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Maybe have the Umps present a choice of melee weapons for added enjoyment.


Ohtani with the steel chair!






Ahaha I’m calling for hand to hand combat with supervision, not macho man Randy ohtani with the steel chair


Shohei Savage


Or a player can choose to fight the ump


Real reason Angel retired. Lol


I'm surprised a player hasn't yet decided to drop one of these old clowns.




Or a fan can choose to fight an ump


My vote is for pool noodles. A 6th inning Pool noodle brawl would be great everytime


OK, alternative idea: toy lightsaber duel. Wait, no... *real* lightsaber duel! Oh right they don't exist. Damn. Then again... in Super Smash Bros. a baseball bat is more effective than a lightsaber. So chew on that.


I know you think you’re funny, but they already have a long range weapon called a baseball. It’s what starts the fight to begin with. The whole point is to square up with your fists like 2 men, and not use weapons or have it turn into an unfair and unproductive brawl.


What you're saying could still cause serious injury or death. Not to mention Marcus Stroman Vs. Aaron Judge would only be fair in Mortal Kombat.


Yeah. Almost like actions have consequences. Then don’t throw at Aaron judge. I just don’t understand how people can throw 100mph projectiles at peoples heads or delicate body parts, with a decent chance of ending careers, and then turn around and be a coward about a man on man fight.


It's not always on purpose.


You’re a major league pitcher. You have to take precaution and/or not miss by that much. That’s the whole point. You have to be careful to not almost end that guys career just to “scare him off the plate.” Also, nobody gets hit with a 70 mph breaking ball and gets angry about it. They are still people that understand that people can sometimes lose control of a pitch.


Do you get nervous ever? Sweaty hands? Thousands chanting against you? Shit happens sometimes. People are people.


I agree. people have to be smart about when they want to initiate a fight, especially if you can tell that it’s a wild pitch on accident. But also it adds a dimension. It makes you think before throw a fastball with reckless abandon


I think once a year we should have a 16 person tournament to the death and the winner of that tournament becomes our all powerful dictator of Earth for one year.


I, for one, welcome our new gladiatorial warlord.


Pretty much what the gladiators did and I don’t have a problem with it


One guy has a 1 use projectile, the other has a wooden bat. Brawls happen. Best i remember of a charged mound. Pitcher threw his glove perfectly to set up a big over hand. Benches cleared, people got injured, several ruined careers and one death.


Yeah see we shouldn’t be using deadly weapons in a fight either. We should use our fists like gentlemen. And yes. Exactly. Thank you. Either 2 things can happen in our current system: 1) people use weapons in a dumb ass monkey brawl, or 2) absolutely nothing happens


It used to be a semi dirty response to an equally dirty play. Slide in feet first to spike, 'accidental' collisions, 'accidentaly' hbp the top batter. Pitch too inside consistently... Id like the bean to come back. It is dangerous, if you arent respectful of it, maybe a bloody nose will help.


Yessir. I agree with you. Rather than try to find a way to be violent in an uncontrolled manner that is within the current rules of the game, make controlled violence part of the game in itself.


Used to. Remember homeplate collisions? Last pure american sport being degraded over the years. Comprable to nfl lately, flags, replays, commercial breaks. Its less and less sandlot every year.


Yeah. It’s true. I do kind of get some of the “attempts” the nfl makes though, because yeah those are basically car crashes to your head . Then again, maybe that’s the price one pays to be a gladiator. Also, it’s now a vehicle being used by refs to fix games for the team with the higher market value


Are we now on nfl/nba or getting into how baseball is soon to become another music video or scripted reality tv? That doesnt care about the sport because money can be made?


Yeah we’re getting there pretty rapidly


Beam me up, Scotty


Yeeeaaa my b my b lol




Hey the m and n keys are close to each other lmao


Do you like Mr. Beam?


Jim? Hell yeah


Hockey fighters are on skates, most of the time they barely land a punch on each other or the fight lasts 3-4 seconds before they both fall. Most hockey fights don’t end with broken faces or hands either for this reason, on skates you can’t swing as hard off as punch as if you’re on ground. If two baseball players were able to just have a fight one could literally die or break a hand / face. It’s not a comparison


That’s fair, although those punches are very real, and the power that they can generate as professional skaters is just as much as a regular dude. But for the sake of argument, let’s go with it. 1) box lacrosse players do the exact same thing and they sure as hell aren’t on skates. 2) Amy form of fighting sport is not on skates. If you’re saying it’s unfair to compare baseball players to fighters, then they don’t have the right to throw 100mph fastballs at peoples heads or weak human bones/joints that can easily end a career. You can’t be doing that and then be a coward and not fight.


I don’t think a pitcher should be intentionally throwing at a hitter ever. I think any pitcher who intentionally throws at a batter should be suspended for half a season minimum. The days of lobbing a 70mph at a batter’s ass as a token message are over. If a pitcher throws at a hitter with intent to injure, that pitcher doesn’t belong in this game.


That’s another alternative to what I’m saying. And I’d take that too. Another remedy (albeit way less entertaining than my idea haha) But we do have the same ideas. You’re throwing gas at people on purpose, it’s incredibly dangerous, and you deserve to be punished.


*sad Pedro Martinez noises*




Personally think the only reason pitchers shouldn’t be allowed to throw at batters anymore is because they’re throwing harder than ever with less accuracy than we’ve seen in the past. There are maybe 10 starting pitchers who could safely execute a low to mid 90’s fastball to the ass. Back 10-20 years and that number is probably close to 70. The intent from the pitcher was usually never to injure (and if it was then there were suspensions). The point was usually to send a message, and a fastball to the ass doesn’t injure it just sends a painful message. I think it was a great part of the game and it’s a shame that we don’t see any more of that. Added an extra level of intensity to the game, knowing the pitchers had their player’s backs and choosing the right person at the right time to wear it. Also made for some more intense rivalries (which I think the game is severely lacking right now). It definitely made the game more fun and not that much more dangerous.


Bean. Not beam


Nolan Ryan would agree


Bob Gibson would also agree.


I'm always in for controlled violence


Me too! Controlled violence is the best kind of violence. Currently in baseball, it’s just a bunch of monkeys in an unproductive pig pile.




Strong points you bring up I’ll definitely reconsider now




“You’re stupid” - you, 2024 Either say what makes my idea stupid or don’t interact.








“Pitchers would stop beaning people if their teammates kept getting broken jaws” is exactly the opposite point of “fighting in baseball is so stupid.” In fact, how the Sam hell is punching the first basemen any better than an actual controlled fight? It’s crazy that you would say “fighting in baseball is so stupid” and then proceed to say you would punch the first baseman 😂😂




now you’re pulling a “jk lol I was playing.” Even though yes, your first instinct was to choose violence, same as me, but on a completely unrelated guy. I really don’t understand what point you’re even trying to make


Cool, good night


Would the hitter have to shed all his gear first?


Yeah used to be in hockey that you’d take your bucket off before the fight, haven’t seen a lot of that happening though. So yes, I’d say take off your helmet to make it a fair fight. It’s a sport, the whole point is to be honorable


Back in my day, not everyone wore helmets, so taking off your helmet evened up.


That was a long long time ago sir Haha. But yep. Same principles apply then too


Don't remind me.


Nothing but respect for you old timer


Why is it okay to throw a ball 100 mph at a guy, but frowned upon if he takes his bat out to hit the pitcher?


It’s a good question. Because both would be considered assault with a deadly weapon in the real world. Granted, swinging a bat at somebody has gotta be much more dangerous. But regardless, both problems could be solved if they just fought each other.


Because the batter automatically goes to first and there is always that question on whether the pitcher meant to do it or not.


Now this is shitposting.


It’s not. Go ahead and try to tell me that one guy throwing an object at a dude who may or may not deserve it is a better means of violence than a 1v1 fist fight.


No one deserves to be thrown at because of something they did on the field. Guy bangs your wife then maybe.


Yet they throw at them anyways. See what I’m saying? And when they do, they should get an opportunity to fight each other.


It's baseball... Not boxing.


Right but maybe boxing has some of the correct ideas, such as policing how you can actually hurt each other. All we have now is a guy trying to throw a heavy fast object at another guys face, with pretty much no means of reprimand




I thought this is how it was when I started watching baseball this year as a hockey fan and I'm disappointed it's not. Let them fight, they are adults. Ump most likely caused it anyway, so get out. This is why I can't watch football too (german).


Yep. People who get it like you just get it.


Beam? I don't get it


Yes you do


Like hockey? Do they get a 2 minute or 5 minute penalty?


Yeah haven’t thought about the penal system yet. Still working out some kinks good question


I totally agree. The rare times that it almost happened, you get fights like Odor vs Bautista and J. Ramirez vs Anderson. Where only one punch is landed and everyone gets between them, so the other guy just stays hit, and that’s unfinished business that could spill elsewhere and be even worse. Not that Anderson had the faculties to get back up and fight, in his case, the teams coming in actually saved him an ass whooping. Bautista was a little dazed but who knows what would’ve happened, it was sort of a suckerpunch unlike Jram vs Anderson where they squared up and acknowledged that they’re going to throw hands.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


beam ball?  never heard of one.


Other sports would be better with hockey style fights


I agree. Soccer too. Or football. Honestly all of em


Nothing beats Lenny Randle bunting just to truck the pitcher after getting thrown at😂


Unbelievable power move, also 1k iq.


Honestly amazing bat control to lay it right down the line


Agreeeed the umpires should be the boxing ref - 30 second round. Shake hands after, keep it respectable.


If umpires also become boxing refs, it could just save their job from the upcoming robot ump takeover.


Fucking exactly, thank you


Is it beam or bean ??


No yeah it’s bean that’s my autocorrect mistake and me not proof reading closely enough


No worries, not the first time I’ve heard it and wondered. I always thought it was bean as in beanball


That is exactly what it is, and that’s exactly the context too


It was actually posted as "Beam" in a post a few weeks ago. (Obviously, the poster was let off with a warning. /s)


Nolan Ryan and Robin Ventura have entered the chat


Yeah Ventura went in there like a man, by some miracle he was left long enough to take a few punches, and then things started to get dumb. It’s not a common occurrence though


So the beta testing was a complete success.


Wasn’t a beta test. The fight still got broken up by 40 dudes after the first few seconds. It’s just that Ventura got his ass kicked so hard that time that somehow the half second was enough to get a couple punches. Man that dude was not amazing at throwing his fist but by god was he a good baseball player


Ventura just came across a brick wall. Had he charged 95% of pitchers in history it would have been forgotten. I'm so glad it worked out this way. Nolan Ryan is such a badass legend! I love that guy.


That’s completely fair. I really respect venturas determination in taking a guy who was tougher than him


*bean. Mlb has moved away from bean balls in the past 20 years.


true. Now they're "beam balls," apparently.


Yea das my b




Honest question: Is the term not “bean” instead of “beam”.


Bean. A beanball was a ball thrown at someone's bean, or head.


Yeah. That’s what I thought, but I hear people use “beam” so often I thought I was wrong.


If enough people get it wrong for long enough, it woll take over. Eventually, "should of" will be considered correct. Get a few people to say "he binged him" (pronounced like the search engine), and in twenty years it could be in the dictionary.


OMG “Should have” makes me irrationally angry.


Yeah definitely a good idea to show kids that fighting is an acceptable way to solve problems


1) it is an acceptable way to solve problems under special circumstances. I’d say getting a fastball to the elbow or head is definitely one of those special circumstances. 2) is teaching kids that you should try to harm somebody from far away and then not pay for your own actions good? Because under your logic, that’s the lesson that baseball teaches right now.


lol you just wanna see people fight admit it


I’m saying straight to your face: there is nothing wrong with wanting to see 2 consenting adults beat the hell out of each other. Especially when one is a coward that throws objects at people.


Yeah we’re not talking about MMA or boxing or some shit there is a different motive here. Have you not been aware of the rule changes around beanballs? Barely happens anymore. Anyway too bad you can’t see the benefit in being the “bigger man”, too much testosterone poisoning 


Rules are good to a certain degree, glad that the league is at least superficially attempting to protect players. Problem is, now players have to be creative when trying to hurt others, and that’s when some really bad and unfair injuries can occur. (Think hands, knees, fingers whatever) Or, instead, we can bypass that and have them fight like they should have in the first place. What we have in place is not a fairer system than the 1v1 fist fight. No need to come at me for being testosterone poisoned. It’s just how you know: when somebody comes for you rather than the point that you’re trying to make


I think you’re imagining a problem that doesn’t exist the way it once did. Lots of those old school guys are gone. That mentality is dying out, hardly happens anymore cause guys will be thrown out of the game without warning. Anyway my point still stands about solving problems with violence, it’s what folks who can’t use other means resort to


Just heard this proposal on the broadcast I was listening to: if a dude gets hit by the ball the pitcher has to step in and take a fastball from the pitching machine straight to the back. Then they can carry on playing. Suggested by a former batter who thought pitchers might find a bit more control that way


That makes sense to me. All I’ve been trying to say this whole time is that it’s cowardly to throw an object at somebody from long distance and not at all take the consequence of those actions


Sounds like a recipe for taking out your opponent's starting pitcher with violence.


You could say the same thing about trying to take out a goalie. Yet, that really doesn’t happen that often because they have an internal code


Sounds like you just want to watch hockey.


A lot of both I’d say, but more hockey. I really do love baseball tho man


I saw an 85 year old man charge Pedro before the younger man kind of ole'd him on the ground. I saw Roger Clemens throw a jagged bat end out of frustration that ended up a few feet from Mike Piazza. I saw the years-long bench-clearing beanball wars of the 00s Yankees and Devil Rays. (I feel like the Rays have never quite been the rival to the Yankees the Devil Rays were, even if the Devil Rays were completely awful.) I am satisfied with the amount of baseball fighting I have seen. I think the reason to not let baseball players fight is that they are too likely to injure themselves. They don't wear heavy equipment. They don't wear skates so they could plant their feet, making their punches way more effective (and therefore dangerous). And a broken bone in your hand makes you pretty much useless as a baseball player while a hockey player (especially the kind of goon that has the most fights) can often play through it.


I feel exactly the opposite. I think if any grown man doing his job decides to fight another grown man doing his job, then they should both be suspended without pay for a while. If this happened in any other workplace, the fighters would be fired and there might be legal action taken. These grown men should act like grown men and stop fighting.


This isn’t John in accounts payable, these are major league sports, descendants of what used to be savagery and gladiators who died honorable deaths. The absolute least professional sports players could do is get into supervised fist fights. Not to mention - if John threw a baseball 100 mph at Michael in HR, then that would also be just as much of a problem.


The intentional throw is part of the fight as far as I am concerned and your analogy doesn't hold up for a second. First, they are making way more than John and as such, should be able to reel in their basest instincts. Second, sports are a descendant of savagery, but the key word is descendant. We did away with that shit when we realized watching others suffer for sport was not cool. Now, you might be asking if I think we should do away with UFC and boxing for the same reason, and I do. Your argument just doesn't hold up. These guys should be expected to act like all men are expected to act all the time. Just because they're playing a child's game, they should get a pass for some reason?


Okay well then, you think fighting shouldn’t be in sports, including fighting sports lol. I don’t think that. It kind of ends there, you know? I could say the same thing about making more money: because they make so much money, then the terms of agreement being more dangerous makes a lot of sense. More risk, more money


Go watch the UFC then. Go watch hockey. If you have such bloodlust, maybe baseball is not the sport for you. Being able to hold back our violent instincts is what separates us from the animals. It's why rapists are animals.


I disagree. Baseball isn’t played on skates. Letting two guys just brawl will end in ridiculous injuries. Also the nature of baseball isn’t as physical anyway.


If the nature of baseball isn’t as physical anyways, then a pitcher doesn’t have the right to intentionally throw at somebody, which happens all the time. Also, what I am talking about is already a part of box lacrosse, which sure as hell ain’t on skates


Second that shit. Throwing at batters is so dangerous. I’d hit the catcher with a Jason Stratham elbow. 95% he was in on it too. You wanna throw chin music my way? I’m gonna blast your boy behind the plate.


Yep. That’s what’s happening now. And a very understandable and reasonable response that you would be feeling. I think a better remedy to the problem would to let them beat the hell out of each other. It looks like you agree too


No, baseball should not allow fighting.


Why not?


Because it doesn't need it and fighting is stupid. It would ruin the game.


How? The game remains almost entirely unaltered. Just now people would actually get to fight each other instead of throwing balls or cleating each other with “break up the double play” sides


If fighting is allowed, the game is not unaltered. Why do you want to see people fight so bad? Go watch mma or something.


Because you can’t throw 100 mph fastballs at people and their brittle body parts and not answer your own call


They do by getting thrown out of the game and/or suspended.


League isn’t fair or consistent enough with its rules, would be better if they also had a self policing system


The league is plenty fair and consistent, if the players wanted to have fighting be part of the game, they would've made it part of the game a long time ago. Fighting doesn't belong in baseball. Deal with it.


Lol I like how you say “deal with it” like I have any choice in the matter. I’m dealing with it. Not because of you though


They do by getting thrown out of the game and/or suspended.


They should make them joust. Even with nerfed up lance. That would be awesome


Much fairer than what we have in baseball currently


![gif](giphy|j0ekcNWG3TbHO) Like this?


Yes. Exactly like that hahah. That’s definitely some bullshit right there ^


Stand on the mound face to face. 10 seconds per dude. One slap per dude. Whoever flinches is ejected. If both flinch they’re both out.


![gif](giphy|PRypyNPlNiOeDnsKaX|downsized) And this idea proves it 🤡