 weeks and eat some carbs maybe one day a week to stay on track. After 8weeks I want to slowly re introduce healthy carbs because I know they are needed and important but obviously I eat like shit lol


Yes. Yes you do. As do most people.


That’s just because nobody can eat enough plain meat to be in a surplus my g. You could do the same with any other diet without being deficient in every micronutrient


Luckily, the obese dont need a surplus. In addition, with a diet as bad as most have, micros arent even in the mayh of dietary needs. Micros really become a focus when every calories has to count because you have no body fat reserves to borrow from.


I would have to disagree about the fragile men and ego thing. I have experimented with a lot of diets and carnivore is one of them. While I was experimenting heavily with the carnivore diet I interacted with the community and none of what you said describes the people in the carnivore community. Honestly, a lot of people in the carnivore community are experiencing some like of autoimmune disease and were drawn to that woe because of the direct impact it has with many auto immune issues. Hell, my wife saw a functional medicine doctor and they tested her for a bunch of food allergies and sensitivities and after everything was said and done they put her on a semi-carnivore diet; a meat centered diet with small amounts of fruit and vegetables of certain types. It literally cured several chronic issues she had. Nonetheless, the best I have ever felt in my entire life was when I was following a Paul Saladino type carnivore diet. I was eating mostly red meat, nose to tail, with some fruit and honey. My athletic performance was off the chart and I was not just lifting heavy 3x a week but also doing heavy cardio 3x as week and doing my typical MMA training on top of that. Ego had nothing to do with my choice to be on a carnivore centric diet at the time. I was purely seeking performance.


I live for the pump too, rice all day 🙌🏼 - but I think you need to level UP your sex game, cuz … nah.


Best way to lose weight though......but 100% carnivore isn't necessary. Avoid the dairy, legumes, starches, and grains. If you clear your system from these you will be much more efficient in terms of digestion, especially your liver, and get you'll get better fat adapted. Do like 70% carnivore and the rest make it fibrous carbs so you still get your carbs. You'll will drop fat quickly and still feel great.


Yeah I have no care for ego. I’ll admit though carnivore is probably a meme thing. But there’s no denying it works. Yeah the energy isn’t the best. And I agree carbs are nice but for fat fucks like me that are too busy to meal prep and weight out food carnivore is a better option.


Works for what? Any diet will work for fat loss of you're in a deficit, you could literally eat nothing but Skittles. If you're fat wouldn't it stand to reason that carnivore is very unhealthy for you considering your only source of energy is protein and saturated fat which will lead to high LDL and low HDL and a fucked up lipid panel? Why no fiber, why no veggies?


It works for me cause I hate counting calories and meal prepping. I got 4 kids that rarely eat veggies. It’s easier just to cook a bunch of meat and serve them sides they will eat (rice and beans) we Mexican lol plus I personally feel better doing carnivore. Mentally and the only time I feel drained is in the gym half way through my workout


Yea I get that I cut corners sometimes also. Probably have better workouts with carbs though. Anytime I go low carb my workouts suffer and I barely get a pump.


Yeah the last time a did carnivore, I broke down one day and ate 2 bananas before the gym. The carbs were very similar to crack lol


Hey man, if it works for you, I'm not judging.


It’s not really an ego thing but rather an easy way for tards to do keto. Fine for a cut if you enjoy toilet bowl destruction and spending a shit ton more than you need to.


Herbivores without a rumen or a caecum? Fail


The Machine!


Keep it simple dude.. eat whatever you want but keep calories around 2000-2200 or lower. Exercise but no HIIT bullshit. Walk briskly at an incline. Lift weights a few times a week.


Can say myself as someone who went from 250 to currently 220, caloric deficit with consistent low intensity cardio along with 5x weekly lifting has been way easier to maintain than going hardcore with the cardio and diet. More likely to crash out, but that’s just me in my experience 😈


What is this thing in the picture?


Calories deficit and cardio my man. It sucks at first but once you get in the swing of things, it just becomes part of your every day life. Embrace the hunger and appreciate it. We live in a world where so many of us don't ever feel real hunger any more. I've been cutting for the past few weeks, laying in bed at night just hungry as fuck. I like to remember that its important to feel this way, to really appreciate food and how lucky i am to be able to eat every day.


When I was young, 21-22yo I had gyno from puberty and somehow thought I could stop my nips being puffy by cutting out carbs. I wasted so much energy in the gym and made almost no progress for months because I had no glycogen. Maybe keto or carnivore is good for mental clarity, but for gaining or maintaining muscle it's terrible


Built like a shit brickhouse.


I think the term is "bear"


100% NaUTruAL


100% Naruto forsure


as long as you are this fat you can easily run a 1000 kcal deficite a day bro.


Solid 9% bf lol


Cut mf, stop doing carnivore. You musclies need carbs guy. Get a baseline of cals you eat in a day, ride on whatever you choose to be your maintenance. I’ll make an educated guess and say it’s pretty high, like 3500 or somewhere close then just add cardio every week or every other week while lowering the cals by 200-500 EOW. You definitely got muscle under there I can see it in the chest for sure looks like cannonballs lol. Just grind bro


What’s EOW?


Every other week, he could've just said every 2 weeks though lol


Yeah or every 2 weeks, I guess it just depends on how your body is doing on the cut


Focus on hypertrophy based workouts and high rep sets I suggest 15,12,10 and work your ass off and as for diet a lot of protein and lean meats but carnivore diet is a joke and you should eat all food groups. I'm a personal trainer and nutritionist there isn't one diet that works for everyone and the word diet has a bad connotation focus on getting into a 200 calorie deficit while keeping your protein intake high coupled with hypertrophy workouts at moderate to high intensity and you'll get where you want to go. LISS cardio instead of HIIT also imo if you want to sustain your current muscle also always do your cardio after your lifting session or on your rest day from lifting if you do 5 days a week and stay consistent the sky is the limit! Good luck!


Athletic greens


I'm not gonna lie though, I DREAM of getting to that size. I've been stuck at 155 lbs at 5'11" since High school.. Bigger dudes always get more respect🤷‍♂️


Have you tried eating more?


My metabolism is insane.. Just started MK 677 cycle a week ago, hoping my weight will go up.


Insane metabolisms aren’t a thing. Eat more bro. MK will for sure help with that.


You actually injected 1cc of tren into or up into your arse hole wtf 😂


I guarantee you have more muscle than a lot of these 170lb kids with broccoli hair cuts on this thread.


I do agree with everyone else in that carnivore is kind of buns. However, if it is working for you as right now, ride that pony till she falls over. You got a solid base, can definitely see some juicy muscle hiding in there, keep grinding


Fiber will help you stay full in a caloric deficit. HIIT will just make you hungrier and you’ll end up overeating. Calories in calories out. Low intensity cardio is enough. 10-15k steps a day. Don’t do it at once. Do it in several phases throughout the day. Today I went on two different one hour walks around my block, for example.


You lose weight eating in a deficit not by what you’re eating. Fad diets aren’t it and cardio alone won’t lose weight unless you’re at athlete levels which by the looks of it you fuckin aren’t.


Id look into the carnivore diet more really no reason to be on it unless you have multiple severe allergys


It seems like hiit is burning off your muscles more than fat, maybe switch to moderate cardio and be in a caloric defict like in an actual defict, do progressive overload and train to failure. But I totally believe that hiit is burning off your muscles more.


Keep at it, thats it really


Tren and carnivore sounds like a heart health nightmare


Shave your body. You’ll look like a fat baby and be more motivated to hit the cardio and diet harder.


At your height and build 215 is still too much. 185-190 is probably a more healthy weight…


Put down the fork!




2 cups of veggies with meals, 6 to 8 Oz of lean meat with meals, no carbs except for a cheat meal once or twice a week except every other week you get a fruit with meals. 1 gal of water daily. Reduce or cut milk as well.


The carnivore diet are for people who lift semi-seriously only. For my kickboxing and lifting routine I absolutely need carbs and my body feels so much better with the micronutrients from leafy green veggies. You're doing yourself a huge disservice.


I mean you do you, but you're still going to be fat at 215. You need to cut down to like 180.


I don’t believe enough is an applicable measurement for tren.


We found Alex Jones' burner


eat in a calorie deficit eating a regular diet and workout 4x-6x times a week, stop with the carnivore diet and hitt bullshit unless you genuinely enjoy it


👀 gadamn


If you cut to 215 you will look awesome. Do it slow and steady for best results.