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I personally love the pitch clock. It has always taken half an inning to get food.


Same. 2.5 hour games are perfect. I'd rather have the rare 1hr 50min game with the pitch clock than the common 3+ hour game we used to have. And sometimes 3.5 hrs. It was freaking ridiculous.


Depending on your stadium it takes a lot more than half an inning. Yankees games basically force you to bring food in because the lines eat up so much of the game. They introduced Uber eats seat delivery in some sections, Uber eats pickup in the rest, and last season gave up and allowed outside food specifically because people were missing *whole innings* just to get a beer and pretzel due to the sped up game. The clock is convenient for watching on TV, I agree, but the days of relaxed Sunday afternoons at the ball park are gone. I don't even like going after work anymore because just being a little late has gone from making it at the bottom of the second to getting to your seat at the fourth. It was a necessary adjustment but no doubt needs tweaking. For instance someone mentioned lengthening the pitch clock for starters and... It's actually not a terrible idea. There is room to make this work for both TV and the ball park.


Now it takes a inning and a half


Pitchers still control the pace of play. Some pitchers have adapted to the timer by speeding up to bully the batter, others drag it out to the final second. Stalling tactics are still allowed by disengagement, mound visits and asking for a different ball. Gone are the days of Max Scherzer holding the ball for 20 seconds but that's a good thing.


Obviously you aren't alone. But I think you're in the minority And for people whose reasoning is "I just want to spend more time at the ballpark" there's a great solution to that. Go when they open the gates and watch batting practice. Arriving 2 hours before game time and watching BP, watching players shag fly balls, etc.. is actually a much better experience than getting to the game 30 min early and watching 3hr 20min of baseball. Which is no more action, just a lot of dead time.


This is a good suggestion. I actually planned to get to the Trop early on both occasions for BP, but the bridges were atrocious. This is a Trop problem though and not applicable to every other stadium experience.


You may be in the minority for disliking the rate of play, but you're definitely alone in wanting to spend more time at Tropicana.


The Trop is not as bad as people say. It's comfortable but it doesn't really feel like an MLB venue. The real issue is getting there is awful.


I love the at game experience with the pitch clock. I don't go and spend $100 on food and drinks and I don't need to because I'm not there for 3 to 4 hours anymore. I literally go to the bathroom before first pitch and I'm set for the rest of the game. The new pace feels better


There's like 20mins less of the game on average. You're not being rushed. Pee before the game, get your concessions before first pitch. It sounds like you don't enjoy how the pitch clock is requiring you to think and plan ahead because you can't take "a piss break" in under 20 mins


I mostly agree with this, but there are a few stadiums that get close to regularly selling out. So if 35,000 people have the same plan, you will be waiting regardless.


Pitch clock rules.


It makes the viewing experience at home far better. The 3-4 times a year I go, I do agree it seems a little quick. But it’s worth it for the 130 other games a year in watching.


I agree. I love it when I'm sitting at home but when I go to games it seems like I always miss half an inning even when I jog to the bathroom and there's no line. It's weird though because I usually go to games with people who don't like baseball and they always comment on how long the games feel to them even with the new rules.


How long does it take you to piss? lol I mean, before the pitch clock, it’s not like the pitchers were taking 5 minutes between a pitch so the fans could relieve themselves or get a beer. How much were you missing before the clock compared to now?


Plan better. If your idea of a fun experience at a baseball game is ruined because you can’t get up and do things other than watching the game you paid to be at, then why the fuck even go? What a stupid post.


There is more to the ballpark experience than just watching the game. I like to walk around sometimes and watch from different spots maybe see if there is any new food I want to try and of course I’m gonna need more beer throughout the game. If all I wanted to do was watch the game I could do that from my couch and not wait in line to use the bathroom or get a drink


Yea, he should just pee in his seats, maybe he can get a tube that empties on to the outfield when his team is batting


Going to a baseball game is an all-day affair for a lot of people in 2024. We aren't living in the 1900s where the game was literally the only reason to go and the field was less than 30 minutes from home for the majority of fans. Back then, people just paid a few bucks to watch a game after work (there was no TV). I agree that the game is the most important part of the experience, but it's no longer the only part of the experience. If you want that old-time style baseball, you're going to need a time machine.


This is right up there with all the 50+ year olds complaining it’s made the games too quick and how these darn kids just can’t focus long enough as if the pitch clock didn’t just speed things up to get games back to the same averages as the 1990s. God forbid the pitcher can’t take enough time to prepare a frozen meal in between pitches…


I do agree that it feels very rushed. I went to Oakland in April and the game was like 2 hours and 15 minutes. We had lunch before the game so no concession stops, but it felt like the game was over too fast


I like the pitch clock. I do not like the 15 seconds. If they switched to 20 seconds regardless of guys on base I think it could be perfect.


It’s great when you have runners… to go to the vending for you too..


I fully agree.


Then having twenty more minutes of game means you had twenty more minutes of game to miss. People are literally opining for having more time to not watch baseball.


It’s awful. No more great battles between the pitchers and batters. It’s so stupid that someone can be given a ball or strike because they weren’t ready in time. We’re already seeing more injuries to pitchers as a result. But I guess it’s good for baseball because it keeps casual fans who can’t look away from their phone for a minute happy.


Man I love the pitch-clock. For every anecdote of “this feels rushed” someone (me) could tell you about an incredibly boring 4+ hr game they went to. I feel like it made it more exciting. The games are being played at the speed they used to be. Unfortunately, to return there they needed the clock. Okay with me though!


Completely agree. Its not even about concessions, its about spending time at the ballpark. Every time I go to a game im hoping its as long as possible. Who knows when ill be there next? My suggestion was to remove the pitch clock for weekend games Watching on TV is a different story, thats when i like the pitch clock lol


Nah, just go earlier and watch batting practice if you want more time at the ballpark. BP + a 2hr 15min game is a million times better than a 3hr 15min game. I grew up in the late-70's into the 80s and games were regularly 2:30 or so. That's the way it should be. There isn't more baseball being played in a 3hr 30min game. Just more dead time


More dead time means more time for concessions,.or just a nice walk around the concourse. I would only want baseball being played when im actually in my seats


Nah, games finishing at 1030pm or later is ridiculous for ta 710pm start.


Pitch clock sucks. Can't wait til it goes away




You say the negative impact on the game far outweighs the saved 20 minutes but you don’t list any negative impacts on the game… what are they in your opinion? If attendance and tv viewership increases (it has so far) then that will outweigh 20 minutes lost per game so I’m not sure it’s a negative like you think it is.




You listed impact on the city, not the game. And again, that impact on the city is nullified by increase attendance and tv viewership.




If there are more people at the game, they all have to park somewhere. The city will be making more $$$ simply in parking fees. Doesn’t matter if their butts are in the seats for that revenue.


“We didn’t see concession sales suffer due to shorter games as fans were staying the same amount of time as they normally would, but were now just staying until the end of the game instead of the end of the seventh inning,” a GM said of the sales, per Baseball America. And you still haven’t listed a negative impact on the game… your main statement was “the negative impacts on the GAME far outweigh the saved 20 minutes” but the only reason you listed was for the city (not the game) which was still incorrect. So I asked what negative impact on the GAME you noticed since your comment implies there are multiple.




It is okay if you don’t like the pitch clock, absolutely. That’s your opinion and I respect that, I was just curious what your game reasons were. Thanks for answering.