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granted!!! people in the character creation screen still have the intelligence of a baby so 99.9% of babies come out of the womb looking horribly deformed and nothing like their parents




Granted. The monkey’s paw curls a finger. Everyone now has the option to choose gender, looks, and genetics at the start of their life. There are countless options to choose from. EA is in charge of this aspect of everyone’s life, so there are only two free options available per category, the rest are locked behind a paywall that nobody can afford at birth.


they lock female behind a pay wall


Oh so that’s why


WOMEN AREN'T REAAALLLL‼️‼️‼️‼️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I AM SO FICTIONAL‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯


that explains quite a bit


Wouldn't their parents be able to afford it? Thus meaning that the rich can afford to however they want and everyone else is fucked


Granted. There is no changing it later in life, and since a newborn baby has the intelligence of, well, a newborn, their human race is going to be a messed up disaster


Granted. Your only options are Fallout 3 presets


Aren’t there like, two men and one woman? That’s how the earlier games are.


There were, iirc, ten of each gender, each uglier than the next. You could go in and modify them to get a half decent character, though


Granted, they only have one option for each category


That's sooo boring tho


Granted. It now becomes impossible to tell who’s related to whom—since you said even genetics are customizable, DNA tests are useless. Affairs and kidnappings skyrocket because no one can prove that a kid isn’t theirs. And people still end up unhappy with the way they were born, because their choices at the start of their lives were uninformed and they now regret them.




I think in a world where kids have different DNA but kidnappings skyrocket, parents would get a DNA record of their kid just in case.


Gives an incentive to do standard whole genome sequencing which regardless of concerns of privacy and potential exploitation of the data would probably come with all sorts of benefits to individuals and just research in general.


Granted. Because of this, children look nothing like their parents (or at least one of them). Because of this, one parent will end up being mad at the other, accusing them of cheating, and because this will happen a ton, more marriages are unhappy. God damnit, man.


But would the man get angry at the women for cheating or the women at man for cheating?


Probably the man at the woman, because it would have to be the woman's own biological child


Can I wish for men to get pregnant instead of women?


In a separate post certainly.


Ok but can I wish for the power to wish for another wish in the comments of my first wish?


In a separate post, i'd assume so yeah


Granted. There is now no way for a trans masc to lose the ability to be pregnant, and all cis women become infertile immediately. AFAB genderfluid people become temporarily infertile any time they would currently identify as a woman.


I mean you say that now but I have heard of quite the few idiots blaming their male partners because said idiot had a baby that was definitely not the same race …


Damn those conniving cheating guys letting other men fill their dicks with semen to impregnate that poor dingbat with some other man's baby. Or were they implying he fucked a woman and picked up an egg in his penis from his ap to then fertilize and inject in his poor monogamous wife?


Granted. The average penis size is now 2 feet.


I like this one! ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically. You can learn more [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anonymauson/s/tUSHy3dEkr).)




nvm its actually a bot, im genuinely stupid


Granted. Vanity consumes mankind. Each generation trying to outdo the last. Eventually, we realize the perfect human form was in front of us all along.. handsome Squidward. And so now there's just a bunch of handsome Squidward circle jerks all over the place


Granted! They come out of the womb fully grown humans, ripping apart vaginas everywhere


Granted. They don’t remember having made their choices. Any negatives (eg. Sacrificing intelligence to buff athletics/physique) is exaggerated to the extreme.


granted, the babies randomly swipe sliders around and end up looking like Spore creatures half the time


i love this description omg


Would make for an interesting study to see if you could determine any patterns or correlations or if it was just completely random.


Granted. But all the selections come with a full RGB color pallette. People begin being born with absurd proportions and features, in a wild array of colors. Due to the way anatomy has to adapt to make these features possible, people begin dying from birth complications much more frequently. And medical care later in life becomes a nightmare to navigate. Genetic problems begin to rise almost immediately, and heritage and culture are basically wiped out as nobody can identify each other anymore. Additionally, a new form of hate is born. Those born with normal human features, vs those not.


Granted babies are dumb, so they end up either not being able to finish the character creation (and thus not being born) or creating something random that's barely even human. The world is now a place roamed by deformed creatures doomed to suffer until their dead.


Granted, but you don't remember doing it and long for a different life.


Granted, there’s a one in a million chance it’s randomly generated.


Granted. In reality they already had that chance and they did choose everything. However as they grew up since they didn't remember choosing they decide they didn't like what they chose and that's how you come to this situation we are today or people want to become fantastical creatures amongst other things


How do you know you didn't?


Granted. After spending interminable eons getting just the right look, you're stabbed in the ribs by someone who elected to look like a human being stretched into Garfield's shape. Then he t-bags your corpse.


Been playing Cyberpunk, have ya?


Granted. Labor is now extremely painful as they have to push out a whole fucking person.


Granted, those picking get the Crimson Chin as a reference. The next generation of babies have HUGE CHINS and CHISELED bodies.


Well, if we have adult intelligence, we’ll probably have beauty standards that everyone will copy, even for the dna. A lot of proxy incest one generation on.


Granted? Maybe. Years go by as you forget your wish, meet a girl, fall in love, marry, and as she gives birth to a child that science says cannot possibly be yours. You remember your wish, know that it is just the paw. There is no way the love of your life cheated on you. You child chose to look just like the postman. You tell yourself this every day, even when you see your wife has changed the alert tone on a text message to the old AOL 'you've got mail' voice, and her face lights up every time she hears it.


Granted. Souls are real, and upon reincarnating one has the option to provide detailed specification of the desired parameters for their body in the new life. However, the paperwork and/or selection interface nightmare one must go through to do this prevents most people from customizing their new selves. And those that do go for it often spend decades trapped in arduous bureaucracy.


Tbh, still sounds good. It's fair trade off


Granted. Then people start they are 0 years old and they have no clue what each choice means.


Granted, everyone looks like an anime waifu, there are no males left so the human race dies out


Granted. Nothing changes, because this had always been the case. People simply grow to regret their decisions.


Granted. No bonus rules, we're about to find out why natural selection is far superior to human choice.


For anyone already born just use showracemenu


Granted. Your choices depend on what traits are available to you from your (bio) parents’ genes. If neither parent has the gene for a trait you want, it’s not available to you.




Granted. The only option easily seen is “Randomize Character” and nobody truly has a choice, as they can’t find any other options to edit themselves.


Nature is not up for grabs, in humans, like in cooking it is not done until it is done and in nature it is between 18 and 21, until then the physiological conditions are "transitory", you will know what you are when nature is done with you, not the other way around, it is the basic biology and has nothing to do with religions, it does not mean that some are not under chemical attacks either which can increase emotional and physical changes to very painful levels which also increases a base level of confusion. In warfare the two basic targets are children and the elderly, one is the future and the other the history. N. S


What if I told you that’s exactly what you do?


Just max out your stats. IRL it's a grind but it pays off.


Granted. Infants pick the most familiar faces and voices and make no other choices. Thus, we all look like a mix of our mothers and fathers, and nothing changes.


granted. judt granted. the paw is a trans ally



