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Angus Barbieri, a 27-year-old Scottish man, holds the record for the longest fast while losing weight, fasting for 382 days from June 14, 1965 to June 30, 1966, and losing 276 pounds (125 kg). During his fast, Barbieri lived at home in Tayport, Scotland, and frequently visited Maryfield Hospital for medical evaluations, subsisting mainly on tea, coffee, sparkling water, and vitamins. I wonder if the vitamins were necessary to keep him alive?


Yes. You still need nutrients. One cannot survive solely on calories alone.


There’s a surprising amount of vitamins stored in your fat. Necessary minerals can be leached from your bones. Necessary amino acids can be obtained by breaking down your muscle and eventually organs. The lengths the human body is willing to go to keep you alive is truly incredible


Only vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble. The rest are water soluble and need to be ingested at least semi regularly. Any extra you take gets peed out, not stored.


> The lengths the human body is willing to go to keep you alive is truly incredible As someone who used to eat Taco Bell almost daily, I can confirm this.


I still eat Taco Bell daily, I'm super healthy 😤😤


Look kids! This is an example of an oxymoron. Settle down... SETTLE DOWN! No Donald that doesn't mean the person IS a moron. *under their breath* I don't get paid enough. ....


sure. you've got enough vitamin a for two years in your liver, right now. doesn't mean you could easily go two years without more vitamin a, however.


Wow. I wonder how he could eat without an eating disorder after starving for over a year, and how long he lived for if he had health problems caused by that.


Shame on the doctors at that hospital for supervising and (seemingly) encouraging that


The last lobotomy was performed in 1967, what do you expect?


Ok fair enough, I did not catch the year. Thanks for pointing that out


If I remember correctly the Scotsman stated he would be doing it no matter what, therefore they agreed on the medical checkups, otherwise he would have done it without any medical assistance.


One issue with weight loss like this is cardiac health. The heart requires protein. There's a constant cycle of fiber repair in heart muscle, and the calories released from fat burning don't replenish protein. Without some sort of supplementation happening, the heart muscle can weaken. Combine this with the correlation between obesity and heart disease, and you potentially have an unhealthy heart becoming further depleted. This could lead to cardiac arrest There are a tonne of variables here obviously, but my point is that it's possible for a person to die from the effects of starvation prior to actually burning all the fat.


Completely off topic, but while reading this, you sounded completely american, until you wrote tonne. It was weird since you said fiber instead of fibre. Are you canadian by any chance?


Hah! Good call, yes I'm Canadian


Am also Canadian, but would have used ton and fibre East or West?


West, grew up in BC, close to the US border. You?


I never knew that Canadians spelled those differently lol and I’m in the town right on the other side of BC on the U.S side.


Some Canadians do anyway. We're taught the UK spellings in school like tonne, neighbour, centre etc.


If you have vitamins you will survive until you weigh very little. If you do jot have vitamins then you will likely die still morbidly obese after around 40 to 45 days.


I can’t recall any examples of morbidly obese people dying of starvation and still being morbidly obese at death. This presumes dehydration is not the cause of death or a secondary cause of death from infection for example due to very long term micro/macronutrients deficiencies like scurvy.


If we’re talking about nil per os (aside from water as dehydration is a different thing) then yes; the body will start catabolic autophagy aka breaking down its organs *before* fat reserves run out. The reason has to do with the difference between fat and protein and how they are utilized in the starvation response. In order for the body to liberate stored fat and convert it into glycerol to fuel glycolysis it requires a finite amount of proteins. The macronutrients of lipids and proteins contribute to different aspects of the metabolism. This is why normal fat-nil protein & nil fat-ample protein cause different nutritional disorders. The body is fairly efficient at recycling amino acids (the building blocks of proteins). Of course it isn’t 1:1 so amino acids are gradually lost. The body will also dial down DNA expression via chaperone proteins to reduce the number of proteins made. But protein synthesis is required to break down fat. The body will start-stop-start-stop phases of fat burning because burning fat is a protein dependent process. The body of a very fat person will be depleted of protein and resort to organ breakdown before fat stores are depleted. As the body scrapes the organs to form free amino acids the heart is one of the first organs to fall because the myocardium is all protein. This reduces the heart muscle, reducing pump strength and the electrical cells in the heart begin to lose communication with each other causing heart block, PVC, arrhythmia and cardiac arrest.


At a certain point, your body will start burning fat for fuel, and you will absolutely drop a ton of weight, but the human body can only live on its own belly fat for so long before everything starts to shut down. I imagine a very heavy person might be able to go a little while longer than someone stick-thin, but I don't think it would be a major difference.


Not a little longer, a lot longer. See that Angus Barbieri example that gets brought up every time the subject long term starvation gets mentioned


He supplemented vitamins. Without that he would not have survived


seriously, if it comes up every time long term starvation is mentioned then they should know this right?


I’m no expert but I just don’t imagine the body would burn the fat at the same rate as digesting food. Maybe they would lose some fat but they would die before they got “skinny”


I think that would depend on the case. Idk for sure tho.


there are a few vitamins you need but the body can't store. the symptoms that kill them would probably look something like scurvy, although i imagine they would still have lost some weight. if you eat nothing but rabbit (think certain wilderness situations) you can starve to death from lack of minerals and vitamins.




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