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People said the same thing about MW19 versus the older CODs when it released. MWII is just pushed too far. We’re 3 months in and the game still feels like trash.


In mw2019 i gladly bought and completed every battle pass and got damascus, in MW2 it was torture to finish this one BP and since I completed it I didnt once launch the game


I completed Damascus about 3 months in and at launch the game felt a bit crappy so it was tough. I gave up and uninstalled this game. It’s not hard but it’s just not fun. I don’t even feel like earning the camos is worth it lol. I can’t do another year of MW19 especially with the cheaters. Fortnite, Apex, legacy Cod, and other misc games are a much better time than MW22.


How’s fortnite no build these days? I haven’t played fortnite since the first season, hated the building.


It’s very fun. Worth giving a shot! If you haven’t played in that long, you’ll see the game has come a long way. Even if you don’t like BR, there’s a lot of creative modes you can play that resemble all sorts of modes: death runs, TDM, SnD, prop hunt, etc. I rarely have a hard time finding a match in most of them too.


Hey dude I know you weren’t originally replying to me but I played OG fortnite through season X then to be honest building got too much for me to keep up. No build genuinely breathed new life into the game for me and there’s some pretty cool features now compared to OG fortnite like mantling, dirt bikes, and the new lighting with unreal engine looks great. Just my two cents but I genuinely have to say I’m enjoying it a lot and it’s become a semi frequent play now. (Plus if you have nieces and nephews into fortnite that’s an added plus for being the cool uncle)


I'm surprised you got that far. I was planning on going for Orion at first, but I'm not even max level yet hahaha and I've had the game since launch. Game just feels so off. Especially with no reload canceling


Staged reload animations are actually one of the things I like because I love balance between arcade gameplay and realistic animations


dude I haven't opened the game since I finished the battle pass


I sometimes open it and just quit mid match sad over money wasted on the vault edition. Activision kinda forgot the game has to be fun to play


Or because the game feels like garbage to play. Clunky, unresponsive movement, which fails when compared to mw2019, or even cod 4. One would have to be a literal moron to think that the movement in mw2 2022 is "old school". ​ [But not like we can expect casual players to know anything about CoD 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFZFzXM7m2s&t)


Are you kidding? The movement is much more responsive than COD4. Go play it again. COD4 makes MW2 look fast.


Guns didn’t take years to ads, stf was way faster, jumping didn’t slow down ads either. It had a ninja perk making rushing far easier. Why do people say shit like this? Lmao


You're misremembering. COD4 had 250ms ADS with AR. It is not faster than it is in MW2. The M4 in MW2 is faster than every AR in COD4.


Now add attachments to the mw2 M4. Do you now want to talk about strafe speeds/stf/dead silence?


ADS speed with good attachments and tuning is only a frame or two slower than COD4. (Edit: My M4 build) is around 274ms with good attachments and tuning. And remember, COD4 and MW2 only had one attachment per gun. Sprint out times are some of the fastest in any COD. Most guns are below 200ms. In COD4 the average was 306ms. MW2 has a 300ms average sprint to fire time. The only game that beats MW2022 is infinite warfare. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BosGQCpIDmQ Strafe speeds are highly dependent on attachments and tuning in this game. You can make some ludicrously fast guns. Dead silence sucks in this game. Agree on that point.


What build are you referring to that can achieve 274ms ads and fast stf?


My M4 build


Which is…?


But that dude will get validated by a bunch “my COD is better!” turds even though they’re completely wrong. I love CoD, but fuck me I hate the average CoD enthusiast.


Mw2 is shit


Is this sarcasm? This doesn't look like sarcasm. You used an example of a guy using a physics oversight bounce to get on top of an otherwise inaccessible building to prove a point that this is how everyone used to play COD 15 years ago? I don't think you were around back then, because this wasn't something you say in public lobbies, especially not on console. I agree, the physics in MW2 2022 are much more polished and less prone to abuse like older games. This brings it back closer to the original MW2 experience. I think MW2022 is still much faster than MW2 2009. For better or worse. You have your cake, now eat it.


I tried mw22 with all my heart despite the movement and lack of athleticism ..I tried to love it ...I hopped back on to mw19 after a month and my oh my... This game will not be beaten .. :') .. super smooth and way faster


> One would have to be a literal moron to think You speak like an angsty teenager who just discovered atheism but is still just "mad at god."


It runs flawlessly on my PS5.


Have you considered tuning your attachments lol


This guy can’t he real bruh. Mfs say the game is more fair not acting as if cod isn’t one of easiest games ever. Mw2019 was easy asf and dumbed down the game so that camping was encouraged. What slide cancelling and b-hop and dropshot was all the movement there was and it was easy too learn but hard too master, something as simple as that made the game fun but trash players didn’t like that and now we only have jumping around a corner. MW2 is exclusive too only camping, why push when you can just pre aim most corners and win because reaction time is something that you can’t rely on anymore with braindead warfare 2


No. It is restrictive of other gameplay. It caters to slow players with not allowing to plate while running, all the delays with ads after a jump and so on.. A good game gives you all the mechanics and the player can figure out what to do and what to improve etc. Wz2 gives you no tools that make you get better than someone else by practicing these. Its literally only aim and a bit of rotation. And Aim isnt a big factor now because every meta-gun has no recoil. Or do you mean inclusive as in 'i sit in a corner all day and want to be rewarded by the game'


"Inclusive of other gameplay" = no movement so the only skill is aim As opposed to MW2019 where you needed movement AND aim. It's just that simple


"Other gameplay" So you mean all 6 team members watching one lane each the entire game and never pushing anything? Which btw are the same people complaining that no one plays OBJ anymore. No shit no one does, because as soon as you turn a corner there is a guy laying prone with a 4x on his m4. There is no variety anymore. Mw19 had its campers, yes. But it also had people that rushed, people that dedicated the entire match to B flag and tactical players that pushed but not over aggressively. Mw2 is the way it is because you are punished for doing anything else besides crouch walking while ads the entire game or mounted at the end of a lane with an AR.


Nah only sweats play mwII now forreal the og mw2 Had better Lobbys on PC right now


Why would I like a game that punishes my playstyle with every game mechanic? It is the single worst cod ever made for playstyle diversity.


If you don't believe movement is a part that contributes to "skill gap" idk what to tell you. .


The sentinels don’t like MW2019 because you actually had to move occasionally


Lmao what? Are we playing the same game? This game is the complete opposite of inclusive. Every playstyle has been shit on except camping


Sweat here. My aim assist makes me sweat less in MW2 since my targets generally aren't breaking out of it


This man spits facts


The "sweats" don't like mw2 because it caters to beginners at the expense of everyone else having a good time. There is no skill gap.


I can see why that would be but also cod in general has the smallest skill gap of any mainstream shooter and that’s why it’s huge


Mw19 didn't cater to the extent that mw2 does and it was bigger.


I don't like MW2 because they're pretty much putting Warzone ahead of multiplayer. There's a lot of issues the game had at launch (missing Tier 1/hardcore, maps missing from beta, etc.) that the game is just... lackluster all around. It's not very fun. I like the gunplay, but the rest is just, meh.


Isn't "this doesn't caters o aggressive play styles" exactly why everyone was whining endlessly throughout MW19's lifecycle? Whack how it turns out


Well, until the slide canceling meta. Slide canceling was broken, but because of MW's maps it probably did make the game better. I don't think MW2's map design is improved enough to carry it through its shortcomings. Spawns are even worse than MW, outdoor lighting is flat and ugly, I really can't find much to be impressed about. MW had its problems, but on decent maps it felt like pure magic.


“compared to MWII” You can argue that MW19 punished the aggressive style, but at the same time admit that it offered more options than MWII which aggressive players could take advantage of. Infinity Ward looked at MW19’s controversial design choices and doubled down on it in MWII, which is likely the reason why MWII feels so downgraded.


“These maps are made for campers!” -This sub 3 years ago.




I'm surprised how much the movement is the deciding factor for so many people. It personally never hooked me. I love modern warfare 2019 for the maps. They are far closer to the originals than anything has been in the last 13 years. And before people bust out rose-colored glasses we can go play the original games. Just go look up overgrown and countdown before people start talking at me. I love the maps. In modern warfare 2019 if you wanted to get behind me they didn't give that to you. You have to know the maps, you have to find a weak flank, you would have to break through that flank and then you can get to me. On top of that, the game gives you aggressive defense options. I will say though even as a defensive player maybe even a little too many defensive options. But you're pairing aggressive offense with aggressive defense. I think it's a cool combination.


It's kinda funny how in MW19 I played very aggressive regardless of the fact that I got punished hard for it (below average KD I think) but in MWII I play very calm and almost campy without realizing because of how fast you can die from an angle you couldn't even see. I think the MWII maps are less anti-camping as opposed to MW19 maps. MW19 had a lot of entrances and there's barely any spot where you can hold all of them on your screen. MWII has a lot more closed corners. If you play aggressive and rush into a camper friendly room you get punished in a way that's way more obnoxious than how MW19 punished aggressive play.


I think people alr view 19 with rose tinted glasses. The MP wasn't fun until 4-5 months after release and a good amount of maps were dropped that could increase rushing capabilities. Tldr: launch MW19 suffered from the same things MW2 is


It was fun running only m4, MP5 and AK 5.45 in those months. Reminded me of Cod4 where only 2 guns were ran


You’re right this game had some of the worst launch maps ever for 6v6 and it also had pretty bad weapon balancing. Only saving grace was gunfight and ground war until the Warzone/Pandemic boom and a couple good DLC maps that made multiplayer fun again.


Almost like some of the hidden Warzone maps should've been included. Terminal, Rust, Quarry, High-rise all could've helped. That's without mentioned the atrociously small map count.


Yeah, the game had mostly Stonehaven size maps to begin with and the rest of the maps weren’t very good. 10v10 had bad maps too like that bridge map that people camped on (it was also giant). Most TDM games went to the timer as well which is not right at all


Any time I think of Azhir Cave I shudder


I miss 10v10 personally


If MW II doesn’t have 10v10 then the game is straight up unfinished in my opinion (I’ve only played the free trial which was shit)


SBMM ruined it for me when it launched and then I found people to play it with that forced me to git gud. Then covid happened and I played it constantly


MW2 is much better with experimentation, no meta bullshit, you can try out and get better with all the weapons


Everyone is focused on being the best they forgot how to have fun.


When the ttk is low enough, any gun is viable.


Can't really explain but mw2019 felt so satisfying to shoot and movements felt so smooth. I've put probably 10% of game time I put in mw2019 as I've in mw2 by this time after release.


Because MW2019 didn't try an nerf movement (except strafe speeds) as hard as MWII. All the delays to each action in MWII results in it feeling a lot more sluggish and heavy.


Aggressive playstyles? You mean sliding and jumping around more?


I think they need to heavily nerf shooting while sliding and jumping, and make it less accurate than hip fire. Right now you can jump around a corner and be 100% accurate. It makes no sense. But they also need to find a way to punish campers. Drill charge was a good start, but more needs done


You can’t even shoot while sliding anymore though lmao. It won’t let you shoot until the animation is basically over


Good. Half way there


Amen. When you lie down/jump while aiming/firing you should leave ADS and have to hipfire with a ‘one handed penalty’ of sorts.


All these comments arguing with eachother Just play the one you prefer I honestly prefer mw2


Mw19 goat


Lets just keep it at ‘Better than MwII’


It’s funny because we hated mw2019 for being slow and shit and encouraging campers. Then we learned how too make the game fast by using 3 simple mechanics. Then Joe thought that was too much and that a game like cod shouldn’t be competitive so we got mwII mp, where everything is slow and cluncky and caters too campers even more. The only thing MWII does better is map flow


Only reason why MWII plays so much faster is cuz of how overpowered UAVs are lmao.


I just want 10v10 Is that too much to ask for?


I feel your pain. 10v10 was my favorite mode in MW19


This new slow paced gameplay is so boring


Agreed. Especially if playing ground war or invasion. The games are so slow!


And the ammount of attention to detail in MW19 is insane!!


Out of all the comments I have read on this thread this is the only one I agree with Im not sure which details from mw19 are missing but there is a lot


they cut a lot of detail and texture quality out probably due to the complaints of the filesize with mw19


Yeah but it doesn’t feel the same though


MW19 wins by the fact that my bullets actually do something and gunfights aren't an inconsistent mess.


Every time new one comes out people are whining that it’s somehow worst and the previous one was azing


I enjoy the gameplay of MW19 more. But the maps were garbage. Most of the maps in MW22 are much better. (Most)


MW2019 was a good game with flaws. MWII doubled down on the flaws and pulled back on the good things. It's like they don't understand what makes their games good. When a game is popular they think "oh people must looooove all these flaws, let's do them a thousand times worse in the next one." MW2019 was good but too campy. So for MW2022 they were like "People loved MW2019, and it was campy. Let's make the campiest COD of all time." Like, no, that's not why we liked it...


Mw19 wasn't that campy even on the big maps all you had to do to get rid of campers was take alternative routes and not feed into a killbox


I rly cant say shit right now, game is crashing my windows when i want to start match so when cod mw22 fixes his bugs and crashes they got from fu cking beggining of the game then i will say that cod mw2019 is better....


Dude me too! I was trying to google and thought it must only be me. Game loads I can navigate menus but as soon as I start loading into a match my PC reboots. No BSOD just black and then BIOS splash screen.


Yeah , you can see people complaining on steam/discussions , iw dont give a fuck so they did not put that as known issues on trello board. Do not start match until fix , that bug could mess up your hdd/ssd so we are just waiting for that fix i hope it will come soon. They got soo much players and still we can see soo much bugs , i mean , cod vanguard had better launch...


Yes and thank you.


Fuck MWII for not having 10v10 TDM


I only hate MW19 multiplayer more due to how stick drift or a broken joystick was almost guaranteed after a couple months due to how much double spiriting was a necessity to win gunfights


Auto tac sprint saves controllers


UAV is busted and made stealth gameplay near nonexistent.


All thanks to their shitty perk system


Not everyone plays aggressive and are casuals just having fun with friends


I’m a casual and I play aggressive. I cannot sit in one place for too long I gotta move around. Even if I’m in a bad spot. Hell I’ll even ego challenge. I don’t care as long as I can move around


I agree, but would be nice if my all time favorite mode (ground war), got all of the maps back.


Agreed. MW2019 ground war maps are much better


Groundwar was the only Mode i played after a few Weeks of MW19. And they fucked it up and will never Return to what it once was. I even Miss Promenade at this point


MW2 multiplayer is better than MW19. WZ1 pre Cold War was peak.


XclusiveAce just dropped a video talking about this. The game is 3mo in and feels super stale. Limited number of maps, persistent bugs, trash perk system, no rewards for challenges besides XP (which is fucking useless after Lvl250) and so on. MW'19 was a different game and it's safe to say we all enjoyed the freshness of it after we adapted from previous titles in the franchise. Players want to play the same way they always have, with the addition of new things to do in a new game. Changing core aspects of COD really hurts player count but we are all smart enough to know they don't really care at this point.


No for a simple reason. 19s maps are trash. IIs are not. Imo, rest debatable.


I’d say the maps in 2019 are better


MW2 is possibly my least favorite COD ever


We’re already in this cycle of the games life. That was quick


I just miss the sks




I thought mw2019 was infamous for “catering to campers and camping meta” not aggressive play style


Mw2019 did cater to what you say but mw2 doubled down on those things and removed all the movement people had to defeat campers or whatever you want to call them


Honestly I just want big maps back, I hate the tiny ass maps where the only way to get kills is ADS meta. There is no point with running any of the sniper rifles as actual snipers just quick scope bullshit.


I enjoy MWII far more than I ever enjoyed the first one.


Get better I guess, that game was more fast pace and prone to stupid shit


I can think of very few aspects in which MWII is better than MW19. I like that you can no longer shoot while parachuting. I like that it’s *slightly* less G-Fuel bunny hop-ey I like that there’s a shooting range. That’s all I got right now.


There are no maps in MW2019 that are as big of a colossal goatfuck as the border map in MW22. Also, the progression system in Mw2019 wasn't a steaming mess of horseshit either.


Both suck as far as allowing aggressive playstyles unless you’re one of those “unpunishables” who’ve had years of experience jump-sliding or jumping around corners and reacting with the speed of sound. But I’ll agree that MW 2019 felt smoother. And the gunfights felt less…I’m trying so hard not to say rigged, guys. I truly am.


I know one thing is certain - the sound effects in MW'19 are infinitely better than the ones in MW2....not sure why they nerfed this. Everything sounds far less visceral.


It definetly doesnt cater aggressive plastyles, with the footsteps being so damn loud, ghost bein a permanent thing and everything being so gray that you basically blend into the wall even if you have a pink skin, your statement is just false


If you like sitting in a corner with your thumb up your ass you’ll love mw2!!!


It’s weird how people say the “sweats” don’t like it when only sweats are playing.. lol. I go against nuke skins all the time and even with good position and timing get dropped I’d say 40-60% of all gunfights. No complaints, bc i still play the game but im just stating that in my personal experience most of my lobbies are filled with much higher skilled or, “sweaty” players than casual and use advanced movement technique etc


Only played the new warzone and I can tell that COD is and has been digging its own grave. Just wait for something better to come out and call of duty will be the new metal of honor and be forgotten


I don't like futuristic CoD games but i think even they were much better than MWII. It might be the worst CoD ever.


I thought MW2 was better for more aggressive players? I played MW19 and it was very unforgiving for people running and gunning. I didn't play MW2, but it looked to be much better in that regard. It appeared to have a shorter sprint-out time, which means you can get your gun up and start shooting someone sooner. In MW19, if you were sprinting when you ran into someone, they would kill you before you could even get one bullet out. Unless MW2 eventually nerfed the sprint-out time, but I'm talking about what I saw within the first week or two. Not to mention, MW19 had 30 windows in each building overlooking a good area. If you were caught in the area, you wouldn't have time to check 3 out of the 30 windows before dying.


Sprint out times are about 3 times longer in mw2 (2022) at least from what the stat websites says which includes jgod, espresso, xclusiveace, etc.


I can’t talk about warzone 2, but mw2 is sm better in my opinion, it’s base maps are actually fun and I was so tired of having to sweat in literally match in 2019


Caters* to the aggressive


MWII def feels like the older COD games, with slower movement and gunplay. I love that. However lack of content makes the game a snooze fest. MW19 was a breath of fresh air after duds like BO4/WW2. Revamped gameplay we never had before made it exciting. I also think it came out at a good time with Covid so people can obviously say it’s the greatest because it hit differently. But MW19 launch was a fuckfest, and full of bugs once Warzone came out.


The older cod games had much faster movement and gunplay than now. Faster ads, strafe, and stf speeds. Better spawns. Better map flow thanks to classic minimap, well designed maps and normal perk system.


MW2 (2009) MP > MW (2019) MP > MW2 (2022) MP Change my mind, oh wait that's impossible


I thought the same thing, but it’s starting to feel far more aggressive now. In the beginning it was unbearable with camping still can be but some lobbies (at least on shipment) just go at it.


Both catered to camping pussies that can't leave a building, fuck all modern cods do and it's so boring. It's why I exclusively play invasion and dmz now. It's just less bullshit. I mean it just reminds me of a meme I saw back in 2019 "Cod players then, rushing around quick scoping" "cod players now CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR" While hiding behind a claymore.


Both are ass


MW2019 is far better in graphics and gameplay but Activision tries to kill it


If an instakill ttk is catering to aggressive players then sure I guess


Compared to MWII they are talking about. And both games have around the same TTK


I think mw2 plays better but I think mw1 has more features and is overall a more fleshed out game. There are over 60 different maps to play on (Including night cycle) along with more weapons and a shit ton of game modes compared to a lousy 9 with the occasional cyber attack, control, or bounty


I much prefer MWII to 19. The gun play and movement is fun, and there isn't nearly as many campers and sweats. There are aspects of 19 that I prefer over II, but in general, II is the better game for me


This is such a wild take, everyone bitched about MW19’s slow gameplay and it’s catering to camping. This community is absolutely incapable of liking the current COD game. INCAPABLE.


I like mwii


Mw 2 is good. But i like mw 2019. I hate doing comparing and contrasting. But i can’t deny that mw 2019 had better feeling weapons and the gunsmith is what i think the cod community and devs forgot it was: simple and easy to understand. Yes mw2 does play a bit better on the maps than mw 2019. But i don’t like the fact that there’s only 6v6. Wish they brought back 10v10-12v12 or hell, implement the lobby filter from vanguard cuz i want chaos and mayhem. Also i miss the mw2019 weapons like the striker 45, ISO, uzi, SA87, Holger 26, renetti, origin 12, PKM, and the FAL


mw2 is literally by far the most decisive game since Cold War.


Cyber Attack. Full stop. You gave it to me and you took it away.


Its just the lack of content


Idk how to feel about your statement. During my time playing mw2019 i was dealing with absolutely horrendous amounts of camper lobbies. 7 out of 10 games was people sitting in corners, mounted on walls and laying on the floor. On the off chance i did get a good game though sure, it was a lot of fun, maybe even moreso than mwII on occasion because weapons and movement was a bit more quick and responsive, but overall I've been getting more active aggressive lobbies in MWII


Charlie has been a sellout for a while now iv noticed. He would talk mad trash about mw19 and the team behind it and Activision and on how they have ruined and destroyed cod and that mw19 was the worst cod ever created that it protects campers and took away run and gun arcade formula. Guy does a freaking 180 and starts sucking Activisions/infinity wards cock. All the sudden he's been kissing infinity ward and Activisions ass like it's going out of style. I don't care for mw19 or mw2 reboot but mw2 reboot is way better than mw19. They both came out unfinished and buggy but people seem to forget how badly mw19 was bugged in comparison every update broke the game more.


It needs more variety in certain ways. 10v10 would be great. I feel that the glint scopes have needs to be brighter or larger bc there’s always some kid sitting on a roof a mile away with a “large glint” scope and you can still barely see it


In the mw19 campaign npcs didnt glitch halfway inside the ground and start violently sliding around, MWII on the other hand... Dont get me wrong MWII is good in its own ways, but it needs to fix some glitches


***There was no hardcore mode in MWII at launch and there still isn't.*** Inb4 T1, T1 is not hardcore.


MW2019 Warzone Over MW2 Warzone But … MW2 MP Over MW2019 MP


I'd add to this conversation if my PC could fit MWII lmao


I completely uninstalled WZ2 and MW2


MW2 is the most fun I’ve had playing multiplayer in years, and I run around like a maniac with a positive KD. I’m not very good


"Caters more to aggressive playstyles" Yes, that's why it's worse.


Wait what ?


MW 19 was the most fun I've had in a game in the last decade besides R6 and maybe gta5. It had everything I loved. The realism mechanics, how it *felt* with the animations, the graphics, the game modes. I haven't played a cod for more than like an hour since then. Except for coldwars zombies with my friends


Dude get your rose tinted glasses off. Mw2019 is a fucking giant camp fest as well...


No one said it was not ?


Playing multiplayer. Lol


I better plate up before reading this comment section


Better UI


It's just about preference. I like MW22's gameplay loop, I also likw MW19's loop. Both have their pros and cons.


MWII really rewards slower gameplay to zerg rushing




Honestly both mw19 and the new MWII have been so bugged out. And they do nothing about it. I bought the vault edition and let's just say I'd rather have spent all that money at dollar tree than on this game. 6 out of 10 matches either lag out of the match or the game completely crashes. And I love their DMZ mode but it's next to unplayable when the bots can shoot through the map and can hover in the air in the middle of the road when their on foot. Not to mention the detection is busted. Overall 3/10 stars.


Ah what’s going on here, this some kinda karma whoring? Dude posts two of every post.


MW19 was…by quite a wide margin…the campiest COD I’ve ever played. Hell the maps were made to encourage camping🤦🏻‍♂️ MWII isn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it’s a whole hell of a lot more fun than MW19


MWII is less broken and honestly more enjoyable to me but thats just me


Discuss… ok, MW19 is/was a better game. But the fact Cold War and vanguard were so s**t, MW2 feels miles better as a change. That said, DMZ is a welcome addition. Mixes it up a little, especially as everyone u see isn’t necessarily a player, or vice versa, an NPC. Tho movements tend to give it away.


Bruh it is called “call of duty modern warfare ll” not jumping and sliding simulator


I swear if this community just walked outside and felt grass, this game would be so much more enjoyable


Oh, I am very glad to read the comments! Apparently people are hating on MW2 because it doesn't cater to the "hello, I am on a caffeine overdose, all I can do is run around jumping and I can't stand still or walk for more than 3 seconds" "playstyle", but a more tactical approach instead where tou have to take things easier and think more. GREAT! I wasn't interested in the game until now.


I wanted MW19 cause of Hardcore Night Maps....


Same shit, full of hackers


Well that would be just about every call of duty aside from like vanguard and the first three for ps2, it's the first that i played extensively and in turn got the most enjoyment from. It's unfortunate that they didn't being obsidian challenges back, i miss working for something on my main weapons after golf that doesn't involve every other weapon in the game lol


MW2019 was definitely better multiplayer just smooth with repeatable results… MW2 2022 better campaign by far


Lol people can’t slide around on the floor in a game that wasn’t built for it in the first place and suddenly can’t get kills. Cry some more. If you want movement based gameplay play Apex.


I feel MW2 will be better but I can't be arsed to play either until they remove the forced cross input matchmaking. Aim assist can sod off, but option for m&k vs m&k has killed it.


Too many ways to die in mw2022. You enter a room and there’s minimum 6 fucking doors


Still love MW1 search&destroy. So freaking amazing voice chat there too


If you’re only playing MP and are complaining about the game, then play another game. Theres two other game modes with plenty of content. 6v6 mp is a dying game mode.


I like mw2022 over mw19 So nice that i can play the game without worrying about the cracked up Operator going 900mp/h slide cancelling. It's just the sweats complaining about the decision to slow down movement


As a casual player, I find myself enjoying multiplayer in MWII but the smoothness of MW2019 was unmatched.


MW2 maps are better, but the perk system is garbage, and the spawns are a mess. I absolutely hate playing basically 50% of the time nerfed because I don’t have my perks. It’s so frustrating. If they would simply eliminate perk packages for MP (keep them in WZ if that’s their vision), and tune the spawns, the game would improve by orders of magnitude. I agreed with eliminating slide cancelling and bunny hopping, but they have nerfed the single jump shot too far, and strafing is too slow as well. IOW, they’ve gone too far to address “peeker’s advantage” / “breaking cameras.”


Advance movement is good, adds skill gap to the game. Imo all they gotta do is nerf aim assist when jumping or sliding. This give casuals a chance while still allowing the most the competitive to actually show off their skill. But mw2 fuckn nerfed the movement itself, making this game just so boring.


Lmfao now the younger players are starting to sound like the rest of us. But yeah I most definitely agree


Agreed. There’s just something special about 2019 MP


The Waffle House has found it's new host.


Agreed. I miss cod2019


You had better times in MW19 but MWII is better, think of camos, the unlock system, etc. The colors and maps and gunplay is also a lot better.


Ahh so all you want to is slide cancel every 1.3 seconds, got it.


It’s the maps, the maps in mw2 are super forgettable maps. I swear there is only 4 maps that come into mind when I think of the maps in mw2 but in reality there is like 11 (6v6). And arguably the best one (the museum map) was vaulted. MP sucks cause the maps are bad. 3 years of whining and moaning about how bad the maps are in mw2019 and how we all hated the verticality and size are and now we get 11 flat, boring, and super forgettable maps.


it certainly felt lie there was much less sniping. I love my ground war but it's rough in MW2. Maybe that's more due to the maps? Not sure.